The course gives the general description of a producer’s work as an entrepreneurship, its role in the screen art development in the situation of the market ecomony, analysis of the market of audiovisual production and services, its development organizational and legal aspects. Withing the course there are considered the questions of the creative collective creation, as well as organization and control of the business process, cooperation, basic principles of safe production of the audiovisual products. the producer’s work stipulates for the following functions: to provide with the creative and technologic filming/show project process, responsibility for the film/project distribution with the aim to satisfy the interests of the wide audience and get the maximal compensation for the expenses due to the film creation. Course aims. -
to give the students an idea about the specific character of a producer’s work, as well as creative and practical aspects of the work.
To give an idea about the essence of a producer’s and manager’s work, necessary knowledge, skills, models of the administration of culture in different countries.
To develop the students’ skills in the field of producer’s work tactics and strategies, to help the students to understand the philosophy and practice of a producer’s work.
Credit value: 1 CP ( 16 contact hours)
Assessment: test
Course plan.
Philosophy of the cultural project. Subject. Geberal description of the discipline.
Audiovisual field: essence and social pre-requisites of development.
Organizational and economic basis in the development of the audiovisual field.
Typologies of genres and their peculiarities in the screen production.
Audiovisual production.
Course literature.
Иванова Г.П., Огурчикова П.К., Сидорченко В.И. Основы продюсерства. М., 2003.
Чуковская Е.Э. Аудио-визуальный бизнес. М., 1999.
Лурье А.С. Концерты и жанры концертной деятельности: Лекция. М., 1998.
Лурье А.С. Специфика концертной деятельности: Лекция. М., 1996.
Лурье А.С. Управление концертным делом. М., 1998.
Пассман Д. Все о музыкальном бизнесе. М., 1995.
Юрковский А. Телевидение: поиск и решения. М.. 1995.
Economic aspects of extended produser responsonbility. Paris.,2004.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Prof. Boriss Avramecs, Dr phil.
Abstract of the course:
The course gives an overview on the essence and historical development of popular music, important types and genres, discovers the role of technological, economical and social factors and specifically characterises stylistics, semantics and utilisation of contemporary popular music.
Aims of the course:
Systemised notion about the specific characteristics of the phenomena of popular music, its style and social and psychological functions of the genre. Ability to be oriented and act efficiently in the complicated contemporary culture situation.
Credit value of the course: 1 CP
Type of examination: test
Requirements for the students:
Attendance of lectures – at least 50%
Written report (4-6 pages)
Successful answer to the test questions – about all course
Course content:
Preconditions of the formation of popular music and its essence. The functions of popular music. City and rise of popular music.
Medieval popular music and musicians in Europe. Popular music from 15th to 18th century.
History and styles of European soft music in 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. Part I. Vienna waltz. Polkas. Romance of city. Russian Gypsy romances. Street-organ. Mechanical musical instruments and machines.
History and styles of European soft music in 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. Part II. Operetta. Military music. Music of circus, farce. The beginning of music industrialisation.
National light music in 20th century. French chanson. German schlager. Popular music of Latin America. Types of dance music (tango, rumba, samba, bosanova).
Popular music in the USA (19th century and the beginning of 20th century). “Minstrel show”. Revues. Tin Pan Alley. Traditions of Afro-American music: spirituals, gospels, and blues.
History and styles of jazz. Part I. Preconditions of jazz formation; principles and components of jazz; early jazz, swing.
History and styles of jazz. Part II. Bebop, cool jazz, “progressive” jazz, “free jazz”, jazz-rock.
Styles and history of country music. Technology and music. Part I. Radio and record; the development of sound records.
Traditions of African-American music and popular music: city blues; rhythm blues.
Musical and American light song in 30-ties – 50-ties of 20th century.
History and more characteristic styles of rock music. Part I. Definition of the concept.
Rock’n’Roll. Big beat or British rock.
Styles of rock music. Part II. Hard rock; metallic rock; fast rock; punk rock, new wave, avant-garde rock, space rock; rock opera.
History and more characteristic contemporary styles of pop music. Part I. General characteristics of pop music. Mass audience and pop culture; industrialisation of the music. Circulation and distribution of music; music market.
Contemporary styles of pop music. Part II. Blacks’ music: soul, funk, reggae, and rap.
Contemporary styles of pop music. Part III. New age. “Sounding wallpapers”. “World music”. Karaoke.
Technology and music. Part II. Music in mass media. Phenomenon and functions of video clips. Discotheques and disco music. Styles of techno music.
Avramecs B., Muktupāvels V., Mūzikas instrumentu mācība. Tradicionālā un populārā mūzika. (Skaņošana pasaule 1). – R., 1997.
The Encyclopedia of Popular Muzic. Complited and Edited by C.Larkin. – London, 1998.
The Virgin Encyclopedia of nineties muzic / Ed. and Complited by C.Larkin.. – London, 2000.
Underhill R. The complete idiot`s guide to MP3: Muzic on the Internet. – Indianapolis, 2000.
Адорно Т. Введение в социологию музыки. Легкая музыка. / Адорно Т. Избранное. – М., 1999.
Situating salsa: Global markets and local meanings in Latin popular music/ Ed by L.Waxer.N.Y.; London, 2002.
From tejano to tango: Latin American popular music /ed by Walter Aaron Clark. N.Y.; London, 2002.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Dr hist., Aleksandr Gavrilin
Abstract of the course:
The course gives insight into the concepts of historical and cultural monuments, and classification principles of cultural monuments. It tells about the system of monument protection and legal provisions in the world and Latvia, monuments recording, registration and utilization. Most noticeable monuments of Latvian archeology, city construction, archeology and arts are analysed.
The aims of the course:
1. To introduce the students to Latvian nation’s contribution in the development of the world culture.
2. To develop audience’s ability to be competent in contemporary cultural environment.
3. To develop students` practical skills in description and analysis of historical and cultural monuments.
Credit value of the course: 2 CP
Type of examination: test with the mark
Requirements for the students:
1. Participation in all seminars and practical classes.
2. In case of absence from seminars or practical classes, the written paper must be prepared.
3. Each student has to work out the excursion project.
Course content:
1. Interpretations of the concepts of cultural heritage and cultural monuments
2. Basics of the legal protection of cultural monuments. International system of monument protection. The activity of ANO and UNESCO in the protection of world cultural heritage: international agreements, expert groups, and practical aid. ICOMOS, its structure and tasks, working methods. General Assemblies of ICOMOS and harts of ICOMOS.
3. Principles of cultural monuments classification
4. Scientific documentation of monument protection
5. History of monument protection. History of monument protection in Latvia.
6. Practical maintenance of cultural monuments. The reasons of monuments getting spoilt. Scientific research of the monuments. Concept of restoration. Analysis of major restoration works in Latvia. Organizations of Latvia involved in practical maintenance of cultural monuments. Procedure of ordering monuments restoration projects and works in Latvia. Practical utilization of cultural monuments. Tourism.
7. Archeological monuments in Latvia.
8. Latvian city construction and architectural monuments. Military buildings. Sacral architecture. Civil architecture. The architecture of gardens parks and landscapes. Objects of people construction.
9. Latvia artistic monuments. The concept of artistic monument, registration criteria. Types of artistic monuments. Basic rules of artistic monuments protection.
10. Complex monuments. National gardens. Open-air museums. Memorial museums as a form of reservations.
Apals J. Arheoloģiskie pieminekļi Gaujas Nacionālajā parkā. – R., 1986.
Apinis M. Kultūras vērtību starptautiskās aizsardzības sistēma (Palīgmateriāls lectoriem). – R., 1983.
Arheoloģiskie pieminekļi, arheoloģiskās vietas. R., 2000.
Konvencija par pasaules kultūras un dabas mantojuma aizsardzību. R., 2003
Kultūras mantojums Latvijā. R., 1999.
Materiāli par Latvijas kultūrvidi. R., 2000.
Nozīmīgākie dokumetni par kultūras manojuma aizsardzību. R., 2000.
Rātsnami Latvijas pilsētas. R.,2001
Stūre I. Kultūras un dabas mantojuma aizsardzības un attīstības plānošana. R.,LU, 2004.
Culture heritage and development. Washington. 2001.
Historic cities and sakred sites. Washington, 2001.
International charters for conservation and retoration. Mūnhen:, 2004.
Wohlleben M. Konservieren oder restautieren? ZUrih, 1989.
Богуславский М.М. Международная охрана культурных ценностей. – М., 1979.
Михайловский Е.В. Реставрация памятников архитектуры. – М., 1971.
100 apdraudētākie kultūras pieminekļi Latvijā. Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcija, 2004.
Grāmatu sērija, veltīta Eiropas kultūras mantojuma dienam.
Реставрация памятников архитектуры. Под ред. С.С.Подъяпольского – М., 2000.
Александров Е. Международно-правовая защита культурных ценностей и объектов. – София, 1978.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Dināra Klepere
Course abstract: to acquire the skills in the project maintenance and realization in the field of culture the students are to be tought to get and analyse the acquired information about mass events from the historic perspective and traditions of different cultures. Within the course the peculiarities of different public events from the antique times till the present days are considered. Common elements, characteristic holidays of different epoches and national cultures are highlighted.
Aims and tasks of the course: To give an idea about mass events spectatle as the basic element of the holidays. To give an idea about the importance of a director in the maintenance of an event to realize the idea of a holiday. To show how the basic elements of modern mass events direction are formed.
Credit value: 1 CP (20 contact hours, 10 lectures, 8 hours of seminar studies, 2 hours of colloquy).
Assessment: test.
Successful participation in lectures and seminars.
Preparation of a report on one of the lecture’s themes (min. 5 pages).
Active participation in the colloquy, short summary of the discussed problem (writing).
Course content:
Introduction (terminology, notion of a holiday). Origins of holidays and literary genre.
Elements of direction. Methods. Demand on the market. Types of development of the new cultural product. Five “cubes” of administration.
Director and the art of direction, the language of a director’s tasks and forms, izkopšana of a director’s abilities. Truthfulness, attitude, nature of the spectacle feelings. Mise en scene- form of physical activity. Improvisation.
Adapted for the stage concert organizations- holidays. Model of holidays. Holidays in the cultural context, classification. Basic form of holidays and big tasks, plan, idea. Types of the composition in the direction of holidays.
Mass events in the Ancient Greece (calendar holidays, sport events) and Ancient Rome (State events, calendar events, gladiator fights, triumphs).
Mass events in the Medieval Europe (jugglers, jesters, knights tournaments, street theatre, carneval).
Mass events in the Enlightment epoch (saunas, resorts, dances, amateur theatre).
Mass events of the “Gallant century” (salons and secret associations, weddings, baptism, funeral feast, trade fairs, pilgrimage, death executions, theatres, “joy gardens”, opera, ballet, mascarade, sport and military holidays).
Russian holidays (traditions and customs of calendar and religious holidays) and mass events in Russia in the XIX century (trade fairs, farce, folk festivals).
Mass events in Italy (carnevals, exhibitions, calendar holidays).
Mass events in Japan (calendar holidays, poetry contests); traditional sport holidays in Japan (sport disciplines and their socially cultural interpretation).
Mass events in the USA and Latin America (state holidays, calendar holidays, carnevals, social and advertisement campaigns).
Mass event in China and Taiwan (calendar holidays, carnevals) and India (relifious holidays, calendar holidays).
Holidays and mass events in Latvia (calendar holidays).
Holidays in modern Europe (cycle of seasonal holidays; elements borrowed from the traditions of other cultures).
Festival of historic reconstructions as the mass show (choice of the theme, selection of the participants, organization).
Seminars and/or tests themes:
(2 hours for each theme)
Myth as the canon of mass event.
Origins and metamorphosis of the “Eternal characters”.
Peculiarities of religious/ calendar/ commercial/ wordly events.
Methods of the mass event’s manager/ director work: from antique times till the present days.
Colloquy theme
(2 hours)
Analysis of the basic elements of the direction of European cultural mass events.
1. Svētki Latvijas pilsētās no Lieldienām līdz Mārtiņiem. R., 2003.
2. Andersone V., Sniķere L. Svētki un godi. R., 2001.
3. Festivals and holidays. New York, 1999.
4. Robert H.Griffin, Ann H. Shurgin. Junior worldmark encyclopedia of world holidays. Detroit, 2000.
5. Karin Fredrich. Festive culture in Germany and Europe from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Lewiston, 2000.
6. Greek theatre perhormance: an introduction. Cambridge, 2000.
7. Modern theories of performance: from Stanislavski to Boal. Basingstoke (Hampshire); New York, 2001.
8. Даркевич В.П. Народная культура средневековья. М., 1988.
9. Зелов Д. Д. Официальные советские праздники как явление русской культуры конца XVII-первой половины XVIII века: история триумфов и фейерверков от Петра Великого до его дочери Елизаветы. Москва, 2002.
10. Келлер У. Э. Праздничная культура Петербурга: очерки истории. Санкт-Петербург, 2001.
11. Петров Б. Массовые спортивно-художественные представления. М., 2001.
12. И. Полянская, Н. Иоанина. Я познаю мир: праздники народов мира: детская энциклопедия. Москва, 2002.
13. Шарипов Э. Режиссура социальных игр. 2002.
Title of the course: MUSIC CULTURE STUDIES
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Prof. Boriss Avramecs, Dr phil.
Abstract of the course:
The course characterizes musical culture as a specific part of culture; gives an overview on the types and historical development of musical culture; reveals the role of technological and economical factors; characterizes components of musical culture and their interaction.
The aims of the course:
Systematical notion in the specifics of musical culture, its aspects and components, about the functions of music in society and culture. Ability to act efficiently in the complicated contemporary culture situation.
Credit value of the course: 1 CP (contact hours- theoretically practical studies)
Type of examination: test
Requirements for the students:
Attendance of lectures – at least 50%
Written report (4-6 pages)
Successful answer to the test questions – about all course
Course content:
The concept of music culture studies, subject and methods. Music in culture and music as a culture.
Functions of music in social and cultural contexts. Genesis and semantics of music. The role of technological and economical factors in the development of musical culture.
Music in the context of religious traditions. Part I.
Music in the context of religious traditions. Part II.
Music and different spheres of culture in traditional societies: music and epos, poetry, theatre; music and working processes, war, sports; upbringing and socialization.
The concept of musical culture; types of musical culture; factors defining the specific characteristics of musical culture. Musical culture as a system; aspects and components of musical culture.
Sound and music in different cultures. Sounds of nature and cultural environment. Characteristics of the sound. Human voice; types of vocal techniques.
Sound devices. Types and classification of musical instruments. Symbolism and social and cultural functions of musical instruments. Types of ensembles.
Types of musicians and their functions in different traditional cultures and contemporary situation. Methods and institutions in music training.
Music language: concept and elements. Semantics of music. Principles of development of musical form. Principles of musical fixation and notation.
Types of musical traditions and their ways of existence. Review of world musical cultures. Regional specifics and dynamics of development.
The phenomena of classical music in different civilizations. Music in the context of Indian civilization.
Music in the context of cultures of China and Japan.
Music in the context of European culture (from 8th to 16th century).
Music in the context of European culture (from 17th to 19th century).
Avramecs B., Muktupāvels V., Mūzikas instrumentu mācība. Tradicionālā un populārā mūzika. (Skaņošana pasaule 1). – R., 1997.
Barber N Mūzikas pasaule R., 2000.
Gīrcs K. Kultūru interpretācija. R., 1998
Galilei V Dialogue on ancient and modern music. London, 2003.
Garland Enciclopedia of World Music. New York and London, 1998.
Hughes A. Medieval music: the sixth liberal art. Toronto, 1974.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition. London, 2001.
Адорно Т. Введение в социологию музыки. Легкая музыка. / Адорно Т. Избранное. – М., 1999.
Герцман Е. Тайны истории древней музыки. СПб., 2004.
Махов Е . Musica literaria: идея словесной музыки в европейской поэтике. М., 2005.
Музыкальная коммуникация. СПб., 1996 (Проблемы музыкознания. Выпуск 8)
Пог Дю Классическая музыка для „чайников»М., 2002.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: MA art, doc. S.Hajenko, as. Prof at BRI
Aim of the course: to get the future cultorologists with the mechanisns of a person image creation, to achieve a desirable result during the negotiations using the “operation with images” (advertisement, image creation, etc.). To show the symbol opportunities and its influence on the internal world and behavior of a human.
Course tasks:
To develop skills necessary for the professional activity
To maintain the development of a harmonious personality via the practical studies in accordance with every student’s internal capabilities.
Credit value: 1 CP
Contact hours 32 academic hours ( lectures - 20 hours, seminars - 12 hours )
Assessment: test
Course content:
1. Science and the subconscious
2. Symbols and their meaning in the human life and the society’s life. Origins of symbols. Functionality of symbols. Character of the interaction of symbols.
3. Types of the image perception. Methods of the image range creation. Methods of comprehension the subconscious images. Possibities to influence other person’s mood and behavior with the help of the image. Imageholic. Work with images as the way of influencing other person’s subconscious, mental condition, and behavior. Possibilities to achieve a desirable result in the conversation operating with images (in the advertisement, process of image creation).
4. Semantic field. Specific communication types. Different types of energetic organization and necessety for their maintenance when creating an image.
5. Aspects of perception the beautiful. Criteria of beauty. Visual aesthetic response in the human psyche. Eye and brain. Psychology of colors (optical, psychological, and eesoteric definition). Audio influence on a person taking into consideration his/her cultural belonging.
6. Interaction of the sensor system in the process of creation a person’s image. Essense of the artistic creation. Notion of individuality. Creation of the personal harmonic image in compliance with a person’s internal resources. Beauty as the peculiarity of behavior.
MAele B. Stila harmonija. R., 2004.
Arnold R. Fashion, desire and anxiety.L., N-Y, 2001
Barnard M. Fascion as communication. London; N.Y., 2002
Bixler S Professional presence. N.-Y., 1992
Boorstin D.J. The Image.L.,1992
Brice B. Tērpu vēsture, mode un stili.R.,1986
Dandies: Fashion and finesse in art and culture. N.Y., 2001
Fashion as Communication. L., 2002
Focus on the Image N.-Y., 1985.
Forbtun C.J.Reputation. N.-Y., 1996
Forrester M. Psyhology of the image. N-Y. 2000
The Emptiness of the Image. L., N-Y., 1996.
Pendegrast S. Fashion, costume and culture. Detroit, 2004
Barthes R. Система моды; Статьи по семиотике культуры. М., 2003
Brown L.Имидж – путь к успеху. СПб.,2000
Гофман А. Мода и люди. М.,2004.
История костюма и моды.: ил.энциклопедия. М.,2002
Килошенко М. Психология моды. СПб.,2001.
Мода и стиль./ отв. Ред. Т.Евсеева. М.,2002.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Ivan Mihailov, MA humanitarian art sciences, MA legal social sciences
Credit value: 1CP; 20 hours (16 – lectures, 4 – seminars)
Aim of the course: to give theoretical knowledge about one of the most important components of the project administration- processes of the project documentation and develop the practical skills in development and preparation of the necessary documents, to lead the project documentation according to the generally accepted norms. To observe the contests of projects in the field of culture of the Republic of Latvia, to analyse the requirements of documentation necessary for their drafting and preparation, to characterize the flow of the project contest.
Assessment: test
Individual work;
Practical test;
Participation in the seminars;
Completing of the test in due time.
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