cвязь производителя с потребителем (Lingvo Universal; Academic) (svgjaz´ proizvoditelja s potrebitelem; L.t.: the connection of a manufacturer with a consumer);
информация от потребителя (Lingvo Universal; Academic) (informacija ot potrebitelja; L.t.: economics the information from the consumer);
используемые результаты, полученные в другой области знания (Academic) (ispolzuemye resultaty, poluchennye v drugoj oblasti znaniya; L.t.: the used results, retrieved from another field of knowledge);
(информация о результатах определенных действий для внесения поправок в будущие решения) (Academic) (informacija o rezultatah opredelennyh dejstvij dlya vnesenija popravok v budushhie reshenija; L.t.: infromation about the results of certain actions for making amendments to future decisions);
(регулярные отчеты исполнителей о текущей деятельности) (Academic) (regulyarnye otschety ispolnitelej o tekuschej dejatel´nosti; L.t.: regular report of the performers about current activity).
Although it seems paradoxical, these term forms are too concrete to be exact. The term components do not refer to the main meaning of the term: “the partial reversion of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage” (Merriam-Webster); “process in which the effect or output of an action is 'returned' (fed-back) to modify the next action.” (Business Dictionary). The definition of the term is disclosed in the following form in Russian: обратная связь (OECD-1; Lingvo) (оbratnaja svyaz’; L.t.: reverse connection). In Russian, this term can be attributed to the Pure DT method, because it focuses on the meaning of the term, although it is actually based on the component “back”, close to the semantic component “reverse”. The Russian term is widely used in Ruscorpora (1005 documents) and can be recommended as the translation for the term feedback:
“При ТРВК номинальный валютный курс имеет эндогенную природу, иными словами, существует обратная связь между инфляцией и номинальным курсом” (Moiseev, 2003. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: reverse connection between inflation and nominal rate).
Other term forms
As shown by the previous examples, the Pure DT method was influenced by the source term content rather than its form. This has been proven by other term forms translated into Russian using Pure DT.
For instance, the adverb amicably has the following equivalents in the field of Corporate Governance: по взаимному согласию (IFC) (po vzaimnomu soglasiju; L.t.: using negotiations); путем переговоров (IFC) (putyom peregovorov; L.t.: usingnegotiations); мирным путём (Lingvo Law) (mirnym putjom; L.t.: in a peaceful way). All of the descriptive forms contain a preposition (“по”, “путём” (po, putyom; by, by the way of)) to indicate the function of the term and its use in a specific context. It is interesting to note, that LGP favors the use of direct equivalents: дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно (Lingvo Universal) (druzheski, druzhestvenno, druzhelubno; L.t: in a friendly way, in a friendly manner). Accordingly, the specific use of the term gives a priority to the descriptive structure of the term. At the same time, the Russian term is not oriented towards the source term form.
The term listed company, in the form of a participle and a noun, has the following Pure DT equivalent in Russian: компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах) (Ruscorpora) (kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsya na birzhe (birzhah); L.t.: a company, whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange). The form of the Russian term with a subordinate construction is oriented towards the definition of the English term: “firm whose shares are listed (quoted) on a stock exchange for public trading” (Business Dictionary).
A participle and a noun combination likeroavpipng officer can be translated into Russian with the help of Pure DT: чиновник с правом подписи (IFC) (chinovnik s pravom podpisi; L.t.: an official with the right of a signature). It is interesting to note that the descriptive form based on the meaning of the term receives the form of a participial construction in LSP and dictionaries:
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