With the improvements in agriculture, we have alleviated global hunger [qishloq xo’jaligidagi yaxshilanishlar yordamida, biz dunyoviy ochlikni yengillashtirdik]. Smoking should be prohibited due to its negative impact on people’s health [Chekish man qilinishi kerak uni odamlar sog’lig’iga yomon tasiri tufayli]. Many people do not take risks owing to their fear [Ko’p odamlar qo’rqoqligi sababli tavakkalchiliklar qilmaydi]. I support this idea because of two reasons [Men bu g’oyani ikkita sabab tufayli qo’llab quvatliyman].
Nowadays, the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships? Has this become a positive or negative development?
General reason: technological advances and mobile phones. General topic:changed interactions because of technology. Controlling issues: in what ways has technology influenced our relationships? Is this positive or negative? Position: in various ways and it is desirable.
Some ways: Making the world a global village-communication without any borders[ex- an uzbek can communicate with Americans. Allowing to make friends easier-friends from different cultures and nationalities.
Positive trend: People working/studying abroad can communicate with their loved ones-not being lonely and homesick. Allowing people to sell/shop from home-saving time-beneficial for both customers and companies. With the advent of technological advances and sophisticated mobile phones, there have been massive transformations in the way of our interaction and communication. While this trend has influenced interpersonal relationships in various ways, I view it as a desirable development.
There are several ways in which technology has affected people’s relationships. It has switched the world into a global village where individuals can communicate with each other with no geographical boundaries. For example, one who lives in Uzbekistan is now technically able to be in contact with people in the UK using social media networks like Facebook and Telegraph. Another field in which the development of technology has affected our life is the way people make friends. Although in the past people used to struggle to create a good circle of friends, the current generation can find new friends from different cultural and national backgrounds. Thus, everyone has already felt the impact of technological breakthroughs in their life.
These changes, in my view, have added up to a positive trend. Many people who study or work overseas can communicate with their family members and friends easily, thereby overcoming negative feelings of homesickness and loneliness. As well as this, the latest internet resources and social media platforms have made it possible to sell or shop from home, which is likely to save a great deal of time and energy. This, in turn, can allow businesses to thrive and customers enjoy a broader range of products and services to buy. Therefore, modern technology is likely to benefit the community as a whole.
In summary, the advancement of technology has affected our way of communicating with each other and building new relationships. It also seems to me that this type of technology intervention in our life has helped anyone in society.
Technological advances/advancements/breakthroughs/developments Massive/remarkable/profound transformations-katta o’zgarishlar. Build/establish/foster/forge/form relationships-munosabatlar o’rnatmoq. Cement/deepen/strengthen/improve a relationship-munosabatni yaxshilamoq. Ruin/strain/undermine/damage a relationship-munosabatni yomonlashtirmoq. Switch/convert/alter/change-o’zgartirmoq. Allow/enable/give sb opportunity-imkoniyat bermoq. Thrive/flourish/prosper-yaxshi rivojlanmoq. Modern/advanced/current/sophisticated technology-zamonaviy texnologiya. Benefit from/gain from-foyda olmoq. Several/various/manifold reasons-turli xil sabablar. Community/society-jamiyat. Affect/influence/impact-ta’sir o’tkazmoq. Feelings of homesickness and loneliness-uyni sog’inish va yilg’izlik hisi.