Tourism brings in money because tourists spend lavishly on local services like transportation. [turezm pul olib keladi, chunki turestlar transport kabi jamoat xizmatlariga ko’p pul sarflaydi]. The tourism sector is beneficial since it can offer broad employment opportunities for local communities. [turezm sohasi foydali, chunki u mahalliy odamlarga keng ish imkoniyatlarini yaratib berishi mumkin]. I take an anti-tourist position as tourism may cause environmental and cultural damages. [men turezmga qarshiman, chunki u atrof-muhitga va madaniyatga oid zararlarga sabab bo’lishi mumkin]. Now that the travel industry fosters economic development, many people are pro-tourist in their ideology. [hozir turezm iqtisodiy rivojlanishga yordam berganligi uchun ko’p odamlar uni yoqlaydi].
When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
General topic: choosing a job. Controlling issue: is money more important than anything while choosing a job? Position: no, equally important to several factors.
Money: Insuring basic needs and living luxuriously-money is needed. Finding better-paid jobs-being more influential-helping the poor.
Other factors: Working in a friendly environment-finding job fulfillment [ex-better relationships with coworkers-feeling content-better quality of life]. Taking job responsibilities into account-improving career progression [ex-problem solvers should work in challenging jobs to face and combat more problems].
When people look for a job, they usually prioritize the amount of salary provided. Even though money should play a certan role in picking a job, I would argue that there are several factors which have equal importance to the size of salary.
For a variety of reasons, money should be taken into account. Firstly, it is not only required to meet basic necessitates such as health care, education and housing, but highly paid employees can also achieve more luxuries, such as cars and better private houses. In other words, the higher one’s salary is, the more glamorous lifestyle they can lead. Secondly, many individuals who have found well-paid jobs can be more influential:they can help the disadvantaged and feed the undernourished, which may be even more important in developing countries like Uzbekistan. Thus, pursuing a lucrative career can be beneficial in terms of personal and social perspectives.
Nevertheless, I believe that other considerations are of equal significance to the amount of salary offered. It is impossible to find job satisfaction unless one works in a superb working environment with healthy personal relationships. For example, forging closer friendships with their colleagues or managers can help employees improve their levels of happiness and contentment, thereby enhancing general quality of their life. Even more importantly, in order to excel in their position and accelerate their career progression, people should pay attention to the potential job responsibilities. For instance, if one is more passionate about solving problems, then he/she would benefit from working in jobs that can give a lot of challenges and decision-making moments. Although the higher size of salary may usually appeal to workers, these factors play a deeper role in attaining job fulfillment.
In summary, although the amount of money given is certainly necessary to a person’s choice of profession, I do not regard it as the most determining factor in deciding on a career.
Job seekers-ish qidiruvchilar. Look for/seek a job-ish qidirmoq. Choose/pick/decide on a job/career-ish tanlamoq. Prioritize-ustun qo’ymoq. Play a central/main/primary/principal role-asosiy ro’l o’ynamoq. Have equal importance/significance to-nima bilandir teng darajada muhim bo’lmoq. Meet basic/essential/fundamental needs-asosiy ehtiyojlarni ta’minlamoq. Highly paid employees-yuqori maosh oladigan ishchilar. Better-paid/decent/rewarding/well-paid jobs-yuqori maoshli ishlar. A demanding/difficult/stressful job-qiyin ish. Help the poor/disadvantaged/impoverished-kambag’allarga yordam bermoq. Feed the undernourished-ochlarga ovqat bermoq. A high-flying/lucrative career-foydali karera. Pursue/follow a career-biror karerani davom ettirmoq. Career progression/advancement-karerani o’sishi. Find/achieve/attain job satisfaction/fulfillment-ishdan qoniqish hissini topmoq. A working/job environment/atmosphere-ish muhiti. Forge/establish/build a relationship-munosabab o’rnatmoq. Improve their levels of happiness and contentment-baht va xursandchilik darajasini oshirmoq. Enhance general quality of their life-umumiy hayot sifatini oshirmoq. Accelerate/aid/promote/facilitate career progression-karerani o’sishiga ko’maklashmoq. Job responsibilities-ishdagi vazifalar. A determining/deciding/decisive factor-hal qiluvchi omil. A critical/crucial/significant/major factor-muhim omil.