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The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by Iļja Boļšakov, Ma Phil.
The aim of the course: to give the students an idea about what ethics is as a philosophical discipline, in what way ethics is important in a human life and social life, to teach the stunebts to orient in the questions of ethics, which are connected to the professional duties and tasks.
Course tasks: to get the students acquainted with what ethics is, to expand the knowledge of terminology, to link it to the activity of the society, persons, and entrepreneurs.

After the course the students shall:

  • Orient oneselves in the general principles and problems of ethics.

  • Be able to perceive the human actions from the perspective of ethical principles.

  • Be aware of the basic principles of socially responsible activities.

  • Be able to analyse particular ethical problems in Latvian context.


  1. Successful participation in lectures and seminars.

  2. Preparation of a report on one of the course themes (min. 5 pages)

  3. Accomplishment of the exam.

Course content and types of studies, literature

  1. General overview of notion and problems of ethics I.

Ethics and morals, general notions (notion of ethics, and morals), types of the ethical knowledge, main trends of the ethics researches, ethics as practical philosophy.

  1. General overview of notion and problems of ethics II.

Morals and rights, differences between them (seminar)

  1. Historical development of ethics I.

  2. Historical development of ethics II.

  3. Universal and particular ethics.

Analysis of the notion “good” (seminar)

  1. Theory of natural rights.

  2. Maintenance of morals (seminar)

Business and professional relations in the industrial society and Christian ethics.

Peculiarities of modern world of work and professions. Christian view on work and profession.

  1. Truth, economics, common good.

  2. Business ethics.

  3. Golden rule

What a golden rule is? Five factors which may influence the golden rule. Universal application of the golden rule.

  1. Art and the responsibility of an artist (seminar).

  2. Moral aspects of modern art and culture (seminar)

  3. Bioethics, ecology ethics, problem of resources.

  4. Topical problems of ethics (seminar).

  5. Moral realism.

Moral realism as the meta-ethics system and its perspective in the ethics researches.

16. Choice of the ethical way (seminar)



  1. Кlive V. Rīcības ceļos. Rīga, Zinātne, 1998.

  2. Ētika Rīga,. Rīgas metropolijas kūrijas izdevums., 1997.

  3. Brumanis Ā.A. Kristīgā sabiedrības mācība. Rīga. Rīgas Metropolijas kūrija, 1994.

  4. Valdības ētika šodien. Rīga, Ētikas padome, 1997.

  5. Lasmane S. Rietumeiropas ētika no Sokrata līdz postmodernismam.Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2001

  6. Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimta (Praktiskā ētika). Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.

  7. Vīts E. Postmodernie laiki. Rīga, LMF, 1999.

  8. Bioethic in a European perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 2001.

  9. Bowie,N. Administration Ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publ., 2005.

  10. Андреева И.В. Этика деловых отношений. Вектор, Санкт-Петербург, 2005.

  11. Красникова Е.А. Этика и психология профессиональной деятельности.Москва, Форум-Инфра-М, 2004.

  12. Максвел Д.К. Нет такого понятия как деловая этика. Минск, Попурри, 2004

  13. .Хеффнер Й. Христианское социальное учение. Москва, Духовная библиотека, 2001

  14. Маритен Ж.Исскуство и схоластика.Москва, Росспэнб 2004.

  15. Шпеман Р. Основные понятия морали. Москва, Московский философский фонд, 1993


  1. Ētika. Lasmane S., Milts A., Rubenis A. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1995.

  2. Milts A. Ētika. Personības un sabiedrības ētika. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.

  3. Beder,S. Selling the work ethic. Carlton North (Victoria)Scribe Publ.; London; N.Y.Zed Books, 2000.

  4. Broad, C.D. Five types of ethical theory. London, 2001.

  5. Ethics: contemporary readings /ed. By Harry J.Gensler ec. N.Y., London, 2004.

  6. Де Джордж. Деловая этика: в 2-х т. СПб.,2001.

  7. Скрипник А.П. Этика. Москва, Проект, 2004.

  8. Lasmane S.20.gadsimta ētikas pavērsieni. Rīga , Zvaigzne ABC, 2004.


Title of the course: AESTHETICS
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by: Dr of Philosophy, doc. Ilze Fedosejeva
Abstract of the course: The course gives an insight into the most important categories and problems of aesthetics. Special attention is paid to the analysis of art, as an integral element of aesthetic culture. In the run of the course there is given a correlation of the conclusions made by scholars in the past with what is happening in aesthetic culture nowadays.
Aims of the course:

  1. To introduce the students to the central problems of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline.

  2. To give an idea of the characteristic features of aesthetic culture nowadays.

  3. To develop the students’ skills in order to apply the categorial apparatus existing in aesthetics, to be able to analyse art and aesthetic culture phenomena.

Course credit value: 2 CP (contact hours 32)
Requirements: participation in 3 seminars: active participation in the group work and discussing the offerd questions; participation in the argumented discussion based on the text materials; written summary of the discussed problem; individual task (writing task); successful passing of the exam (written)
Form of assessment: exam
Assessment of the exam: 30% of the mark- assessment of a writing computer typed test (around 8 000 symbols), which shall be handed in electronic format or printed during the last study week;

30%- seminar work assessment;

40%- theoretical question of any course themes.

Course content:

  1. The characteristics of aesthetics as a form of philosophical discipline. The subject of aesthetic. Aesthetic research.

  2. Kinds of aesthetics. The beautiful. Kinds of the beautiful. Expansion of beauty in culture nowadays. Beauty in nowadays art. The elevated, kinds of elevation. Its role in nowadays art and everyday life. The tragic and the comic.

  3. Aesthetic consciousness. Aesthetic feelings. Aesthetic attitude as being interested and uninterested. Aesthetic taste. Aesthetic ideal.

  4. Art as an integral element of aesthetic culture. Main ways of art interpreting: art as representation, expression, game, prganic whole, creation. Functions of art, normative and descriptive functionalism.

  5. Work of art in art culture, problem of the ontological status of a work of art. Institutional work of art theory.

  6. Art image its structure. Simulacre and fantasm as forms showing art image.

  7. Process of perception of a work of art, psychological aspects of a perception process. Feeling aesthetic, its benefits and disadvantages. Catharsis as the central term of art psychology.

  8. Aesthetic and art value of a work of art. Artistic truth as component of the art value. Art truthfulness and style.

  9. Kinds and genres of art. Art morphology.

  10. Art creation. Its psychological and social aspects. The evolution of artist’s status in the run of culture history.

  11. Art and Culture interaction. Art and the spirit of century. The role of art in making and breaking the cultural norms. Art in a stable cultural situation and in transition periods. Historical aspects of art and other art forms interaction.

  12. Processes of aesthetisation in the culture of the 20th-21st centuries AD. Aesthetisation of the environment, moral, science and religion, its evaluation. The peculiarities of art culture of the 20th -21st centuries AD.


  1. Estētika. P.Zeiles red. R., 1989.

  2. Celma J., Fedosejeva I. Estētika: Estētikas ideju vēsture Eiropā. R., 2000.

  3. Dombrovska L. Vērojumi un vīzijas. R., 2203.

  4. Freiberga E. Estētika: mūsdienu estētikas skices. R., 2000.

  5. Gadamers G. Skaistā aktualitate. R., 2002.

  6. A Companion to Aesthetics. Edited by D.Cooper. Oxford, 1997.

  7. Aesthetics adn the philosophy of art./ed. by Peter Lamarque and Stein H.Olsen. Oxford, Blakwell Publ., 2004

  8. Mattick P. Art in time: Theores and ptacties of modern aesthetics. London; N.Y., 2003.

  9. The Oxford Handbook of aesthetics. Oxford, 2003.

  10. Яковлев Е.Г. Эстетитка. М., 2002

  11. Хюбнер Б. Произвольный этос и принудительность эстетики. Минск, 2000.


Title of the course: Economics: basics of the theory of economics
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by: Boriss Heimanis, prof., Dr Oec
Aim of the course: to master the theoretical basis of economics, to get the students acquainted with the main regularities connected to the motivation of the economic activity on the market of economics, to give an idea about causal relationship in the national economy, togive an insight into the maintenance of the international economic relations and the need forthose, to teach the notions of the entrepreneurship, to shape an idea about its content and meaning in the national economy, as well as about necessary pre-requisities and resources for the development of the entrepreneurship, to master the skills necessary for the information perception and processing in the entrepreneurship.
Course tasks: to give the students general knowledge about the most important indexes of macroeconomics and microekonoics and their role in the national economy: maintenance of the prises for the goods and services and its influence on the offer and demand. To give an idea about the risk determination possibilities, about the relations between the work, workremuneration, and unemployment problems. The students are to be aware of the inflation inevitability, its positive and negative features, the course is about to teach the students the cyclical character of the development of ecnomics, the government tasks, possibilities, role, and methods of economic influence, as well as the expediency of the internaional trade and its influence on the national economy.
Credit value: 2CP; 32 contact hours (28 – lecture, 4 – seminars)
Assessment: exam

Regular participation in the lectures and seminars. Studies of the advised literature. Handing in the writing tasks in ue time.


Knowledge of the regularities of economics by creation and realization of the cultural projects.

Course content

1. Introduction into economics

2. Economics and politics

3. Description of the entrepreneurship environment in the Republic of Latvia

4. Creation, resources, and expenses

5. Demand and offer

6. Market theory

7. Goals of macroeconomics

8. Money and its turnover

9. Theory of finances and state budget

10. Instability of macroeconomics

11. Theory of employment

12. State economic politics

13. Problems and contradictions in the macroeconomics

14. Business political and social responsibility and political risk

15. Structures of the entrepreneur’s functional representatives

16. International finance and economic relations

Suggested literature

  1. V. Bikse Tirgus ekonomikas pamati, R., Valsts administrācijas skola, 1995.g

  2. V. Bikse. Ekonomikas teorija pamati. 1.daļa. R.,LU 2000

  3. V.Bikse Makroekonomika. R., 2003.

  4. G. Libermanis. Nauda, inflācija, valūtas kurss, R., Kamene, Ekonomists, 1995.g.

  5. G. Libermanis. Latvija uz Eiropas Savienības sliekšņa, R., Kamene, 2001.g.

  6. E. Kassalis. Makroekonomika, R., LU, 2000.g.

  7. G. Gončarovs. Finansu teorija, R., LU, 2000.g.

  8. A. Vedļa. Uzņēmējdarbības pamati, R., 2000.g.

  9. KYELLS GUNNARS HOFS Sadarbība ar Karīnu Marinesku. Biznesa ekonomika, R., Jāņa

Rozes apgāds, 2002.g.

10. Economic theories of international environmental cooperation. Northampton, 2000

11. Hawkins P. The open economy and its financial constraints. Northampton,, 2003

12. Jochimsen M. Careful economics. Dordrecht, 2003.

13 . New economy handbook. Amsterdam, 2003


Title of the course: History of the world’s art. Art in the interior. Art in the city.
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by: Svetlana Hajenko, MA humanitarian art sciences

Course abstract

A professional who is engaged in the project maintenance to a certain extend maintains also the cultural politics, therefore the aim of the course is to bring up a well informed person interested in the art problems. Today visual art is environment-oriented (in terms- interior art), which can be explained with the fact that environment is the continuation of a person- soul, body, things, home, city, state.

Within the course it is planned to get the students acquianted with the 20th century art trends via the perspective of everyday experience and collage (clip-form) thinking. Therefore the traditional course is divided into several blocks- art in the interior and art in the city. As far as modern European art science is not divided into the easel art and decorative art (it all is close to stenography), there is also a distinguished bloch which deals with the avant-garde and technogen art perception peculiarities. The parallel analysis of the 20th century Latvian and European art is stressed. The principle of the tutoring is a tought contact with the original art works (art is comprehended only via contact), therefore parallel to the theoreticalcourses there are also “business” courses- “Analysis of the works of art”, “Basics of the gallery functiobning”, etc.
Aims of the course.

  1. To develop the students’ analytical thinking.

  2. To bring up and develop the students’ comprehension of art, idea of the art taste and style.

  3. To generalize, broaden and improve the students’ knowledge acquired in other courses.

Credit value : 2 CP 32contact hours

Course assessment: differentiated test.
Course content:

1. block. Art in the interior.


Interior as a business card which informs and determines the distance in the relationships with the people around and the world.


Three types of an interior: prestigues, poetic, and avant-garde. Psychological, aesthetic, and social ambitions, character, biography, dreams, options of non-fulfilled life.


Interior as a game, expression of a rebellious character and non-realized irony.


Interior painting (landscape, portray, act, silent nature, associative and abstract painting, its interaction with the space). Collectures painting, peculiarities of its language.


Role of a photography in the modern interior.


Drawing and the drawing graphics. Technology (bokks engraving, book-plate, miniature, etc).


Sculpture in the interior. Structureof a cabinet, fine plastic, medal art, etc. Peculiarities of a language.


Furniture as the art image.


Color (colouring) in the interior.


Art textile. From the amateur traditions to the tapestry: materials, technology, relations with the space.


Ceramics (from amateur to arrogance). From dishes to tiles. Ceramic workshops in Latvia.


Exotic things and antiques: role in the interior.

2.block. Art in the city


The city environment as the definer of the life style and rhythm, perception of the world order.


Architecture (from the medieval times and jugendstil to the constructions of the last decade).


Monumental sculpture, peculiarities of its language (monuments, garden sculpture, applied -decorative, etc.)

Small architecture, garden furniture and other design art-objects in the city environment.


Monumental painting (fresco, panel, stained-glass window, mosaic).


Poster, placard (evolution of the art forms).


Supergraphics, graffity.


Advertisement as the form of art. Shop-windows in the city.

Car-art (Ads on the means of transport).


Enlightment, lanterns. Kinetic objects.


Colors in the city.


Garden and park art, water in the city.


“Festival cloths” and “historic flare “ in the city environment.


Advertisement in the city.

Course literature.

  1. Cielava S. Arhitektūras stili Latvijā. - R., 1997.

  2. Cielava S. Vispārīgā mākslas vēsture. - R., 1998.

  3. Cittautu mākslas vēsture. I, II, III Dobroklonska red. - R., 1966.-1974.

  4. Frida R.Karasā P., Markadē I. Mākslas enciklopēdija. Glezniecības virzieni. - R., 2002.

  5. Gombrihs E.H. Mākslas vēsture pamati. - R.,1997.

  6. Kačalova T, Pētersons R. Mākslas vēsture pamati. II - R., 1997.

  7. Kačalova T. Mākslas vēsture pamati.. I - R., 1976.

  8. Sparītis O. Rīgas pieminekli un dekoratīvā tēlniecība. R., 2001.

  9. Sparītis O. Renesanses stilistiskais diapasons vizuālajās mākslā Latvijā XVI-XVII gadsimtā. R., 1998.

  10. Absolute decoration. Barselona, 2000.

  11. Aldrick M. Gothic revival. - London, 1978.

  12. Antal F. Classicism and romantic with other studies in Art history. - London, 1966.

  13. Beckwith J. Early medieval art. - London,1996.

  14. Benesh O. The Art of the Renaissanse in Northen Europe. - N.-Y., 1965.

  15. Blakemore R. History of design and furniture: from ancient Egypt to 19th Century Europe. New york, 1997.

  16. Hartta Fr. Art. A history painting, sculpture, architekture. - N.- Y., 1989.

  17. Harwood B. Architecture and interior design Throught the 18th century. New Jersey, 2002.

  18. Janson H.W. History of Art. - N.- Y., 1986.

  19. Rewald J. The History of Impressionism. - N.-Y., 1980.

  20. The Fashion book. - London, 2001.

  21. Wilhide E. The Mackintosh style. - London, 1995.

  22. Бартанов И.А., Батажкова В.Н. Очерки истории архитектурных стилей. М., 1983.


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