The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7: 00 pm in

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Streets: W. Campbell recommended obtaining prices to grade the alleys.
Curb B. Bothell advised that the cost of installing a curb at the end of Hickory Nut Road should be minimal.
C. Basin A price of $6,470.00 was received from B. Brothers for installing a catch basin and curb to

Willow alleviate flooding problems in the Birch Avenue, Willow Street area. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay, to have the B Brothers install a catch basin and curb at Willow Street and Birch Avenue for $6,470.00 – ayes 5, nays 0.

Curb Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Hall, to have a curb installed across the intersection of 16th Street and Hickory Nut Road – ayes 5, nays 0.
Pay Bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to pay the bills presented – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for September, 2013).
MMO’s Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to approve the Minimum Municipal Obligations for the Pension Funds as follows: Non-Uniformed Pension Plan, $4,062.48, Police Pension Plan, no funding requirement – ayes 5, nays 0.
St. Swr. Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the 18th Street storm sewer project has been completed and he recommended payment of the bill.
Paving The street paving project has been completed but there were errors found on the billing. The corrected bill will be presented at the October 7 meeting.
Sewer State Pipe will be called to clean out the storm sewer lines in the area of Wilson Avenue,

Cleaning Hickory Nut Road, and 18th Street.

C. Basin The catch basin and curb at Willow Street and Birch Avenue will be scheduled for completion.
16th Curb The curb at the intersection of 16th Street and Hickory Nut Road will be done.
Ord 314 Solicitor: Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to adopt Ordinance

September 9, 2013 (Continued)
Number 314-2013, an ordinance amending chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances, Grass

Borough of North Apollo, related to governing solid waste management in and through On Sts

the Borough – ayes 5, nays 0.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to adopt the sewer main- Swr Maint.

tenance agreement with Kiskiminetas Township for the sewer in the Oakwood, Locust Agreement

Avenue area – ayes 5, nays 0.
Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by W. Campbell, to purchase a time clock at Time Clock

a cost not to exceed $500.00 – ayes 5, nays 0.

Adjournment was moved by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton – ayes 5, nays 0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.


Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary


October 7, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building with the following members present;

E. Burns and T. Newton. Absent were E. Barclay, E. Hall, and W. Campbell. As there

was no quorum present, no business could be conducted, and those present agreed to

reschedule the meeting for Monday, October 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

Edward L. Stitt Jr

Borough Secretary


October 14, 2013
North Apollo Borough Council met in special session at 7:00 PM in the conference Special

room of the municipal building. The meeting was called for general purposes due to Session

a lack of a quorum on October 7, 2013. President E. Burns presided over the meeting

and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were

present; E. Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, E. Hall, and T. Newton. Also present were

Mayor E. Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Utri, B. Bothell of Senate Engineering,

Equipment Operator B. Beck, and Code Enforcement Officer S. Ross.
No action was taken regarding the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2013 due to Minutes

a question about a motion made near the end of the meeting.

Public Participation: The following residents spoke before Council:
Patrick Froncek, 1223 Wysocki Avenue, questioned charging the Fire Protection P. Froncek

Services fee for the full year when the bills were sent out in June. He also questioned Fire Fee

the charging multiple unit dwellings a lower fee per unit than single units.

Ron Good, 408 20th Street, suggesting charging a single rate for all units. R. Good

A. Urti noted he was preparing a letter to Thomas Deal, owner of Mid-Towne Plaza, T. Deal

Regarding the Fire Protection Fee structure.

Bob Knell, 1911 Moore Avenue, initiated discussion regarding the capacities of the B. Knell

Borough’s storm sewers. Knell also questioned the need to call 9 1 1 to have his Sewers

basement pumped out during the August 28 storm.

Debbie Stankus, 1734 Acheson Avenue, complimented W. Campbell and B. Beck for D. Stankus

recent work done on the streets and sewers. Streets

Jason Burns, 1313 Clark Avenue, reported on conditions at 1315 Clark. J. Burns

Ralph and June Kilgore, 1906 Moore Avenue, noted the need to have the sewers Kilgore

inspected, which led to discussion of the cost of repairing the sewers. Also, repairs to Sewers

their property were discussed with S. Ross.

Jeff Hines, 1837 Hickory Nut Road, noted that Hickory Nut Road is eroding due to J. Hines

water problems. Erosion

Laura Ford, 1908 Moore Avenue, expressed continued interest in serving as the L. Ford

Borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator. Motion was made by T. Newton, EMC

seconded by W. Campbell, to nominate Laura Ford to be the Emergency Management

Coordinator – ayes 5, nays 0. Her name will be presented to the County Emergency

Management Office.

Ron Good offered to help with studying storm sewer drawings.
Trick or Treat night was discussed. Motion was made by T. Newton, to schedule Trick Trick

or Treat night for Wednesday, October 30, 2013 from 6 to 8 PM – ayes 5, nays 0 Treat

Code Enforcement: S. Ross reported that information on the storm sewers was turned St Swrs

over to B. Bothell. Problems getting repairs done on Sheriff Sale properties was

W. Campbell discussed farming out grass mowing of abandoned properties and saving Mowing

the street crew for street and storm sewer duties.

October 14, 2013 (Continued)
1304 Discussion took place regarding the fence and swimming pool at the vacant house at 1304

Leonard Leonard Avenue. Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to have the

Fence and pool at 1304 Leonard Avenue taken down – ayes 4, nays 1 (E. Hall).
Tree Visitor Jason Burns noted that there is a tree on Schall Alley that encroaches on the right

Schall of way enough to impede emergency vehicles. A price will be obtained to remove the tree.

Paving Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the paving program has been completed. Also, storm

St. Swr. drainage work on Birch Avenue and Willow Street has been completed and payment of

the bills for the projects was recommended.
18th St The lines under 18th Street and Hickory Nut Road have been cleaned out as well as

Repairs possible. Cost to repair and open 18th Street will be approximately $26,500.00.

St. Swr E. Burns asked for a cost estimate for design of the storm sewers from 16th street to the north end of town.
Curb The curb will be installed across 16th Street at Hickory Nut Road and on Hickory Nut in front of 611 16th Street. E. Artman left the meeting.

Oakwood The water line for the Oakwood Avenue area has been funded by the County and the DEP.


Cedar Discussion took place with B. Beck regarding the need to spend Borough money on the

Dispute dispute on Cedar Avenue. It was explained that it was a matter of a Borough right of way.
Gutters S. Ross stated that there are problems with roof gutters being turned out into yards and draining onto neighbors’ property.
Manhole Visitor Ron Good noted that a manhole on 19th Street needs to be welded or bolted down.
Alleys Streets: Discussion took place regarding to what extent the alleys need to be graded and where to obtain the equipment.
C. Basins W. Campbell reported that the Borough’s catch basins are being cleaned.
Pay Bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to pay the bills presented, except for the State Pipe invoices which B. Bothell wishes to study first – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for October, 2013).
Deal Ltr Solicitor: Discussion took place regarding sending an answer to Tom Deal’s letter.
Apollo Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay, to write a letter to Apollo

11th St stating that the Borough has no objection to Apollo Borough taking over the 11th Street outfall – ayes 5, nays 0.

Exec. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to go into executive session

October 14, 2013 (Continued)
To discuss a potential litigation matter – ayes 5, nays 0. Session
Motion to return to regular session was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton –

ayes 5, nays 0. Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by E. Barclay, to respond Answer

to a letter and survey from Donald Acker – ayes 5, nays 0.
E. Stitt advised that an e-mail group of Borough residents is being formed so that E-Mail

important information can be sent on line. Also, a budget proposal will be prepared Group

for the November meeting. Anyone wishing to meet with the Secretary to work on the Budget

should contact the Secretary.

Discussion took place with visitor David Speer regarding the right of way matter. ROW
Adjournment was moved at 8:35 PM by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton – ayes 5,

Nays 0.

Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary

November 4, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns, who led the

Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members: The following members were present; E.

Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, E. Hall, and T. Newton. Also present were Mayor E.

Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Urti, B. Bothell from Senate Engineering, and Code

Enforcement Officer S. Ross.

A motion entered into the September 9, 2013 meeting minutes that repeated action Motion

taken earlier in the meeting and whose correct purpose could not be recalled was Stricken

discussed. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to strike the

motion that repeated authorization for the catch basin/curb on Birch Avenue and the

curb at 16th and Hickory Nut from the September 9, 2013 minutes – ayes 5, nays 0.
Corrected minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2013, the cancelled meeting of Minutes

October 7, 2013, and the rescheduled meeting of October 14, 2013, were accepted as

presented by motion of T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell – ayes 5, nays 0.
Public Participation: Visitor Carole Kennedy, 1504 Birch Avenue, asked for stone Kennedy

for Willow Street. Willow

Visitor Ronald McMunn, 2137 Stoops Court, noted that cracks in the streets need to McMunn

be tarred. W. Campbell advised that there is not enough manpower. St. Sealing

Visitor June Kilgore, 1906 Moore Avenue, thanked the street crew for filling her parking Kilgore

space. Park Space

Visitor Debbie Stankus, 1734 Acheson Avenue, asked for children playing signs or D. Stankus

speed bumps to slow traffic on Acheson Avenue. Also, parking near the skating rink Slow Traff.

was discussed.
Visitor Joni Kolegraf, 1608 Acheson Avenue, complained of being double billed for J. Kolegraf

Garbage. The records will be checked. Garb. Bill

Visitor Robin Rearick, 1211 Oakwood Avenue, noted that there are sinkholes on her R. Rearick

property. She was advised to check into possible mine subsidence. Sinkholes

Streets: W. Campbell advised that he has a list of properties that have items sitting on Rights of

Borough rights of way. Way Blked

David Speer, 906 Peach Street, requested permission to tap a spring and his garage drain Speer

into a nearby storm sewer. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell Drain

to allow Mr. Speer to tap his spring and drain into the storm sewer after B. Bothell

inspects the work – ayes 5, nays 0.

Grading of alleys was discussed. It was decided to hold any action until the next meeting Alley

And the receipt of additional information.

November 4, 2013 (Continued)
B. Beck W. Campbell reported that B. Beck will be off work for a day or two for medical reasons.


Pt. Time Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to advertise for applications

Laborer for part-time street laborer, with applications to be accepted until November 15 – ayes 5, nays 0.

Recorder It was decided to look into the purchase of a digital recorder to record the meetings.
Fire Fee W. Campbell suggested charging all units the same fire protection fee.
Pay Bills Finance: Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to pay the bills presented – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for November, 2013).
Fire Fee Budget: The proposed 2014 Budget was presented. E. Barclay proposed using $15,000.00

Lowering of General Fund money to offset part of the Fire Protection Services Fee, then lowering the fee to $50.00 for single units and $25.00 for multiple unit residences. Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by W. Campbell, to have a resolution written to lower the Fire Protection Services Fee to $50.00 for single units and $25.00 for multiple unit dwellings – ayes 4, nays 0, abstaining 1 (T. Newton due to fire department membership)

Budget Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay, to advertise the Budget for 2014

Advert. for adoption at the December 2, 2013 meeting – ayes 5, nays 0.

Workers Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to write a letter asking the State

Comp. Workers Insurance Fund to transfer the fire department’s workers compensation history to their policy – ayes 5, nays 0.

Police Mayor’s Report: E. Artman read the report of Police activities for October. There were 33 total calls, 16 incidents recorded, 1 arrest, 1 traffic and 1 non-traffic citation.
Fine Discussion took place regarding the Kiskiminetas Township proposal to forego the annual

Money increase in the fee we pay them for Police services in exchange for the Township receiving the fine money that results from Police citations. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to accept Kiskiminetas Township’s proposal to exchange the annual Police Service fee increase for the fine money resulting from Police citations – ayes 4, nays 1 (E. Hall).

J. Hines Discussion took place regarding Police service with visitor Jeff Hines, 1837 Hickory Nut

Police Road.

Motel Code Enforcement: S. Ross noted that language is needed in the Zoning Ordinance to

Regs. cover motels and other types of lodging in the B-1 and B-2 districts. A. Urti stated that an active planning commission doing a comprehensive update of the Zoning Ordinance would be advisable.

ZHB Discussion took place regarding S. Ross’s recommendation that another attorney be hired

Lawyer for the Zoning Hearing Board.

November 4, 2013 (Continued)
S. Ross reported that a fence has fallen down at the corner of Leonard Avenue and Fence

that he had a report of high grass at 1315 Clark Avenue. Grass

Engineer: B. Bothell reported that he contacted 6 contractors regarding repairs to 18th 18th St.

Street but only received 1 quote, $15,798.00 from Bauer Excavating. Motion was made Repairs

by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to accept the proposal from Bauer Excavating, to

repair the sinkhole and storm sewer on 18th Street for $15,798.00 unless a lower quote

is received – ayes 5, nays 0.
The curb at 16th Street and Hickory Nut Road has been completed. 16th Curb
A feasibility study for renovations to the storm sewer system will cost at least $7,500.00. St. Swr.

The scope of the study work was explained. Motion was made by W. Campbell, Feasibility

seconded by T. Newton, to go forward with the feasibility study for the storm sewer

system – ayes 5, nays 0.

Discussion took place regarding the water line on Hickory Nut Road. No response has Hick Nut

been received from the water authority, and the street is being damaged. Water Line

Downspouts at 1706 Wilson Avenue are flowing onto the property at 1714 Wilson. Drains

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to write a letter to the 1706 Wils.

owners of 1706 Wilson Avenue directing them to correct their downspouts so that

they do not empty onto neighboring property – ayes 5, nays 0.

Discussion took place regarding concern about the trench drain on Allegheny Alley being Trench

inadequate. It was decided to check with B Brothers about installing a larger drain. Drain

In response to questions regarding sewer capacities, B. Bothell presented the following Pipe

capacities for different sized pipe; 8”, 583 gallons per minute; 12”, 808 gallons per Capacity

minute; 15”, 3097 gallons per minute; 18”, 5027 gallons per minute; 24”, 10,816 gallons

per minute.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay, to advertise Ordinance #315- Tax Ord.

2013, which sets the Real Estate Tax Rate for 2014 at 11.59 mills for adoption on

December 2 – ayes 5, nays 0.
Discussion took place with visitor Barbara Burns, 1405 Leonard Avenue, regarding Fire Dept

the consequences if the Fire Department should fold.

Adjournment was moved at 8:10 PM by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton – ayes 5,

nays 0.

Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary

December 2, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were present, E. Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, and T. Newton. Absent was E. Hall. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Urti, B. Bothell of Senate Engineering, and Equipment Operator B. Beck.
Minutes Minutes of the meeting of November 4, 2013 were accepted as presented by motion of E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton – ayes 4, nays 0.
Horneman Public Participation: Visitor Anita Horneman, 1219 Wysocki Avenue, complained of

Salvage junk vehicles and parts cluttering the alley next to the salvage yard, making the alley

Yard impassable. E. Artman will discuss the matter with Code Enforcement Officer Sam Ross.
Froncek Discussion took place with visitor Patrick Froncek, regarding regulations for the operation

Salvage of the salvage yard.

R. Knell Discussion took place with visitor Robert Knell, 1911 Moore Avenue, regarding the

Allegheny plowing of Allegheny Alley. His opinion was that the alley should not be plowed because

Alley stone gets pushed into the storm drains.
Froncek Visitor Patrick Froncek questioned the policy of not handing out meeting minutes until

Minutes they have been approved by Council. A. Urti explained the need for this policy.

Street Streets: W. Campbell reported that the gas line at the Borough Building had to be

Report replaced. Also, the snow plows and spreader have been repaired and plow edges replaced in preparation for winter. The storm drain on Locust Avenue has been completed, as have the repairs to 18th Street and the trench drain on Allegheny Alley. The parks have been closed for the winter.

Trench Finance: E. Burns noted that since Senate recommended the wrong size for the trench

Bill drain on Allegheny Alley, they should consider covering part of the cost of the replacement. Motion was then made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to pay the bills presented, with the exception of the bill for $3,500.00 from Bauer Excavating for replacement of the trench drain on Allegheny Alley – ayes 4, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for December, 2013).

Budget The 2014 Budget was discussed. It was decided that $15,000.00 of General Fund money that was earmarked for street paving should be reserved instead for the Fire Department and that the Fire Protection Services Fee should be reduced to $50.00 for individual homes and all commercial units and $25.00 for multiple unit residences. Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to adopt the Budget for 2014 as amended – ayes 4, nays 0.
Ord. 315 Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to adopt Ordinance #315

Tax Rate -2013, which sets the Real Estate Tax rate at 11.59 mills for 2014 – ayes 4, nays 0.

December 2, 2013 (Continued)
Discussion took place with visitor Anita Horneman regarding the Fire Department books Fire Dept

and requirements that records of Borough money spent be made available to Council. Books

Visitor Marlene Beck, 1423 Center Avenue, asked that the annual check be sent to the M. Beck

Apollo Library and that consideration be given to paying earlier in the year and possibly Library

making several installments instead of one payment. Payment
W. Campbell reported that he received a quote from David Ross to grade the alleys for Alley

$50.00 per hour. Grading

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to purchase a digital Recorder

recorder to record the meetings at a cost not to exceed $225.00 – ayes 4, nays 0. Purch.

W. Campbell advised that anti-skid material is becoming hard to obtain at a reasonable Anti-Skid

cost. B. Beck noted that they are available from W. W. Rearic at present.

Mayor’s Report: Nothing to report.
Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the 18th Street repairs were completed by Bauer 18th St

Excavating. Another quote was received for the work, but it was higher than Bauer. Repairs

The storm sewer feasibility study is underway. Feasibility
A letter was sent to the owners of 1706 Wilson Avenue regarding their roof drains Roof

needing to be directed away from the neighbors’ properties. 1706 Wils.

The Allegheny Alley trench drain has been completed, also by Bauer Excavating. Trench Dr.
The Fire Department was denied a grant for two handicapped accessible restrooms. Restroom

Only one unisex restroom can be covered. The grant application can be modified and Grant

David Speer’s storm drain connection was discussed. So far, the work has not been Speer

done. Speer is to be asked to do the job when Senate has an inspector in town. St. Drain

The possibility of Senate Engineering sharing the cost of the Allegheny Alley trench Allegheny

drain was discussed. E. Burns advised B. Bothell to ask for half the cost. Trench

W. Campbell reported that the applicants for part time street laborer were interviewed R. Peck

and Ronald Peck, 1406 Leonard Avenue, was recommended for the job. Motion was Laborer

made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton, to hire Ronald Peck as part time street

laborer – ayes 4, nays 0.

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