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gaT9 a∫–∫akk (∫k;) [n] definite; d.ly; doubt,without d.; undoubted; u.ly

gaT9 a∫–∫akk (gT9) [n/] definite; d.ly; doubt,without d.; undoubted; u.ly

gaT9a –aat (gT9) [ns] cut (wound in skin)

gaTa9 yagTa9 (gT9) [vi] cut off; be cut off (e.g. water, electricity)

gaTa9 yagTa9 (gT9) [vt] cut off; chop off?; lop off?; amputate?

gaTa9 yagTa9 (gT9) [vtm] ford (river)?; cross; traverse; pass through

gaTaf ? (gTf) [vt] gather (fruit, flowers); pick (fruit, flowers)

gaTar guTuwr; guTaara; giTaara (gTr) [n/?] train (railway train)

gaTar guTuwr; gaTaara (gTr) [n/?] train (railway train)

gawaam (gwm) [d] once; at o.; quick; q.ly; immediate; i.ly; direct; d.ly

gawiy ? (gwa) [a] durable

gawiy (gwa) [a] hard (e.g. of bed)

gawiy (gwa) [a] hard (substance)

gawiy (gwa) [a] hard and dry (substance)

gawiy ? (gwa) [a] durable

gawiy ? (gwa) [a] strong (e.g. of army, sports team)

gawiy ? (gwa) [a] strong (of character)

gawiy –iyn (gwa) [a] firm?; solid?; robust?; hardy?; sturdy?

gawiy –iyn (gwa) [a] forceful?; intense?; violent?

gawiy –iyn? (gwa) [a] strong; vigorous?; potent; mighty?; powerful

gawiy –iyn? (gwa) [a] tough (meat)

gawiy –iyn? (gwa) [a] tough; strong; hard

gawl ? (gwl) [n] story (i.e. event talked about); account (event talked about); narration (event talked about)

gawwa yigawwiy (gwa) [vi] firm; make f?; solid; make s.?; robust; make r.?; hardy; make h.?; sturdy; make s.?; harden; strong; make s.; strengthen

gawwal yigawwil (gwl) [vt]? gossip (= [gaawal]) (always maliciously); scandalmonger (= [gaawal]); backbite (= [gaawal])

gawwam yigawwim (gwm) [vtj] wake (up); get up?; up; get up?

gawwam min an–nawm yigawwim (gwm) [vtj] wake up; awaken

gawz gayzaan (gwz) [n] hill; sand–hill; sand–hill; dune,large? sand–hill

gawz gayzaan (gwz) [n] hill; sandy h.

gayf giyfaan (gyf) [n] bank of river; coast (sea); shore?

gazaaz gazaayiz(?)(gz;) [ng] bottles

gazaaz - (gz;) [ng] window(-glass) (of car, etc.)/car–window

gazaaz gazaayiz (gz;) [ng] glass (substance)

gazaaz - (gz;) [ng] window/w.s (of car)

gazaaza –aat (gz;) [ns] bottle

gi∫ir gu∫uwr (g∫r) [ng] scale; s.s (of fish); husk?; slough (of snake)?

gi∫ir gu∫uwr (g∫r) [ng] shell?; peel?; rind?; skin (e.g. of onion); crust?

gi∫ra –aat (g∫r) [ns] peel?; rind?; shell?; skin?; crust?

gi∫ra gi∫ar (g∫r) [n] scab (on wound?)

gibayl (gbl) [d] former; f.ly?

gibayl (gbl) [d] just now; now; just n.

gibayl (gbl) [d] while; a short w. ago; time; a short t. ago

gibil yagbal (gbl) [vt+] agree; approve of; consent to; assent to

gibTiy agbaaT (gbT) [a] Copt/Coptic

giddaam (gdm) [d] forward/s

giddaam (gdm) [d] ahead; a. (of you); distance; in the d. (ahead)

giddaam (gdm) [j] front; in f. of

giddaam (gdm) [j] front; in f. of (metaphorical); eye; in the e.s of (metaphorical)

giddaam (gdm) [d] front; in f.?

giddaamiy (gdm) a] front; anterior

gidim yagdam (gdm) [vi] wear out (what?)

gidir yagdar (gdr) [vtz+] able; be a. to; can"; power; have the p. to

gidir guduwr (gdr) [n/] pot; cooking–pot; cook; cooking–pot

gidir 9ala yagdar (gdr) [vjz+] beat; defeat; triumph over; overcome

gidra guduwr (gdr) [n] pot; cooking–pot; cook; cooking–pot

gifil gufuwl; agfaal (gfl) [n/] lock (also any locking device)

gifil gufuwl; agfaal (gfl) [n/] lock; latch?; bolt?; padlock?

gifil gufuwl; akfaal (gfl) [n/] lock; padlock?; bolt?; latch?

gilig yaglag (glg) [vi] uneasy; bc. u.; apprehensive?; bc. a.; worry; bc. w.ed?; concern; bc. c.ed?

gilig yaglag (glg) [vi] troubled; bc. t.; worried; bc. w.?; alarmed; bc. a.?; disturbed; bc. t.?; upset; bc. u.?

gilla (gl;) [n] lack; want; insufficiency; scarcity; deficiency

gini9 min yagna9 (gn9) [vj] bore; get b.d with?

gini9 min yagna9 (gn9) [vj] fed up; get f. up with; enough; have e. of; sick; get s. (and) tired) of; tire; get (sick and) t.d of

gini9 min yagna9 (gn9) [vj] give up?; enough; have e.of; despair of?

giraaya (gra) [n] reading

girayb coll (gryb)[ng] grapefruit (fruit)

girayba –aat (gryb)[ns] grapefruit (fruit); single g./piece of g.?

girayn coll (gryn)[ng] grapefruit (fruit)

girayna –aat (gryn)[ns] grapefruit (fruit); single g./piece of g.?

giraynfiruwt - (gryn)[ng] grapefruit (fruit)

girayt coll (gryt)[ng] grapefruit (fruit)

girayta –aat (gryt)[ns] grapefruit (fruit); single g./piece of g.?

girfa (grf) [n] cinnamon

giri∫ guruw∫ (gr∫) [n/] piastre (unit of currency)

girif min yagraf (grf) [vj] fed; bc. f. up with; sick; bc. s. (and) tired) of

girif min yagraf (grf) [vj?] nauseate; be n.ed by?; disgust; be d.ed by

girim lay yagram (grm) [vj] miss; come to m.; long for; yearn for

girintiy ? (grnt)[n] hippopotamus (animal)

girintiy coll (grnt)[ng] hipopotamus/h.es (animal)

girintiyya –aat (grnt)[n ?] hippopatamus

girintiyya –aat (grnt)[ns] hippopotamus (animal)

giSayyir (gSr) [a] shallow (well, river, water)

giSayyir guSaar (gSr) [a] short; small?; low?

gisim agsaam (gsm) [n/] division?; compartment; section

giSSa giSaS (gS;) [n] matter; affair; thing

giSSa giSaS (gS;) [n] narrative; tale; story

gissiys gasaawsa (gs;) [n] priest (Christian only?); clergyman?; pastor?

gissiys (*?)–iyn (gs;) [n] priest (Christian only?); clergyman?; pastor?

gissiys (*?)–iyn; gasaawsa (gs;) [n] priest; clergyman; minister; vicar; pastor

giT9a giTa9 (gT9) [n] piece; fragment?; lump?; chunk?; part?; portion?

giT9a giTa9 (gT9) [n] section?; division?; segment?

giT9a giTa9 (gT9) [n] segment (e.g. of orange)

giT9at arD ? ('rD) [nf] plot (of land)

giT9at arD ? ('rD) [n] plot (of land)

giT9at mawz ? (gT9) [n] a; a banana; single; a s. banana

giT9at mawz ? (mwz) [ng] banana; a single b.

gizaaz gazaayiz(?)(gz;) [ng] bottles

gizaaz - (gz;) [ng] window(-glass) (of car, etc.)/car–window

gizaaz gazaayiz (gz;) [ng] glass (substance)

gizaaza –aat (gz;) [ns] bottle

gubba gubab (gb;) [n] shrine; domed s. (of a saint [waliy])

gubba gubab (gb;) [n] tomb, of a saint?; saint; s.'s tomb?

gubbaal (gbl) [c] before; prior to (the time when)

gubbaal (gbl) [j] before; prior to

gubbaal maa (ma)[o] before; prior to (the time when)

gubbaal maa (= [gabbaal maa]) (gbl) [j/] before; prior to (the time when)

gubuwl (gbl) [n] acceptance; consent?; assent?; approval?

gubuwl (gbl) [n] admission (e.g. to university); reception?

gudra gudar (gdr) [n] capability?; aptitude?; omnipotence (God)?

gudra gudar (gdr) [n] energy?

gudra gudar (gdr) [n] power; strength; potency; capacity; ability

guffa gufaaf; gufaf (gf;) [n] basket (type?)

guHHa - (gH;) [ng] cough

gumaa∫ agmi∫a (gm∫) [n] material; fabric; cloth

gumta min an–nawm (gwm) [vj] wake up; I woke up?; awake; I awoke?

gumta min an–nawm (nwm) [n] wake up; I woke up?; awake; I awoke?

gungulayS coll (gngl)[ng] baobab; fruit of the b. tree

gungulaySa –aat (gngl)[ns] baobab; fruit of the b. tree

gurunful coll (grnf)[ng] clove; c.s

guTna –aat (gTn) [ns] cotton; piece of c.; cotton plant?

guTTiyya gaTaaTiy (gT;) [n] hut; straw h. with thatched roof; thatch; t.ed straw hut

guTTiyya –aat; gaTaaTiy (gT;) [n] straw hut

guTun coll (gTn) [ng/] cotton (material)

guwaam (gwm) [d] once; at o.; quick; q.ly; immediate; i.ly; direct; d.ly

guwaam (gwm) [d] quick; q.ly; immediate; i.ly; straight away; now

guwwa (gwa) [n] strength; vigour?; potency; power; force; intensity

ح ه

Ha-(IMPERFECT VERB) (Ha)[o] will (to express future); going to

ha∫∫ ? (h∫;) [a] delicate (i.e. breaks easily)

Ha∫∫a yaHi∫∫ (H∫;) [vt] weed

Ha∫∫a yaHi∫∫ (H∫;) [vt] cut grass

Ha∫∫a yaHi∫∫ (H∫;) [vt] weed

Ha∫∫aa∫ –iyn (H∫;) [n] farmer, who works on small plots; peasant farmer?

Ha∫∫aa∫ –iyn (H∫;) [n] smallholder?; gardener, market gardener?

Ha∫a yaH∫iy (H∫a) [vt] stuff; fill? (+tooth?); fill in?; load (gun)?

HaaDir –iyn (HDr) [a] present; attend; a.ing/in a.ance

HaaDir –iyn (HDr) [a] present; attendence; in a.; here (reply to call)

haadiy –iyn (hda) [a] calm; quiet; peaceful; tranquil; still

haadiy –iyn (hda) [a] calm; quiet; peaceful; tranquil; still

Haadsa Hawaadis (Hds) [n] accident; mishap

HaafaZ 9ala yiHaafiZ (HfZ) [vj] care; take care of; look after; maintain

Haafla –aat (Hfl) [n] minibus

Haaja Hawaayij (Hwj) [n] belonging; b.s?; stuff?

Haaja *Hawaayij (Hwj) [n] need; neediness; necessity; n.s; belonging; b.s?; stuff?

Haaja –aat (Hwj) [n] thing; object

Haaja suxna (Hwj) [n] drink; a cold d.

Haaja tamaam (Hwj) [n] marvellous; st.m.; good; st. g.; wonderful; st. w.

Haaja tamaam (tm;) [am?] wonderful; st. w.; marvellous; st. m.; good; st. g.

haajam yihaajim (hjm) [vt] attack; assail; charge?; pounce on?; raid?; assault?

haajar yihaajir (hjr) [vim] migrate/emigrate/immigrate

Haajj Hujjaaj (Hj;) [n] hadji (one) who has done the hajj [Hajj])

Haajj Hujjaaj (Hj;) [n] old man; man; old m. (honorific title?)

Haajj Hujjaaj (Hj;) [n] pilgrim (so.) who has made p. to Mecca

Haajj Hujjaaj (Hj;) [n] pilgrim (who) has made p.age to Mecca [makka])

Haajja –aat (Hj;) [n] old woman; woman; old w. (honorific?)

Haajja –aat (Hj;) [n] pilgrim (female)(so.who has made p. to Mecca

haak (m.sg.), haakiy (f.sg.) *haakuw ( m./com.pl), haa–kum (m.com.pl.), haakan (f.pl.) (hak) [vx?] take it (when offering st.); have it

Haakim Hukkaam (Hkm) [n] ruler; sovereign?; governor?; judge

Haakim Hukkaam (Hkm) [n] ruler; sovereign?; governor?; judge

Haal aHwaal (Hwl) [n] condition; state; situation?; circumstance; case

Haala –aat (Hwl) [n] condition; state; situation; case (poss./actual)

Haala –aat (Hwl) [n] state; condition

haamil –iyn (hml) [a] abandon; a.ed (totally); neglect; totally n.ed

haamil ? (hml) [a] negligent?; neglectful?

Haamil –aat; –iyn (Hml) [af] pregnant

HaamuD - (not used of people) (HmD) [a] sour; acid/a.ic

Haara –aat (Hwr) [n] district (of a town; used of some areas in Khartoum); quarter (of a town; used of some areas in Khartoum); area (of a town; used of some areas in Khartoum); part (of a town; used of some areas in Khartoum)

Haarab yiHaarib (Hrb) [vt] war; wage war against; fight; combat; battle

Haaris Hurraas (Hrs) [n] watchman?; sentry?; sentinel?; guard?

Haarr (Hr;) [a] hot

Haarr (Hr;) [a] hot (of food = causing a burning sensation on the tongue)

Haarr (Hr;) [a] active (of market); bustling (of market)

Haasid –iyn; Husaad (Hsd) [a] envious; jealous

Haasid –iyn; Husaad (Hsd) [a] grudge; g.ing?; envious; jealous?

Haasid –iyn; Husaad (Hsd) [a] grudger?; envious; envier?

HaaSil HawaaSil (HSl) [n] upshot; consequence

haat (m.sg.), haatiy (f.sg.) haatuw (m./com.pl.)/haat–kum (m./com.pl.), haat–kan (f.pl.) (to be confirmed) (hat) [vx?] bring me/us; give me/us; get me/us

Haawal yiHaawil (Hwl) [vt+?] try; attempt; endeavour; effort; make an e.

Haawal yiHaawil (Hwl) [vt+?] try; attempt; endeavour; effort; make an e.

haba∫ yahbi∫ (hb∫) [vt?] touch; handle; finger?

Haba∫iy aHbaa∫ (Hb∫) [ax] Ethiopian; Abyssinian

Haba∫iy –iyn; Haba∫ (Hb∫) [ax] Ethiopian; Abyssinian

Habb Hubuwb (Hb;) [ng] seed; seeds; pip; pips (e.g. of melons, cucumbers, oranges)

Habba yaHubb (Hb;) [vt] kiss"; i.e. cup hands and smell small chld's face (traditional Sudanese equivalent to kissing child in Western society; kissing in Sudan is not traditional)

Habba yaHibb (∫m;) [vt] kiss"; i.e. cup hands and smell small chld's face (traditional Sudanese equivalent to kissing child in Western society; kissing in Sudan is not traditional)

habba yahibb (hb;) [vim?] blow (wind); rage (storm)?

Habba –aat (Hb;) [ns] grain; granule; pill; tablet

Habba Hibuwb (Hb;) [ns] pill; tablet

Habba Hubuwb (Hb;) [n] pimple; acne; pustule

Habba (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHibb (Hb;) [vt] love; like

Habba + IMPERFECT yaHibb (Hb;) [vt] like to; love to

Habba = ∫uwaiya (Hb;) [d] little; a l.

Habba Habba (Hb;) [n] slow; s.ly; little by little

habba∫ yihabbi∫ (hb∫) [vt] touch (continually)?; handle?; finger about with?; fiddle around with (by)touching constantly); play around with (by)touching constantly)

Habbaahaan coll (Hbhn)[ng] cardoman (herb)(used esp. as flavouring in tea)

Habbaaya –aat (Hb;) [ns] grain; granule; pill; tablet

Habbat mawz ? (Hb;) [n] a; a banana; single; a s. banana

Habbat mawz ? (mwz) [ng] banana; a single b.

Habbat ruzz ? (rz;) [ng] rice seed; seed; rice s.

Habbawba –aat (Hb;) [n] grandmother

Habbawba –aat (Hb;) [n] grandmother

Habil Hibaal; Hubaal (Hbl) [n/] rope; cable?; hawser?; cord?; string?; thread?

Habil Hubaal; Hibaal (Hbl) [n/] rope; cord

Habiyb Habaayib; aHibba (Hb;) [n] beloved; loved one; friend (dear/close); lover

Habiyb aHibba; Hibbaan (Hb;) [a] beloved; sweetheart; lover; darling; friend

Habiyb Hubbaan; Hibbaan (Hb;) [n] loved one; friend (dear/close); lover; beloved

Habiyba –aat (Hb;) [a] sweetheart (in poetry, songs); darling (in poetry, songs); beloved (woman) (in poetry, songs)

habuwb habaayib (hb;) [nf] dust–storm; storm; dust–s.; wind; dusty w.

Hadag coll (Hdg) [ng] pupil/p.s? of the eye

Hadaga –aat (Hdg) [ns?] pupil of the eye

hadan yahdin (hdn) [vi] slow (down); go; make g. slower

HaDar yaHDur (HDr) [vt] participate in?

HaDar yaHDur (HDr) [vt] present; be p. at; attend; part; take p. in?

Hadd? Huduwd (Hd;) [n] boundary; border

hadda yihaddiy (hda) [vt] comfort (e.g. an adult)

hadda yihaddiy (hda) [vt] ease (pain)

hadda yihaddiy (hda) [vt] calm (down); quiet; passivise?; tranquilise?; appease?

hadda yihaddiy (hda) [vt] placate?; assuage?; allay?

Haddad yiHaddid (Hd;) [vt] define; demarcate; delimit; dtermine; fix; agree on

haddad bay yihaddid (hd;) [vtj+] threaten with; menace with

haddad bay? yihaddid (hd;) [vtj+] threaten; menace

haddan yihaddin (hdn) [vi] slow (down); go slower

haddan yihaddin (hdn) [vt] slow (down); go; make g. slower

Haddas yiHaddis (Hds) [vi+] say?; tell

Haddat taHidd (Hd;) [vi?] dress in mourning clothes, and observe other customs, e.g. not wearing perfume (women)

Haddat taHidd (Hd;) [vi?] mourning; wear m. clothes, and observe other mourning customs, e.g. not using perfume (woman)

Haddat taHidd (Hd;) [vi?] wear mourning clothes (women) (and) observe other mourning customs, such as not wearing perfume); put on mourning clothes (women) (and) observe other mourning customs, such as not wearing perfume)

Haddat 9ala taHidd (Hd;) [vj] mourn (so., of women; involves wearing special clothes, not using perfume, etc.)

Hadiyd coll (Hd;) [ng] iron (substance)

Hadiyda –aat? (Hd;) [ns] upright iron pole (e.g. for setting up hammock-like cot ([murjaaHa]); iron; i. pole (e.g. for setting up hammock-like cot ([murjaaHa]); pole; iron p. (e.g. for setting up hammock-like cot ([murjaaHa])

Hadiyqa Hadaayiq (Hdg) [n] park; garden

Hadiys ! (Hds) [a] modern (normally of things)

Hadiys - (Hds) [n] speech?; conversation; talk; discussion; say; what so. is s.ing

Hadiys (nabawiy ∫ariyf) aHaadiys (Hds) [n] tradition; t.al account relating to the Pophet Muhammad/prophetic tradition; account relating to the Prophet Muhammad

hadiyya hadaaya (hda) [n] gift; present; donation?; offering?; sacrifice?

Hafar (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHfir (Hfr) [vt] dig (a hole only?)

Hafar (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHfir (Hfr) [vt] dig; excavate (archeology)

Hafar (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHfir (Hfr) [vt] excavate (in archeology); dig

HafaZ yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] retain; hold (safe); care; take c. of; keep; save

HafaZ yaHfaZ (HfZ) [vt] store; away; put a.; put away; conserve; preserve

Haffa (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHiff (Hf;) [vt] cut hair in pudding–bowl style

Hafiyr Hafaayir; –aat (Hfr) [n] lake; dug out area in which rainwater collects

Hafiyr –aat; Hafaayir (Hfr) [n] pond; dug out area in which rainwater collects

Hafiyr –aat; Hafaayir (Hfr) [n] pool (man–made only?); pond?; lake?

Hafiyr –aat; Hafaayir (Hfr) [n] pool; dug out area in which rainwater collects

Hafiyra Hafaayir; –aat (Hfr) [n] lake; dug out area in which rainwater collects; pond; dug out area in which rainwater collects; pool; dug out area in which rainwater collects; water–hole (man–made only); hole; water–hole (man-made only)

Hafla –aat; *Hafalaat (Hfl) [n] party; performance (e.g. in cinema)?; show?

Hafla –aat; *Hafalaat (Hfl) [n] party; performance (e.g. in cinema)?; show?

Hafyaan iyn; Hafaaya (Hfa) [n] barefoot/b.ed

Hagan yaHgin (Hgn) [vi] inject/give an injection; injection; give an i.

Hagg ? (Hg;) [n] right; title/entitlement; claim (rightful)

Hagg ? (Hg;) [n] true/truth?

Hagg +GEN (Hg;) [o?] belong; b.ing to; own; o.ed by

Hagg +GEN (Hg;) [o?] mine; yours; his; hers; ours; theirs

Hagg +GEN (Hg;) [o?] my; your; his; her; its?; our; your; their

Haggag yiHaggig (Hg;) [vt] true; make come t.; fulfill; actualize; effectrealize

Hagin (Hgn) [nv/] inject; injecting

Hagiyga Hagaayig (Hg;) [n] truth; reality?; fact

Hagiygiy - (Hg;) [a] real; true; actual; proper?; genuine; authentic

hajam yahjim (hjm) [vt] slander

hajam 9ala yahjim (hjm) [vj] attack; assail?; charge?; raid?; storm?; assault?

Hajar Hijaar; Hujaar (Hjr) [n] stone; rock?

Hajar baTTaariyya Hujaa baTTaariyya; Hijaaraat baTTaariyya (Hjr) [n] battery (for torch/radio, etc.)

Hajar baTTaariyya Hujaa baTTaariyya; Hijaaraat baTTaariyya (Hjr) [n] battery (for torch/radio, etc.)

Hajaz (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHjiz (Hjz) [vt] book (e.g. a seat)

Hajaz (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHjiz (Hjz) [vt] reserve/make a r.ation for (e.g. seat in a train)

Hajim Hujuwm; aHjaam (Hjm) [n/] size; bulk?; volume?

Hajiz (Hjz) [n/] reservation; booking

Hajj (Hj;) [n] pilgrimage; Islamic p. to Mecca; hajj

Hajja yaHijj (Hj;) [vi]? pilgrimage; make the Islamic p. to Mecca; hajj; make the h.

hajma –aat (hjm) [ns] attack; charge?; assault?; onslaught?; raid?

Haka lay (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHkiy (Hka) [vtj] tell (a story); relate; narrate; report; account; give an a.

Hakam yaHkum (Hkm) [vi] govern; control?

Hakka yaHukk (Hk;) [vt] scratch (to relieve an itch)

Hakuwma –aat (Hkm) [n] government

Hala° - (Hla) [n] prettiness; beauty?

Halaal - (Hl;) [a] allow; a.ed; permissable; admissable; lawful; legal

Halaal - (Hl;) [a] licit; legitimate

Halaal - (Hl;) [a] permit; p. ed by Islamic Law ([∫ariy9a])

Halaawa Halawiyyaat (Hla) [n] confectionery (sweet cake(s)); cake; sweet c.

Halaawa Halaawiyaat (Hla) [n] sweet

Halab yaHlib (hlb) [vt] milk

Halab (passive: [it–], [in–]) yaHlib (Hlb) [vt] milk (an)animal)

Halaf bay yaHlif (Hlf) [vi+] swear by; oath; take an o. on

Halaf yamiyn (ymn) [n] oath; swear an o.; swear an oath; take an oath

Halag yaHlig (Hlg) [vt] beard; have o.s b. cut

Halag yaHlig (Hlg) [vt] cut (hair); have o.s hair cut; hair; have o.s h. cut

Halag yaHlig (Hlg) [vt] shave

Halag (ad-digin) yaHlig (Hlg) [vt] shave

Halag (aR-Raas) yaHlig (Hlg) [vt] cut (hair)

Halig Huluwg (Hlg) [n/] throat (tube used for swallowing - oesophogus); gullet (tube used for swallowing - oesophagus); oesophagus

Haliyb (Hlb) [n] liquid which comes out of [9u∫ar] plant

Haliyb (Hlb) [n] milk (normally milk in a drinking vessel only?)

Hall Hiluwl? (Hl;) [n] solution

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