Baltic russian institute

Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1994

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Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1994.

  • Rubenis A. Senās Romas kultūra. R., 1994.

  • Ardags F. Seno grieķu mīti un leģendas. Egmont Latvija, 1998.

  • Eliade M. Mīta aspekti. R., 1999.

    Resources in internet:

  • История зарубежной литературы ХХ века: 1917-1945. - Available at:
    1. История зарубежной литературы ХIХ века /Под редакцией Н.А.Соловьевой. - Available at:

    2. Зарубежная литература ХХ века / Под редакцией Л.Г.Андреева. - Available at:

    3. Книжный развал. Учебники, лекции, статьи по мировой литературе. - Available at:

    1. В.Н. Богословский, В.Г. Прозоров, А.Ф. Головенченко. Американская литература: Романтизм (1991). - Available at:

    2. Иностранная литература. Ежемесячный литературно-художественный журнал. - Available at:

    3. Pasaules literatūra vidusskolām. - Available at:

    4. Зеленая лампа. Учебный культурологический журнал. - Available at:


    Title of the course: Finances. Taxes
    The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
    The author of the course: Tatiana Andreeva
    Aim of the course: To get the students acquainted with the taxation system of the Republic of Latvia.
    Course tasks:

    • To give knowledge about the LR taxation system and its history;

    • To teach the rules of the basic taxes calculations;

    • To teach to apply the laws of the taxes in the entrepreneurship which operate in Latvia after the 1995 reform.

    Credit value: 1 CP 16 contact hours
    Assessment: test
    Course content:

    1. Theory and practise of taxation.

    2. The system of the taxation law of the Republic of Latvia after the 1995 reform.

    3. Law about “taxes and duties “of the Republic of Latvia.

    4. Law about “customs tax and duties “of the Republic of Latvia.

    5. Law about “excise tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    6. Law about “VAT tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    7. Law about “immovable property tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    8. Law about “the nature resources tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    9. Law about “state social insurance” of the Republic of Latvia.

    10. Law about “population profit tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    11. Law about “Enterprises profit tax” of the Republic of Latvia.

    12. Law about “lotteries and gambling tax and duties” of the Republic of Latvia.


    1. LR likums “ Par nodokļiem un nodevām.”

    2. LR likums “ Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokļi.”

    3. LR likums “ Par pievienotās vērtības nodokļi.”

    4. LR likums “ Par iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokļi.”

    5. LR likums “ Par valsts sociālo apdrošināšanu.”

    6. LR likums “ Par nekustamā īpašuma nodokļi.”

    7. LR likums “ Par dabas resursu nodokļi.”

    8. LR likums “ Par akcīzes nodokļi.”

    9. LR likums “ Par muitas nodokļi un nodevām.”

    10. LR likums “ Muitas likums.”

    11. LR likums “ Par loterijām un azarta spēļu nodokļi un nodevām.”

    12. LR oficiālais laikraksts “ Latvijas Vēstnesis.”

    13. Nodokļu sistēmas izmantošanas iespējas uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai Latvijā. / Anda Orehova. R., LU, 2001.

    14. Сборник « Налоговая система Латвии » ( в 2-х томах ). – Рига: Центр деловой информации.

    15. Д.Г. Черник « Налоги в рыночной экономике ». – М.: Финансы, ЮНИТИ, 1997.


    Title of the course: Theory of culture
    The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
    The author of the course: Nadezda Pazuhina, MA humanitarian art sciences
    Course abstract: the course gives a description of the cultural phenomena in the perspective of history sociology, antropology, and semiotics. The special attention is paid to the mastering of the notion apparatus and methodological principles, as well as the possibilities to apply them in the analysis of the cultural processes. The course gives a general overview of the content of different conceptions of the cultural research considering the specific character of the cultural research among other humanitarian sciences.

    Aims of the course: to get the students acquainted with the possibilities of cultural interpretation.

    To give an idea about the cultural functioning mechanisms.

    To develop the students’ abilities of independent analysis of cultural processes.
    Course tasks:

    • To get the students acquainted with the XX century culturology problems’ specific character and way of development and main ideas;

    • To orient the students in the modern notion system and terminology of culturology;

    • To get the students acquainted with the philosophical problems of the cultural interpretation;

    • To give an idea about the peculiarity of modern philosophical thinking;

    • To give a general overview of the content of different conceptions of the cultural research considering the specific character of the cultural research among other humanitarian sciences ;

    • To maintain the students’critical analytical skills, develop skills of independent thinking when reading philosophical texts.

    Credit value: 2 CP
    32 Contact hours ( lectures - 20 hours, seminars - 12 hours )
    assessment: exam
    reguirements: Participation in 5 seminars: active participation in the group work and discussion of the offered questions; participation in the argumented discussion based on the text materials; short summary of the discussed problem; individual work (writing); Successfully acomplished exam (oral)
    Exam aseessment:
    40%– assessment of the writing task (around 8 000 signs), to handed in during the last study week in electronic format;

    20%– assessment of the seminar work;

    40%– theoretical question about one of the course themes.
    Course content:


    Theory of culture, methods, tasks.

    Culture and cultures.

    Notion of culture. Possibilities of the definition of culture. Crafifications of culture: ciceronic tradition (artificial/natural opposition), its development and modification; enlightment model (culture/civilization/nature).


    Seminar: Notion of culture. Possibilities of the definition of culture.

    Game conception in the interpretation of the cultural processes. Heizinga J. Spēle – mūsdienu kultūras elements.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.11. 118.- 136.lpp. or Хейзинга Й. Природа и значение игры как явления культуры. // Хейзинга Й. Homo ludens. М., 1994. с.21-44.

    Culture and symbol. Teksti: Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R., 1997. II, VI nod.

    Basic questions: different understanding of the notion of culture, specific character of different approaches; the notion of game, rules and functions in the cultural environment. The notion of symbol and function in the cultural environment; specific character of the human thinking; creation of the cultural environment as learning the world.

    Formation and genesis of culture. Linear and cycle conceptions of the formation of culture. Evolutionism and its problems in culture. Sociological approach to the clarifying of the cultural processes. Mechanisms of the cultural functioning. Stratification of culture. Concepts of the dominant culture and subculture. Notions of mass and elite culture.


    Seminar: Culture and socium,

    Zimmels G. Saskarsmes spēle.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.7. 84.- 95. lpp.

    Basic questions: comparison of the game comprehension in the Heizing and Zimmel conception; game in the social interaction.

    Сорокин П.А. Кризис нашего времени. //Культурология. Под ред. Н.Г. Багдарасьян. М., 2001. С.242-256.

    Antropological approach to the clarifying of the cultural processes. inculturalization, socialisation, acultarization. Art, religion and science as the cultural phenomena.


    Specific character of the cultural research. Interdisciplinary approach to the culture researches. Models of the new time philosophers’ humanitarian models. F. Becon, G. Vicout conceptions. Comprehension of culture in the Enligthment age. “Natural” and “Artificial” world. J.J. Russo conception of “degradation of culture”. Culture as the process of the human perfection in the philosophy of J. G. Herder. Interaction of culture and language in the concept of V. von Humbolt.


    Seminar: Herders J.G. Idejas par cilvēces vēstures filozofiju. //Herders J.G. Darbu izlase. R., 1995. 228-242 lpp., 259-270 lpp.

    Vai mums vēl ir sentautu publika un tēvzeme? I d. //Herders J.G. Darbu izlase. R., 1995. 149-166 lpp.

    Humbolts V. Par vēstures rakstītāja uzdevumu. u.c. //Humbolts V. Izlase. R., 1985. 53-58 lpp., 66-75 lpp., 91-96 lpp.

    Philosophy of life and positivism experience in the interpretation of culture. Culture as organism (conceptions od O. Schpengler, A. Toinby). Extencialism approach to the culture. K. jasper “sharp time”, J. Heizing, H. Ortega-i-Gasseta conceptions of the cultural game.


    Дильтей В. Науки о духе и науки о природе. Науки о духе – самостоятельное целое рядом с науками о природе. (с.280-287)// Дильтей В.

    *Тайлор? Ницше Об истории?

    Nīče F Teksti:

    . Ecce homo. (fragmenti)

    Шпенглер О. Закат Европы (fragmenti) Lat.val. Kentaurs (Špenglers)

    Тойнби А. (fragmenti)

    Jasperss K.*

    Psychoanalytical interpretation of culture (Z.Freid, K.Jung conceptions).


    Freids Z. Kādas ilūzijas nākotne. I, II, VI, VII, X nod.

    Freids Z.Totems un tabu. R., 1995. II nod., 30-39 lpp., 86-97 lpp.; 112-127 lpp.

    Jungs K.G. Mūsdienu cilvēka dvēseles problēMA//Jungs K.G. Dvēseles pasaule.


    Semiotical approacg to the culture(R.Bart, U.Eko, J.Lotman). insight into the structuralism and poststructuralism methods (K. Levi-Stross, M. Fucuo, J. Bodriar approaches to the studies of cultural processes).


    Леви-Стросс Кл. Раса и история. //Леви-Стросс Кл. Путь масок. М., 2000.

    Lotmans J. Kultūra un sprādziens.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.33. 82. – 99.lpp.

    Bodrijārs Ž. Simulakru pirmsākumi. Tēlu dievišķā nepiesaistība. Ramzess jeb rozā augšāmcelšanās. Supermarkets un superprece. Hiperreālais un iMAinārais.//Bodrijārs Ž. Simulakri un simulācija. R., 2000.

    Course literature


    1. Klifords G. Kultūru interpretācija. R., 1998.

    2. Kultūra. Teksts. Zīme. R., 1993.

    3. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. М., 1996.


    1. Gadamers H.G. Patiesība un metode. R., AGB, 2000.

    2. Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R., 1997.

    3. Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. R., 1997.

    4. Encyklopedia of Cultural Antropology. N-Y, Vol.1-4, 1996.

    5. Encyklopedia of Social and Cultural Antropology. London, N-Y, 1996.

    6. Cavallaro, D. Critical and cultural theory.London, 2001.

    7. Contemporary cultural theory: an introduction. London; N.Y.:Routledge, 2002.

    8. Culture: critical concepts in sociology. London; N.Y.:Routledge, 2003.

    9. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. М., 1996.

    10. Культурология ХХ век. Энциклопедия. СПб., 1998.

    11. Лотман Ю.М. Культура и взрыв. Таллинн, 1992.

    12. Флиер А.Я. Культурология для культурологов. М., 2002.

    Appendix 8. 2. Part B


    Course title: Modern Latvian visual art
    The course includes of the professional BA programme in Cultural administration part B
    Course compiled by: Svetlana Hajenko, MA art in humantarian sciences, BRI associated professor
    Course abstract: the course peculiarity is connected to the parallel considering of the art processes in France, Germany, the USA, and their peculiar reflection in the creative work of the Latvian artists (trend, style, occurrence and its real expression in the Latvian art, as well as drafting of an individual project for the organization of this type of exibition).
    Course aims and tasks: to get the students acquainted with the main trends and most noticeable persons of the 20th century Latvian visual art; to teach the students to understand and be able to describe the principal changes introduced in the 20th century taking them as an existence. To help the student to master a special notion apparatus which is connected to the system avant-garde- modernism- postmodernism, so that they can apply it when analizing the art processes and particular pieces of art.
    Credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours
    assessment: test
    Requirements: participation in 5 seminars: active participation in the group work and discussion of the offered questions; participation in the argumented discussion based on concrete materials; short written summary of the discussed problem; individual task (writing); successful accomplishment of the exam ( defence of an individual work, answer on a theoretical question on one of the course themes).
    Exam assessment: 20%– assessment of a writing work (around 8 000 signs), to be handed in electronic format during the last study week; 40%– assessment of the seminar work; 40%– defence of an individual work, answer on a theoretical question on one of the course themes.
    Course content:

    1. Classsics. Origins of the Latvian National art school (painting, sculpture, graphic arts) O.Bertiņ, J.Roze, K.Mūks, J.Feders, union “Rūķis”: A.Alksnis, J.Rozentāls, J.Valters, V.Purvītis, T.Zaļkalns. First Latvian artists’ exhibition in Riga in 1896.

    2. Jugendstyle as the last style which includes the origins of every 20th century new search. Jugendstyle in Latvia. Symbolism.

    3. Avant-garde of the 10’s: expressionism, fovism. Riga expressionists group.

    4. Cubism and its revolution (O.Skulme, N.Strunke, R.Suta creative works).

    5. Orfism and futurism in the art of Western Europe. Echo of futurism in Latvia.

    6. Functionalism and geometrical abstraction (1910.-1920.). Lyrical abstraction, suprematism: art processes (1920.-1930.).

    7. Art-deco style. Its expression in Latvia.

    8. Anti-art and surrealism.

    9. Abstract expressionism in the end of the 40’s and in the 50’s. Tashism painting and its influence on the modern artists.

    10. Socrealism.

    11. Kinetic art and op-art. Riga group: V.Celms, A.Riņķis, Akrūmiņš.

    12. Conceptual art.

    13. 20th century realism (naturalism, socrealism, modern simulakri, modern “Magic” relism, etc), photo- or hyperrealism.

    14. Retrieval of the figurative painting.

    15. Evolution of a Creator’s image.

    16. Art of the last decade of the 20th century (technogenic): videoart, installations, transavant-garde. Postmodernism problem in the visual art.

    Course literature:

    1. Kalnačs Jānis. Tēlotājs mākslas dzīve nacistiskās Vāvijas okupētajā Latvijā (1941.- 1945.) Neputns. 2005.

    2. Latvijas kultūras vēsture (Autoru kolectīvs), Zvaigzne ABC 2003.

    3. Latvijas mākslas vēsture. Autoru kolectīvs. Pētergailis.

    4. Lamberta Dace. Klasiskais modernisms. Latvijas glezniecība 20. gadsimta sākumā. Neputns. 2004.

    5. Māksla un arhitektūra. Biogrāfijas. (I – IY) “Latvijas enciklopēdija” Rīga no 1995.

    6. Mākslas enciklopēdija: Glezniecības virzieni. Patrisija Frida, R.Karasā, Izabella Markadē. Larousse. Jumava. 2001.

    7. Māza Mākslas enciklopēdija. Serija: Virzieni un stili.

    8. Māza Mākslas enciklopēdija. Serija: Mākslinieki un darbi.

    9. Latvijas enciklopēdija.

    10. Pelše Stella. Latviešu mākslas teorijas vēsture (1900. – 1940.). Rīga: Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija.. 2004.

    11. Foster Hal. Art science 1900: modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism. London: Thames&Hudson, 2004.

    12. Alfonse Mucha. Plakaty. Praha. 1987.

    13. Bellour R. The Double Helix // Druckrey Timothy. Electronic culture: tethnology and visual representation. N.Y., 1996.

    14. Clarke, Michael. Wabercolor. Eyewritness Art. D.K. London – New York – Stuttgart.

    15. Hofman, Werner. Grundladen der Moderner Kunst. Alfred Kroner verlag. Stuttgart.Sers, Philippe. Totalitarizme et Avant-Gardes. Paris. Les Belles Lettres. 2001.

    16. Read H.A. Concise History of Modern Art Lnd., 1974. (and next editions)

    17. Surrealism / Mary Ann Caws. London: Phaidon. 2004.

    18. Taylor Brandon. Art today. London: Laurence King Publ., 2005

    19. Батракова С.П. Образ мира в живописи ХХ века. Мировое дерево. М., 1992. Вып.1

    20. Беньямин В. Произвеление искусства в эпоху технической воспроизводимости. М., Медиум, 1996.

    21. Вернер Хофман. Основы современного искусства. Академический проект. СПб., 2004.

    22. Герман М. Модернизм. Искусство первой половины ХХ века. СПб.: Азбука – классика, 2003.

    23. Герман М. Парижская школа. Слово / SLOVO, 2003.Сарбарьянов Д.В. Стиль модерн. М.: Искусство, 1989.

    24. Emermacher Karl. От единства к многообразию: разыскания в области “другого» искусства 1950-х – 1980-х годов. М., Российский Государственный гуманитарный универсисет. 2004.

    25. Курбановский А.А. Искусствознание как вид письма. СПб., 2000ю

    26. Лексикон нонклассики. Художественно-эстетическая культура ХХ века. М.: РОССПЭН. 2003.

    27. Лемари, Жан. Фовизм. Skira by Bookking International. 1995.

    28. Лесли, Ричард. Сюрреализм. Мечта о революции. Белфакс. «Белфаксиздатгрупп». 1997.

    29. Лесли, Ричард. Поп-арт. Новое поколение стиля. Белфакс.Ж «Белфаксиздатгрупп». 1998.

    30. Лисаковский И. Художественная культура. Термины, понятия, значения. М., Изд-во РАГС, 2002. Раздел Организация, структуры, функционирование художественной культуры.

    31. Сюзанна А.Стерноу. Арт нуво. Дух прекрасной эпохи. «Белфаксиздатгрупп». 1997.

    32. Сюзанна А.Стерноу. Арт деко. «Белфаксиздатгрупп». 1997.

    33. Тевоз, Мишель. Ар-БРЮТ. Лозанна, Швейцария. 1995.

    34. Турчин В.С. Образ двадцатого ... в прошлом и настоящем. М.: Прогресс – Традиция, 2003.

    35. Шукурова А.Н. Архитектура Запада и мир искусства ХХ века. М.: Стройиздат, 1990.

    36. Эциклопедия искусства ХХ века. М.: Олма – пресс, 2002.

    37. Якимович А. Восстановление модернизма. 1940-е – 1960-е. М.: Галарт, Олма-пресс. 2001.

    38. Якимович А. Реализмы двадцатого века. Европа. Америка. Россия. М.: Галарт. Олма-пресс. 2000.


    Course title: Intercultural communication: theory and practice.

    Specific character of communication in the multicultural milieu

    The course includes of the professional BA programme in Cultural administration part B

    course author: Marina Gunāre, Ph.D. in Political Sciences, BRI assoc .prof.

    Course abstract: the course gets the students acquainted with the tradicions of different cultures, local customs, peciliarities of behavior, values, arts, which influence the field of interaction. The course pays attention to the psychological and culturally sociial aspects in the field of business interaction, as well as the practical experience of intercultural communication is to be analysed.

    Aims and tasks of the course:

    To give the students basic knowledge, develop comcrete practical skills in the field of business interaction by cooperating with the representatives of other cultures to help the students to avoid unnecessary conflicts and financial and morally physhological expenses connected to that. To give the students idea about themselves as competent and educated partners whom it is beneficial and enjoyable to cooperate with.

    Credit value of the course: 2 CP

    Contact hours 32 academic hours

    Assessment: exam

    Requirements: participation in the seminars; individual work (writing); group work, successful completing of the test.
    Course content:


    Ethnical Renessanse of the 19th century II half. Modern ethnical paradox. Psychological reasons for the growth of the ethnical identity in the modern world. Globalization.


    Heterogeneity and psychological dimension of culture. Different languages and different worlds. Bahavior: imaginary and real. Borders of conscious. Classification of culture. Notions of monoactive, polyactive, and reactive culture. Attitude towards time in different cultures.


    Cognitive processes and culture. Perception and culture. Thinking and culture. Memory and culture.cultural shock. Cultural syndromes. Simple- complex. Openness- restraint. Masculine- feminine. Legal- illegal.


    Personality and culture. Personal features. Basic and modal conceptions of personality. National character and menthality. “ Notion of the “ national character”. Anticonception as the cultural phenomena. Regulators of the social behavior.


    Status, leaders, and organization. Cultural routes of organization. Personal and collective leader. Different concepts about the statuss, lider, organization. Hierarchy. Avoiding the uncertain. Power distance.


    Cultural horizon and creation of an international team. Mechanisms of intergroup perception in the inter-ethical relationships. Ethical stereotypes and mechanisms of stereotypization. Methods of a team set up.


    Process of intercultural communication. Notion of the negotiation process. Usage of the language. Communicative breach. Communication models in the business negotiations. The language of administration.


    Psychological aspects of the negotiation process. Principles, problems, national character and negotiations. Values. The decision making process. Behavior standrds and necessity for them. Nonverbal factos.


    Manners and customs. Usual behavior code. Protocol. Embassies.manners in the society. Organization of special events. Business cards.


    Adaptation in the new cultural environment. Psychological adaptation in the new geographical environment. Consequences of intercultural contcts. Multiculturalism. Preparations for the intercultural interaction.


    Peculiarities of the contact with the European and USA representatives. Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland. National character. Behavior customs. Traditions. Holidays. Culture.


    Interaction with the representatives of the Scandinavian states. Finalnd, Denmark, Sweden, Norway. National character. Behavior customs. Traditions. Culture.


    Interaction with the representatives of the Arab states. Traditions. Natuional cuisine. Religious holidays. Culture.


    Interaction with the representatives of the Eastern cultures. Japan. China. South Korea, India. Traditions. National cuisine. Holidays.

    Course literature


    1. Kincāns V. Etiķete. – Rīgā: Biznesa Partneri, 2003.

    2. Mouls D. Biznesa kultūra un etiķete Eiropas valstīs. – Rīgā: Jāņa Rozes Apgāds, 2003.

    3. Šreters Y.J. Eiropas Savienibas leksikons. – Rīga, Jumava, 2004.

    1. Алешина И.В. Паблик рилейшнз для менеджеров. – М.: «ИКФ «ЭКМОС», 2002.

    2. Льюис Р.Д. Деловые культуры в международном бизнесе. От столкновения к взаимопониманию. – М.: Дело, 1999.

    3. Международные отношения: социологические подходы. – М.: Гардарика, 1998.

    4. Мокшанцев Р.И. Психология переговоров. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2002.

    5. Мясоедов С.П. Основы кросскультурного менеджмента. Как вести бизнес с представителями других стран и культур. – М.: Дело, 2003.

    6. Тромпенаарс Ф., Хэмпден-Тернер Ч. Национально-культурные различия в контексте глобального бизнеса. – Мн.: «Попурри», 2004.

    Additional literature:

    1. Apine I. Ievads eynopsiholoģijā. – Rīgā: Zvaigzne ABC, 2001.

    2. Līkopa V. Lietišķā etiķete starptautiskajā biznesā. - Zvaigzne ABC, 2003.

    1. Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2003. – Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2002.

    2. Die multikulturelle Herausforderung. – Herausgegeben von Klaus J. Bade, München: Beck, 1996.

    3. Leisinger K. M. Die sechste Milliarde. Weltbefölkerung und nachhaltige Entwicklung. – München: Beck, 1999.

    1. Крысько В.Г. Этнопсихология и межнациональные отношения. – М.: «Экзамен», 2002.

    2. Лебедева Н. Введение в этническую и кросс-культурную психологию.- М.: Ключ, 1999.

    3. Малевич И.А. Когда в Европе еще вчера, в Корее уже завтра. – Минск: Харвест, 2002.

    4. Малевич И.А. Внимание, Китай. – Минск: Харвест, 2001.

    5. Многоликая глобализация. Культурное разнообразие в современном мире. – М.: Аспект-пресс, 2004.

    6. Ниренберг Д. Гений переговоров. – Минск, Попурри, 1997.

    7. Романюк В. Мифы и реалии «Китайского чуда». Как вести бизнес с китайцами. – М.: «Известия», 2002.

    8. Сапожникова Е.Н. Страноведение. Теория и методика туристского изучения стран. – М.: Academia, 2004.

    9. Стефаненко Т. Этнопсихология. – М., 1999.


    Course includes of the Professional BA programme Culture Administrations part “B”
    Author of the course: Irina Markina, associated professor

    Course abstract:

    The course gives concepts on basic issues in culture in the 20th century, as well as problems of mass and elite culture interaction. Special attention is paid to the incompleteness and problems of the theoretical knowledge according to the ideas about the 20th century culture as “inquiring culture”. The course does not point out the culture of Europe, America, and others on purpose, but highlights the unity of the cultural processes.

    Aim of the course:

    To introduce the students- cultorologists into the specific character of cultural processes’ in the 20th century, to forward the student’s thoughts on theresult of the postmodern culture and comprehension of the perspective of modern culture.

    Course tasks:

    1. To help the students to comprehend the principal changes in the 20th century culture.

    2. To show the peculiarity of the basic notion of the theoretical discourse and aspect of the problem.

    3. To orient the students on the comprehension of the modern cultural texts and analytical reading.

    Credit value: 2 CP (32 contact hours, 20 – lectures, 12 seminars)
    Assessment: exam

    1. Participation in all seminars.

    2. Accomplishment of 2 practical tasks.

    3. Analysis of 2 feature films of belles-lettres (according to the offered scheme).

    4. Writing assignment.

    Exam assessment: 40%– assessment of an individual analytical work (shall be handed in written or electronic format during the last study week); 20%– assessment of the seminar work; 40%– theoretical question about one of the courses themes.

    Course content:

    1. Social situation of the 20th century and its influence on the development of culture. From industrial to postindustrial society: conclusion of the “modernism plan” and starp of a new type of a European. Urbanization and its role in the cultural processes. New cosmogony and mythology. Technics and technology in the 20th century cultural space. Innovation thinking and innovation as a value.

    2. Genesis of mass culture. Mass culture as a culture of a city dweller. Correlation of mass and traditional culture. Aesthetic and out-aesthetic art in the culture. Necessety for the mytholofy and myth creation and its reflection in the culture. Public sphere as the space of mass culture. Big rights of a “humble human”. Stylistical basis of the mass culture. Romanticism as the last “universal” style. Problems of avant-garde and “stability” in the 20th century culture.

    3. Neomythology in the 20th century culture. Ancient (original) and modern mythology: problems of the notion definition. Levels of the mythology representation in culture: everyday mythologysation. nEw myth and new genres: city mythology and technology mythology, its reflection in the mass culture. Neomythology in the 20th century literature. Myth as an escape from history. 20th century most popular mythology.

    4. Mass culture in the society of mass consumers. Culture as a product. Description of the mass culture. Drawing together with the ritual and folklore. Notion of a norm. ideal types of mass culture. Functions of the mass culture. Space of the mass culture. Main institutions of the mass culture. Authority and influence. Phenomena of an advertisement. Circulation and industrial technologies of the mass culture.

    5. Elite culture in the postmodernism epoch. Innovation as a value of the elite culture. Subcultures and contercultures. Relationships of high- low, elite- mass in the postmodernism culture. The break-up of the art borders, radical changes in the art-environment in the 20th century. Development of postavant-garde trend in the art. Dialogue of elite and mass culture in pop art. “Arrogance” as the border condition of art.

    6. Cultural situation in the 20th-21st century. Problems of the definition of the notion “Modernity”. New organization of space and time. Audivisialisation. “Vagueness” of the real environment and development of virtual reality. Destiny of the opposition “mass-elite”.

    Course literature:

    1. Concepts of Modern Art: From Favism to Postmodernism.L.,1997

    2. Bodrijars Ž. Lietu sistēMA R., 2001.

    3. Jermolajeva J. Jermolajevs V. Mūrnieks A. Kultūras vēsture. XX gadsimts.R.,2002.

    4. Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R.,1997.

    5. Jackson D. Entertainment &politics. N.Y., 2002.

    6. John J. Dicken”s villains: melodrama, characters, popular culture. Oxford, 2003.

    7. Lippard L.R. Pop Art. L.,1999.

    8. Noriss C. The Truth About Postmodernism.-Oxford, 1993

    9. Virilio P. Polar inertia. London, 2000

    10. Virilio P. Art and Fear. London; N.Y.,2003

    11. Батракова С. Искусство и миф. М., 2002.

    12. Бойм С. Общие места: мифология повседневной жизни. М., 2002

    13. Вирильо П. Машина зрения. СПб., 2004

    14. История мировой культуры: наследие Запада. М., 1998.

    15. Ильин И. Постструктурализм. Деконструктивизм. Постмодернизм. М., 1996.

    16. Ильин И. Постмодернизм от истоков до конца столетия. М., 1998.

    17. Культурология ХХ век. Антология. М.,1995.

    18. Культурология. ХХ век. Энциклопедия в 2-х т. СПб., 1998.

    19. Первый век кино. М., 1996.

    20. самосознание культуры и искусства ХХ века. М.,2000

    21. Слодердайк П. Критика цинического разума. Екатеринбург, 2001.

    22. Сеннет Р. Падение публичного человека. М., 2003.

    23. Холл Дж. Словарь сюжетов и символов в искусстве. М., 1996.

    24. Щепанская Т. Система: тексты и традиции субкультуры. М., 2204


    Course title: Problems of Latvian literature: Klassics literature.
    The Course includes of Professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

    Author of the course: Iveta Narodovska, MA. philol.

    Course abstract:
    Several problem issues in history of Latvian literature are observed in the context of Russian and Western European literary processes and movements, comparing analog and similar aspects of Latvian, Russian and West European literature due to double culture integration, spread in Latvia.
    Aims of the course:

    1. To examine several phenomenons in history of Latvian literature in the context of Russian and Western European literary processes,

    2. To teach detecting and putting up analog or similar literary phenomenons,

    3. To develop skills of comparative and linguistic text analyse of literary text.

    Course credit value: 2 CP , 32 contact hours
    Course assessment: exam
    Terms and conditions:

    1. Each of students is supposed to attend at least 75 % of entire number of lessons,

    2. Active participation in seminars is compulsory,

    3. Each of students is supposed to write a report or essay on one of the course subjects.

    Course content:

    An introductory lecture. The peculiarities in development of Latvian literature in the context of Russian and West European literary processes.

    Latvian romanticism in the context of West European romantic literature. Story of Jānis Poruks „Pērļu zvejnieks”(1895) reflecting German romantic traditions.

    Latvian romanticism in the context of West European romantic literature. Analyse of Aspazija’ selection of poetry „Sarkanās puķes” (1897).

    Rūdolfs Blaumanis’ short story „Raudupiete” (1889) in comparison to creation of Nikolaj Ļeskov „Леди Магбет Мценского уезда» (1864).

    Synthesis of symbolism and realism tradition in collection of short stories by E. Birznieks-Upītis „Pelēkā akmens stāsti” (1897-1907).

    Ancient symbols in short stories by E. Birznieks-Upītis „Pelēkā akmens stāsti”: „Ilze”, „Smēde”,”Šūpotnes”, „Andžēni”, „Trīnes Kārlēns”, „Zem ābeles”. Analyse of texts.

    „Silver Age” and Latvian modernists in beginning of 20th century.

    Connections between Latvian and Russian writers of modern tradition in first two decades of 20th century.

    Jānis Rainis’ drama „Uguns un nakts” as a remake of an epos „Lāčplēsis” by Andrejs Pumpurs. A motive of „Slīkone” by N.Gogol in a play of J.Rainis.

    Influence of Russian literature in the poetry of A.Čaks. A. Čaks’ poems, written in Russian.

    A.Čaks in the context of futuristic, expressionism and iMAism tradition. Analyse of selection of poetry „Sirds uz trotuāra” (1928).

    Social realism in Latvian literature. Jānis Sudrabkalns’ selection of poetry „Brāļu saimē” (1948).

    The phenomena of I.Ziedonis in Latvian literature. Descriptive genre. „Kurzemīte” (1970-1974).

    Epiphanies by Imants Ziedonis „Epifānijas” (1971-1994).


    Analysis of poetry: I.Ziedonis: „Poēma par pienu” (1977), „Taureņu uzbrukums” (1988) etc.

    Compulsory literature (texts for practical analysis):

    1. Jānis Poruks „Pērļu zvejnieks”.

    2. Aspazija „Sarkanās puķes”.

    3. Rūdolfs Blaumanis „Raudupiete”.

    4. Nikolajs Ļeskovs „Леди Магбет Мценского уезда».

    5. E. Birznieks-Upītis „Pelēkā akmens stāsti”.

    6. Andrejs Pumpurs „Lāčplēsis”.

    7. Jānis Rainis „Uguns un nakts”.

    8. Aleksandrs Čaks „Sirds uz trotuāra”.

    9. Jānis Sudrabkalns „Brāļu saimē”.

    10. Imants Ziedonis „Kurzemīte”.

    11. Imants Ziedonis „Poēma par pienu”.

    12. Imants Ziedonis „Taureņu uzbrukums”.

    Course literature:

    1. Guntis Berelis. Latviešu literatūras vēsture. – Rīga: apgāds “Zvaigzne ABC”, 1999.

    2. Janīna Kursīte. Dzejas vārdnīca. – Rīga: Zinātne, 2002. – 487 lpp.

    3. Latviešu literatūras vēsture. / Red. L. Bērziņš. 2. sēj., 6. sēj. – Rīga: Literatūra, 1935., 1937.

    4. Latviešu literatūras vēsture. – R., 1988-2001. – 1.-3. sēj.

    Course title: Psychology of contiguity and administration, (Social psychology and communication)
    Course is includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

    Author of the course: lecturer L.Ābelīte
    Course abstract:
    This course is dedicated to developing of understanding of oneself and own (psychological) resources, values and goals, which are necessary in making of a decision. The most important issues of effective communication, ways of conflict solving and methods of successful self-representation are observed in this course.
    Aims of the course:

    1. to create an understanding of own (psychological) resources;

    2. an acknowledgment of the own resources, strong and week sides of personality;

    3. to create comprehension of means of effective communication, skills of communicating and public performing;

    4. to give the idea of existence of complicated people, being not easy in communication.

    Course credit value: 2 CP 32 contact hours (10 academic hours of lectures, 10 a/h of seminars, 10 a/h of practical lessons)
    Course assessment: a test
    Content of the course:

    1. An introduction. Familiarization with work conditions in a group. Discussing the problems of particular interest. The advantages of group (team) work (a practical work)

    2. The theories of personality – the theories of development and the structure of personality. Types of personality and working environment.

    3. The theory of personality by E. Erickson. “The Clock of Life”. (a seminar)

    4. Resources, strong and week sides of personality, significance of a self-evaluation, values.

    5. The models of selecting goals and taking decisions.

    6. Making of the first impression and credibility, public image, emotional condition in making of nonverbal body contact, fazes of making the contact. The conditions of making effective contacts. (a practical work)

    7. The skill of listening, nonverbal “listening”, questions and rephrasing, reflecting of feelings, summing up (a seminar, a practical work).

    8. The theories of motivation.

    9. Human aggression and its basis, the theory of requests. (a seminar)

    10. Conflicts and their causes. Strategy and tactics of solving conflicts. (a practical work)

    11. Public performance and a presentation. (a practical work)

    12. Human interconnection. (a practical work).

    13. Motivation of other people. Emotional intelligence. (a seminar, a practical work)

    14. A practice of an interview.

    Course literature:
    I.Ezera, I. Graudiņa, S. Dreiberga. Lietišķā komunikācija, Kamene, 2000.,

    Ričards Denijs. Prasme sazināties un uzstāties, Rīga, Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2001.,

    Viesturs Renģe. Psiholoģija. Savstarpējo attiecību psiholoģija, apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, 2004.,

    Bowie, Norman E. Administration Ethics. Malden, MA: Bleckwell publ., 2005.,

    Kirkeby, Ole Fogh. Administration Psychology: a radical-normative perspective. Berlin, Springer, 2000.

    Risk communication: a mental models approach / M.Granger Morgan. Cambridge University Press, 2002.,

    Row Ludlow, Fergus Panton. The essence of Effective Communication, Prentice Hall, 1992.,

    В.Г. Ромек. Тренинг уверенности в межличностных отношениях. Санкт-Петербург, 2003,

    В.Н.Панкратов. Искусство управлять людьми, Москва, Издательство института психотерапии, 1999.
    Additional literature:
    Bizness & psiholoģija: bilingvāls žurnāls, Rīga: Biedrība „HROFT”, 2005.


    Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: Personnel administration.
    The includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

    Author of the course: Veronika Silineviča, MA.oec.

    Aim of the course:

    To obtain the theoretical bases and practical skills of making decision in the problems related to leadership of personnel. To make students familiar with the issues of personnel administration, planning, choice and evaluation, methods of personnel motivation. To study legislation related to relations between employer and employee. To teach how to organize debates (interviews) and develop the progress of communication.

    Course credit value: 2 CP

    32 contact hours
    Course assignment: a test
    The content of the course:

    1. Notion of leadership. Personnel administration and leading of human resources.

    2. Characteristics, which describe personnel. Team policy on an enterprise.

    3. The descriptions of the positions, choosing of the personnel, training, and evaluation.

    4. CV. A motivation letter. Work interview. Claiming for sth.

    5. Office records in personnel administration

    6. Specific features of a creative work team. Motivation of work.

    7. Factors, which influence work of the personnel. Culture of an enterprise. Style of leadership.

    8. Practical work.

    Course literature:

    1. Latvijas darba likuma kodekss. Normatīvo aktu krājums. Personāla darbiniekiem. Rīga, 1999.

    2. Latvijas Republikas profesiju klasifikators. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 1998.

    3. Derek Torrington and Laura Hall. Personnel administration. A new Approach. 2-nd ed. Prentice Hall, 1991.

    4. Forands I. Personālvadība: Māc.līdz., Rīga: Turība, 2000.

    5. Bokums Z. Personālvadības rokasgrāmata . R., 2000.

    6. Cloke K. The art of working people up. San Francisco, 2003.

    7. Kehre M. Personālmenedžments uzņēmumā. R., 2004.

    8. Ešenvalde I. Personāla praktiskā vadība. R., 2004.

    9. Gale G.A. Personnel administration. Theory and practice. 2-nd ed., London, 1998.

    10. Gratton L. Cilvēkresursu stratēģija. R., 2004.

    11. Greenberg J. Behavior in organizations. Upper Saddle River, 2000.

    12. Heller R., Darba grupas vadība. R., 2000.

    13. Spulle A.A. Praktiskais personālmenedžments. Rīga, Turības mācību centrs, 1998.

    14. Armstrong M. Практика правления человеческими ресурсами. М., 2004ю


    Course title: Organization of entrepreneurship in the sphere of culture, administration, planning: Communications of marketing in the field of culture.
    The course includes of the BA program in Cultural administration part B.

    Author of the course: Marina Gunāre, Ph.D. in Political Sciences, associated professor at BRI

    Course abstract:
    This course familiarizes students with the main characteristics of marketing communications, with branding in the field of culture, principles in planning of marketing companies and practical applying of marketing communications.

    Aim and the tasks of the course:

    To give an idea of marketing communications in the field of culture and its importance in successful development of entrepreneurship, to help students to readjust to continuous changes in sphere of culture, consumers and competition. This course is oriented to student theoretic grounding and developing of practical skills in creation of marketing plans, performing marketing research and organizing marketing culture establishments.

    Course credit value: 1 CP, 16 contact hours
    Course assessment: a test
    Terms and conditions:

    Compulsory participation in seminars; an individual written assignment, passing the test.

    Content of the course:


    Marketing in the field of culture and art, the basic notions of marketing .


    The integrated marketing communications. The notion of marketing communications, participants of marketing process. The motives and aims in creation of marketing communications.


    The process of marketing communications. Kinds and peculiarities of the communication systems. The notion of market segments. Description of auditorium. The choice of target market. Positioning of goods.


    The instruments of integrated marketing communications. Development of communication policies. The living cycle of a product in the field of culture and meaning of communication complex.


    Advertising. Connection of advertising with other directions of marketing communications. The peculiarities of advertising effects. Efficiency of advertising.


    Public relations. The aspects of PR communication. The instruments of the PR. Basic aspects of promotion of goods with method of the PR. Sponsorship and fundraising. Charity and patrons.


    Stimulation of selling. The strategies of selling. Choice of means. Creation of selling programs.


    Communication with use of direct marketing. Peculiarities of applying personal and impersonal communication. The process of direct marketing.


    Merchandising in the field of culture.


    Problems of strategic character: Internet. The boom of IT. Data bases. Tele conferences and groups of news.


    Problems of strategic character: branding. The components and general descriptions of brands.


    Planning of marketing campaign. Situative analyse. Mass media. Control. The evaluation of efficiency.

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