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It is the relationship that people have with each other, from which trust arises, from which
collaboration arises, that is very determinant for organizational success
.” (Resp. 7)
Both within a business and academic environment, organizations need to think about their
motivation to implement NWW, and define how the workplace can facilitate to that goal (Resp. 1).
When you want to increase organizational attachment, creating a pleasant and welcoming work
environment in which you are inspired and where you want to be, contributes avoidance of
decreasing organizational attachment, since people then will come to the office workplace instead of
them working at home (Resp. 1; Resp. 3; Resp. 4; Resp. 7; Resp. 12; Resp. 14; Resp. 17).
Context creates behavior, so facilitate what you want to achieve
.” (Resp. 1)
I think there’s an expression of appreciation in a well-established work environment, to
which was paid attention
.” (Resp. 12)
Creating a fancy office concept to compensate for the loss of fixed workplaces does not work; you
need to optimally facilitate people in their work (Resp. 3). The office needs to be set up to
accommodate virtual workers, so that they do not feel segregated and excluded and therefore
welcomed back, in order to improve the attachment (Resp. 13). Organizations need to use design to
connect people and give opportunities to learn from other people (Resp. 1; Resp. 8). Spaces need to
be layout and used to build those connections, which leads to development and learning. Use space
not because it’s the coolest space, but to accomplish a really clear organizational goal (Resp. 8). A
simple intervention such as the strategic placement of coffee machines can contribute to that (Resp.
1; Resp. 4; Resp. 17). Both in the academic and business environment, people need to be facilitated
in their functional, social, and emotional needs (Resp. 7). This means understanding what types of
activities people are likely to do when they come to the office, which varies across organizations;
there is no ‘one size fits all’ (Resp. 13). Organizations thus need to create better experiences in order
to prevent a decrease or even create an increase in organizational attachment. Universities have
always been quite good at that; it’s a special environment, to which people are attracted (Resp. 11).
“It all comes down to: what do you need to do, and does the organization support the way
you need to work. It doesn’t matter if that means in a building, or giving me the technology to
work elsewhere.”
(Resp. 5)
“NWW doesn’t work, unless when people actually go into the office, it’s like an organizational
anchor. […] You have to make the physical anchors for the organizations; destinations with a
high degree of good experience. And if you do that, you aren’t going to decrease attachment.
You may increase attachment. So then you’re moving towards a more autonomous, output-
oriented approach to work, rather than going to a physical location and just being present.”
(Resp. 11)
In addition, Resp. 5 claims that there are individual differences in what helps to prevent
organizational attachment to decrease. Some might value being supported by the organizations,
some might value human interaction.
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“By just paying attention to the individual they can reward the individual not just monetarily,
but by giving recognition for doing good work
.” (Resp. 5)
There thus seems to be a number of preventive measures to avoid organizational attachment to
decrease when implementing NWW. Firstly, employees need to feel valued by the organization,
whereby leadership is very important. Secondly, people need to be in the workplace. Creating
contact moments will bring people together and foster social cohesion. This is claimed to be even
more important for
the academic environment, since academics are spread around a campus. Finally,
to get people to the office, well-established workplaces that facilitate people
in their individual needs
seem to be very important. The workplace becomes a place for meeting and social interaction
instead of a place focused on just working. An organization needs to facilitate and support the way
people work and make sure that when employees come into the office, they get a good experience.
Bottom line thus seems to be to get people to the office, which will automatically happen if you
create inspiring workplaces where employees want to be and are facilitated in their needs.
For both the business and the academic environment, respondents disagree whether NWW
implementation leads to a decrease of organizational attachment. Opinions for both environments
vary from a decrease, to no effect, to an increase of organizational attachment, making the data non-
conclusive. However, there seem to be generational differences; individualization of society makes
that younger people, which only know NWW, are less connected to the organization than older
generations. Furthermore, respondents reported a difference between business and academic
environment. Scientists are to a greater extent attached to co-scientists within their own field of
expertise, than to colleagues of their own organization or the organization itself. Some respondents
state that this leads to a stronger decrease of organizational attachment when
NWW is implemented,
while others state nothing will happen, since academics have always worked this way.
To prevent a potential decrease of organizational attachment, organizations need to make their
employees feel valued. Furthermore, organizations need to make sure their employees will come to
the office workplace by creating contact moments or by providing workplaces that facilitate
employees in all their needs. The workplace thereby becomes a place for social interaction,
collaboration, and meetings, rather than a place to do screen work.