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skills and knowledge in the course of cultural politic of Latvian Republic, operation of culture institutions, legislation, creating and realizing projects in the sphere of culture and comprehension of basic aspects of cultural politics in the European Council and in the EU.

Content of the course:

  1. The notion and principles of cultural policy. History of Latvian culture policy. Machinery of implementation of culture politic decisions ;

  2. Latvian legislation in the sphere of culture. Financing of Latvian culture;

  3. Administration of Latvian culture infrastructure and process. System of culture institutions;

  4. The cultural heritage and the infrastructure of its preserving, (archives, museums, libraries);

  5. The industry of culture (book publishing industry, cinematography);

  6. The culture of national minorities, principle of cultural autonomy;

  7. Cultural policy in the sphere of professional art. Visual art, music, theatre. The status of an artist. Operation of professional creative associations in Latvia;

  8. Participation of the society in cultural processes, traditional national art, crafts, amateur art;

  9. Work of non-governmental organizations in a field of culture. The function of cultural information of public mass media;

  10. The system of cultural education in Latvia;

  11. A seminar. The cultural policy of the Republic of Latvia: the success and problems;

  12. The international cooperation of the Republic of Latvia in the sphere of culture;

  13. The activities of the UNESCO in the field of culture. Cooperation of the Baltic states in the field of culture;

  14. The history of European integration and national cultural identity. The European Union. The role on institutions of the EU in the preserving of European culture;

  15. The activities of the EU in the field of culture. Integration of the Republic of Latvia into the EU and Latvian culture;

  16. The operation of the European Council. The cultural policy of the European Council;

  17. A seminar. Contemporary intercultural contacts.

The legislative bases, documents, reflecting on the planning of politic:

Latvijas Republikas Satversme; Autortiesību likums; Bibliotēku likums; Biedrību un nodibinājumu likums; Likums „Par arhīviem”; Kultūras institūciju likums; Likums „Par kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzību”; Likums „Par Latvijas Nacionālo bibliotēku”; Likums „Par Latvijas nacionālo un etnisko grupu brīvu attīstību un tiesībām uz kultūras autonomiju”; Likums „Par presi un citiem masu informācijas līdzekļiem”; Muzeju likums; Radio un televīzijas likums; Tūrisma likums; Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonda likums; Īpašu uzdevumu ministra sabiedrības integrācijas lietās sekretariāta nolikums; Kultūras ministrijas nolikums uc.

Resources on the internet:
Newspaper „ Latvijas Vēstnesis” at,
Latvijas Valsts kultūrpolitikas pamatnostādnes//
Nacionālā programma „Kultūra” 2000. – 2010. at

Eiropas Savienības atbalsts kultūrai. Informatīvs palīgs projektu pieteicējiem un interesentiem// /UI/main.asp?id=15655
Compendium: Cultural Policies in Europe at http://
Forty years of European Cultural Cooperation at
Webster’ s World of Cultural Policy at

Course literature
Blūzma V., Buka A., Deksnis E. D., Jarinovska K., Jundzis T., Levits E. Eiropas tiesības. – Rīga: Juridiskā koledža,2004. – 288.lpp.

Eiropas Konstitūcija. Projekts. – Eiropas Kopienas,2004. – 315.lpp.

ES Eiropas Savienībā. – Rīga: SIA „Valērija Belokoņa izdevniecība”,2003. – 244.lpp.

Kultūrpolitika Baltijas valstīs sociālo pārmaiņu laikā. Pieredze. Šķēršļi. Iespējas. – Rīga:[b.i.],1996. – 58.lpp.

Kultūrpolitika Latvijā. Nacionālais ziņojums. – Rīga: LR Kultūras ministrija,1998. – 118.lpp.

Kultūrpolitika Latvijā. Eiropas Padomes ekspertu ziņojums. – Strasbūra: Eiropas Padomes Kultūras sadarbības padome,1998. – 72.lpp.

Paiders J. Nē Eiropa: Vai Latvijai ir nākotne ārpus Eiropas Savienības. – Rīga:i/u JPA,2002. – 222.lpp.

Šreters H. Eiropas Savienības leksikons: Politika. Ekonomika. Vēsture. Kultūra. – Rīga:Jumava,2004. – 265.lpp.

Жидков В., Соколов К. Культурная политика России: теория и история. – Москва:Академический проект,2001. – 592с.

Культура и культурная политика России. – Москва:Московский общественный научный фонд,2000. – 239с.

Культурная политика в Европе. Выбор стратегии и перспективы. – Москва:Либерея,2002. – 238с.

Многоликая глобализация. Культурное разнообразие в современном мире – Москва:Аспент-Пресс,2004. – 380с.

Розин В. Генезис права: методологический и культурологический анализ. – Москва:NOTA BENE,2003. – 335с.

Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. – Москва: Международные отношения, 2003. – 400с.

Mucica D. Cultural legislation: Why? How? What? – Council of Europe, 2003. – 69 p.

Course title: Discourses of modern culture
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Zoja Saveljeva, MA.philol., lecturer
The evolution of this course ir related to interest in the phenomena of culture and problem issues of the linguistic personality, which are caused by many factors of sociocultural progress. Growing number of cultural, scientific and economic links in the contemporary world between the states and languages drives the subject of “language and culture” and the concept of “linguistic personality” in to the area of special interest of sociolinguistic and culturology. Solving of the problems raised by this process has an important role in the line of finding the common grounds in the dialog between nations and national cultures.

This course is meant to be a part of the thematic block of courses “Language, culture, civilization”, and as well as a part of a general course “Language and culture” or as an autonomous special course. The basic structure of the course is formed up of the research of the concept “lingua cultural space” of “the national personality”, which includes in itself the main crossing point of a language (the concept of “the national personality”) and culture (behavior, conciseness and action).

Course abstract:

In this course the main concepts of the problem issue “language and culture” are analysed, generalized and systematized; the problems of intercultural communication and systematic analyse of the concept of “lingua cultural space” of “the national personality” are investigated.

Aim of the course:

General, equal (paritative) and systematic observation of culture and language as complex units of lingua cultural space

Tasks of the course:

Research of linguistic, etnocultural and etnopsychological factors in the system of cultural values; a contrastive analyse of lingua (linguistic) culture of several languages, based on concepts of the theory of the linguistic relativity (E.Sepīrs - B.Vorfs).

Course credit value: 2 CP (32 h of mixed theoretic and practice lessons)

Course assessment: a test
Terms and conditions:

Passing the set practical assignments; an individual written assignment, passing the test

The content of the course:
1. Theoretic bases of lingual (linguistic) culturology

    1. The genesis and perspectives of interconnection between a language and culture

    2. Semiotic model of linguistic and culture research

    3. The concept of lingua cultural unity

    4. The concept of lingua cultural space

2. Motivation of the cultural paradigm of the concept of “the national personality”

2.1. Cultural research of “the national personality”.

2.2. The dominant features of lingua cultural space of “the national personality”

2.3. The concept of “the national personality” in the aspect of national spiritual culture

2.4. Mentality as a factor of the concept of “the national personality”

3. Correlative aspects of lingual (linguistic) culturology

3.1. The concept of “the national personality” in the comparative description

3.2. Correlative description of lingua cultural space

3.3. The mentality and values of Latvian “national personality “

3.4. The lingua cultural paradigm of the concept of “the national personality”
Course literature:

  1. Identitāte un atpazīstamība, valoda un tulkojums. R., 2004.

  2. Abbinnett R. Culture and identity: critical theories. London, 2003.

  3. Collins J Literacy and literacies: texts, power, and identity. Cambridge, 2003.

  4. Cross-cultural psychology: research and applications/ John W. Berny etc. Cambridge, 1999.

  5. Goodenough W. Culture, language, and society. Menio Park, Calif./Benjamin/ Cummings, 1981.

  6. Joseph J. Language and identity. New York, 2004.

  7. Liebes T. The export of meaning: cross-cultural readings of Dallas. Cambridge, 1993.

  8. Scollon R. Intercultural communication: a discourse approach. Malden: Oxford, 2001.

  9. Yli-Jokipil H. Request in professional discourse: Helsinki, 1994.

  10. Storti C. Cross-cultural dialogues. Yarmouth, 1994.

  11. Барт Р. Избранные работы: Семиотика.Поэтика: Пер.с фр..- М.: Издательская

Группа «Прогресс», «Универс», 1994. – 616с.

  1. Вежбицкая А. Понимание культур через посредство ключевых слов. – M., 2001.

  2. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура. 4-е изд., перераб. и доп.. – М.: Рус.яз., 1990. – 246с.

  3. Воробьев В.В. Лингвокультурология (теория и методы): Монография. – М.: Изд-воРУДН, 1997. – 331с.

  4. Гачев Г. Национальные образы мира. – М.: Советский писатель, 1988. – 448 с.

  5. Леонтьев А.А. Язык, культура, культуролингвистика. – Linguistic culture: Where Do We Go From Here? Токио, 1996. – С.20- 31.

  6. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. – М.:Слово, 2000. – 624 с.


Course title: Public speech (Practical rhetoric)
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Valdis Svirskis, MA.phil., lecturer
Course credit value: : 2 CP, 32 contact hours (14. – lectures, 18– practical lessons)
Course abstract:
This course provides a systematic overview on the theoretic bases of public speech. It aims at the developing of the skills of public performance and leading discussions of functional discourse in psychological, logical and linguistic aspect. The most significant types of speeches, peculiarities of audiences, as well as principles of creating a public image of an orator and foundations of etiquette in public communication are observed in this course. Particular attention is dedicated to learning elements of argumentation, counter argumentation and skills of maintaining a dialog and practical ability to use these skills during presentations, business talks, press briefings and articles.
Aim of the course:

To familiarize students with the theoretic bases of public speech and create skills of their practical applying in chosen professional sphere.

Tasks of the course:

1. To give an idea of specific features of public performance in the context of professional process.

2. To give a systematic overview on the theoretic bases of public speech.

3. To develop skills of public performance

4. To rise a skill of motivated argumentation in written form and development of skills of criticism and analyse.

Terms and conditions:

To perform at lest three speeches of different style (an informative, convincing and formal (solemn)), in which learning of skills, necessary for public speech, could be testified, structure of the speech considered and the opinion well motivated. Participation in at lest 2/3 of practical lessons (12) and presenting of written assignment is required.

An individual homework:

1. To write an approving and critical review on the article (at least 1 page long), separation arguments in favor and against the opinion, made by the author. The length of a review – 1 page.

2. To make a list of used rhetorical means and methods of argumentation, applied in the article (adding the copy of the article).

3. To write a text for commercial (advertisement) and counter advertisement of some product or venture.

Course assessment: test with the mark

The evaluation mark is formed of 50% gained on practical lessons, 30% goes for a theoretic test (an answer on two questions) and 20% are made of evaluation of written homework.

Content of the course:

  1. Practical rhetoric, link to other disciplines and its historical development.

  2. Public speech and its kinds. The public image.

  3. Composition of the speech, tasks and methods of creating of its elements.

  4. Presentation . Levels of communication. Classification of the audience (4 practical lessons)

  5. Rhetorical devices and their practical use. Supportive elements in the public speech. (2 practical lessons)

  6. Universal (general) and untypical argumentation (2 practical lessons)

  7. Debates. Principles of proper polemics and impropriate manners. (2 practical lessons)

  8. Business discussions, their specific and procedure. (3 practical lessons).

  9. Presentation, press conference, consulting and mediation. (5 practical lessons).

Course literature:

Barss V. Darba burtnīca retorikā: metodiskie materiāli bakalauru un maģistru studijām. Jelgava:LLU,2003.

#Geikina. S. Retorikas pamati, R.: Raka 2003;

Hindls T. Prasme uzstāties R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000;

#Mencels V. Retorika R.: Balta eco, 2002;

Mendziņa D. Vārds. DoMA Runa. Rīga: Solvita, 2004.

Kārnegī D. Kā attīstīt pašapziņu un ietekmēt cilvēkus publiskās runās. R.: Reiterns, 1992;

Kincāns V. Etiķete. R.:2003;

Latiševs V. Lietišķās sarunas un lietišķie kontakti. – R.: Merkūrijs LAT, 1994.

Omārova S. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. – R.: SIA ”Kamene”, 1994.
# Newspaper “Latvijas Vēstnesis”, shorthand reports of the Saeima meetings (on Thursdays), speeches of leading country authorities; www.saeiMAlv ;
Eemeren, FransH. A systematic theory of argumentation. Cambridge, 2004.

Encyclopaedia of rhetoric./ Thomas O. Sloane, ed. in chief., Oxford, 2001.

Waltov D. Ad Hominem. Arguments. Alabama, 1998.

Lemmermann H. Praxisbuch Rhetorik. Landsberg am Lech, 2000.

Введенская Л., Павлова Л. Деловая риторика. / Учеб. п.– Ростов н/Д.:МарТ, 2001.

Ламертон Дж. Учитесь говорить. М.:АСТ.Астрель, 2003;

# Леммерман Х. Уроки риторики и дебатов. / Пер. с нем. – М.: Уникум Пресс, 2002.

Мысль и искусство аргументации.М.,2003.

Поварин С.И. Исскуство спора: о теории и практике спора. М., 2001

# Сопер П.Л. Основы искусства речи. / пер. с англ./ 2 испр. изд. - М.:Прогресс, 1992.

# Sources marked are available at the library of the RBI

Course title: Entertainment industry basics
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Armens Gabrieļāns, MA.oec., lecturer

Course abstract:
In this course, show business is observed as one sort of entrepreneurship; attention is dedicated to its function in the development of the screen art in a condition of market system. During this course specific qualities and peculiarities of existence and operation, legal bases as well as technological recourses for creating a show of Latvian and foreign show business are going to be described.

Aim and the tasks of the course:

To give an idea of peculiarities of show business and to analyse a present state of affairs in the market. To help students to oriented themselves in the world of contemporary show business, as well as to develop practical skills of producing and running a show program.

Course credit value: 2 CP, 32 academic hours
Course assessment: a test
Terms and conditions:

Compulsory participation in seminars; an individual written assignment, passing the test.

Content of the course:


Basics of music show business. The theory of show business and it practical peculiarities. The notion of administration in show business. The main divisions in commercial activity in show business.


An intuitive and professional choice of a producer. Organization of casting. PR and promotion of an artist. Creation of image, producing of a show, direction of concert undertaking.


Ability of concurrence of the show project and techniques of its promoting in the market. Basic parts in technology of creating “the star”. Distribution of the (show) product. Raider: the notion, classification and conditions.


An infrastructure of market in show business. Phonograms, stage of development of audio tape, commercial (advertising) campaign, video clip, edition of an album. Rotation of a video clip on television.


Making of contracts in audiovisual field. The Russian, Anglo-Saxon, continental version of a contract.


The contracts for creating and distributing of an audiovisual work.

Course literature

  1. Иванова Г.П. Огурчикова П.К. Сидорченко В.И. Основы продюсерства . – М., 2003

  2. Корнеева С. Как зажигают звезды: технологии музыкального продюсирования

Питер 2004

  1. Е.И.Жданова., С.В.Иванова., Н.В.Кротова Управление и экономика в шоу-бизнесе.м..2003

  2. Чуковская Е.Э. Аудиовизуальный бизнес. М., 1999

  3. Лурье А.С. Концерты и жанры концертной деятельности: Лекция- М.,1998

  4. Лурье А.С. Специфика концертной деятельности.: Лекция-М., 1996

  5. Лурье А.С. Управление концертным делом. М., 1998

  6. Пссман Д. Все о музыкальном бизнесе. М..1996

  7. Юрковский А. Телевидение: поиск и решения. М., 1995

  8. Handbook of image and video processing/ ed. Al Bovik. San Diego, 2000.

  9. Suskin S. Show tunes. New York, 2000.

  10. The One show. New York, 1984.

  11. Worthen W. Shakespeare and the force of modern performance. Cambridge, 2003.


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