The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7: 00 pm in

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Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following March 31, 2011 balances in the Balances

Borough’s accounts: General Fund, $38,705.49; Garbage & Refuse, $942.61; Liquid

Fuels, $23,171.18; and Sewer Recovery $251,619.09.
Garbage Fees totaling $2,094.26, including $973.76 in delinquents, and Sewer Recovery Collected

April 4, 2011 (Continued)
Fees fees totaling $21,709.17, including $2,236.05 in delinquents, were collected in March.
Taxes Finance: D. Acker reported that Real Estate Tax collections totaled $38,266.51 for March and Wage Tax collections totaled $9,071.85.
Pay Bills Motion was made By D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby, to pay the bills presented – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for March, 2011).
Police Mayor/Public Safety: M. Dufour read the March report of Police activities. There were 26 total calls, 2 criminal arrests, 5 traffic and 1 non-traffic citation.
Grants: Nothing to report.
Street Streets: B. Beck reported that the street crew has been patching potholes and cleaning

Work catch basins. The storm drains on 20th street has been blasted and the main line for that area has been cleaned out with no major problems found. The trench box on Peach Street was repaired. Alley maintenance is ongoing and the storm drain at the Mix property at 16th and Birch has been cleaned out. Equipment maintenance has been performed.

Cleanup Cleanup Day was discussed. E. Stitt advised that funds are short and Cleanup Day expenses will have to come from the General Fund. Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby. to schedule Cleanup Day for May 18 – ayes 4, nays 1 (W. Campbell).
Paving Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the estimate for paving Robbins Avenue is $65,000.00 and the intersection of 14th and Wemple is $20,000.00. W. Campbell asked the estimate for doing all of 16th Street. Bothell replied that it would be $125,000.00.
Cochran It was noted that there is cracking on Cochran Avenue at 14th Street. B. Bothell is to check it out.
Paving Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby, to obtain bids for paving 16th

16th St. Street from Robbins to Birch Avenue and the intersection of 14th and Wemple – ayes 4, nays 1 (W. Campbell) After further discussion motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby to revoke the motion – ayes 5, nays 0. Motion was then made by D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby, to obtain bids for paving 16th Street, both the entire street and in sections – ayes 4, nays 1 (W. Campbell)

Manholes The Borough’s manholes are being checked for excess flow issues.
11th & 66 B. Bothell explained the work that is needed to correct the sewage problem along route 66 near 11th Street including camera work and replacing the sewer line.
402 20th The results of the camera work and jet blasting of the storm drains around 402 20th Street need to be reviewed, then the job closed out.

April 4, 2011 (Continued)
The storm drain problem at the Mix property on Birch Avenue will require the Mix

installation of a trenchbox on Willow. An estimate for this work of $4,200.00 was Drain

received from B Brothers.
B. Beck noted that if it is determined that the sewage problem at 66 and 11th Street was Sewer

caused by the sewer line being crushed when a nearby stream was piped in by Apollo, 66 & 11th

then they should be responsible for the repairs. Cause
Invitation was received from the Armstrong County Association of Township Officers ACATO

to their meeting on April 29. Cost is $12.00 each for dinner. Meeting

E. Hall noted the need for a tar buggy and a sweeper for the streets. Equipmt
R. Crosby noted that a picture of former Councilman Robert Kennedy has been received. Picture
W. Campbell presented a letter to Kiski Township requesting that a Police officer be Junk

assigned to enforce the junk ordinance. Enf.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary


May 2, 2001
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building by President R. Crosby, who led the

Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were present; D.

Acker, W. Campbell, R. Crosby, M. Dufour, and E. Hall. Also present were Sec’y E.

Stitt, Solicitor T. Geary, Ben Bothell from Senate Engineering, and Equipment Operator

B. Beck. Mayor E. Artman was not present.

Minutes of the meeting of April 4, 2011 were accepted as presented by motion of W. Minutes

Campbell, seconded by E. Hall – ayes 5, nays 0.

Discussion took place with visitor Walter Keeley, 507 13th Street, regarding the prop- W. Keeley

erty next door at 1307 Robbins Avenue. The property is dilapidated and Keeley Property

proposes to purchase and clean it up. It is unknown if the property taxes are paid or the Nxt Door

lot is for sale. T. Geary is to look into the matter. Also, another neighbor’s collapsing

garage was discussed.
Solicitor’s Report: T. Geary reported that there had been a meeting in Washington Meeting

Township to discuss Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority lawsuit. Geary Sewer

expressed the opinion that there is no action the Borough needs to take at this time. Suit
May 2, 2011 (Continued)
Helmet T. Geary noted that the State helmet law requires children under 12 to wear a helmet when biking.
Hilty The Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County is working on installing a new water

Water line to the property line for the William Hilty property on 12th Street. Of course, it is

Line understood that Hilty will be responsible for any water line work needed from the street to his house. In exchange for the line the Water Authority wants the Fire Department to use only the fire hydrants along River Road near the UPS terminal for its practices. Using those hydrants will eliminate problems with dirty water during practices..
Tresco A statement of account for the 2010 paving work was received from Tresco Paving, but no more action on the matter by the Borough was recommended and the matter should be considered closed.
Garbage The garbage amnesty letters have been sent out and the Solicitor’s staff is working on the sewer recovery letters.
Tax BOR A notice that the Taxpayer Bill of Rights will be used was presented. This should be sufficient for use by the new Earned Income Tax Collector.
Water B. Beck advised that the dirty water problem during fire practice is not the Fire Department’s fault, but id due to the Water Authority not doing routine maintenance on the hydrants.
Police Mayor’s Report: M. Dufour read the monthly report of Police activity in the Borough. There were 15 total calls, three traffic and one non-traffic citation. One Officer has been assigned to handle junk ordinance violations. Violators names will not be given out.
Junk Ord Officer Darhl Goldinger is working on junk car violations. D. Acker expressed concern about the Police using an equal hand to enforce the ordinances.
Balances Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following April 30, 2011 balances in the Borough’s accounts: General Fund, $74,249.50; Garbage & Refuse, $1,015.82; Liquid Fuels, $54,900.14; and Sewer Recovery, $4247,30.38.
Collected Garbage Fees totaling $6,615.71, including $882.75 in delinquents, and Sewer Recovery fees totaling $8,039.14, including $1,201.27 in delinquents, were collected in April.
Taxes Finance: Earned Income Tax collections totaled $12,713.76 for March and $9,055.79 for April. Real Estate Tax collections totaled $42,531.79 for April
Pay Bills Motion to pay the bills presented was made by D. Acker, seconded by E. Hall – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for May, 2011).
Property & Ordinance: Nothing to report.
Crimes Public Safety: M. Dufour noted that tiure slashing and copper theft incidents were

May 2, 2011 (Continued)
reported by the Neighborhood Watch but were not mentioned in the Police Report.
Streets: B. Beck reported that about ¾ of the catch basins have been cleaned. The Street

drain on Willlow Street has been finished. One of the parks is open. Three tons of pea Work

gravel was donated by Ken and Wendy Minik. Alley work and mowing has been

ongoing. The sanitary sewer at 16th Street and Clarion Alley has been snaked out, but

the pipe might need to be replaced. Pothole patching is being done..
Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the bid ad for the 2011 paving project will be in the Paving

paper on May 6. Days that there will be activities that would prohibit paving work were

discussed. July 7 & 8 and September 17 were mentioned.
The drains surrounding the Toland property on 20th Street were inspected and no major Toland

defects were found. Drain

B. Bothell attended the Apollo Borough meeting to discuss the 11th Street sewer. Apollo 11th St.

is agreeable to taking over the sewer maintenance and sewer recovery collections on the Sewer

two North Apollo houses involved once the sewer is repaired. The beauty shop owner

wants to have her parking lot paved in exchange for a sewer right of way. An estimate for

the work will have to be obtained. Camera work for the sewer line will be approximately

$3,000.00. Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by E. Hall, to authorize digging and

camera work an the 11th Street/River Road sewer – ayes 5, nays 0.
The condition of 16th Street was discussed. B. Bothell gave the opinion that the upper 16th St

end of the street from Cochran Avenue to Oakwood, is in the worst shape.

An application for a handicapped parking space at 1415 Robbins Avenue was received Hndicp

from Nathaniel and Amy Hepler. Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by R. Crosby, Space

to grant a handicapped parking space at 1415 Robbins Avenue.
The 2010 Audit Report was presented. Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by Audit

D. Acker, to accept the 2010 Audit Report as presented – ayes 5, nays 0.

Discussion took place regarding presetting the date for completion of next year’s Audit..
There being no further business to discuss. R. Crosby declared the meeting adjourned at

8:15 PM..


Edward L. Stitt Jr

Borough Secretary

June 6, 2011
No The regularly scheduled meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was to take place

Quorum at 7:00 PM in the conference room of the municipal building. Present were D. Acker and W. Campbell. As no quorum was present, no business could be transacted and the meeting was rescheduled for Monday, June 13, 2011 at 7:00 PM.


Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary
June 13, 2011
North Apollo Borough Council met in special session at 7:00 PM in the conference room of the municipal building, Vice President D. Acker presiding. Roll call of members: The following members were present; D. Acker, W. Campbell, M. Dufour, and E. Hall. Absent was President R. Crosby. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor T. Geary, Engineer B. Bothell, and Street Laborer William Faber. The meeting was called due to a lack of a quorum for the regular meeting of June 6.
Mayor D. Acker welcomed Mayor E. Artman, who has been absent recently due to health issues.
Minutes W. Campbell advised that it should be noted in the May 2 minutes that the $50 fee was paid for the handicapped parking space that Council approved on Robbins Avenue. Minutes of the meeting of May 2, 2011 were then accepted as corrected by motion of W. Campbell, seconded by D. Acker – ayes 4, nays 0.

Paving Engineer: B. Bothell reported that three companies submitted bids for the 2011 paving

Bids program. The bids were broken down into four contracts. Contract 1 was for paving all of 16th Street from State Route 56/66 to Birch Avenue. Contract 2 was for 16th Street from 56/66 to Robbins Avenue. Contract 3 was for 16th Street from Robbins to Birch. Contract 4 was for paving the intersection of 14th Street and Wemple Avenue. Bids were as follows:

Tresco Paving. Contract 1 $104,516.00, Contract 2 $54,027.50, Contract 3 $49,888.50, Contract 4 $12,032.00.

Derry Construction Contract 1, $108,221.25, Contract 2, $65,742.50, Contract 3 $60,062.50, Contract 4, $20,766.00.
El Grande Industries Contract 1 $134,322.50, Contract 2, $71,065.00 Contract 3, $65,372.00, Contract 4, $21,983.00.
Culverts W. Faber advised that two culvert pipes on the upper end of 16th Street will need to be repaired before paving is done. Discussion took place with B. Bothell stating that the cost would be less than the bid threshold for both pipes and money could be saved by having
June 13, 2011 (Continued)
the street crew do part of the work. It was also noted that Sewer Recovery funds could

be used.
Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by M. Dufour, to accept the bid of Tresco Tresco

Paving for contracts 3 and 4 of the 2011 paving program for a total cost of $61,920.50 - Bid

ayes 3, nays 1 (W. Campbell) Cont 3-4

B. Bothell reported that the storm sewer at Moore Avenue and 19th Street is blocked St. Sewer

and needs to have camera work to find the problem. Motion was made by D. Acker, Moore

seconded by W. Campbell, to have the storm sewer at Moore and 19th cameraed to 19th

determine the cause of the blockage – ayes 4, nays 0.

The storm drain around the basketball court area of Helen Clark Playground needs work Park

and B. Bothell did a survey to determine the slope. Drain

The 11th Street sanitary sewer plans are mostly complete. The pipe will be replaced and 11th St.

two manholes installed. T. Geary advised that Apollo Borough will not take over the Sewer

sewer maintenance and billing of the properties involved. North Apollo will keep the

properties and pay the sewage transport cost to Apollo. The project should be advertised

for bids in July with opening in August. Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by E.

Hall to authorize the advertising for bids of the 11th Street sewer project – ayes 4, nays 0.

B. Bothell announced that his wife gave birth to a baby girl, and both are doing well. Baby
Public Participation: The high grass at the old school property was discussed. W. Faber Grass

reported that the grass had been cut but not raked.

A report of poison Ivy growing in the hedges on a property on 16th Street was discussed. Poison

T. Geary recommended contacting the property owner about this.

Solicitor: T. Geary addressed issues with the application for the Neighborhood Watch N. Watch

program. The application should refer to the Neighborhood Watch, not Crime Watch.. App.

Also, safe house owners need to have background checks.
At the request of the North Apollo V.F.D., motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by Street

M. Dufour, to close Acheson Avenue on July 8 and 9 for the annual street fair – ayes 4, Fair

nays 0.
T. Geary advised that the Borough is an involuntary plaintiff in the suit between KVWPCA

Leechburg and Vandergrift and the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority. Suit

He discussed the matter with the Judge and was told the Borough does not need to act.

The Borough’s rights will be protected by the KVWPCA.

The floodplain Ordinance is still in progress. F.P Ord.
The Neighborhood Blight Revitilization Act could be applied to the 1307 Robbins. T. Blight

Geary recommended that Code Enforcement Officer Sam Ross be instructed to make Act

June 13, 2011 (Continued)
a list of violations on that property. After discussion, motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by D. Acker, to have Sam Ross compile a list of violations on the Brueggeman property on Robbins Avenue and the Blystone property on Center Avenue – ayes 3, nays 1 (E. Hall).
Hydrant It was noted that the grass had been cleared from the fire hydrant at 13th Street and Clark

Cleared Avenue.

Fire T. Geary advised that the Water Authority wants the Fire Department to use the fire

Practice hydrants near the U.P.S. terminal on River Road for practice rather than the hydrant near the fire hall. This should avoid problems with dirty water.

Balances Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following May 31, 2011 balances in the Borough’s accounts: General Fund, $113,175.19; Garbage & Refuse, $7,250.96; Liquid Fuels, $53,467.43; and Sewer Recovery, $235,857.34.
Collected Garbage Fee collections for May totaled $12,778.85, including $4,135.56 in delinquents. Sewer Recovery Fee collections totaled $2,814.55, including $2,563.99 in delinquents. Most of the delinquents were collected due to the amnesty letters that were sent out.
Police Mayor’s Report/Police: E. Artman read the Police Activities report for May. The Police issued 3 traffic and 3 non-traffic citations and 3 verbal warnings.
Grass Property & Ordinance: W. Campbell suggested having the Borough workers mow the

Fee high grass around town then charge a fee to the property owners. T Geary recommended against having Borough employees mow private property.

Speed Streets: W. Faber asked if the street crew should paint the stopwatch lines on River

Lines Road. W. Campbell said not to paint them, that speed enforcement should be concentrated on the streets. The yellow curb on Acheson by the fire hall was discussed.

Street W. Faber reported that the street crew has been cleaning catch basins, patching, mowing,

Repairs repairing alleys, and cleaning out garbage cans on the streets. Eight dumpsters were used for Cleanup Day. A fallen tree on Moore Avenue was cleaned up. Time was spent with the engineer on several projects. A possible 15 m.p.h. speed limit in town was mentioned. T. Geary noted that it would hard to enforce. The need for the Water Authority to repair excavation sites on Acheson Avenue was mentioned. The littering law was discussed.

Taxes Finance: D. Acker reported that Wage Tax collections totaled $11,772.57 for April and $12,603.76 for May. Real Estate Tax collections totaled $88,782.85 for May.
Pay Bills W. Campbell questioned a bill for a spotlight and W. Faber explained it was needed for street work. Motion to pay the bills presented was made by D. Acker, seconded by W. Campbell – ayes 4, nays 0.
Exec. Motion was made by D. Acker, seconded by M. Dufour, to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter – ayes 4, nays 0.

June 13, 2011 (Continued)
Motion to return to regular session was made by D. Acker, seconded by W. Campbell – Session

ayes 4, nays 0.

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by D. Acker, to change the Secretary’s Sec’y

Health Insurance plan to a $1,500.00 deductible plan with the Borough paying the Health

deductible upon documentation, saving the Borough about $1,200 in premiums for the Plan

year – ayes 4, nays 0.

There being no further business to discuss, D. Acker declared the meeting adjourned at

8:25 PM.

Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary


July 11, 2011
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building by Vice President D. Acker, who led

the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of members: Present were D. Acker, M. Dufour, and

E. Hall. Absent were R. Crosby and W. Campbell. Also present were Sec’y E. Stitt,

Solicitor T. Geary, B. Bothell from Senate Engineering, and Equipment Operator B.

Beck. Mayor E. Artman was not present.

Minutes of the meeting of June 13, 2011 were accepted as presented by motion of M. Minutes

Dufour, seconded by E. Hall – ayes 3, nays 0.

Public Participation: Alain Bresinger, of Young Lungs at Play urged Council to make Tobacco

the Borough’s parks tobacco free. After discussion the request was turned over to T. Free Park

Geary for a recommendation.
Discussion took place with Pat Froncek, 1223 Wysocki Avenue, regarding his plans to Froncek

turn his property at 1233 Wysocki into a campground/hostel for tourists using the river Campgrd

and planned rails to trails facility. T. Geary advised that even though the property was

formerly used for businesses, it is now located in an R-1 zone. The best way to establish

the type of business proposed is to apply for a zoning variance.
T. Geary reported that the entire M Line Railroad property, including the section that M Line

is located in North Apollo, has been deeded to the Roaring Run Watershed Association Taxes

for development as a rails to trails and recreation area. A letter was received from Apollo

Borough asking that the 2009-10 property taxes be exonerated on this property, but the

taxes have already been paid through March of 2010. Apollo Borough will be contacted

to correct this matter and see that the Borough receives the taxes that are owed it.

Visitor Mark Lees, Wemple Avenue, noted that the grass and hedges are not cut on the Grass

property at the intersection of Leonard Avenue and Sowers alley. This will be brought Hedges

to the attention of Code Enforcement Officer Sam Ross and the Police.

July 11, 2011 (Continued)
Paving Engineer: B. Bothell reported that Tresco paving has not yet sent the documents for the paving project, but they should be here shortly. Tresco is still disputing the payment for last year’s project.
16th St B Brothers and the street crew repaired two storm culverts on 16th Street.
11th St. Boundary information is being collected for the 11th Street sewer project, and the right of

Sewer way still needs to be settled. The project will be bid in July for opening at the August meeting.

Moore & The camera work on the Moore Avenue and 19th Street storm sewer showed two extra

19th Swr pipes going into the main line. The area needs to be dug up and the B Brothers are to do that July 12.

Park Drn The drainage at Helen Clark Playground was checked out and a recommendation made to the street crew. It’s not sure if the fix will be a total success.
Street Streets: B. Beck noted that the B Brothers did a nice job repairing the culverts on 16th

Report a tar buggy was purchased from W. W. Rearick for $2500.00. Now a price for tar is needed. The crew has been painting lines and curbs and mowing grass. Eight tons of pea gravel was purchased for Ron Kerr Park. A broken manhole lid on Wilson Avenue was replaced with a spare that was available. The Moore and 19th storm sewer is to be worked on tomorrow. The highlift bucket has holes rusted in it that need to be welded. That will be taken to W. Faber’s garage when time allows. The Fire Department grossed $6,100.00 at their street fair.

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