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facilitate this contact, resulting in less need in the function for someone to connect departments or
employees (Resp. 6). Resp. 1 claims that the academic environment is an oasis
of calmness compared
to the business environment, which means there is more time to gain contacts. There already is less
need for fast implementation of modern technology focused on fast information exchange, and the
ability to gain contacts contributes to that (Resp. 1).
On the contrary, some respondents have reported that the liaison function stays within the academic
environment when implementing NWW (Resp. 3; Resp. 7; Resp. 8; Resp. 17). Academic organizations
need to connect people with different disciplines who are working on the same research subject. ICT
can play a big role in this, but the manager’s liaison function is also very important to link people
(Resp. 3; Resp. 17). Liaisons within the academic environment are different from the business
environment; scientists connect more with co-scientists in their field of research than with colleagues
sitting one floor beneath them (Resp. 3). This is supported by a research that showed that faculty in
many departments have very little interaction with other faculty in the same departments;
interaction is mainly with faculty of other universities (Resp. 8). Research
is performed independently,
making liaison functions less of an issue within the academic environment. The liaison functions that
are currently within the academic environment will be more and more often focused on IT (Resp. 16).
People who play the liaison role within the academic environment are often the directors of the
centers and institutes. Their job is to encourage different departments to join the center (Resp. 8).
Resp. 7 states that the academic environment always have known a liaison culture. A good example
are conferences, which arose in the academic world, where hundreds of years ago people already
came together to discuss and learn from each other. Today’s organizations have learned from that.
Within the educational system people came together, everybody knew one another, and there were
people that were more or less important to establish new relationships (Resp. 7).
There is a significant increase in the opportunities for collaboration across disciplines, but it’s
not so much within the department, as it is with the people outside not just your department,
but outside your university
.” (Resp. 8)
Furthermore, some respondents state that the liaison function already was less present within
academic organizations. The liaison function contradicts autonomy. An organization with a high level
of autonomy doesn’t need the liaison function; employees will find each other (Resp. 4). Academic
workplaces have a committee structure and people therefore tend to meet on committee (Resp. 11).
Resp. 5 states that faculty members are pretty good at reaching others. Therefore, the liaison
function is not that present in the academic environment.
Most respondents have reported that the academic environment differs from the business
environment concerning the liaison function, since academics are very autonomous and connect
more with co-scientists in their field of expertise rather than colleagues from the same university.
However, opinions vary whether the liaison function will decrease or stay the same within the
academic environment. Some respondents even claim the liaison function is not present within the
academic environment. Just as in the business environment, ICT seems to increasingly facilitate the
liaison function within the academic environment. Because of the dissonance in opinions, data from
a decrease or disappearance of the liaison function due to NWW within the academic
environment is