Baltic russian institute

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Course content:


General characterization of Scandinavian region.


The fight for rolling of Scandinavian countries – Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Norway and Kingdom of Sweden - in the Baltic See. Results of this fight, known as “The Baltic issue” in its historical development and solution.


International situation of the Scandinavian kingdoms during second and third trimester of 18th century.


Domestic policy of Kingdom of Sweden and Kingdom of Denmark and Norway during 18th century


Kingdom of Sweden and Kingdom of Denmark and Norway during period of Napoleon rule.


The neutrality of Scandinavian countries. History of the neutrality politics.


19th century as a period of an industrial revolution and changes of political situation in the Scandinavian region.


Notion of “Scandinavism”(Scandinavian model), its roots and content. “Scandinavism” as an ideological, politic and culture movement.


Development of Scandinavian countries before World War I and during this war: years 1914-1916 and 1917-1918


Scandinavia between wars. Domestic policy and economical development


Scandinavia in the beginning and during the World War II


Countries of Northern Europe in the search of security in the after war world.


Scandinavia after World War II


Integration of Scandinavian countries. Establishing of the Nordic Council, its structure and operation. Helsinki Convention. Many-sided character and problems of cooperation.


Scandinavian countries and the European Union

Course literature:

  1. Austrumbaltijas un Skandināvijas kontakti agrajos viduslaikos. R., 1990.

  2. Baltijas valstis un ziemeļvalstis. R., 1999.

  3. Derry T.K. A History of Scandinavia. London. 1979.

  4. Einhorn E. Modern welfare states: Scandinavian politics and policy in the global age. Westport, etc. 2003.

  5. European social policy and the Nordic countries. Aldershot, 2000.

  6. Frost R. The Northern wars: war, state and society in Northeastern Europe, 1558-1721. Harlow etc., 2000.

  7. Instead of ideals debate. Aarhus, 2001

  8. Karnups V. Latvijas ārējā tirdzniecība ar Skandināvijas valstīm (1920-1940). R., LU, 2004.

  9. Kent N. The soul of the north: a social, architectural and cultural history of the Nordic countries, 1700 – 1940 . London, 2000.

  10. Musial, K. Roots of the Scandinavian model. Baden-Baden, 2002.

  11. Nissen H.S., Scandinavia during the Second World War. Minneapolis and Oslo. 1983.

  12. The Cambridge history of Scandinavia. Cambridge, 2003.

  13. The democratic challenge to capitalism: administration and democracy in the Nordic countries. Bergen, 2001.

  14. The Nordic Countries and Europe. Copenhagen, 2001.

  15. The Nordic regions and the European Union. Aldershot, 2004.

  16. Исаев М. Механизм государственной власти в странах Скандинавии. М.,2004.

  17. Исаев М Политическая система стран Скандинавии и Финляндии. М.,2000.

  18. Могунова М. Скандинавский парламентаризм: теория и практика. М., 2001.

Course title: SWEDISH
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

Author of the course: lecturer O.Odegova

Course abstract:

The course consists of learning grammatical structures and lexicon of Swedish and development of its practical use to the level of using these skills in natural communication, by that meaning getting, perception and comprehending of information in any situation in order to orientation themselves and evaluate the situation, using their knowledge of Swedish.

The course is functional, situative, communicative and individual approach to teaching Swedish according to specific of corresponding process of speech – audition, morphologic speech, reading and writing.

Aims of the course:

  1. Prepare students for individual practical use of language in natural communication as well as teach them how to continue gaining of the knowledge independently;

  2. teach students how to understand, comprehend and speak Swedish, as well generate stabile skills of practical writing;

  3. to promote development of general intellectual and specific skills of studying foreign languages.

Course credit value: 10 CP
Course assessment: a test, an exam.
Content of the course:

  1. Topics: Me and my family. A house. Food. Education. Shopping. Types of connections. Leisure time. Traveling. Profession and work. Health. Sports. Mass media. Politics and economics. Sphere of service.

  2. Grammar topics: Nouns - gender, number (quantity) and declinations. The articles – definite and indefinite, (zero articles) – nouns without an article. Adjectives. Adverbs – types of adverbs, degree of adverbs. Pronouns. Numerals – cardinal, ordinal numbers and their declination. Verbs. Participles. Prepositions. Conjunctions. Syntax.

  3. The main aspects of teaching:

  • Individual listening and speaking exercises, using recorded materials and answers for precise learning of pronunciation of the text and memorizing of active vocabulary and grammatical structures;

  • Regular practicing of speaking in dialog (student-teacher, student-student);

  • Reading of texts with increasing difficulty, changing it to extensive reading;

  • Appropriate exercises with explanation of geographic phenomenons and social life’s coherences in Nordic countries;

  • Culture of speech.

Course literature:

  1. Belševica V. Jordens vārme. Stockholm, 2003.

  2. Latviešu-zviedru, zviedru-latviešu vārdnīca. R., 2004.

  3. Sāllebrant H. En vecka pa varen: Lārobok i svenska fōr lettisktalande. R., 2003.

  4. Sāllebrant H. Zviedru valodas gramatika ar vingrinājumiem. R.,2002.

  5. С.С.Маслова-Лашанская, Н.Н.Толстая. Учебник шведского языка. - СПб., 2001

  6. Н.Е.Погодина. Практический курс шведского языка. - М.2000.

  7. Д.Миланова. Шведско - русский словарь. - М., 1985.

  8. С.С. Маслова-Лашанская, И.Каллистова. Большой русско-шведский словарь. - М., 1998.


Course title: Language and style: Swedish.

A course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

Authors of the course: MA.philol. Jelena Jurčenko, lecturer Olga Odegova
Course abstract:
The course provides an understanding of stylistic of a discourse and different kinds of applied stylistic, including an advertisement (commercial). It develops sensing of style and releases opportunities of using stylistic.

Aim of the course:

to give a general idea of essence of stylistic and its aims, to present overview of its historical genesis and newest tendencies, to make familiar with diverse ways of expressing authors’ though – aesthetic function of language, figures of speech, stratification of literary language into separate systems (styles of speech), emotional intonation of language, and an individual artistic style of a writer.

Tasks of the course:
to give a general idea of essence of aesthetic function of language; to develop ability to comprehend authors’ creative idea; to develop sensing of style and a skill to compare stylistic features of an original and translated text.
Course credit value: 4 CP, 2 terms (50% of contact hours – practical lessons).
Course assessment:

a test with a mark.

Terms and conditions:

compulsory participation in practical lessons, preparation of an individual task in the end of each term.

The content of the course:
Stylistic, its aims, different stylistic approaches and newest tendencies;

Lexical and syntactic peculiarities of speech type; social status and stylistic functions of different language layers;

The tradition of language and style: loan words, not literary lexis (slang, vernacular vocabulary), neologisms;

Functional styles;

Choice of lexical and syntactical devices;

Meaning beyond the literary meaning; an image, creation and cognitive aspects of it;

Lexical stylistic devices: epithets, hyperbola, understatement, allusion, irony and paradox;

Phraseology, advanced images; lexical phraseologic stylistic devices (metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, euphemism;

Syntactic stylistic devices: anaphora, pathetic fallacy and a type and longitude of a sentence.

Phonetic stylistic devices: alliteration, onomatopoeia (imitation of sounds), rhyme, rhythm, and pauses;

The types and features of the narrative; the poetic language;

The applied stylistic; Discourse of advertising.

Course literature:
Ulmann St. Language and Style. N.J., Barnes and Noble, 2001.

Williams C.B. Style and Vocabulary. London, 1999.

Cassirer P. Stil. Stilistik. Stilanalys. 1979.

Grusczynska E. Linguistic images of emotions in translations from Polish into Swedish.

Uppsala, 2001.

Josephson O. Stilstudier. Uppsala: Hallgren & Fallgren, 1996.

Lenti-Eklund H. Frān adverb till markōr i text. 1990.

Liljestrand B.. Språk i text. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1993.


Course title: European Republic studies. Language and culture.

The course includes: of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

Author of the course: Zoja Saveljeva, MA.philol.
Course abstract:
Particular attention in this course is dedicated to the problem of ethnical self-awareness as an important element of ethnical identity and intercultural dialog. The main theoretical statement of this course lies in comprehension of the notion of “world outlook”, what makes self-awareness on nations’ culture, human world outlook, behavior and actions. Language as a semiotic system has the key role in the system of resources of objectification of the world’s outlook.

Aim and tasks of the course:

To provide students with the idea of peculiarities of national culture, while analyzing and describing the national world outlook. The idea of specific features of national world outlook is observed via the particular literary texts, offering the system of similes between cultures of different nations in the practical part of the course.

Course credit value: 1 CP, contact hours – 20 hours of theoretic and practical lessons
Course assessment: a test
Terms and conditions:
Accomplishment of the set practical tasks; an individual written assignment, passing the test.
Content of the course:


The national image of the world. National world outlook. The logic of national art. Space, movement, color and symbols.


Language as a mirror of culture. The real world, culture and language. The world outlook made by culture and language.

The practical lesson: Imaginary system of Russian national poetry (F.Tjutchev, A. Rahmaninov).


The notion of the concept as a complex, many-dimensional sociopsychological creation with cultural value. The methods of description of a concept.

The practical lesson (up to students’ choice):

The pare of the concepts life – death in Russian language (interpretation of texts by Russian writers of 19th and 20th century)

The concept of family in the world outlook of language.

The concept of home (analyse of the poetry of A. Ahmatova and B. Pasternak).


The communication of the world outlook and commercials.


The lingua cultural model of linguistic concepts.

Course literature

  1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Дом бытия языка. – М.:ИКАР, 2000.

  2. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура. – М.: Русский язык,1990.

  3. Воробьев В.В. Лингвокультурология. – М.:Изд-во Российского университета дружбы народов, 1997.

  4. Гачев Г. Национальные образы мира. – М.:Советский писатель, 1988.

  5. Лихачев Д.С. Концептосфера русского языка// Известия РАН, серия литературы и языка.- 1993. №1.

  6. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. – М.: Слово, 2000.

  7. Трестерова З. Некоторые особенности русского менталитета и их отражение в некоторых особенностях русского языка//1Х Международный Конгресс МАПРЯЛ. Т.2.Братислава,1999.

  8. Barker C. Cultural studies and discourse analysis: a dialogue on language and identity. London, 2001.

  9. Blanke R. Polish-speaking Germans? Kōln, 2001.

  10. Identitāte un atpazistamība, valoda un tulkojums. R., 2004.

  11. Joseph J. Language and identity.

  12. Scollon R. Intercultural communication: a discourse approach. Malden: Oxford, 2001.


Course title: Swedish for professional purposes: interpretation of a text


The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part B.

Author of the course: Olga Odegova, qualified professional
Course abstract:
The purpose of the course is to prepare students for translation (interpretation) of original Swedish texts into native language, understanding textual peculiarities of genre and style. The aim of compositional analyse is to provide students with knowledge about analyse of a text according to its structure elements. Analyse of literature provides development of students’ skill to identify a genre of literature (social, historic, psychological, etc.), form of the prose (narrative, inner monologue, description etc.), a type of narrative and viewpoint of an author (subjective, objective).
Aim of the course:
to provide students with possibility of increasing and improving their professional language competence: making clear themselves in both – spoken and written form, to develop their skills of comprehension, analyse and interpretation of text of different type and genre, as well as to improve general understanding of Swedish.
Tasks of the course:

To develop skills of:

  • describing main componens of extralinguistic context;

  • understanding connetion between extralinguistic context from one side and peruliarities of language and text composition from the other side;

  • perceiving specific features of the text’s language

  • analysing composition and interpretation of a text.

Course credit value: 3 CP
Course assessment: test with a mark
Terms and conditions: active participation in practical lessons
Course content:

  1. term

  1. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” Några fornhistoriska jättar.

  2. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” Den långa vintern.

  3. ckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” En ö i havet.

  4. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” Sameland.

  5. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” Handelsmän och rövare.

  6. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar” När pesten kom.

  1. term

  1. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Potatis till mat och dryck”

  2. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Ingen paus utan kaffe”

  3. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Lite om tobak”

  4. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Från byteshandel till plastkort”

  5. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Byxorna som erövrade världen”

  6. Eckerbom T., Sooperberg E. Sagor och sanningar „Gröna blad blir miljardaffärer”

  1. term

  1. Hjalmar Söderberg „En kopp te”

  2. Hjalmar Södrerg „Pälsen”

  3. Pär Lagerkvist „En hjältes död”

  4. Pär Lagerkvist „Livet tar sitt barn”

  5. August Strindberg „Tjänstekvinnas son” (fragment)

  6. Gustav Fräding „Gitarr och dragharmonika”, „Världens gång”

  7. Vilhelm Moberg „Domaren” (tredje scenen)

  8. Svenska Tidnigspråk. Artiklar på kultursidan

Course literature:

  1. Eckerbom T., Söderberg E. „Sagor och sanningar”, Natur och kultur, St., 1994.

  2. Толстая Н.Н. „Хрестоматия по шведскому языку”, Ленинград, изд. ЛУ, 1986.

  3. Åke Åkermalm „Svenska tidniтgspråk”, CWK Cileerip Bokаförlag, Lund, 1992.


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