DT and Direct Loan can be considered one of the most unstable methods in the sphere of Corporate Governance.
Only two terms in all the research were suggested for translation using Direct Loan and DT:
associate: aссоциированная компания (IFC) (assotziirovannaya kompaniya; L.t.: associated company);
affiliate: аффилированная компания (IFC) (affiliirovannaya kompaniya; L.t.: affiliated company). Both terms have a component translated using Direct Loan with assimilation into Russian: these components were shaped into the form of adjectives. English terms associate and affiliate have other equivalents in the dictionaries and Ruscorpora.
The term associate can have a Pure DT form: член товарищества (Lingvo Economics) (сhlen tovarishhestva; L.t.: member of a society), or a Direct Translation equivalent: компаньон, партнёр, соучастник (Lingvo Economics) (kompan’jon, partner, souchastnik; L.t.: companion, partner, co-participant). Both terms can be used in general contexts, while the term, retrieved with the help of Direct Loan and Calque appears mostly in specialized texts: “<…> предприятия осуществляют инвестиции в Россию через свои зарубежные филиалы или ассоциированные компании” (Nikiforov, 2002. Ruscorpora). However, the term партнёр (partner) can be used with the component “деловой” (delovoj, business): “business associate = деловой партнёр” (Lingvo Economics). Accordingly, both Direct Loan and DT and Direct Equivalent forms can be used in LSP.
The term affiliate can be translated into Russian usinga direct equivalent. There are a lot of synonyms corresponding to the English term: дочернее предприятие (отделение или часть предприятия) (Lingvo Economics) (dochernee predprijatie; L.t.: a subsidiary enterprise (a department or a part of an enterprise)); дочерняя компания (Ruscorpora) (dochernjaja kompanija; L.t.: a subsidiary company); дочернее общество (Ruscorpora) (docherneje obschestvo; L.t.: a subsidiary society) and филиал (Lingvo Economics) (filial; L.t.: a branch (office)). All the terms are widely used for general purposes, although the terms филиал and
дочерняя компания are much more frequent and can be found more than eight thousand times and two thousand times in Newspaper Corpus and Main Corpus of Ruscorpora respectively:
“В 2009 году консорциум в составе «ЛУКойла» (точнее, его дочерней компании
«ЛУКойл Оверсиз», ведающей зарубежными проектами) с долей 56,25% и норвежской Statoil (18,75%) выиграл тендерна право освоения месторождения” (Kudijarov, 2014. Ruscorpora);
“«Все крупнейшие компании мира имеют филиалы в Москве: прекрасная перспектива карьеры»” (Zavgorodnjaja, 2014. Ruscorpora).
The Direct Loan and DT form is not represented in Ruscorpora; however, it is widely used on the Internet: “аффилированной компанией называется та фирма, которая является подконтрольной более крупной материнской организации” (Utmagazine). Accordingly, the terms филиал, дочерняя компания and аффилированная компания can be considered as the preferred translation for the term affiliate, being very close synonyms. Nevertheless, the term created usingDirect Loan and DT is connected to the English term form and can be used within Corporate Governance to denote a specific notion.
The Direct Loan and DT method proves to be an infrequent one within the field of Corporate Governanance. First of all, the sphere of Corporate Management is based on business terminology, which has already been crystallized in Russian. It means that the terms are often borrowed using Calque on the basis of assimilated or non-assimilated Direct Loan term components.
For example, the term gender budget takes the following form in the dictionary: (Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation) and DT) бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов (UN-1) (bjudzhet s uchjotom gendernyh faktorov; L.t.: the budget with an account of gender factors) and the preffered translation: (Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation)) гендерный бюджет (MCGI; JUNIFEM) (gendernyi budzhet).
The term to monitor has the following Direct Equivalent in general use: контролировать (Lingvo Economics) (kontrolirovat’; L.t.: to control). The term retrieved using DT and Calque based on Direct Loan is often used in Ruscorpora: проводить мониторинг (IFC) (provodit’ monitoring; L.t.: to fulfill monitoring): “На следующей неделе более 700 членов групп, проводящих мониторинг цен в магазинах, получат соответствующие удостоверения.” (Aleksandrova, 2011. Ruscorpora). The term is based on the Direct Loan of the English term monitoring. The choice of DT and Calque based on the term мониторинг supports the derivabilty of the term and its connection to the English term, which makes its form recognizable and innovative.
The DT and Direct Loan can be suggested as productive because the terms created by DT and Calque based on Direct Loan (with or without assimilation) border upon the DT and Direct Loan group and Calque and DT.
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