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In general, respondents have reported that autonomy of employees within the business environment
will increase due to NWW implementation, since people get more freedom in when and how to
perform their job. Autonomy on output will stay the same. Increasing autonomy is strongly related
with decreasing hierarchy within the business environment.
Academic environment
Some respondents state that autonomy will also increase within the academic environment (Resp.
10; Resp. 12; Resp. 14). Autonomy gets a more important role once the transition is made towards
time and place independent work styles where you can’t control on presence (Resp. 14).
A large group of respondents have reported that the level of autonomy within the academic
environment is already at a high level, meaning less or nothing will change (Resp. 4; Resp. 5; Resp. 6;
Resp. 8; Resp. 11; Resp. 16). The academic environment has been pioneer in this freedom and
independence for years; it was already there before other organizations started implementing NWW
(Resp. 3). Companies have owned their employees much more than universities have owned their
employees, so autonomy is less the case for the academic workplace. Corporate companies are
catching up with the academic environment regarding autonomy (Resp. 11). Resp. 1 distinguishes the
professor, with a lot of autonomy and freedom, and PhD candidates, which are ‘slave’ of the
department. They have to perform and publish, which entails a much greater pressure (Resp. 1).
“I don’t think it’s quite the same – I don’t think you can extrapolate across from corporate to
academic in quite the same way. I think academics have always had more autonomy.”
Few respondents even claim that autonomy within the academic environment
might decrease due to
NWW. Working at the university does not have the elite status as it used to have, resulting in bigger
groups of employees (Resp. 4). In the current situation, professors have their own cash flow, own
office, own room, and sometimes even an own laboratory. With NWW, this has to be shared,
meaning a (feeling of) loss of autonomy (Resp. 1). Academic employees are sometimes too
autonomous, resulting in that they think they know what’s best for them, and how things need to be
done. Academics attach value to that autonomy and will do everything to defend that (Resp. 3).
Organizations need to curb those people to let them know added value is created together (Resp. 17).
Similar to the business environment, autonomy itself can’t be an organizational goal, and time and
place independence of work do not necessarily lead to autonomy. It’s all about agreements (Resp. 7).
In contrast to the business environment, respondents disagree whether the autonomy within the
academic environment will increase or not due to NWW implementation. A majority of respondents
claim that academics already have a very high level of autonomy. However, since there is no
consensus, evidence for autonomy levels staying the same within the academic environment is non-
There seems to be a significant different between the business and academic environment regarding
change in level of autonomy due to NWW. Respondents report that the business environment will
experience an increase in employee autonomy because employees get more freedom in when and