
biD–DabT (by)[j] exact; e.ly; accurate; a.ly?; precise; e.ly? biD–DabTi

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biD–DabT (by)[j] exact; e.ly; accurate; a.ly?; precise; e.ly?

biD–DabTi (DbT) [n/] exact; e.ly; precise; p.ly

bi–duwn +GEN (by)[j] without

bi–duwn +GEN (dwn) [j] without

biduwn ∫akk (dwn) [j] definite; d.ly; doubt,without d.; undoubted; u.ly

bi-duwn ∫akk (∫k;) [n] definite; d.ly; doubt,without d.; undoubted; u.ly

biduwn faayda (by)[j] vain; in v.; avail; to no a.; purpose; to no p.

biduwn faayda (dwn) [j] vain; in v.; avail; to no a.; purpose; to no p.

biduwn faayda (fyd) [j] vain; in v.; avail; to no a.; purpose; to no p.

biga yabga (bga) [vi+] come to (have, etc.)

biga yabga (bga) vt+] become

biga yabga (bga) [vt+] position; get into a position where ...?; point; come to the point where; come to the point where; get into the position where

biga yabga (bga) [vi+] state; get to the state where ...?

biga bay yabga (bga) [vj] get to (of a price); touch (of a price); reach (of a price)

biga kiwayyis yabga (bga) [vt] recover (from an illness); well; get well (from an illness); better; get b. (from an illness)

biga kiwayyis yabga (kys) [a] recover (from an illness); well; get well (from an illness); better; get b. (from an illness)

biga raajil yabga (rjl) [n] grow up

biga raajil yabga (rjl) [vi] grow up

bika (bka) [nvm]? mourning?

bi-l-9akis (by)[j] back-to-front?; wrong; the w. way round; round; the wrong way r.

bi-l-9akis (9ks) [n/] back-to-front?; wrong; the w. way round; round; the wrong way r.

bi-l-9aks (by)[j] back-to-front?; wrong; the w. way round; round; the wrong way r.

bi-l-9aks (9ks) [n] back-to-front?; wrong; the w. way round; round; the wrong way r.

bil–9aks (9ks) [n] contrary; on the contrary

bil–9aksiy (9ks) [n] contrary; on the contrary

bil–9aSur (9Sr) [n/] afternoon; in the a.

bilaad bildaat (bld) [nf] cultivate; c.d land (rainland)

bilaad buluwd (bld) [ne] town

b-il–aktar (∫wg) [a] thank you; (reply to [mu∫taagiyn] ‘we have missed you’/’welcome; w. back’

bil–fi9il (f9l) [n/] indeed; fact; in f.; true,it'st.that/truly;

bi-l–Hagiyga (Hg;) [n] fact; in f.; truth; to tell you the t.

bilharsiya (blhr)[n] bilharzia (disease)

bi–llaahi (by)[j] by God (expresses astonishment at st. said)

bi–llaahi ('lh) [nx] God; by G. (expresses astonishment at st. said)

bi–llaahi (by)[j] please (literally 'by God'; expresses strong wish for st.)

bil–layl (by)[j] at night; by night

bil–layl (lyl) [n] night; at n.

bil–layl (lyl) [n] night; at/by n.

bil–layl (lyl) [n] tonight

bil–misa (msa) [nm] evening; in the e.

bina - (bna) [nm?v] building; construction?; erection?

binay ? (bnt) [n] boy; son?

binayya –aat (bnt) [n] girl; little/small girl

bira yabra (bra) [vj?] heal; b/b h.ed

bira yabra (bra) [vj?] heal; b/b h.ed; better; get b.

bira min yabra (bra) [vj] recover (from an injury)

bira min yabra (bra) [vj] recover from (an)injury)

bira min yabra (bra) [vj] recover (from an injury)

biri∫ buruw∫ (br∫) [n/] mat (small, made of reeds only?)

birka birak (brk) [n] pool (natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad]); pond (natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad]); lake(natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad])

birka birak (brk) [n] pool (natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad]); pond (natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad]); lake(natural or artificial; smaller than [rahad])

birniyTa baraaniyT (brnT)[n] hat (European type only?)

birniyTa baraaniyT (brnT)[n] hat (European–style h.)

bi-r-ra#mi min (by)[j] spite; in s. of; despite

bi-r-ra#mi min (r#m) [n] spite; in s. of; despite

bi-r-ra#mi min (min) [j] spite; in s. of; despite

bi-shuwla - (by)[j] easy; easily

bi-shuwla - (shl) [n] easy; easily

bisma9 al-kalaam yasma9 (sm9) [vt] obedient; he's o.

biS–SabaaH (SbH) [n] morning; in the m./m.s (once or every morning)

bitaa9 (bt9) [o] belong; b.ing to; own; o.ed by

bitaa9 (bt9) [o] my; your; his; her; our; their; its

biTir yabTar (bTr) [vi] spoil; be s.t; pamper; be p.ed

biTir yabTar (bTr) [vi] pamper; be p.ed (child); spoil; be s.t (child)

bitt banaat (bnt) [n] girl; unmarried/single g.; woman; single young w.

bitt banaat (bt;) [nf] daughter; girl

bitt banaat (bnt) [n] daughter; girl

bitt 9ammatiy (9m;) [n] cousin; my c. (paternal, female)

bitt 9ammatiy (bt;) [nf] cousin; my c. (paternal,female)

bitt 9ammiy (9m;) [n] cousin; my c. (paternal, female)

bitt 9ammiy (bt;) [nf] cousin; my c. (paternal,female)

bitt al–bitt (bt;) [nf] granddaughter

bitt al-Haraam (bnt) [n] bastard (female)?; illegitimate daughter?; daughter; illegitimate c.?

bitt al-Haraam (Hrm) [n?] bastard (female)?; illegitimate daughter?; daughter; illegitimate c.?

bitt al–walad (bnt) [nf] granddaughter

bitt al–walad/wadd (wld) [n] granddaughter

bitt axuwiy ('x)[n] neice; my n. (brother's daughter)

bitt axuwiy (bt;) [nf] niece; my n. (brother's daughter)

bitt bittiy (bt;) [nf] grandaughter; my g.

bitt uxtiy banaat uxtiy ('xt) [nf/] neice;my n. (sister's daughter)

bitt uxtiy (bt;) [nf] niece; my n. (sister's daughter)

bitt xaaliy (bt;) [nf] cousin; my c. (maternal,female)

bitt xaaliy (xwl) [n] cousin; my c. (maternal,female)

bitt xaaltiy (bt;) [nf] cousin; my c. (maternal,female)

bitt xaaltiy (xwl) [n] cousin; my c. (maternal,female)

biT–Tabi9 (Tb9) [n/] natural; n.ly; course; of course

biTTayz coll (bTx) [ng] melon; water–m./m.s (children's language); water–melon/w.m.s (children's language)

bitt-iy° banaat-iy°? (bt;) [nf] granddaughter; my g.

bi-xaaTr-ak (xTr) [a] sake; for your sake?; account; on your account?

bi-xtiyaar-iy° (by)[j] voluntary; v.ly; spontaneous; s.ly; accord; of o.’s own a.

bi-xtiyaar-iy° (xyr) [n] voluntary; v.ly; spontaneous; s.ly; accord; of o.’s own a.

biyr abyaar (byr) [ne] well (for water)

biyr abyaar (byr) [ne] well (for water); spring?

biyra - (byr) [n] beer

bizra buzuwr (bzr) [ns?] seed; kernel?; pip; pit?; stone (of fruit)?

biz–zaat (zwt) [n ?] very; the v. ..; self ..; other; none o. than ..

buDaa9a baDaayi9 (bD9) [n] goods; merchandise; wares; commodities

budra *budar (bdr) [n] powder

budra *budar (bdr) [n] powder (soap p. and other manufactured things?)

bug9a buga9 (bg9) [n] plot (of land); spot (of land)

buhaar –aat (bhr) [n] spice

buHayra –aat (bHr) [n] lake

buHayra –aat (bHr) [n] lake, i.e. very big lake only

buHayrat an–nuwba (bHr) [nx] Lake Nuba; Nuba, Lake Nuba

buHayrat an–nuwba (nwb) [nx] lake Nuba; Nuba; lake Nuba

buhtaan (bht) [nv] slander; s.ing; libel; l.ing?; defame; d.ing?

buka (bka) [nm] cry; c.ing; weep; w.ing

bukra (bkr) [d] next; the n. day; day; the next d.

bukra (bkr) [d] tomorrow

buks bakaasiy (bks) [n] taxi?; minibus

buksiy bakaasiy (bks) [n] taxi?; minibus

bulaaT coll (blT) [ng] floor tiles; tile; t.d floor

bulaaTa –aat (blT) [ns] floor tiles; tile; floor t.

bulTiy coll (blT) [ng] bolti; tilapia nilotica (an)edible Nile fish)

bulTiyya –aat (blT) [ns] bolti; tilapia nilotica (an)edible Nile fish)

buluwza –aat (blwz)[n] blouse

buna - (bna) [nm?v] building; construction?; erection?

bundugiyya banaadig (bndg)[n] gun; shot–gun; rifle

bundugiyya banaadig (bndg)[n] shotgun?; rifle?; gun

bunn coll (bn;) [ng] coffee beans; bean; coffee b./b.s

bunna –aat (bn;) [ns] coffee bean; bean; coffee b.

bunniy –iyn (bn;) [a] brown; coffee; light coffee–coloured

bunya ? (bna) [n] punch; thump; blow with the fist

burD-uw (brD) [d] also; too; as well; well; as w.

burtukaan coll (brtk)[ng] orange/oranges (fruit)

burtukaan coll (brtk)[ng] orange/oranges (fruit)

burtukaan coll? (brtk)[ng?] orange; o.s (fruit)

burtukaana –aat? (brtk)[ns] orange (fruit)

burtukaanaaya –aat? (brtk)[ns] orange (fruit)

burtuqaaliy (brtq)[a] orange

busaaT –aat (bsT) [n] carpet (made of plastic); mat (made of plastic)

butajaaz –aat (btjz)[n] gas-stove (fuelled by gas-canister); stove; gas-s. (fuelled by gas-canister); gas-canister; canister; gas-c.; oven (fuelled by gas-canister)

buwm coll (bwm) [ng] owl/owls

buwma –aat (bwm) [ns] owl

buwSa –aat? (bwS) [n] inch

buwsTa - (bwsT)[n] post; mail

buwsTa - (bwsT)[n] post–office

buwsta - (bwst)[n] post–office; post?; mail?

buwt abwaat (bwt) [n] boot (worn by men, e.g. police, also women and girls)

buxaar - (bxr) [n] vapour?; fume?; steam

buzaa# ? (bz#) [n] spittle; spit; saliva (when spat out)

buzaaq (bzg) [n] spit/spittle; saliva (when spat out)

caad (cad) [nx] Chad

caadiy –iyn (cad) [ax] Chadic/Chadian

cat° (/catt°?) (ct;) [d] complete; c.ly; perfect; p.ly; absolute; a.ly

د ض
da (da)[wm?] this (masculine singular); that (masculine singular) (non–emphatic)

da bitwaggaf (da)[w] depend; that d.s

da bitwaggaf (wgf) [vi] depend; that d.s

Da#aT yaD#uT; yaD#aT (D#T) [vt] pressure;exert pressure (fig. only?)

Da#aT yaD#uT; yaD#aT (D#T) [vt] press; squeeze; compress?

da#da# yida#di# (d#;; [vt] tickle

da99a yida99iy (d9a) [vt] curse

da99a 9alay yida99iy (d9a) [vj] curse

da9a lay(passive: [id–], [in–]) (*?)yad9uw/yad9iy (d9a) [vj] pray for

da9ak yad9ak (d9k) [vt] rub (hard); scrub?; scour?

Da9iyf Du9aaf (D9f) [a] thin; skinny; lean?; slim?

Da9iyf –iyn; *Du9afa (D9f) [a] thin; skinny; lean?; slim?

Da9iyf –iyn (D9f) [a] weak (e.g. of football team, students); poor (i.e. of poor quality; e.g. of team, students)

Da9iyf Du9aaf (D9f) [a] weak; feeble?; frail?; delicate?

Da9iyf –iyn; *Du9afa (D9f) [a] weak; feeble?; frail?; delicate?

da9wa –aat; *da9aawiy (d9a) [n] invitation

da9wa da9aawiy? (d9a) [n] prayer; personal (non-[Salaat]) prayer (in Islam)?

Daa# yaDuw# (Dw#) [vt] taste; sample (food); try (out); test (food only?)

Daa9 minniy al–kitaab (Dy9) [vj] lose; I lost the book; mislay; I mislaid the book

daab yaduwb (dwb) [vi] dissolve; melt

daab yaduwb (dwb) [vi] dissolve; melt/melt away; liquify; disappear?

daab fiy-ha yaduwb (dwb) [vi] love; he's (fallen) madly in love with her; mad; he's (fallen) m.ly in love with her; deep; he's (fallen) d.ly in love with her; fall; he's f.en deeply in love with her

DaabiT DubbaaT (DbT) [n] officer (police, military)

DaabiT bawliys DubbaaT bawliys (bwls)[n] police; policeman; officer; polica o.

DaabiT bawliys DubbaaT bawliys (DbT) [n] police; policeman; officer; police o.

daafa9 9an yidaafi9 (df9) [vj] uphold; defend

daafiy (dfa) [a] tepid ; lukewarm

daafiy (dfa) [a] temperature; having a slight t.

daafiy (dfa) [a] warm

daafiy (dfa) [a] warm

Daag yaDuwg (Dwg) [vt] experience; undergo; suffer; endure

daag yaduwg (dwg) [vt] taste; sample (food); try (out); test (food only?)

Daag yaDuwg (Dwg) [vt] taste; sample (food); try out; test

Daag yaDuwg (Dwg) [vt] taste; sample; test?

Daag (NB)[daa#] is more common) yaDuwg (Dwg) [vt] taste; sample (food); try (out); test (food only?)

daak (da)[w?] that (over there) (masc.)

daak (k [w?] that (over there)(masc.)

daak-(+PRONOUN SUFFIX) (k [w?] that (over there)(masc.)

daaka (da)[w?] that (over there) (masc.)

daam yaduwm (dwm) [vi?] last (for a long time); continue; go on; persevere?; persist?

Daan coll (Dan) [ng] sheep (male and female)

Daanaaya –aat? (Dan) [ns] sheep (female only)

daar diyaar (dwr) [nf] heartland (of a tribe); area (of a tribe)

daar diyaar (dwr) [nf] land (of a tribe); homeland (tribal)

daar diyaar (dwr) [nf] region (of a tribe)

daar yaduwr (dwr) [vdz+] want; desire?

Daara yiDaara (Dra) [vt] hide; cover?

Daarab yiDaarib (Drb) [vt] fight with (using blows; implies participation of both parties); brawl with (implies participation of both parties); strike (implies participation of both parties)

daarag yidaarig (drg) [vt] hide (st.) behind st.); conceal (st.) behind st.)

daarjiy (drj) [a] colloquial (Arabic); vernacular (Arabic)

daas yaduws (dws) [vj] stamp on

daawa yidaawiy (dwa) [vt] heal; cure

daawa yidaawiy (dwa) [vt] treat (a patient?)

daawa yidaawiy (dwa) [vt?] treat (a person?/a disease?)

daaxliy (dxl) [a] inner; interior; inside; inmost; internal

Daayag yiDaayig (Dyg) [vt] annoy YES; irritate; trouble?; bother?; worry?

daayim –iyn (dwm) [a] constant

daayir –iyn (dwr) [az] want; desire?

daayir –iyn (dwr) [az] need (of things n.ing to have st. done to them); require (of things r.ing to have st. done to them)

daayir –iyn (dwr) [az?] about to; point; on the p. of; verge; on the v. of

daayir –iyn (dwr) [az?] about to; point; on the p. of; verge; on the v. of

daayir –iyn (dwr) [az?] just about to

daayman (dwm) [d] always

daayra dawaayir (dwr) [n] circle; ring?; sphere?

DabaH yaDbaH (DbH) [vt] kill (animal Islamically by slitting throat)

DabaH yaDbaH (DbH) [vt] slaughter; butcher (animal only?)

Dabb Dababa (Db;) [n] gecko?; wall; wall–gecko?

Dabb Dababa (Db;) [n] lizard (a type?)(animal)

Dabb Dubuwb; Dububba (Db;) [n] lizard (a type?)(animal)

Dabb Dababa (Db;) [n] lizard?

dabbar yidabbir (dbr) [vi] plan (st.) bad); plot (st.) bad)

DabiH (DbH) [nv/?] slaughter/s.ing?

dabiyb dabaayib (db;) [n] snake

dabiyb dabaayib (db;) [n] snake; serpent?; viper?

dabluwsiy –haat (dblws [n] toilet; lavatory

dafa9 yadfa9 (df9) [vtj] give (money)

dafa9 yadfa9 (df9) [vd?] pay

dafa9 yadfa9 (df9) [vtj] pay

dafan yadfin (dfn) [vt] bury

dafar yadfir; yadfur (dfr) [vt] push/push back?

daffag yidaffig (dfg) [vt] spill

daftar dafaatir (dftr)[n] notebook (bound); book; notebook (bound); exercise-book (bound); sketchbook (bound)

daftar yawmiyyaat dafaatir yawmiyyaat (dftr)[n] diary

daftar yawmiyyaat dafaatir yawmiyyaat (ywm) [np] diary

dagas yadgus (dgs) [vi] nap/take a n.; doze/have a d.

dagas yadgus (dgs) [vi] nod off (accidentally, e.g. in chair); fall asleep (accidentally, e.g. in chair); asleep; fall a. (accidentally, e.g. in chair)

dagga yadugg (dg;) [vt] ring (a bell)

dagga yadugg (dg;) [vi] ring (of a bell)

dagga yadugg (dg;) [vt] beat (of the heart)

dagga (dg;) [nv] beat/beating of the heart); hearbeat

dagga (dg;) [ns] beat; single b. of the heart); hearbeat; single h.

dagga yadugg (dg;) [vt] hit; beat; strike

dagiyg (dg;) [n] flour; meal?

dagiyga dagaayig (dg;) [n] minute

dagiyga (dg;) [n] moment; (just) one m.; minute; (just) one m.

dah∫a (dh∫) [nsv] astonishment; amazement; surprise?; wonder?

DaHa - (DHa) [n] morning (any) time before noon?); forenoon

DaHaawiyya –aat (DHa) [n] morning's work; work, morning's work

dahab coll (dhb) [ng] gold

dahab (dhb) [ng] gold

dahabiy coll (dhb) [a] golden (colour)

Dahar Duhuwr (Dhr) [n/] back; rear (part/side)?

DaHHa yiDaHHiy (DHa) [vt] sacrifice; offer up (during [9iyd aD–DaHiyya]?+?)

DaHka –aat (DHk) [nsv?] laugh

daHraj yidaHrij (dHrj)[vtm] roll

dakamta/Taggaiy/daggaiyt raas–íy (dkm) [vtj] bang; I banged my head

dakamta/Taggayt/daggayt raas–íy (dg;) [vtj] bang; I banged my head

dakamta/Taggayt/daggayt raas–íy (Tg;) [vtj] bang; I banged my head

Dakar Dukuwr; Dukuwra (Dkr) [n] male

Dakar Dukuwr (Dkr) [n] male; he– (in compounds)?

Dakar Dukuwr (Dkr) [n] penis (polite usage)

Dalaam (= [Dulumma]?) (Dlm) [n] darkness; duskiness?; gloom?; murkiness?

Dalaam (= [Dulumma]?) (Dlm) [n] murkiness?; darkness; duskiness?; gloom?

daliyl adilla (dl;) [n] proof; evidence

daliyl talafawnaat ? (tlfn)[n] telephone book; phone book

daliyl talafawnaat ? (dl;) [n] telephone book; phone book

daliyl taylafawnaat ? (tlfn)[n] telephone book; phone book

daliyl taylafawnaat ? (dl;) [n] telephone book; phone book

daliyl tilifawnaat ? (tlfn)[n] telephone book; phone book

daliyl tilifawnaat ? (dl;) [n] telephone book; phone book

dalla9 yidalli9 (dl9) [vt] pamper; spoil (a child)

dalla9 yidalli9 (dl9) [vt] spoil (child); pamper

dallak yidallik (dlk) [vt] rub?; embrocate; knead?; massage

dallak yidallik (dlk) [vt] rub?; embrocate; knead?; massage

Dallam yiDallim (Dlm) [vi] dark; bc. d. (of night)

dalluwka dalaaliyk? (dlk) [n] drum; small d. (musical instrument)

daluw dalaawiy; dilyaat (dla) [nf?] bucket; well–bucket; well–bucket (made of what?)

daluw dalaawiy; dilyaat (dla) [n] well–bucket; bucket; well–b.

dam#a –aat; dima# (dm#) [n] stamp (what types?); revenue stamp (what?)

dam9a –aat; dumuw9 (dm9) [ns] tear/teardrop

dam9a –aat; dumuw9 (dm9) [ns] tear/teardrop

dama9 yadma9 (dm9) [vi] cry; weep

Daman yaDman (Dmn) [vt] sure; be s. of; trust

Daman lay yaDman (Dmn) [vtj] guarantee

dami9 dumuw9 (dm9) [ng] tear/teardrop

damm dumuwm (dm;) [n] blood

Dammaada –aat (Dmd) [n] bandage

damm-uw tagiyl (tgl) [a] unpleasant; he's u.; nature; he's ill–n.d

damm-uw tagiyl (dm;) [n] unpleasant; he's u.; nature; he's ill–n.d

damm-uw xafiyf (xf;) [n] pleasant; he's p.; nature; he's good–n.d

damm-uw xafiyf (dm;) [n] pleasant; he's p.; nature; he's good–n.d

Danab aDnaab; (*?)Dunubba (Dnb) [n] tail

Danab Dunuwb (Dnb) [n] tail

Danab Dunuwba (Dnb) [n] tail; end?

Danab Dunuwb; aDnaab (Dnb) [n] tail; end?

Danab (*?)Dunubba (Dnb) [n] tail; end?

Darab yaDrab (Drb) [vt] ring (a bell)

Darab yaDrab (Drb) [vi] ring (of a bell)

Darab yaDrab (Drb) [vi] ring (of a telephone)

Darab yaDrab (Drb) [vt] beat; strike; hit

Darab (lay) zawl) talafawn yaDrab (Drb) [vtj] telephone; call (on the phone); ring (up); phone

Darab buhya yaDrab (bha) [nt?] paint

Darab buhya yaDrab (Drb) [vt?] paint

Darab lay yaDrab (Drb) [vj] telephone; call (on the phone); ring (up); phone

Darabta lay–hu (Drb) [vtj] phone; I phoned him

daraja –aat (drj) [n] degree; grade; order; rank

daraja –aat (drj) [n] class (in train, etc.)

daraja –aat (drj) [n] step (of a ladder, stairs)

darajaat as–sillim (slm) [n] stair; s.s of a ladder?/staircase?

darajaat as–sillim (drj) [n] stairs of a ladder?/staircase?

darajaat as–sillim (drj) [n] step; s.s of a ladder?/staircase?

darajaat as–sillim (slm) [n] steps of a ladder?/staircase?

darajat al–HaRaaRa (drj) [n] temperature

darajat al–HaRaaRa (Hr;) [n] temperature

Darar - (Dr;) [n] damage; harm; detriment

daras yadrus (drs) [vt] learn; study

DaraT ? (DrT) [vi] break wind (noisily); wind; break w. (noisily)

Darba –aat (Drb) [ns] blow (single); hit (single)

darda∫ fiy yidardi∫ (drd∫ [vj?] chat about?; discuss?; talk about?

darda∫a –aat (drd∫ [ns] discussion; chat; talk

darib duruwb (drb) [n/] path; trail?; track?; road?; alley; lane

daris duruws (drs) [n/] lesson; chapter (of a textbook)

Darra yaDurr (Dr;) [vt] damage?; hurt?; injure?; harm; impair?; prejudice?

Darra yaDurr (Dr;) [vt] hurt?; injure?; harm; impair?; prejudice?; damage?

Darra yaDurr (Dr;) [vt] injure?; damage; harm?; impair?; hurt?

darrab yidarrib (drb) [vt] train (in sport); drill (in sport)

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