
al ('l)[o] the; who; which; that al–9aalam al–9arabiy

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al ('l)[o] the; who; which; that

al–9aalam al–9arabiy (9rb) [ax] Arab; the A. world

al–9aalam al–9arabiy (9lm) [n] world; the Arab w.

al–9arabiy al–faSiyH (9rb) [nx?] Arabic; classical/standard A.

al–9arabiy al–faSiyH (fSH) [ax] Classical Arabic; Standard Arabic

al–9aSur (9Sr) [n/] afternoon; in the a./this a.?

al–9iraag (9rg) [n] Iraq

al–9iraaq (9rg) [n] Iraq

al–aaxra ('xr) [nx] hereafter; the h.; afterlife; the a.

al–aHadd ('Hd) [n] Sunday

alam aalaam ('lm) [n] pain; ache; suffering; agony?

al–aRbi9a –aat (rb9) [nx] Wednesday

al–baagiy talaata guruw∫ (bga) [a] over; there's three piastres left o.

al–baHar (bHr) [nx/] Nile; the N. (or)any large river)

al–bitt yaat–a° (yat) [q] which girl?

alf (/alfi) aalaaf; uluwf ('lf) [n] thousand

al–Haba∫a (Hb∫) [nx] Abyssinia; Ethiopia

al–Hadd ('Hd) [nx] Sunday

al–Hamdu li–llaa ('lh) [nx] God; praise be to G. (often used in reply to question like kaif al–Haal)

al–Hamdu li–llaa (Hmd) [n/] praise; p. be to God (often used in reply to question like [kayf al–Haal])

al–Hamdu li–llaa (Hmd) [n/?] praise be to God (reply to [kayf al–Haal], etc.)

al–Hamdu lli–llaa ('lh) [nx] God; praise be to G.(reply to [kayf al–Haal], etc.)

al-Hiluw - (Hla) [n/] custard

alif (/alfi) aalaaf; uluwf ('lf) [n] thousand

al–imaam al–mahdiy ('m;) [nx] mahdi; the Mahdi (C.19 religious leader)

al–imaam al–mahdiy (hda) [nx] mahdi; the Mahdi (C.19 religious leader)

al–itnayn (tna) [n?] both of them

al–itnayn (tna) [nx] Monday

aliyf –aat? ('lf) [a] tame; domesticate; d.d (animal; not of people)

aliyf –aat? ('lf) [a] tame; domesticate; d.d (animal; not of people)

alkuHuwl ('lkH)[n] alcohol (technical)

al–kuwayt (kwt) [nx] Kuwait

aLLa yibaarik fawgak ('lh) [nx] bless; God b. you; God bless you

aLLa yibaarik fawgak (brk) [vj] bless; God b. you; God bless you

aLLa yibaarik fiyk ('lh) [nx] bless; God b. you; God bless you

aLLa yibaarik fiyk (brk) [vj] bless; God b. you; God bless you

aLLaa ('lh) [nx] God (as)interjection, expressing surprise)

aLLaa ya∫fiyk (∫fa) [vt] cure; may God cure you

aLLaa ya∫fiyk (∫fa) [vt] restore, may God restore you to health

aLLaa yibaarik fiyk (brk) [vj] bless; God b. you (reply to greeting, etc.)

aLLaa yisallim–ak ('lh) [nx] God give you well–being (reply to al–Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama)

aLLaa yisallim–ak (slm) [vt] God; G. give you well–being (reply to [al–Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama])

aLLaa yisallimak ('lh) [nx] God preserve? you (replyto [aLLaa yibaarik fiyk])

aLLaa yisallimak ('lh) [nx] God preserveyou (reply to [al–Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama])

aLLaa yisallimak (slm) [vt] preserve; God p. you: [al–Hamd illa 9ala s–salaama]

aLLaa yisallimak (slm) [vt] preserve; God p.? you (reply to [aLLaa yibaarik fiyk]

aLLaa yisallimak ('lh) [vt] thank you" (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person); God preserve you (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person); preserve; God p. you (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person)

aLLaa yisallimak (slm) [vt] thank you" (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person); God preserve you (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person); preserve; God p. you (reply to [salaamt-ak], said to ill person)

al–layla (lyl) [n] today

al–layla (lyl) [n] today

al–ma#rib (#rb) [nx] Morocco; Maghrib; the M.

almaaniy –iyn; almaan ('lmn)[a] German

almaanya ('lmn)[nx] Germany

al–mahdiy (hda) [nx] mahdi; Islamic messiah figure

al–mahdiyya (hda) [nx] mahdism/Mahdist movement/period

al–masiyH (msH) [nx] Christ; the C. (also used of Jesus by Muslims)

al–masiyH (msH) [nx] messiah; the m. (also used of Jesus by Muslims)

al–misa (msa) [n]? evening; in the e.

al–qur'aan (gra) [nx] Quran; the Q.

al–urdun ('rdn)[nx] Jordan

al–urdunn ('rdn)[nx] Jordan

al–usbuw9 aj–jaay (jy)[a] next week

al–usbuw9 al–faat (fwt) [vi?] last week

al–walad ∫amma riyHat abaaTuw (wld) [n] boy; the boy's smelt the smell of his armpit (ironical/mocking); adult; the boy has become an adult (lit: 'the boy's smelt the smell of his armpit') (ironical/mocking)

al–walad yaat–uw° (yat) [q] which boy?

al–wilaayaat al–muttaHida (wHd) [ax] United States (of America)

al–wilaayaat al–muttaHida (wla) [nx] state; United States (of America)

al–xaliyj (xlj) [nx] gulf; the Persian Gulf; Persian; the P. Gulf

al–xaliyj al–9arabiy (9rb) [ax] gulf; the Persian Gulf

al–xaliyj al–9arabiy (xlj) [nx] gulf; the Persian Gulf; Persian; the P. Gulf

al–xamiys (xms) [nx] Thursday

al–xarTuwm (xrT) [nx] Khartoum

al–xurTuwm (xrTm)[nx] Khartoum

al–yaman (ymn) [nx] Yemen

am∫iy Tawwaaliy (Twl) [d] immediately; go i.; straight; go s. away; now; go n.?

amaan ('mn) [n] security; feeling of s.; safety; feeling of s.?

amal aamaal ('ml) [n] expectation?; hope

amal aamaal ('ml) [n] hope; expectation?

amal aamaal ('ml) [n] hope; expectation?

amar yaamur ('mr) [vts]? order; command; instruct

amayrika ('mrk)[nx] America

ambuwba anaabiyb (nb;) [ns] balloon

ambuwba *–aat; anaabiyb (nb;) [n] pipe

ambuwba *–aat; anaabiyb (nb;) [n] pipe

ambuwba *–aat; anaabiyb (nb;) [ns] pipe (for water etc.); conduit; tube?

ambuwba *–aat; anaabiyb (nb;) [ns] tube?; pipe?; conduit?; duct?

amis ('ms) [d/] yesterday (in daytime only?)

amiyn –iyn; umana ('mn) [a] honest

amiyn ! ('mn) [a] loyal?; honest?; reliable?; trustworthy?; upright?

amiyn ! ('mn) [a] reliable; trustworthy

amiyn –iyn; umana ('mn) [a] upright?; reliable?; trustworthy?; loyal?; faithful?

amiyr ? ('mr) [n] prince?

amiyrika ('mrk)[nx] America

amm ('m;) [nf] mother

ammal fiy yi'ammil ('ml) [vjs] expect; hope

amn ('mn) [n] security service(s)

amriyka ('mrk)[nx] America

amriykaaniy amriykaan ('mrk)[ax] American (people only?)

amriykiy –iyn ('mrk)[ax] American

amur umuwr ('mr) [n/] matter; affair; concern; business

amur (bay) awaamir ('mr) [nj/] order (to ; command (to ; instruction (to ; decree?

ana ('na) [w] I; me (as)emphatic)

ana bardaan (brd) [a] cold; I'm c.; chilly; I'm c.; cool; I'm c.?

ana daayi∫ (dy∫) [a] vertigo; I've got vertigo; dizzy; I'm feeling d.

ana gaayl–ak ... (gwl) [a] think; I thought that you ...

ana mazkuwm –iyn (zkm) [a] cold; I've got a c. (in the head)

ana muSaddi9 (Sd9) [a] headache; I've got a h.

ana zakmaan (zkm) [a] cold; I've got a c. (in the head)

anaaniy –iyn ('na) [a] selfish; egoistical

anaaniyya ('na) [a] selfishness; egoism

an–naar (nwr) [nf?] hell/hellfire

an–naas yaat–um° (yat) [q] which people?

an–niyl (nyl) [nx] Nile; the Nile

an–niyl (nyl) [nx] Nile; the N.

an–niyl al–abyaD (byD) [ax] Nile; the White Nile; White; the White Nile

an–niyl al–abyaD (nyl) [nx] Nile; the White Nile; White; the White Nile

an–niyl al–abyaD (byD) [ax] Nile; the White N.; white; the White Nile

an–niyl al–abyaD (nyl) [nx] Nile; the White N.; white; the White Nile

an–niyl al–azrag (zrg) [ax] Nile; the Blue Nile; Blue; the Blue Nile

an–niyl al–azrag (nyl) [nx] Nile; the Blue Nile; Blue; the Blue Nile

an–niyl al–azrag (zrg) [ax] Nile; the Blue N.; blue; the B. Nile

an–niyl al–azrag (nyl) [nx] Nile; the Blue N.; blue; the B. Nile

an–niylayn (nyl) [nlx] Nile; the two N.s; two; the t. Niles (Blue+White)

aqna9 yaqni9 (gn9) [vt]? content; satisfy; convince

aRba9a –aat (rb9) [n] four

arDiyya –aat ('rD) [n] ground (of a room); floor (of a room)

arDiyya –aat ('rD) [n] plot (of land)

ariD araaDiy ('rD) [nf/] earth; land; country?; region?; area?

ariD araaDiy ('rD) [nf/] terrain?; ground; soil

aritiyriy –iyn ('rtr)[ax] Eritrean

aritiyrya ('rtr)[nx] Eritrea

aritriy –iyn ('rtr)[ax] Eritrean

aritriyya ('rtr)[nx] Eritrea

arnab araanib ('rnb)[n] rabbit; buck (i.e. male) r.; buck (i.e. male) rabbit

arnab araanib ('rnb)[n] rabbit?; hare?

arnab araanib ('rnb)[n] rabbit; hare?

asaas –aat ('s;) [n] furniture/item of furniture

aSal ('Sl) [ng] python/p.s (snake)

aSala –aat ('Sl) [ns] python (snake)

aSala –aat ('Sl) [ns] python? (type of snake)

asfanj coll (sfnj)[ng] sponge

asfanja –aat (sfnj)[ns] sponge; single s./piece of s.

asfanja –aat (sfnj)[ns] sponge; piece of s.

aSfar Safra Sufur (Sfr) [a] brown; yellow–b./golden b. (camel)

aSfar Safra Sufur (Sfr) [a] yellow (yellow to yellow-orange colour); orange; yellow to yellow-orange colour

aSfar Safra Sufur (Sfr) [a] yellow; pale?; pallid?; wan?

aSil uSuwl ('Sl) [n/] origin; source?

aSil uSuwl ('Sl) [n/] origin; source?

aSil/aSl– (+ PRONOUN SUFFIXES) ('Sl) [d/] originally

aSiyl –iyn ('Sl) [a] honourable (respects social norms; with connotations of belonging to community); respectable (respects social norms; with connotations of belonging to community); respect; well-r.ed (respects social norms; with connotations of belonging to community); upright (with connotations of belonging to community); honest (with connotations of belonging to community)

aSiyl ? ('Sl) [a] pure?; genuine; original?; authentic

aslam yaslim (slm) [vi] Muslim; bc. a M.; convert to Islam

aslam yaslim (slm) [vt] Muslim; make a M.; convert to Islam

aSlan ('Sl) [d] original; o.ly

aSlan ('Sl) [d] originally

aSliy –iyn ('Sl) [a] original

aSl–uw ('Sl) [d] originally

asmant ('smn)[ng] cement; concrete

asmantiy ('smn)[ng] cement; concrete

asra9 yasri9 (sr9) [vi] fast; go; quick; go q.ly; rapid; go r.ly; speedy; go. s.ly; swift; go s.ly; ; move quickly/fast; go quickly/fast; come quickly/fast

asra9 yasri9 (sr9) [vt] fast; go; quick; go q.ly; rapid; go r.ly; speedy; go. s.ly; swift; go s.ly; fast; go; move quickly/fast; go quickly/fast; come quickly/fast

asra9 yasri9 (sr9) [vim] run?; dash?; quick;be q.; hurry; hasten; rush?

as–sa9uwdiyya (s9d) [nx] Saudi Arabia

as–saa9a mi'axxira ('xr) [a] slow; the watch/clock is slow

as–saa9a migaddima (gdm) [a] fast; the watch/clock is fast

aS-SabaaH (SbH) [n] morning; this m.; in the morning

aS-SabaaH (SbH) [n] morning; this m.; in the morning

aS–SabaaH (SbH) [n] morning; in the m./m.s (once or every morning)

aS–SabaaH (SbH) [n] tomorrow

as–sabit (sbt) [nx/] Saturday

as–sana aj–jaaya (jy)[a] next year

as–sana l–faatat (fwt) [vi?] last year

aS–Sawmaal (Swml)[nx] Somalia (country)

as–sayyid aS–Saadiq al–mahdiy (swd) [n] mister”? (title of respect for Islamic leader?); Mr. Sadiq al–Mahdi

as–sayyid muHammad baabikir (swd) [n] mister; Mr. Mohammed Babikir

as–sayyida taat∫ar (swd) [n] missus; Mrs. Thatcher

as–sikka Hadiyd (sk;) [n] railway; the r.

as–sikka Hadiyd (sk;) [n] railway; the r.

aS–Siyn (Syn) [nx] China (country)

aS–Siyn a∫–∫a9biyya (Syn) [nx] China; People’s [Republic of] C.; people; P.’s republic of China

as–suwdaan (swd) [n] Sudan/the Sudan

aswa (swa) [a] worse; worst

aswa (swa) [a] worse; worst

aswa (swa) [a] worse; worst (comparative of [ka9ab])

aswad coll (swd) [ng] aubergine

aswad sawda suwd (swd) [a] black

aTra∫ Tar∫a Turu∫ (Tr∫) [a] deaf

aTra∫ Tar∫a Turu∫ (Tr∫) [a] deaf

at–talaataº (tlt) [nx] Tuesday

aw ('w)[c] or; else; or e.; otherwise?

awDa uwaD ('wD) [n] room

awDat nawm uwaD nawm ('wD) [n] bedroom; room; bedroom

awDat nawm uwaD nawm (nwm) [n] bedroom; room; bedroom

aWlaad (wld) [np] children (female as well as male c.)

aWlaad –aat (wld) [np] family (i.e. children)

awlaad bittiy (wld) [n] grandson; my g.s (by)daughter); child; my g.ren?

awlaad bittiy (bt;) [nf] grandson; my g.s (by)daughter); child; my grandchildren?

awwal ('wl) [c] first; when first; time; the f. time (when); as soon as?

awwal ('wl) [c] first; when first; time; the first t. (when); immediately (when)

awwal uwla –iyn; awaayil ('wl) [a] first

awwal ∫ahri xamsa ('wl) [a ?] start; at the start of May; beginning; at the beginning of May

awwal ∫ahri xamsa ('wl) [d] start; at the start of May; beginning; at the beginning of May

awwal amis ('ms) [d/] yesterday; the day before y.

awwal amis ('wl) [d] yesterday; the day before y.

awwal an–nahaar ('wl) [a] beginning; at the b. of the day; start; at the s. of the day

awwal maa ('wl) [a] first; when first; time; the f. time (when)

awwal umbaariH ('mbrH [d] yesterday; the day before y.

awwal umbaariH ('wl) [a] yesterday; the day before y.

awwalaaniy ('wl) [a] first (ordinal number)

ax (mainly in borrowings from Standard Arabic) axwaan ('x)[n] friend; close/very good f.

axad yaaxud ('xd) [vt] buy

axad yaaxud ('xd) [vt] take

axad nafas anfaas (nfs) [n] breath; take a b.; breathe (take a breath); take a breath

axayr (lay) (xyr) [aj] better (for); best (for)

axDar labaniy ? (lbn) [a] light blue; blue; light b.

axDar xaDra xuDur (xDr) [a] dark–skinned; brown–skinned (colour of e.g. most Northern Sudanese)

axDar xaDra xuDur (xDr) [a] grey

axDar xaDra° xuDur (xDr) [a] brown (mud–coloured); grey?

axDar zar9iy ? (zr9) [a] green (colour of young crops)

axiSSaa'iy –a (xS;) [n] specialist; expert

axiyr ('xr) [a] last; previous?; latest?

axlaag (xlg) [np] morals

axuw axwaan ('x)[n] brother

axuw axwaan ('x)[n] friend; close/very good f.

axxar yi'axxir ('xr) [vt] hold up?; slow down?; delay; late; make l.

axxar yi'axxir ('xr) [vt] put back (clock/watch); back; put b.(watch/clock)

axxar min/9an yi’axxir ('xr) [vtj] late; make l. for

aydz ('ydz)[n] AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

ayh; *ay ('yh) [q] what

aywa ('ay) [o] yes

ayyad yi'ayyid? ('yd) [vt] support; back; confirm; help?

ayyi +GEN ('y;) [o] any

ayyi ∫iy (∫y)[n] anything

ayyi ∫iy (also [ayyu ∫i] – or perhaps [aYYu ∫i]) ('y;) [o] anything

ayyi baniy aadam ('bn) [n/?] anybody; anyone; everybody; everyone

ayyi baniy aadam ('dm) [nx?] anybody; anyone; everybody; everyone

ayyi baniy aadam ('y;) [o ?] anybody; anyone; everybody; everyone

ayyi Haaja ('y;) [o] anything

ayyi Haaja (Hwj) [n] anything

ayyi Hadd ('y;) [o] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

ayyi Hadd (Hd;) [w] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

ayyi Hitta (Ht;) [n] anywhere; everywhere

ayyi Hitta ('y;) [o] anywhere; everywhere

ayyi kalaam ('y;) [o] anything (spoken about)

ayyi kalaam (klm) [n] anything (spoken about)

ayyi maHall (Hl;) [n] anywhere; everywhere

ayyi maHall (Hl;) [d]? anywhere; everywhere

ayyi maHall ('y;) [o] anywhere; everywhere

ayyi makaan ('y;) [o] anywhere; everywhere

ayyi makaan (kwn) [d]? anywhere; everywhere

ayyi waaHid ('y;) [o] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

ayyi waaHid (wHd) [a] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

ayyi waaHid (wHd) [a] whoever

ayyi waaHid ('y;) [o] whoever

ayyi waaHid min al–itnayn ('y;) [o] either one of them

ayyi waaHid min al–itnayn (tna) [n] either one of them

ayyi waaHid min al–itnayn (wHd) [a] either one of them

ayyi wakit ('y;) [o] any; at a. time; anytime; whenever?

ayyi zawl ('y;) [o] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

ayyi zawl (zwl) [n] anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody

az9aj yaz9ij (z9j) [vt] disturb; trouble; inconvenience?; molest?; pester?

aza (passive: [in–], [it–]) ya'ziy ('za) [vt] harm; hurt

azaan ('zn) [n] call to prayer; prayer; call to p.

aziyya (= [aza] - ('za) [n] injury?; trouble?; harm?; hurt?; damage?

azma –aat; azamaat ('zm) [n] emergency?; crisis

azma –aat; azamaat ('zm) [n] shortage (of a commodity)?

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] black

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] black–brown (camel); dark; very d. brown (camel)

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] blue

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] brown; very dark b. (camel)

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] dark–coloured

azrag zarga zurug (zrg) [a] dark–skinned (very) (used of Southerners only?)

azrag zarga° (zrg) [a] pure (water; i.e. not juice)

azzaan –iyn ('zn) [n] muezzin

azzaaniy –a; –iyya ('zn) [n] muezzin

az-zawl (zwl) [n] someone (used definitely); somebody (used definitely); one (= someone; used definitely); anybody (used definitely); anyone (used definitely); person (used definitely)

ba∫aayir (b∫r) [np] sign; first s. (of st. good); first sign (of st. good); encouraging signs

ba∫ar (b∫r) [nb] people; human being(s); mankind; man; men

ba∫ar (b∫r) [nb] person; human being; man

ba∫kiyr ba∫aakiyr (b∫kr)[n] towel

ba∫kurak (∫kr) [vtj] thank you (very formal usage)

ba∫uw∫ –iyn (b∫;) [a] affable; cheerful; amiable

ba9ad (b9d) [c] after

ba9ad (b9d) [j/] after

ba9aD (b9D) [w/?] other; each o.; another; one a.; one another; each o.

ba9aD (b9D) [o/] some; certain; number; a n. of

ba9ad bukra (b9d) [j] after; the day a. tomorrow; day; the d. after tom.

ba9ad bukra (b9d) [j] tomorrow; the day after t.

ba9ad bukra (bkr) [j] tomorrow; the day after t.

ba9ad maa (b9d) [j] after

ba9ad maa (ma)[o] after

ba9áD–um ba9aD (b9D) [n/?] another; one a.; each other; other; each o.

ba9ar coll (b9r) [ng/] droppings (camel droppings?); dung

ba9ar coll (b9r) [ng/] droppings; dung

ba9ar (b9r) [ng/] dung; excrement (of animals)

ba9buwS ba9aabiyS (b9bS)[n] trick?

ba9d aD–Duhur (b9d) [j] afternoon; in the a.

ba9d aD–Duhur (b9d) [j] afternoon; in the a.

ba9d aD–Duhur (Dhr) [n/] afternoon; in the a.

ba9d aD–Duhur (Dhr) [n/] afternoon; in the a.

ba9dayn (b9d) [d] later; while; in a w.

ba9dayn (b9d) [d] then; after that; afterwards

ba9di (b9d) [c] after

ba9di bukra (bkr) [d] day; the d. after tomorrow; after; the d. after t.

ba9di bukra (bkr) [j] tomorrow; the day after t.

ba9di maa (b9d) [j] after

ba9di maa (ma)[o] after

ba9iyd –iyn; bu9ada (b9d) [a] distant; far (away); remote; outlying?; long; a long way (away)

ba9ra –aat (b9r) [ns/] dropping; dung–pellet/piece of d.; pellet; dung–p.

ba9uwD coll (b9D) [ng] mosquito/m.s; gnat/g.s

ba9uwDa (b9D) [ng?] mosquito; m.s; gnat; g.s

ba9uwDa –aat (b9D) [ns] mosquito; gnat?

ba9uwDaaya –aat? (b9D) [ns] mosquito; gnat

baa∫ (ba∫) [o] head- (in compounds); chief (in compounds)

baa∫–tamarjiy –iyya (ba∫) [o] nurse (male)

baa∫–tamarjiy –iyya (tmr) [n] nurse (male)

baa9 (lay) yabiy9 (by9) [vt] sell (to )

baab abwaab (bwb) [n] chapter (of book, which does not contain [faSil]s); part (of a book which contains chapters ([faSil]s)); section (of a book which contains chapters ([faSil]s))

baab abwaab (bwb) [n] chapter

baab abwaab; biybaan (bwb) [n] door; gate

baab a∫-∫aari9 (bwb) [n] gate; house g. (onto road); outside gate

baab a∫-∫aari9 (∫r9) [n] gate; house g. (onto road); outside gate

baab al-Haw∫ (bwb) [n] gate of [Haw∫]; door to [Haw∫]

baab al-Haw∫ (bwb) [n] gate of [Haw∫]; door to [Haw∫]

baab baRRa ([al-baab al-baRRa]) (br;) [d] gate; house g. (onto road); outside gate

baab baRRa ([al-baab al-baRRa]) (bwb) [n] gate; house g. (onto road); outside gate

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Боғда битган
Бугун юртда
Эшитганлар жилманглар
Эшитмадим деманглар
битган бодомлар
Yangiariq tumani
qitish marakazi
Raqamli texnologiyalar
ilishida muhokamadan
tasdiqqa tavsiya
tavsiya etilgan
iqtisodiyot kafedrasi
steiermarkischen landesregierung
asarlaringizni yuboring
o'zingizning asarlaringizni
Iltimos faqat
faqat o'zingizning
steierm rkischen
landesregierung fachabteilung
rkischen landesregierung
hamshira loyihasi
loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish