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Importance of the subject: Our country not only famous to the with his historical cities like Samarkand ,Bukhara,Khiva ,Termiz but also it attract tourists with his unique nature ,deserts ,mountains ,slope,rare fauna and flora. Uzbekistan has more than 8000 natural object which impulse to develop ecotourism in the area.Bisides Uzbekistan situated transport-geografical area at the centre of central asia convenient for developing
The main aim of the thesis:Drow local people in ecotourism business. Learning ecotourism developed countries experience and use it to develop ecotourism in Uzbekistan.
The goals for The functions of the aim eco-tourism:
ns for the improvement of the aim:
to explain the term Ecotourism and its significance in tourism;
to illumine developing ecotourism is a sustaintable way to save nature;
to analysis Uzbekistan’s ecotourism ability and opportunity;
to analysis ecotourism developed countries condition and learn their experience ;
To illumine way of utilization foreign countries experience in uzbekistan ang how to develop it;
To give recommendation once more developing ecotourism in Uzbekistan.
Object of the thesis: Natural touristic resources of Uzbekistan ( rare animals, plants, picturesque views, lakes, hills , gardens,reservations ) and the ways of using these natural resources and illumine foreign experience in order to develop tourism.
The contents of the thesis: My scientific research cosists of:
3 units , 9 sections;
conclusion and suggestions;
the list of used literature.
The first units explains ecotourism –ecological,social and cultural sustaintable type of tourism and illumine ecological consciousness , ecological culture ,role of ecotourism in tourism industry. In the second unit foreign countries experience analysised with example of costa rica and Singapore countries .Finally, the third unit is aboutnatural touristic resources of Uzbekistan, his ecotourism potensial analysised by SWOT analys,made Uzbekistan’s ecotourism .Also present problems are thoroughly discussed and solved. Besides, 5 tables and 17 images are available in my scientific research.
The briew view of the thesis:
Eco-tourism is now one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry. Eco-tourism involves the conservation of biological and cultural diversity through education of locals and tourists alike. By protecting ecosystems it has had a positive effect on the local communities and their livelihoods through their participation in projects and lessening the impact on the environment. There are many benefits to eco-tourism, yet many hospitality providers claim they offer eco-tourism holidays and accommodation when they do not. Governments and tourism providers are leaning towards the promotion of anything which involves nature as eco-tourism, allowing activities which are not based upon sustainable development of the environment and communities.
Costa Rica is one of several countries in the world that has been embracing ecotourism as a national conservation and development strategy . Costa Rica is unique due to the magnitude of its ecotourism industry and its maturity when compared to other developing countries. Over the years, Costa Rica has earned a reputation as the premier ecotourism destination in the world and is considered ecotourism’s poster child . The main reason Costa Rica has become such a popular destination for ecotourism is because it has all of the right ingredients. Costa Rica has excellent national parks, a stable democratic government with no army, a pleasant climate, and friendly people. It also has one of the highest standards of living, the largest middle class, the best public health care system, the best public education through the University level, and the highest literacy rate in Latin America Costa Rica’s infrastructure is also very good compared to most developing countries in terms of paved roads, telephones, and electricity. It has an international airport with flights only a few hours from the United States While all these aspects are important, the most important ingredient for successful ecotourism is nature, which is the key attraction for tourists. In a 1990 survey of USbased tourists, 39% identified nature-based attractions as their primary reason for visiting Costa Rica Costa Rica is blessed with an abundance of natural resources such as beaches, mangroves, mountains, caves, waterfalls, volcanoes, and tropical rainforests. The tropical rainforests make Costa Rica one of the most biologically diverse areas of the world, containing 5% of the entire planet’s biodiversity in a country the size of West Virginia The transformation of the Costa Rican tourism industry is one of impressive scale. Ecotourism has been steadily increasing in Costa Rica since the 1970’s and really beggan to take off in the 1980’s when tourism garnered tremendous support from the government and assistance from USAID, the World Bank, and the IMF. “In the 1980s, the government began for the first time to invest seriously in tourism, reorganizing and beefing up funding for the country’s tourism board, the Costa Rican Tourism Board The government of Costa Rica began to invest heavily in ecotourism, and in 1984 they passed an important piece of legislation, which gave incentives and tax breaks to hotels, airlines, car rental agencies, travel agencies, and sea transportation .All societies are challenged to develop strategies to find an equilibrium between social,economic and environmental impacts on their way towards sustainable progress. The CostaRican experiences show that ecotourism can be a promising development strategy if goodinstitutional capacity exists, especially at local level. More specifically, this implies that thefollowing conditions have to be met. First, environmental awareness among the generalpublic should be high. Secondly, the private sector should be involved in policies that arebased on a sustainable development paradigm. Social, environmental and economicaspects should be given an equal consideration in this paradigm. Moreover, participantsand population should have a sense of ownership and understanding of these policies andtheir implementation. Finally, local entrepreneurship in the tourism industry should behigh, and local culture should be integrated in tourists’ activities. It is easier to meet theseconditions if tourism is small scale and community based.
Since Singapore is a very small nation that is almost entirely defined by its urban core, it has few natural resources to either exploit or defend and no indigenous cultures to speak of. However, travelers who are environmentally conscious may find Singapore interesting in surprising ways. The government is responsive to the call of environmentalists and has designed and implemented a number of innovative ways to solve the very real environmental and resource management issues that plague countless urban centers around the world.Local legend has it that a prominent monk warned (then) Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew that, as Singapore develops, he must be careful to protect the forests. According to the monk, Singapore, whose name in Sanskrit means "Lion City," gets its power from the lions that once supposedly roamed here. To take away the trees will destroy the lions' habitat and force them to move elsewhere. It is a lesson in feng shui that Lee took to heart, as evidenced by the trees, shrubs, and flowering plants that have been incorporated into the urban design at almost every turn.To learn about Singapore's unique approach to environmental sustainability, start at the Marina Barragethe massive hydrodam that is transforming Singapore's downtown city core into the world's largest urban reservoir. The dam can be toured, but equally interesting is the Sustainable Singapore Gallery located within the dam, a brilliant display that outlines the government's efforts toward environmental sustainability.In addition to water resource and waste management, the Singapore government has initiated monetary incentives for land developers that incorporate green technology into the design and construction of all new buildings, and to those who renovate older buildings to similar standards. There are talks to make green buildings mandatory in the near future.Outside the city center, Singapore also has a number of nature reserves. Of particular interest is Bukit Timah Nature Reserve -- Singapore is one of only two cities in the world with primary rainforest located within city limits -- and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, a mangrove forest that protects an awesome number of migrating birdsRapid population growth is one of the principal causes of environmental degradation and habitat loss. Its impact is even more significant because the forests in Singapore are miniscule as compared to those in other countries.So far, much has been done to improve Singapore’s environment through treatment and recycling of sludge and refuse. However, more needs to be done. Working hand in hand with the government, organisations and industries should take the lead in pollution control and contribute towards promoting environmental consciousness and nature conservation. Concurrently, greater emphasis must be placed on educating the public on conservation issues because an educated and informed population is more receptive to conserving the natural heritage. Interest must be sustained. Marketing of nature reserves as ”green tour” destinations will invariably add a new dimension to their tourism potential and thereby encourage more tourists who love nature to stay longer. However, the delicate balance between usage and conservation has to be carefully maintained to avoid overexploitation and degradation of forest quality. It is every citizen’s moral obligation to ensure that a clean environment — with green corridors and protected wildlife — can be enjoyed by the present and future generations.
Situated in the heart of Central Asia, the Republic of Uzbekistan boasts a varied, largely arid terrain and rich biodiversity. Scientists count approximately 40 mammal, 430 bird, 60 reptile, 68 tree, 320 shrub, over 3000 grass, and 74 fish species in Uzbekistan . Adding the country's well-developed park infrastructure and dramatic intersections of river, mountain, and desert ecosystems, Uzbekistan's potential for ecotourism is indeed remarkable.
Conclusion and suggestions:
To sum up, I can tell that ecotouristical conditions in Uzbekistan are well-determined in order to improve the services of ecotourism in the country. However Uzbekistan is not using his oppurnity completely. It is necessary to make a reasonable use of such opportunities relying on the effective methods of highly developed countries in the world. To once more develop ecotourism in the country touristical organizations several founds and local people must work together . Nowadays in Uzbekistan has 9 governer reservation ,2 national parks , Jayron eco –center and moumtains ,valleys ,hills which atrakts tourist .
In the near future Uzbekistan will secure a leading position among touristically well-developed countries of the world. It is necessary that:
1.Considering the lack of skilled workers in the field of ecotourism young specialists should be sent to well-developed countries in order to master a skill in the sphere of eco-tourism;
2.Standardizable scientific and economical projects and business plans should be worked out. and the government should invest credits to carry them out;
3.Bookletes, touristic atlases, maps presenting all the beauty of Uzbekistan: its nature, landsacapes, flora and fauna, its historical heritage should be printed in increasing numbers;
4. Must make new programs and draw maps around uzbekistan’provins
5. We should increase number of information resourse about Ecotourizm and ecotouristical organization
6.. To once more develop ecotourism in the country touristical organizations several founds and local people must work together
7 use alternative type of eletricity–solar energy
8To develop infra-structure (transportation, roads, road signs and communication eco lodge);
9.Web-cites containing information informing about the nature, landsacapes, flora and fauna and historical heritages of Uzbekistan should be opened on the net;
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