Baltic russian institute

Course title: PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD’S LITERATURE/ World outlook through World literature

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Course title: PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD’S LITERATURE/ World outlook through World literature

The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration, part A

Course compiled by:

Dr paed. O. Fiļina

The abstract of the course:

During the course, “World outlook through World literature” students are going to be introduced with the world’s literature as a reflection of values of the world outlook (perception).

The cultural text conception creates the base of this course. According to this conception, a text Is going to be investigated as a model of the world, reflecting particular way of artistic consciousness and certain type of man in the history of culture. The cultural analyse of a text gives an opportunity to disclose the system of interconnection between particular period of history, type of culture, way of human thinking and interpretation of values.

The world outlook analysis of the particular historic periods, well reflected in literature from the Ancient times to the literature of 20th century, is offered in order to achieve this goal. In the base of the analysis lies the dynamic of world outlook, which is reflected in

  • The types of culture and the way of thinking;

  • the main problems of literature and leading images and characters;

  • the stylistic features of works’ genres.

Aims of the course:

  • to introduce the students with world literature as reflector of values of human World outlook;

  • to create basic knowledge and develop skills, allowing to understand the coherence of development of world literature;

  • to develop in the students a system of skills, compulsory for comprehension of literary work from the viewpoint of cultural, ethical and other norms;

  • to promote the humanitarian thinking of the students, which is necessary for self-actualization in a dialog with culture partners.

Course credit value:

6 CP 96 contact hours

Course assessment:



  1. Active participation in practical lessons. The main condition: ability of interpretation of literary creations from the viewpoint of the world’s outlook.

  2. Cultural analysis of one literary creation (in written form, 5 -10 pages);

  3. A sufficient answer (passing) of the main questions of this course in the test. The main condition: an analysis of one literary creation from the viewpoint of this course.

Course content:


Literature for interpretation and analysis (the titles of books given in English, if not in the original)


The introduction to subject of the course


The world outlook of Antique times: cosmos as whole world’s unity, time and a myth, a man and mythology.

Mithology of Ancient Greece and Rome


Homers’ eposes “Iliad” and “Odysseus”: the content, composition, style and language of the eposes. The images of Gods and Heroes. The time and place of origin of the eposes. The problem of Homer’s authority of the eposes.

Homer’s eposes “The Iliad” and “The Odysseus”:


The origin and types of Greek draMA The cult of Dionysius and the starting point of a tragedy. Character (atmosphere) and structure of a tragedy. Performing of tragedies. Greek theatre: audience, a chorus, actors.

The life and dramaturgy of Achilles. A man and the fate in tragedies of Achilles. Structure of the tragedies, images of heroes, the role of chorus. The language and style of his tragedies.

The life and dramaturgy of Sophocles. A man and the fate in tragedies of Sophocles. New findings of Sophocles in a stage art. Structure of the tragedies, images of heroes, the role of chorus.
The life and dramaturgy of Euripides. “The philosopher of the stage”.

Greek drama:

Achilles – "The Captured Prometheus", "Arrestees",

Sophocles "Antigone".
Euripides "Medea", "Hipolits", "The women of Troy”, "Helen", "Orests", "Electra",
"Iphigenia in Aulid".


Oedipus as the main character of the Antique culture.

The image of Oedipus in literature of modern times.

Sophocles " Oedipus"

A. Gide “Oedipus”.


"The Antique world” as a myth

Jean Racine’s tragedies “Britannic”, “Andromache”, “Phaedra”.


The description of Antique poetry. Kallimah and his work. The origin of bucolic poetry. Theocrat, his idyllic poetry. Epical poetry of Hellenic period: Virgil – the best known poet of Augustus age. His creations “Eklogas”, “Georgikas”, “Eneīda”. Horace – a personality and a poet. Ovidius – a personality and a poet.

Poetry of Callimah, Theocrat, Virgil, Horace and Ovidius.


Traditions of the Antique literature in the literature of The Romanticism. Teofils Gotjē

T. Gotjē „Emaljas un kamejas.”


The genre of fable in the Antique literature.

Aesop and his fables.

The genre of fable in literature of the modern times.

The poem of Hesiod “Works and days”

The fables of Aesop. Lafontēns “The fables”.

И. А. Крылов “Басни”.


Pagan mythology in the literature of the modern times. Perception and influence of the Antique literature in the later stages of European literature.

J. Cocteau “Orphée”, “ La Machine infernale”.

Poems of Ossian,

Poetry of J. C. F. Holderlin.

Dramas of: J.Anouilh “Antigona”, "Medea".

J. Cocteau “Antigona”.

Поэзия А. Белого,

Вяч. Иванова, И. Анненского, В.Я. Брюсова

В. Хлебникова, М. И. Цветаевой, М. А. Волошина.

Л.Улицкая «Медея и ее дети».


The Medieval World outlook: Theo centralism, hierarchy, virtues of the Christian mythology.

Jesus Christ as a leading image in the culture of Medieval times.

Medieval heroic epos.

The knight’s literature, the etiquette of knights, literature of courtesy, the novel of knights.

The Medieval poetry: F. Vijon, troubadours, vagrants, minnesingers.

“The Song of Roland”.

“The Song of Nībelung”. Trua “Tristan”.

Žozefs Bedjē “Tristan and Izolda”.

Rihards Rudzītis "Grāla brālība".

Dante Aligjēri “The Divine comedy”.


The Christian mythology in literature of Modern times.

Poetry of G. Apollinaire;

J. SaraMAo “O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo”( “The Gospel According to Jesus Christ”),

A. Burgess "Man of Nazareth",

Ф. М. Достоевский «Идиот».

М. Булгаков «Мастер и Маргарита».

Ч. Айтматов «Плаха».


Neo-mythology in the literature of 20th century.

Poetry of E. Verhaeren.

poetry of Ch. Baudelaire,

dramatic works of M. Maeterlinck,

J. Joyce "The Ulysses".

T. Mann “Burvju kalns”, “Jāzeps un viņa brāļi”.

F. Kafka „The Process”, „The Castle” and short stories.


Mythological world outlook base of the fantasy literature.

J. R R. Tolkien “The Lord of the Rings”,

М. Семенова «Волкодав».


The concept of world and a man in the literature of Latin America.

“Mythological realism.”

To chose on work from:

D. Amado, A. Karpentier, М. А. Asturias, J.L. Borges, J. Cortzar.

G. G. Markess “Simts vientulības gadu”, “Patriarha rudens”.


The world outlook of the Renaissance literature: anthropocentrism, pantheism.
The image of Hamlet as a cultural archetype.

Poetry of F.Petrarka.

Bokačo „Dekamerons”.

Essays of М.Montaigne.

Miguel de Cervantes “Don Chicot”.

V. Shakespeare “Hamlet”, “Kind Lyre”, “Macbeths”, “Romeo and Juliet”


World outlook of the Classicism literature: acceptance of traditions of Antique literature and the Great Renaissance as examples.

The idea of harmonic development of society. A personality and society, the ideal and reality, feelings and reason.

Strict orderliness of form, harmony, clarity and harmony of images. Larošfuko „Aforismi”.

P. Kornejs “Sid”.

J. B. Molier ,,Tartifs or the Liekulis”, “Don Juan”, “The misantrop”,,Iedomu slimnieks”, ,,Skapēna nedarbi”.


World outlook in the age of The Enlightenment literature: superiority of human mind, the idea of progress, the rationalism, the theory or reasonable egoism.

The image of Faust as a culture archetype.

J. Swift “Gulliver’s Travels”.

D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”. H.Fielding “The History of Tom Jones, the Founding”.

Voltērs “Oedipus” , “Zadig or the fate”, “Candid”.

J.V. Goethe „Faust”.

Т. Mann “Doctor Faust”.
А. С. Пушкин «Маленькие трагедии».


The world outlook of the Romantic literature: superiority of human spirit. .

„Byronical” hero as symbol of the Romanticism.

J. Byron „Manfred”, “Cain”.

W. Scott ,,Puritāņi”, ,,Rob Roy”, ,,Quentin Durward”, “Ivanhoe”.

E.T.A. Hoffman „Muzikālas noveles”, „Runča Mura dzīves uzskati...”.

V. Hugo “Notre Dame de Paris”, “Les miserable”, “The man, who laughs”.


The world outlook in literature of naturalism: biological determinism, dominance of environment, social protests.

The naturalism in theatre: the drama of ideas, allegory. The conflict of generations, image the modern woman, issue of marriage.

E. Zola ,,Teresa Rakena” , ,,Madeline Fera”, ,,Trīs pilsētas”, ,,Dāmu paradīze”, “Parizes veders”.

Short stories by G. de Mopasan.

H. Ibsen “The Doll House", “The Ghosts”,” Had Gabbler".

K. Hamsun ,,Pāns” , “Victoria”, ,,Sava laika bērni”.


The world outlook of the Realism literature: the notion of “a type”, type as an object of art. Typical hero in typical environment.

C. Dickens „David Copperfield”, „Dombey and Son”, “The Great Expectations”,

G. Flober „Madame Bovary”.

О. de Balzac “Zaudētās ilūzijas”, “Zemnieki”, “Kurtizāņu spožums un posts”, “Nabadzīgie radinieki”, “Eiženija Grandē”, “Gorio tēvs”.


The world outlook of modern literature (literature of the Modernism): lost of spiritual interest and religious faith and issue of alienation. A myth in culture of modernism and neo-Modernism.

E. Hemingway “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, “A Farewell to Arms”, “Green Hills of Africa”, “To have and have not”, “The Old Man and the Sea”.

R. Muzil “The Man Without Qualities”.

M. Prusts "Zudušo laiku meklējot".

H. Hesse “Das Glasperlenspiel”("The Glass Bead Game"),”Der Steppenwolf“, “Demian”, “Sidharta”, “Zem rata”

F. Kafka “The Process”, “The Castle”.

A. Camus „L'etranger”( “The Stranger”), “La Peste”(”The Plague”), W. Golding “The Lord of the Flies”


The world outlook of post-modern literature: “the death” (disappearance) of an author, intertextuality, montage as a principle of composition, search for a virtual reality.

U. Eco "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum", “Iepriekšējās dienas sala”, ,,Baudolino”.

М. Pavich “Dictionary of the Thazars”, P. Zuskind "The Parfumer".

Course literature:

  1. Ароматы и запахи в культуре: Кн. 1 (сост. Вайнштейн О.Б.). – М., 2003.

  2. Ароматы и запахи в культуре: Кн. 2 (сост. Вайнштейн О.Б.).- М., 2003.

  3. Библер В.С. Замыслы: В 2 кн. М.: РГГУ, 2002.

  4. Ганин В. Н. История зарубежной литературы XVII–XVIII веков: Практикум. Планы. Задания. Материалы: Учеб. пособие. – М., 2004.

  5. Гаспаров Н. Занимательная Греция. M., 1998.

  6. Гачев Г. Национальные образы мира. Космо-Психо-Логос.-М.: Издательская группа «Прогресс-Культура».1995.

  7. Гуревич А. Я. Категории средневековой культуры.2-е изд., испр. и доп. М., 1984.

  8. Гуревич А. Я. Средневековый мир: культура безмолвствующего большинства. М., 1990.

  9. Зарубежная литература ХХ века. Под ред. Л. Т. Андреева – М., 1996.

  10. Ильин И. Постструктурализм, деконструктивизм, постмодернизм – М., 1996.

  11. История зарубежной литературы ХIХ века. – М., 1999.

  12. Куманецкий К. История культуры древней Греции и Рима. M.,1990.
    Лотман Ю. М. Внутри мыслящих миров. Человек - текст - семиосфера - история. - М.: «Языки русской культуры››.1999.

  13. Маньковская Н. Б. Эстетика постмодернизма – СПб., 2000.

  14. Хейзинга Й. Осень средневековья (пер. с нидерланд. Сильвестрова Д.В.) Изд. 3-е, испр. – М., 2002. / Huizinga J. The Waning of the Middle Ages: a Study of the Forms of Life, Thought and Art in France and the Netherlands in the 14th and 15th Centuries. London: Arnold, 1924.

  15. Rubenis A. Cilvēks mitīskajā pasaules ainā. –R., 1994.

  16. Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā. – R., 1997.

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