While/whereas-paytda, holbuki.
While this development has financial and mental benefits for individuals, its social and cultural repercussions are greater [bu rivojlanishni odamlar uchun moliyaviy va ruhiy foydalari bo’lgan paytda, uni jamiyat va madaniyatga oid oqibatlari kattaroq].
Many people eat too much fast food, whereas it may cause obesity [ko’pchilik juda ko’p fast food yeydi, holbuki fast food semizlikka sabab bo’lishi mumkin].
Although/even though/despite the fact that-garchi, bo’lsa ham.
Although this idea might prove difficult to implement, I totally support it [Garchi bu go’yani amalga oshirish qiyin bo’lishi mumkin bo’lsada, men uni to’liq qo’llab quvatliyman].
Young people usually opt to study overseas, even though this might be problematic [Yoshlar odatda chet elda o’qishni tanlashadi, bu muammoli bo’lishi mumkin bo’lsada].
Despite the fact that studying abroad might give a wider range of opportunities, I do not support it [Garchi chet elda o’qish ko’proq xil imkoniyatlar bersa ham, men unga qo’shilmiyman].
General topic: crime.
Controlling issue: is its prevention impossible?
Position: it is possible through several solutions.
Imposing tough punishments-deterring current and potential law-breakers from commiting any crime.
Improving education and warning people of criminal activities-informed people do not break the law.
Counterargument-based paragraph:
Some still think crime prevention is impossible due to corruption. But, strict penalties/prison sentences can tackle corruption-budgets spent on new solutions/innovations [ex-cameras can be installed in public places].
In recent times, crime has been an acute global problem, and for some people, its prevention seems impossible. According to me, however, preventing illegal activities is an attainable goal only if governments take proper measures and supervise their spending closely.
There are viable approaches to prevent criminal activities, one of which is to impose stricter punishments like the death penalty. They are highly likely to serve as a deterrent for offenders and potential criminals, in particular among youngsters. On top of that, enhancing educational opportunities and thereby warning people about the ramifications of committing criminal acts might be another solution. When one is informed about what is expected of him/her after breaking the law, they refrain from committing criminal cases. The more afraid or aware people are, the less likely they will do illegal activities.
Nonetheless, some people might argue that crime prevention cannot be accomplished since there is a lot of corruption in many countries, especially in developing nations. However, in my view, if harsh penalties and long-term sentences are introduced for corruptible law enforcement authorities, it can be realistic to eradicate widespread corruption, thereby managing public budgets well. When the money allocated to the prevention of crime is controlled properly, it can be invested in a wide cluster of solutions and innovations. In one instance, through ample money, surveillance cameras may be installed in public places and around the slums. Simply put, once we address the issue of corruption, crime prevention will certainly be an achievable ambition.
In summary, I think there is a possibility of preventing criminal cases through the government finding workable ways and implementing them successfully. Also, it is necessary to overcome the predicament of corruption as it might result in significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile.
An acute/serious/severe/urgent/major problem-jiddiy muammo.
Criminal/illegal activities/acts/cases-noqonuniy ishlar.
Commit a crime/break the law-jinoyatchilik qilmoq.
Find viable/effective/feasible/workable solutions-yaxshi yechimlar topmoq.
Strict/harsh/severe/draconian punishments-qattiq jazolar.
Impose/inflict/administer/mete out a punishment-jazo bermoq.
Enhance/promote/maximize/develop opportunity-imkoniyatni oshirmoq.
Educational/employment/economic/business opportunities.
Refrain from/restrain from-o’zini tiymoq.
Harsh/draconian/heavy/hefty/stiff penalties-katta jarimalar.
Eradicate/eliminate/combat/tackle corruption-korrupsiyani yo’qotmoq.
Address/confront/handle/deal with an issue-muammoni hal qilmoq.
An attainable/achieveable/realistic goal-erishsa bo’ladigan maqsad.
Big/formidable/daunting/enormous obstacles-katta to’siqlar.
Overcome/eliminate/clear/remove obstacles-to’siqlarni yengmoq.
Financial aid/assistance/support-moliyaviy yordam.
Financial difficulties/straits/burden/hardship-moliyaviy muammolar.
Address/approach/combat/tackle/confront/deal with-muammo bilan kurashmoq.
Overcome/cure/fix/rectify/remedy/solve a problem-muammoni hal qilmoq.
Cause/create/lead to/result in problems-muammolarga sabab bo’lmoq.
Physiological/financial/economic/environmental/emotional/behavioral/social/medical/traffic/health problems.
Rehabilitation-qayta tiklanish [qamoqdan chiqqach].
Rehabilitate a prisoner-maxbusni yaxshi hayotga qaytishiga yordam bermoq.
Criminal intentions-jinoyatchilikka moyilliklar.
Struggle financially-moliyaviy jihatdan qiynalmoq.
Reintegrate back into society-jamiyatga qo’shilib ketmoq [qamoqdan chiqqach].
Long/lengthy prison sentences-uzoq muddatli qamoq jazolari.
Adverse/deletirious/damaging/detrimental effects-yomon ta’sirlari.
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