Baltic russian institute

Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: special administration

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Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: special administration.

The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

Author of the course: Marina Gunāre, Ph.D. in Political Sciences, associated professor at BRI

Course abstract:
In the course specific of operation in the field of culture, the methods and specific in leading of a creative team, the administration system from the psychological point of view as well as other specific peculiarities of successful culture project leadership are observed in order to obtain skills in leadership in the field of culture and possessing the idea of peculiarities of this market segment .
Aim and the tasks of the course:

To train students in taking of guidelines, taking in account the specific of functioning in a creative team. To state the approach to creation of temporal efficiently operating team with the purpose of project realization.

To develop an idea of leader’s coordinative function in macro and microenvironment.
Course credit value: 1 CP,

Course assessment: a test
Terms and conditions:
Compulsory participation (presentation) in seminars and colloquiums; accomplishing of a creative work: the administration of a temporarily created team with the propose of project accomplishment: an exhibition, a festival or a competition etc.
Content of the course:

  1. The fundamental nature of administration – the interior technologies of a firm in the field of culture. The culture as a field of national economy. The main characteristics of the field of culture.

  2. The classification of culture activity and the basic divisions. Subdivisions of culture and art.

  3. Specific features of culture: the products and services.

  4. Intercultural administration (the USA, Japan, Europe).

  5. Planning in the field of culture. The mission and tasks of a firm.

  6. The notions of market and product in culture. The service segment of the mass culture. The efficiency criteria of culture organizations.

  7. The specific character of a creative team. The stages of work in a creative team. The leadership of creative team.

  8. The styles of administration and decision taking in a creative time. Motivation in culture administration (Maslov, McGregor, Hercberg).

The tiles of seminars or tests:

  1. The specific features of tasks and methods in culture administration.

  2. The notion of culture market conjuncture.

  3. The creation and approbation a new cultural project.

The subject of the colloquium: (2 h): “The motivation and stimulation of work in a creative collective.
Course literature:

  1. Garleja R. Darbs, organizācija un psiholoģija. R., 2003.

  2. Hellrs R. Darba grupas vadība. R., 2000.

  3. Krīgers V. Komandas vadība. R., 2003.

  4. Otter R. Par spīti visam – laimīgs: jaunais rūpju menedžments. R., 2001.

  5. Praude V. Menedžments: teorija un prakse. R., 2001.

  6. Spulle Ā.A. Praktiskais menedžments. – R., Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 1998.

  7. Angley S. Theatre Administration and production in America. NY, 1990.

  8. Bowie N. Administration Ethic. Malden, MA, 2005.

  9. Cross-cultural administration/ ed. by Gordon Redding ect. Cheltenham, UK, 2003.

  10. DiMAgio P. Manager of the arts – Research Division Report, issue 20, NEA, Washington, 1987.

  11. Fischer M. v. Rauhe H., Wiesand A. Kulturadministration in Europa, Bonn., 1996.

  12. McFall,L. Advertising: a cultural economy. London, 2004.

  13. Schein E. Organizational culture and leadership. Chi Chester, 2004.

  14. Schneider S., J.-L.Barsouch. Managing across cultures. HEC University of Geneva, 1998.

  15. Виханский О.С., Наумов А.И. «Менеджмент», Москва 1996 год.

  16. Морозова Е., Тихонова Э. Экономика и организация предприятий социально-культурной сферы. СПб., 2002.

  17. Новаторов В.Е. «Интернальный маркетинг в организациях социально-культурной сферы». Омск 2001 год.


Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: ADMINISTRATION
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Boriss Heimanis, Dr Oec., assoc. prof. at BRI

Tasks of the course:

To teach how to make administration decisions in leading of cultural projects, to comprehend motives of leadership and to solve the quality issues.

To comprehend the content of practical administration, to obtain skills of working in the conditions of market economy, to know how the capacity of a firm and to institute corresponding managerial and legislative form of an enterprise, to train students how to analyse of administration issues and to substantiate technology of contemporary administration in the field of leadership of cultural projects.

Aim of the course:

To provide knowledge in the theory of administration organization, leadership of entrepreneurship, development of organizations and use of the human resource. To help to understand the structure and functioning of an organization, the style and methods of administration, to gain the skills of team work and leading of the small of medium size organization, to make decisions, based in gained skills.

Course credit value: 2 CP
Course assessment: an exam
Terms and conditions:

  1. Compulsory attendance of every seminar and practical lesson ,

  2. If any of seminars or practical lessons have been missed, a written assignment should be made,

  3. An individual written assignment.

Content of the course:

  1. An introduction to the theory of administration. The system of administration and manageable. The functions and influence of leadership. Qualification of leadership system and its influence in taking of administration decisions. Administration of cultural projects. Parameters of information quality.

  2. An organization and the notion of organization. The formal and informal organizations. Fragmentation, differentiation and consolidation of corporative representation. The living cycle of an organization. A description and structure of an organization in culture administration.

  3. The functions of administration. The notion of administration functions: a tally, analyse, importance of planning motivation. The conception of control: the goals, norms, conditions, criteria, efficiency. The planning, elements of planning, principles, efficiency and its specific in culture. Planning, the strategic planning, a SWOT analyse. The control.

  4. The methods of administration (leadership): the ideas, coherence, the rules. The organization, administrative, economic, social and psychological methods. Self-administration (self-leadership).

  5. The decisions of administration. The types of administration decisions and indications of qualification. The process and methods of decision making. The efficiency of administration decision taking and kinds of an individual style. The model of executors work. The organization of execution of leadership decisions and control in leadership of culture projects.

  6. The administration of personnel. The influence of personnel administration. The criteria and methods in evaluation of personnel. Training of personnel: the aims, conditions, technology. The work of manager. The process of work supervision and its rational organization. The principles in organization of manager’s work.

  7. The personality, power, authority. The personality of manager and inside power. An influence over the juniors. The codex of public applied behavior and norms of service ethic. The system of characters. The authority.

  8. The styles of administration (leadership). The technology of decision-making, the elements of behavior. The conflicts and collisions. The communication in organization of applied events.

Suggested course literature:

  1. Ābele J. Menedžments: māc. līdz. Jelgava., 2000.

  2. Bishof A. Sevis Menedžments: efektīvi un iedarbīgi. R., 2002.

  3. Forands I. Vadīšana, vadītājs. – R., Kamene, 1999.

  4. Thompson A. Strategic Administration: Concepts and cases. 1990.

  5. Menedžments R., 2003.

  6. Praude V. Menedžments. R., 2000.

  7. Rurāne M. Finanšu menedžments. R., 2005.

  8. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Menedžments: Teorija un prakse. – R., Vaidelote, 1999.

  9. Bown-Wilson D. Marketing, administration and motivation. London, 2002.

  10. Haynes Marion. Project Administration. From Idea to Implementation. Kogan Page. Ltd. London, 1989

  11. Naylor J. Administration, Prentice Hall, 2004.

  12. Robbins S. Fundamentals of Administration. Pearson Education, 2004.

  13. Schneider S. And J.-L. Barsouch. Managing across cultures. – HEC University of Geneva, 1998.

  14. Мескон М.Х., Альберт М., Хедуори Ф. Основы менеджмента: Пер. с англ. – М.: Дело, 1996. 704 с.

  15. Кабушкин Н.И. Основы менеджмента. – Минск: «Новое знание», 2000. 336 с.

  16. Казанцев А.К., Подлесных В.И., Серова Л.С. Практический менеджмент. – М.: ИНФРА – М, 2001. 367 с.


Course title: Theory and practice of social communication and information: visual communication (practicum)
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: as. Prof. Boriss Borisovs
Course abstract:
This course dedicated to the history of evolution of a new culture, contemporary aspects of marketing, and interdependent links between visual cultures, technological, and stylistic of media (contemporary means of communication), advertising and PR. Nowadays change of culture codes often is discussed. The term “videocracy” – the world of video images, is generated as opposite to other, more ancient, “logocracy” – the world of the word. This antagonism is not created today; this opposition have been existing already for centuries.

Tasks of the course:

To enlighten how new types of economical, technologic and aesthetic phenomenons and new divisions of applied sciences appeared and become to complete force in new visual culture of 20th century.

Course credit value: 2 CP (40 contact hours)
Course assessment: test with a mark.

Content of course

  1. An economic, technical and aesthetic evolution of 20th century screen phenomena from Edison to brothers Lumiers. Study film “Zelta filmotēka”.

  2. The Russian idea: politically economic and culture context of phenomena. An evolution of interpretation of motivation in contemporary political PR context.

  3. Economical and cultural context of Russian cinema before the Revolution. The first Russian motion picture and its producer V.Goncherov. A.Honzhakov – a businessperson and a patriot. E.Bauer – a pioneer of professional cinema artist. Screen materials: movies “Dzīve par dzīvi”, “The defence of Sevastopol”

  4. The arise of Russian animation. V.Starevich – an universal talent. An artist and a market. Screen material: movie “Kinooperatora atriebība”(„The revenge of a cameraman”).

  5. The resources of the montage. The montage as a culture phenomena. An analyse of visual art, literature, modern advertisement design and modern means of communication. The montage on the computer screen. Screen materials: study film “Montāžas stundas” (“The lesson of montage”) and a movie “Graffits – kino tēvs” („Graffit – father of cinema”).

  6. S.Eizenshtein – “man of all times” – a scholar of theatre and cinema and a director, a graphic artist and an executive manager. S.Eizenshtein as a beginner of clip making and the montage of special attractions in show business. Screen materials: documentaries “S.Eizenšteins. Ievads”( “S.Eizenshtein: An Introduction”) and “S.Eizenšteins. Post scriptum” ( “S.Eizenshtein: Post scriptum”).

  7. “The second reality” as a tool of an advertising. An anatomy of the art conciseness. Sociological and psychological aspects of interconnection between art and recipient auditorium. A creator as an object of artistic analyse. Screen material: movies by F.Fellini, Vaid, Foss.

  8. The economical and political background in appearing of European cinema avant-garde. Influence of cinematographic avant-garde on contemporary design, advertising and computer created image. Screen material: study film “Avangarda antoloģija” („An Anthology of Avant-garde”)

  9. The mythology of the crime. A ritual of the trial and its screen image as an object of PR. The images of “culture of crime” in the contemporary media. Screen material: documental series “Slavenie procesi” („The famous trials”).

  10. The phenomena of “westernization”; a business, art and politics. The westernization and politic PR. Screen material: western movies “Diližanss”, “Tieši pusdienās”, “Bučs Kesedijs un Sandens Kids”(„Buch Kessedy and Sandens Kids”), “Krusttēvs”(„The Godfather”)

  11. The laughter as a category of marketing. The comical screen techniques in the advertisements(commercials) and PR.

  12. Russian culture during the turn of 19th and 20th century. The Russian style. “The world of art” and modern style in the context of postmodernism and contemporary media. Screen material: Russian movies of the pre-revolution time.

  13. The American cinematography – an art and a business. The creation of marketing phenomena. Mythical “American dream”. The evolution of the “legend market”. History of independent producing. A sight (view) as an element of culture. Genesis of commix film and it evolution in the media. Screen material: documentary, directed by Scorsese on history of American cinematography.

  14. The phenomena French movies – an art and a business. From J.Meluese to L.Besson. the screen and PR in the France. Screen material: study film, directed by Goddard on French history of cinematography.

  15. The truth of cinema and its authentic. An evolution of the documentaries and its influence on development of the genre in a press and electric media.

  16. “Eros” and “Thanatos” (the love and the death). Aspects in marketing of these categories and progress of screen creations. Main divisions of western psychological aesthetics and its development in commercials and PR. Screen material: interpretation of films by Makavejev, Pozzalini and Forman.

  17. Russian and Soviet: people and politics. Cinematographic myths of 30ties, spiritual explorations of generation of 60s and 70s. Visual search of contemporary political culture in post - soviet space. Is it propaganda?

Course literature:

  1. Doyle M. The future of television. Lincolnwood (Illinois), 1992.

  2. Promotion strategy, prof. I. Adsuars. Communications Art, N.Y. 1973.

  3. Cronin A. Advertising myths. London; N.Y.,2004.

  4. Cook G. The discourse of advertising. London; N.Y.,2001

  5. Gehr H. Film_design: visual Effekts fūr Kino und Fernsehen. Bergisch Gladbach, 2000.

  6. M.McLuhan, B.R.Powers. The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century, New York, Oxford, 1992.

  7. Ways of seeing. London, 1977.

  8. Арнхейм Р. Искусство и визуальное восприятие. М., 1974.

  9. Барт Р. Мифологии. М., 1996.

  10. Барт Р. Избранные работы. М., 1989.

  11. Вирилио П. Машина зрения. СПб., 2004

  12. Лотман Ю. Структура художественного текста. М., 1970.

  13. Маркузе Г. Эрос и цивилизация. М., 1992.

  14. Ноэль-Нойман Э. Открытие спирали молчания. М., 1996.

  15. Строение фильма. Сборник. М., 1984.


Course title: Principles of organization of cultural tourism
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Jeļena Logačova
Course abstract:
In this course the interpretation of notion of tourism is provided and the contemporary models tourism is observed. Students are familiarized with the meaning of tourism in human economical and spiritual world, with Latvian tourism policy, an industry of tourism and its future perspectives.

Particular attention is laid on factors promoting and breaking the development of tourism, which are influencing advancing of tourism in Latvia. After the completing this course students are supposed to know how to use gained achieved knowledge, preventing factors which are limiting tourism and inventing and promoting of stimulating factors at their business.

Aim and the tasks of the course:

To provide students with the knowledge of tourism as a field of human activity, a history of development of tourism and the types of tourism as well as understanding of the tourism as a complex of national economy.

To create the understanding of tourism as a specific field of national economy, interconnection of system of tourism with the setting (environment), on elements of the system, creation of the tourism policy on various levels.

To make students familiar with the products of cultural tourism and contemporary development tendencies and actualities.

Course credit value: 2 CP,
Course assessment: test (in written form)

Terms and conditions:
Participation in 3 seminars: an active participation in a group work and discussing of the set issues; participation in motivated discussion on set materials; completing of practical assignment.
Content of the course:


The history of development of the tourism. Structure of modern tourism. Basic types of tourism.


The law of tourism of the Republic of Latvia. Structure of leadership and administration of the division of tourism in Republic of Latvia.


The complex of interdisciplinary (inter-domain) tourism. Specialization of tourism enterprises.


The market of tourism. The definition and structure. The overview of the world

S tourism market. Latvian tourism market.


The notion of cultural tourism and its value in the total market of tourism . aims and tasks of the cultural tourism.


Specific characteristics of the product of cultural tourism. Types of products and basic principles of their creation in cultural tourism.


The resources and tendencies pf cultural tourism. The information of cultural tourism.


The role of state and private structures of different level in the development of cultural tourism. Creating of publicity. The role of mass media in the cultural tourism.

Course literature:

  1. Atpūta laukos.2003.

  2. Tūrisma likums/ spēkā esošs no 01.01.1999.


  4. Kas ir kas jeb viss par tūrismu un apdrošināšanu/ Mārtiņš Ruciņš/ 2002

  5. Tūrisma bizness/d]Dž.Kristofers Holoveis/1999

  6. Tūristu aktivitātes dabā: /Valdis Pilats. R.,2003.

  7. Tūrisms Latvijā 2002.gadā Statistikas biļetens.Rīga,2003.

  8. Tūrisma produkts un tā kvalitāte Latvijas reģionos. Jelgava: LLU, 2003.

  9. Tūrisma uznemejdarbibas pamati. I.Silinevicas redakc. Rezekne, 2001.

  10. Rural tourism and recreation: principles to practice /Lesley Roberts. N.Y., 2001

  11. Введение в туризм/ М. Биржаков/ 2000

  12. Организация туристической деятельности. Гуляев, Моква 2000.

  13. Стимулирование международного туризма в XXI веке/ Г. Харрис, К. Кац/ 2000

  14. Международные туристские организации/ В. Уваров, К. Борисов/ 1990

  15. Введение в гостеприимство/Джон Уокер/1999

  16. Организация международного туризма. В.С. Сенин

  17. Проблемы государственного регулирования туристической деятельности в ЛР/А.Бессольцев, А.Гришин/ Рига 1999.

  18. Туризм. Эволюция. Структура. Маркетинг/ В. Сапрунова/ 1997

  19. Mеждународный туризм и право.Г.К.Борисов.М.1999


  21. International Tourism: A Global Perspective.WTO.Madrid,1998.

  22. Tourism in Europe. Key Figures 1995-1996. European Commission, Eurostat DG.XXIII. Luxembourg,1997.

  23. internet homepages on this subject


Course title: Methods of cultural research: methods of sociology and statistics
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Tatjana Kuzmina, lecturer.
Aim of the course:

To make students familiar with the specific features of the sociologic research, its methodology, methods and techniques; to give a general idea of statistic analyse of the processes in culture and its possibilities in Latvia; to build up some skills essential for an independent scientific research.

Course credit value: 2 CP
Terms and conditions:

  1. each student is supposed to attend at least 75% of entire number of the lessons;

  2. compulsory participation in all seminars;

  3. an individual written assignment

  4. passing the written test.

Course assessment: a test with a mark
Content of the course:

  1. The social research, its peculiarities, options and limits. Safety and credibility of the social research. Correlation of subjectivity and objectivity.

  1. Classification of the social research, its types and kinds. Specific qualities of social research in culture.

  1. Structure and content of sociological research program. Methods of collecting of the sociological information. Content analysis. Monitoring.

  1. Basic principles of creating a questionnaire. Classification of questions in a questionnaire .

  1. The basic principles in creating a selection.

  2. Collecting of sociological information and its processing.

  1. The conditions of statistical analyse of culture processes. Implementation of the national program “Culture” in strategic planning of culture processes.

  1. The ground principles in making of culture indicators.

  1. Analyse of operating of theatre. (subdivision “Theatre” ). Using of statistic in the analysis of the processes in the music industry.

  1. Visual art and statistics. An analysis of museum work.

  1. Research of processes of an amateur art in the traditional culture.

  1. The industry of culture, division of cineMA

  1. Industry of book publishing. Analysis of operating of libraries.

  1. Analysis of culture education system.

  1. Culture heritage in Latvia.

Course literature:

  1. Ašmane M. Socioloģiskie pētījumu organizācija un metodikas jautājumi. R., 1977.

  2. Cilvēks un dzīve socioloģijas skatījumā. R., 1996.

  3. Ivanovs A., Miezītis R., Munkevica R., Ožiganovs E. Socioloģisko pētījumu metodoloģija, metodika un tehnika. R., 1981

  4. Kultūras iestāžu darbība Latvijā: statistikas biļetens. R.,2002, 2003, 2004.

  5. Kultūrpolitika Latvijā. Nacionālais ziņojums. Eiropas padomes ekspertu ziņojums. – Rīga, 1998.

  6. Nacionālā programma „Kultūra” – 1999.

  7. Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. Belmont (Calif.), 1986.

  8. Kultuindikatorer; Norden. Enstudie; komperativ kulturstatistik – 1993.

  9. Danish Cultural Policy, ‘98, ’99.

  10. Yearbook of Nordic Statistic – 1996, 1998.

  11. Statistical Yearbook of Sweden ’97, ’98.

  12. S Silverman, D. Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction. London, etc., 2001


Course title: Intercultural communication: theory and practice. Introduction

into intercultural communication
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Authors of the course: Deniss Hanovs, Dr art., associated professor at LSU,

Larisa Gaidarova, Dr philol., senior lecturer at RBI

Course abstract:
The possibility to look over the stages of development of intercultural communication and its various academic schools and paradigms, as well as an option to make an independent analyse of interconnection of various cultures is offered in this course. This course consists of lectures giving the overview of the notion of culture, basic principles of cultural analysis and paying attention to dynamics of interconnection of various ethnic and social cultures in the time and space. The original texts and parts of research on the intercultural communication will be offered during the seminars. The particular attention is going to be dedicated to intercultural communication in the process of urbanization, creation and development of various subcultures.
Aim of the course: to promote critical and analytical thinking and enlarge the cultural competence.
Course credit value: 2 CP
Course assessment: a test with a mark
Description of the course evaluation:

  • attending of lectures and seminars – 5%

  • activity and quality of the answers in seminars – 15%

  • the marks for summaries and essays – 30%

  • a report – 15%

  • test assignment – 35%

Content of the course:

  1. An introduction to intercultural communication.

  2. The concepts of time and space in the context of intercultural communication.

  3. The memory of culture, construction of memory, traumas in the cultural memory, the theory of cultural footprints : J.Asman, Grinblat, Nora.

  4. „The otherness”, an image of enemy and intercultural communication in Europe of globalization age.

  5. Totalitarian cultures, culture of totalitarian system – structures of ideology and communication.

  6. The intercultural communication and social identity: culture of aristocracy versus culture of the middle class.

  7. The intercultural communication and social identity: the process of urbanization, the urban cultures, subcultures, an alternative system of values. The process of cultural marginalization.

  8. The intercultural communication and social identity: the mass culture versus the culture of elite. The cultural imperialism.

  9. The transformation of intercultural communication in the age of globalization: family and gender.

  10. Intercultural education.

Course literature:

  1. Ārente H. Totalitārisma izcelsme. R., 2000.

  2. Multikulturālisms Latvijā: teorija un prakse. Daugavpils A.K.A., 1996.

  3. Gircs K. Kultūru interpretācija. R., 1998.

  4. Asad T. Muslims and European Identity. Olten, 1960.

  5. Eglitis D. IMAining the nation. University Park (Pennsylvania)., 2002.

  6. Handbook of international and intercultural communication/ eds Gudykunst W., Mody B. Thousand Oaks, 2002.

  7. Herzfeld M. Cultural intimacy: social poetics in nation state. New York, 1997.

  8. Leviss R., When Cultures collide. Brealey,1999.

  9. Hall E.T Beyond Culture. New York, 1989.

  10. Renshon, S.,& Duckitt J. Ed. Political Psychology: Cultural and Cross-cultural Foundation. Hounmills, 2000.

  11. Scollon R. Intercultural communication: a discourse approach. Oxford, 2001.

  12. Ting_Toomey S. Communicating Across Culture. New York, 1999.

  13. Бергер П., Хаттингтон С. Многоликая глобализация. СПб., 2003.

  14. Глобализация и мультикультурализм. М., 2005.

  15. Страны Балтии и Россия: общества и государства. М., 2002

  16. Хоскинг Д. Россия и русские.М., 2003.


Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: Insurance and risk administration in the field of culture
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Nadežda Novožilova, Dr scienc.eng., senior lecturer at BRI
Course abstract:
The course offered is designed to help culture project managers to become to learn the basic principles of insurance in the circumstances of the growth of market infrastructure; to acknowledge the theory and praxis of the insuring for using it in the risk administration and protection of material welfare of project members involved. This course is topical in contemporary situation, which requires highly professional specialists with the knowledge and professional competence in the field of culture in the circumstances of market economy.

Aims of the course:

  1. to orient culture project managers to become towards the professional administration of the risk issues in entrepreneurship and using insurance in the protection of material welfare during the process of project realization.

  2. To teach the students how to take the right decisions in protection of financial interests of persons and enterprises, using the institution of insurance.

Tasks of the course:

  1. to expound the theoretical bases and economical grounds of the insurance; practical use of insurance; the peculiarities in the protection of material interests of physical and legal bodies;

  2. to create clear idea of basic methods of insuring and the peculiarities of in use of insurance in the administration of culture projects;

  3. to make familiar with current legislation of insurance;

  4. to develop practical skills of the insurance in project administration and realization.

Course credit value: 1 CP, 20 contact hours

Course assessment: test
Terms and conditions:
Compulsory participation in seminars; an individual written assignment, passing the test.

Content of the course:


General description of insurance. The main tendencies in the development of insurance in the international praxis. Current condition of insurance and practical examples of insurance cases. Latvian market of the insurance: a general overview. Legislation of insurance in Latvia and the directives of the EU in the field of insurance. Specific features of insurance in the field of culture.


Classification of types of insurance in Latvia and the EU. Kinds of licenses for insurance business in Latvia. Description of insurance types.


Basic notions, terminology and definitions. The notion and economical grounds of the insurance. Business of insurance as a type of economical activity. The basic principles of insuring. Subjects of legal relations of insurance. Written insurance contract.


The notion of risk. The essence and content of the risk. Kinds of risk. Criteria of insuring the risk. The insurable risks.


The theory and praxis of the risk administration. The notion of risk. The factors of risk and necessity of the insurance. The analysis of risk. Types of risk. Criteria in the risk administration. Administration network and methods in risk situations.

Course literature:

Required literature:

  1. Apdrošināšana: pamatprincipi un prakse./Sast.Dr Deivids Blends.- Rīga: 1995.-394

  2. Rubanovskis A. Apdrošināšanas pamati: teorija, plānošana, problēmas. - Rīga: EKA, 2004. - 201. lpp.

  3. Sūniņa - Markevica K. Apdrošināšana. - Rīga: Junior Achievement – Latvija, 2003. – 143 lpp.

  4. Агеев Ш.Р., Васильев Н.М., Катырин С.Н. Страхование : теория,опыт. Учебное пособие. Торгово-промышленная палата Российской федерации.- М.: Экспертное Бюро. М,1998,- 376 с.2.

  5. Гвозденко А.А. Основы страхования : Учебник по курсу «Основы
    страхования». Российская международная академия туризма.- М.: Финансы и
    статистика, 2000.- 304 с.

  6. Гвозденко А.А. Финансово - экономические методы страхования.
    М.«Финансы и статистика» 1998.-184 с.

  7. Никитин Т.В Страхование коммерческих и финансовых рисков - СПб.: Питер, 2002. - 240 с.

  8. Пфайффер К. Введение в перестрахование. Кельнское перестраховочное общество. - М.: Анкил, 1996.- 155 с.

  9. Томилин В.Н. Транспортное страхование в России и странах Балтии.-М.: Анкил, 2000 г.-208 с.

  10. Страхование от А до Я.( книга для страхователя ). Ассоциация страхового права . Под ред. Л.И. Корчевской, К.Е.Турбиной. М, ИНФРА-М, 1996.-624 с.

  11. Страхование: Учебник. Под ред. В.В.Шахова. - М.: Анкил, 2002. - 480 с.

  12. Страхование:Учебник. Под ред.Т.А.Федоровой.- 2-е изд., перераб. и доп.- М.: Экономист, 2003.- 875 с.

  13. Турбина К.Е. Тенденции развития мирового рынка страхования. М.: Анкил, 2000. - 320 с.

  14. Экономика и страхование. Энциклопедический словарь. С.Л. Ефимов,- М., Церих -ПЭЛ , 1998.- 528 с.

Additional literature:

  1. Журавлев Ю.М. Справочное пособие по рассмотрению претензий,
    связанных со страхованием экспортно - импортных грузов.-М.: Юкис, 1991. -145с

  2. Журавлев Ю.М. Страхование профессиональной ответственности.
    М.: Юкис 1991. -69с.

  3. Зубец А.Н. Страховой маркетинг. -М,: Анкил, 1998. -255 с.

  4. Кузнецова Н.П., Чернова Г.В. Некоторые проблемы Европейского страхового законодательства и оценка платежеспособности страховых компаний по рисковым видам страхования. Институт страхования. Санкт-Петербург 1998. - 62 с.

  5. Митрохин В.К. Внимание! Страховое мошенничество. Страховой экспертный центр «Рето» М.1995. - 92 с.

  6. Никитенков Л.К., Осипов В.И. Имущественное страхование: Учебно- -практическое пособие. Под ред. Никитенкова Л.К. - М.: Экзкамен, 2002.- 288 с.

  7. Основы морского страхования: Учебное пособие. СПб.: Изд. дом " Сентябрь", 2002 - 300 с.

  8. Социальное и личное страхование (опыт страхового рынка ФРГ).- М.: Анкил, 1996,- 124с.

  9. Страхование жизни ( на примере Швейцарии). - М.: Анкил1994,- 79 с.

  10. Шинкаренко И.Э. Страхование ответственности: Справочник.- М.:Финансы и статистика ,1999. - 352с.

Legal documentation in the sphere of insurance
1. Latvijas Republikas Civillikums. Civilikuma teksts ar grozījumiem, kas izsludināti līdz 2000.gada IS.septembrim. Rīga, 2000.

2. Гpaждaнcкий Зaкoн Лaтвийcкoй Pecпyблики oт 28 янвapя 1937 гoдa . Oбязaтeльcтвeннoe пpaвo . Pигa, 1999.

3. First non-Life Insurance Directive (73/239EEC). Первая Директива ЕС по видам
страхования иным, чем страхование жизни.

4. First Life Insurance Directive (79/267/EEC). Первая Директива ЕС по

страхованию жизни.

5. Second non- Life Insurance Directive (88/357/EEC). Вторая Директива ЕС по видам страхования иным, чем страхование жизни.

6. Second Life Insurance Directive (90/619/EEC). Вторая Директива ЕС по страхованию жизни.

7. Third non-Life Insurance Directive (92/49/EEC). Третья Директива ЕС по

видам иным чем страхование жизни.

8. Third Life Insurance Directive (92/96/ELC). Третья Директива ЕС по страхованию жизни.

9. LR Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likums. - Latvijas Vēstnesis,

Nr. 188/189 ( 1998, 30. jūnijs ) / Закон Латвийской Республики о страховых обществах и надзоре за ними. ( Вступил в силу с 01.09.98 ) ( с изменениями на настоящий момент).

10. LR likums "Par apdrošināšanas līgumu". - Latvijas Vēstnesis, Nr. 188/189 ( 1998, 30. jūnijs) / Закон Латвийской Республики "О договоре страхования" (с изменениями на настоящий момент).

11. LR likums "Sauszemes transportlīdzekļu īpašnieku civiltiesiskās atbildības obligātās apdrošināšanas likums ".- Latvijas Vēstnesis,( 2004.g. 27. aprīlis )/ Закон Латвийской Республики "Закон об обязательном страховании гражданско- правовой ответственности собственников сухопутных транспортных средств". (Вступил в силу с 01.05.04).

12. LR likums " Par valsts sociālo apdrošināšanu".- - Latvijas Vēstnesis,

Nr. 274/276, ( 1997 ) / Закон о государственном социальном страховании ( Вступил в силу с 01.01.98 ).

13.MK noteikumi Nr. 21 „Apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas starpnieku darbības noteikumi”. – Latvijas Vēstnesis, Nr.7(2005, 13 janvāris).

The resources in the internet:












  12. http://www.abis/


Course title: Methods and techniques of administrating cultural projects
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.
Author of the course: Vladimirs Gurovs, Dr oec., BKI associated professor at BRI.
Course abstract:
This course familiarizes students with general description of marketing communication, with branding in the field of culture, principles of planning in marketing companies and practical use of marketing consultations.

Aim and the tasks of the course:

To give a general idea and to create practical skills in project administration; to give an idea about the peculiarities of project administration in field of culture. To help learning contemporary methods, techniques and instruments of project administration in the course of lectures, practical lessons, individual consultations, readings of course literature and case studies, as well as during the process of project development.

Course credit value 3 CP, 48 contact hours (24 - lectures, 10 - seminars, 14 - practical lessons)
Course assessment: an exam
Terms and conditions:
A test, development and defense of course project, passing the exam.
Content of the course:


Technology of administration and the field of culture. The conceptions of contemporary administration. Business and culture. The conceptions of culture industry. Peculiarities in moving of capital in the field of culture (sources of founding, criteria of efficiency in evaluation, competition). The role and place of private and non-governmental activities in the field of cultural industry.


The base elements of the project leadership. The notion of project. The kinds and types of project. The “stages of a living cycle” of a project. The mission and goals of a project. Criteria of project efficiency. Recourses of a project. The peculiarities of found rising in a field of cultural project. The structure of organization and environment of a project. Structural and functional decomposition of a project – WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) technique.


A project: planning, organizing, control and evaluation. The levels and processes of planning. Planning of estimate and timetable. The budget. The found rising and entrepreneurship in a cultural project. Documentation of the project’s plan. Monitoring of activities. Documentation of results and evaluation, according to criteria of efficiency. Final part of a project.


Project marketing. The contemporary marketing conceptions in the field of leading of projects. A program of a project marketing. A budget of project marketing. Leadership of marketing in leading of a project. Marketing peculiarities of student projects.


Managing of project expenditures. The basic principles in managing of project expenditures. Composing of budget. The methods of control of project expenditures. Account on expenditures. The taxes.


Leadership of a project team. Creation and leading of a team. Promoting of a team efficiency. Motivation and stimulation of a project personnel. Solving of conflicts.

Course literature:

Required literature:

  1. Hans D. Litke, Ilonka Kunova Projektu vadība. Rokas grāmata Rīga, 2003

  2. Reiters Vilfrīds. Kaila patiesība par projektu menedžmentu. Rīga, Vaidelote, 2004

  3. Мазур И.И., Шапиро В.Д., Олдерогге Н.Г. Управление проектами. Учебное пособие . М., 2004

  4. Роббин С., Коултер М. Менеджмент (шестое изд-е) .- М., 2004

  5. Тульчинский Г.Л., Шекова Е.Л. Менеджмент в сфере культуры. Учебное пособие. С.П., М., 2003

  6. Управление проектами. Практическое руководство М., «Юркнига» , 2003.

Additional literature:

  1. Kotler, P. Marketing Administration / Philip Kotler. – 11th ed. - Prentice Hall, 2003. – 130, [4] p.

  2. Meredith, J.R. . Project Administration: A Managerial Approach / Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr. – 5th ed. – John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. – 690 p + CD

  3. Тов А.С., Ципес Г.Л. Управление проектами. Стандарты, методы, опыт. – М., 2003

  4. Управление проектами : практическое руководство / Клиффорд Ф. Грей, Эрик У.Ларсон ; пер. с англ. - Москва : ДИС, 2003. - 528 с. Автор: Грей, Клиффорд Ф.
    УДК: 338.2 Управление проектами под ред. Дж.К.Пинто . М., 2004 (Project administration hand book). Для углубленного изучения и написания исследовательских работ – англ.яз.

  5. Управление инвестиционными проектами : учебное пособие для вузов / В.А.Швандар, А.И.Базилевич. - Москва : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2001. - 208 с. Автор: Швандар, В


Course title: The theory and practice of social communication and

information. Technology of advertising (practicum)
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Boriss Borisovs, senior lecturer, certified film director
Course abstract:
This course is dedicated to problems, meaning and development of contemporary advertising that is observed as system of marketing communication. In this course, trends and means of marketing communication, as well as its specific and technologies are investigated.
Aim and the tasks of the course:

  1. to create an understanding of basic creative principles of promoting goods and services, using technologies of marketing communications;

  2. to stimulate the comprehension of the idea that creativity is not only a sparkling of inspiration, but it is an achievable state, which could be planed in noticeable parts.

Course credit value: 2 CP, 32 contact hours of combined type
Course assessment: a test with a mark
Content of the course:


Creative action as a basic element in leading process of marketing communication. Searching for an idea. Interconnection between marketing and the creative approach. The consumer as a type and an individual. Searching of information in different sources. The process and its parts of creating a communicative product. Evaluation of efficiency.


Various types of press (printed media).

Typology of data storing press communication. The basics of communicative advertising design. Structure of advertising columns in newspapers and Magazines. Technology of printing. Technology of composing. Interconnection of the verbal and the visual. Versatility in means of expression.


Evolution of visual screen communication forms. Screen as data carrier of purposefully guided communication. Product Placement as a creative technology. Photography as a data carrier in advertising. The resources of graphical art. Genesis of styles in the history of advertising creative and compositional manners. Dramaturgy of advertising.


Radio as an instrument of communication: development of radio in the context of media. Means of expression of the radio transmitting. Genres as stylistic means of radio broadcast. Size and shape of commercial canals.


Direct marketing: old ideas and new technologies. Emphasizing of sth as history of technologies. The structure of databases. The vector of games. Creative resources of campaigns. Legal aspects of technologies.


Resources of technologies of warming up the market: history and peculiarities of operation. Target audience. 3 main groups of manners. The manipulation with a price. Natural stimulation. The forms of games.


Advertising (commercials) around us. Marketing in the interior of a shop. The tasks of the design. Disposition of marketing (trading) places. Influence of color, light and sound in the creation of the atmosphere in a shop. Composition of placing of goods.


The resources of positioning. Repositioning in various spheres. Paradoxes of linear multiplication. An integrated marketing communication as an instrument in promotion of products. An analytical overview of history of promoting goods.


Leading of creative activities (branding). Label as a sign and symbol. The portray of label. Making of the labeling agreement. Culture of labeling the goods. The strategy of multi-branding. Return of investments in labels – evaluation of standards. The culture of creating marketing labels.

Course literature:

  1. Batraga A. Tirgvedības komunikāciju attīstība Latvijā. R., LU, 2005.

  2. Kamerāde D. Ieskats reklāmas psiholoģijā. R., 2002.

  3. Stražnovs G. Reklāma praktiskajā biznesā. R., 2004.

  4. Berger W. Advertising today. London; New York, 2001.

  5. Cook G. The discourse of advertising. London; New York, 2001.

  6. Cronin A Advertising myths: The strange half-lives of image and commodities. London; New York, 2004.

  7. FitzGerald M., Marketing communication classics. London, 2000.

  8. Jewler, A. Creative strategy in advertising. Belmont, 1997.

  9. Kelly-Holmes H. Advertising as multilingual communication. Basingstoke,

Hampshire, 2005.

  1. Pricken M. Creative advertising. London, 2002.

  2. Tanaka K. Advertising language: a pragmatic approach to advertisements in Britain and Japan. London, 1999.

  3. Борисов Б. Технология рекламы и паблик релейшнз. Р., 2000.

  4. Дэвис, Скотт М Управление активами торговой марки. СПб.2001.

  5. Маркетинговые войны/ Райс Э., Траут Дж. СПб., 2000.

  6. Райс Эл, Траут Джек. Позиционирование: битва за узнаваемость. СПб.,2001.

  7. Ядин Д. Маркетинговые коммуникации: современная креативная реклама. М., 2003.

Course title: Organization, administration and planning of business in a field of culture: marketing.
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Boriss Heimanis, Dr Oec., assoc. prof. at BRI

Course abstract:

Theoretical bases of marketing are covered by this course. It introduces the terms used in marketing and provides understanding of the essence of the culture market. It gives knowledge in using of the market research methodology, teaches specific features of culture market functioning, and develops skills of work in segments of market as well as understanding of meaning of marketing planning in the culturology.

Aim of the course:

To teach how to orientate themselves in marketing, its various kinds and conceptions;

To train a capability to understand the link between marketing and strategic planning, to analyse the target market, to do a marketing research and to give an overview of relevance of a cultural product.

To provide students with skills of organizing and stimulation of promotion of a cultural product, to work in an advertising campaign, to create marketing program and a work plan.

Tasks of the course:

  1. To give basic knowledge on main conceptions of administration,

  2. To make students familiar with basic principles of managing,

  3. To develop students’ team-work skills,

  4. To increase students’ ability of analytical thinking.

Course credit value: 2 CP , 32 contact hours

Course assessment: exam

Terms and conditions:

  1. Compulsory attendance of every seminar and practical lesson ,

  2. If any of seminars or practical lessons have been missed, a written assignment should be made,

  3. An individual written assignment.

Content of the course:

  1. An introduction to marketing (4 h) – market of expending and wielding, market of user and consumer, the factors which determine the action, potential and capacity, direct and multilevel marketing in culturology.

  2. The target market (6 h) –mixed components of marketing, the divisions of market, its operation and determined area, an analyse of the target market.

  3. Research of marketing (6 h) – tasks, research stages and analyse of marketing research, segmentation of the market in the field of culture, manners or market marketing, criteria and evaluation of the segmentation, a sequence of segmentation.

  4. A good, service and cultural product (4 h) – the factors influencing planning of the good, service and cultural product; a living cycle of the good, service and cultural product; a strategy of managing the good, service and cultural product, productivity and politic of the good, service and cultural product; a sign and brand of the good, service and cultural product; creation of a new product.

  5. A price and composing of the price (4 h ), factors, influencing the development of price, a scheme of price development in culturology, the goals, tasks and methods in deducting of price development, strategy of price creation, conjecture in the market of culture.

  6. Promotion of goods and culture products in the market (4 h.) – a sale intensity of sale (market), channels of sale, mediators, the main principles of sale channels, control of sale, program of promoting good and cultural product, stimulation and advertising of sale.

  7. A plan of marketing (4 h) – planning of marketing, the principles of marketing, a structure of the plan, the aims and strategies of the marketing plan, a work program, the budget, incomes and losses, a control over the realization of the plan.

Suggested course literature:

  1. Blythe J. Mārketings: rokasgrāmata. R., 2004.

  2. Bown-Wilson D. Marketing, administration and motivation. London, 2002..

  3. Briģe A. Lietišķais mārketings. R., 2003.

  4. Diggle K. Arts Marketing. London, 1994.

  5. Kultur- und Kunstmarketing: ein Arbeitsbuch. Wien. 1999.

  6. Niedrītis J. Mārketings. R., 2005. gada 4. augusts

  7. Praude V. Mārketings: mācību grāmata. R., 2004.

  8. Sterrett P. Marketing ideas for the small business. Charlford, 2001.

  9. Желтякова И., Маховикова Г., Пузыня Н. Цены и ценообразование. СПб., ПИТЕР, 2001.

  10. Мачаго Рикардо. Маркетинг для малых предприятий. СПб., ПИТЕР, 1998.

  11. Мокшанцев Р.И. Психология рекламы. М., ИНФРА-Н, 2001.

  12. Postma P.Новая эра маркетинга: будущее маркетинга в век новых технологий. СПб.,2002.


Course title: Theory and practice of the mass communication
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.
Author of the course: Arturs Priedītis, Drphilol., at BRI
Course abstract:
The course consists of general description of theory and practices of mass communication, taking in account trends of culture development during the present times in the world, including Latvia, where means of the mass communication and a mass (popular) culture has a large significance.
Aims of the course:

  1. To describe theoretical interpretation of the mass culture and mass communication;

  2. to characterize the main tendencies of mass communication of the present times;

  3. to depict practical development and its problems of mass culture and mass communication in contemporary Latvia.

The prior conditions for choosing this course:

knowledge in the history of culture, particularly history of Latvian culture and literacy in the theory of culture.

Course credit value: 2 CP [32 contact hours, 20 – lectures, 12 – seminars].
Course assessment: exam
Terms and conditions:

  • Each student is supposed to make and to hand over a written report or an essay (not less than typed 5 pages) on one of the subjects, mentioned in the plan of the course 3 days before the test. Argumentation of statements should be based in course materials, course literature and own, freely chosen illustrative examples;

  • The test consists of expanded commentary on the own report or essay and 2-3 questions, asked by the professor on content of the report/essay. As well, student will be supposed to answer on two questions based in the themes, mentioned in the plan of the course.

Content of the course:

  1. The role and tendencies of mass culture in present times.

  2. The creation and main forms of mass communication.

  3. The progress of theoretical interpretation of mass communication.

  4. The experience of functioning of mass communication media.

  5. The ethic aspects of mass communication.

  6. The products of mass media in contemporary times.

  7. Political technology and the mass communication.

  8. The role of the television in the mass communication.

  9. Popular (mass) art.

  10. Music as a product for masses (crowd).

  11. Popular literature.

  12. Advertising (commercials) as a form of mass communication.

  13. PR as a form of mass communication.

  14. Subculture and mass communication.

  15. Demographical changes and perspectives of the mass culture.

  16. The strategy of culture during the age of mass.

Course literature:

  1. Gīrcs K. Kultūru interpretācijas. R., 1998.

  2. Freids Z. Īgnums kultūrā. R., 2000.

  3. Komunikācija: kultūras un vēstures diskurss. Rīga, 2005

  4. Priedītis A. Latvijas kultūras vēsture. No vissenākajiem laikiem līdz mūsdienām. Daugavpils, 2000.

  5. Priedītis A. Ievads kulturoloģijā. Kultūras teorija un kultūras vēsture. Daugavpils, 2003.

  6. Priedītis A. Himēriskuma nesaulē. Kulturoloģiskas esejas un studijas. Daugavpils, 2005

  7. Šuvajevs I. Prelūdijas. Kultūrvēsturiskas un filosofiskas studijas. R., 1998.

  8. Alder E.D.The Media and Politics. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1996.

  9. Bauman Z. Culture as Praxis. London, 1973.

  10. Bauman Z. Legislators and Interpreters, On Modernity, Postmodernity, and the Intellectuals. Oxford, 1987.

  11. McQuail D. Mass Comunication Theory: An Introduction. London, 2002.

  12. Street J. Mass Media, Politics and Demokracy. N.Y.,2001

  13. Storey J. Cultural Studies and the Studies of Popular Culture. Edinburgh, 1996.

  14. Культурология. ХХ век. Энциклопедия. Т.1-2. СПб. 1998.

  15. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. М., 1996.

  16. Mācību grāmatas kr. un angļu skat.:


Course title: Analysis of the works of art
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: MA S.Hajenko, as. Prof at BRI

Course abstract:
The method of familiarization of art is based on understanding of “inclusion” of art pieces in interior (fashion, textile, ceramics, glass, painting, graphic art, sculpture, design etc.) and exterior (styles of architecture, architecture of small forms , monuments and decorative sculpture, painting, stained glass panels, installations etc.). Interpretation of particular author’s creation is based in materials of personal exhibitions.

Course credit value: 1 CP ( 20 contact hours, 10 of them – theoretical, 10 - practical lessons)
Course assessment: a test.
Content of the course:

  1. Rules of perception

    Knowledge about:

    rules of perception.

    Skills to:

    understand own and others’ reaction to unknown in the art (a barrier of unusual, an effect of recognition etc.) and learn how to be disposed and prepared to communication with a piece of art.

  2. Kinds of art

    Knowledge about:

    • kinds of art and peculiarities of its language (a line, plane, color, background, plastic etc.);

    • techniques and materials of art sculpture and graphic.

    Skills to:

    • give a description of some kind of art;

    • define the genre and technique of performance;

    • analyse a piece or art from a formal point of view.

  3. Applied art

    Knowledge about:

    • divisions of traditional (folk) art and their influence on professional art;

    • kinds of applied decorative art and their genres: special art, tapestry, batik, macramé, ceramic: everyday, garden, decorative;

    • development of contemporary design (furniture, lamps, new color developments, clothing etc.)

    Skills to:

    • detect traditional Latvian attitude to the material, color, form, rhythm in works of applied decorative art;

    • describe a piece of applied decorative art according to traditions;

    • name social and psychological reasons of genesis of any artistic movement (tendency);

    • applying of gained knowledge in the praxis .

  4. City and art

    Knowledge about:

    • architecture styles in Riga;

    • structure;

    • untraditional types of art in a city surroundings.

    Skills to:

    • detect elements of gothic, classical, baroque, art noveu, art deco style in the streets of Riga;

    • recognize monuments and decorative sculptures in the city and their authors;

    • detect installations and other artifacts in surroundings.

  5. Untraditional types of art

Visiting exhibitions of untraditional art.

Knowledge about:

trends of modern contemporary art (neo-styles, pop-art, op-art, surrealism etc.)

Skills to:

  • detach video-art, body-art, installations, performances etc.

  • get an idea about main movements in the art of 20th century.

The order of studying certain themes depends on exhibitions being held during particular period, since all practical assignments are planed in direct connection to original pieces of art.

Course literature:

  1. Barand M. Approaches to understanding visual culture. New York, 2001.

  2. Dascal M. Interpretation and understanding. Amsterdam, 2003.

  3. Анализ и интерпретация произведения искусства /Сб.под ред. Н.А.Яковлевой), М., Высшая школа. 2005.

  4. Виппер Б.Г. Введение в историческое изучение искусства. М., 1985.

  5. Власов В.Г. Иллюстрированный художественный словарь. М., 1994.


Course title: Cultural policy of Latvia and EU
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part B.

Author of the course: Ivans Mihailovs,, MA.iur. , lecturer
Aim of the course:

to provide the knowledge of Latvian cultural policy, to create skills of orientation in the work of various cultural institutions of Latvia, to inform about legislation in the sphere of culture and the process of growth of the cultural policy; to observe contemporary Latvian culture policy in the context of the culture policy of the European Council and the EU and outline the system of development of intercultural contacts.

Course credit value: 2 CP - 32 contact hours (28 – lectures, 4 – seminars)
Course assessment: exam
Terms and conditions:

  • a test,

  • participation in seminars,

  • passing the exam at the scheduled time,

  • Download 3,41 Mb.

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