Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in drafting the project documentation, project documentation. Knowledge about the project contests in the field of culture, their flow and necessary documentation.
Course content:
Notion of the project, types. Pre-requisities of the project drafting and realization. Importance of the project documentation in the project preparation and realization. Project documents;
Notion of the document. Normative acts regulating the project drafting and preparation. Book-keeping. Its basic notions;
Drafting and forming the document in compliance with the normative acts’ requirements. Document’s requisites. Legal force of a document; organization of the book-keeping work. Classification of documents; orders, organizational, verification documents. Inquires;
Correspondence documents. Correspondence organization. Internationalcorrespondence. Applications, complaints, suggestions; Derivation of the documents (copy, dyplicate, discharge, duplicate).
Documents’ turnover. Registration of the documents. Nomenclature. Practical test. Preparation of documents;
Project contests in the field of culture. Documents necessary for that, their preparation; project contests of the cultural fund and documents necessary for that; projects of the fund of the integration of the society and documents necessary for that.
Purchaces for the cultural needs of state or self-governmentals. Process of the purchaces for the cultural needs of state or self-governmentals. Methods of the purchaces for the cultural needs of state or self-governmentals;
Price inquiries and contest as the most common method of the purchaces for the needs of state or self-governmentals. Documents necessary for the price inquiry and contest;
European Union funds and its support for the Latvian culture. Contests of the European Union and documents necessary for that.
Seminar: analysis of the contest project documents.
List of normative acts, literature, and Internet materials:
Likums „Iesniegumu, sūdzību un priekšlikumu izskatīšanas kārtība valsts un pašvaldību institūcijās”
Likums „Par iepirkumu valsts vai pašvaldību vajadzībām”
Ministru kabineta iekārtas likums
Sabiedrības integrācijas fonda likums
Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonda likums
Valsts valodas likums
Dokumentu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas noteikumi
Noteikumi par svešvalodu lietošanu zīmogu, spiedogu un veidlapu tekstā
Bahanovskis V. Praktiskā lietvedība. – Rīga:Kamene,2004. – 253.lpp.
Eiropas Savienības atbalsts kultūrai. Informatīvs palīgs projektu pieteicējiem un interesentiem// /UI/main.asp?id=15655
Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondi Latvijai. – Rīga:Finanšu ministrija,2004. – 24,lpp.
Gaipele J., Tambovceva T. Projektu vadīšana: studijām un biznesam. – Rīga:Valters un Rapa,2004. – 190.lpp.
Gramsts J. Valsts un pašvaldību iepirkumi. – Rīga:LU Pašvaldību un projektu vadības valsts mācību centrs,2004. – 23.lpp.
Kalējs J., Ābele M. Lietvedības pamati. – Rīga:KIF „Biznesa Komplekss”,2002. – 190.lpp.
Kalve J., Augucevičs J. Dokumentu datorizēta sagatavošana. – Rīga:BAT,2002. – 76.lpp.
Kalve J. Jaunās paaudzes lietvedība. – Rīga:BAt,2002. – 232.lpp.
Kalve J. Lietvedība: mīti un realitāte//Neatkarīgā Rītā Avīze. – 2004. – 23.augusts
Kas Latvijas uzņēmējam jāzina par Eiropas Savienību. – Rīga:Rasa ABC,2003. – 321.lpp.
300 soļi līdz ES. – Rīga:Dienas Bizness, 1.daļa . – 2003. – 223.lpp., 2.daļa. – 2004. – 241.lpp.
Вайденфельд В., Вессельс В. Европа от А до Я. – Rīga: „Alberts XII”,2002. – 544c.
Замыцкова О. Делопроизводство. – Ростов-на-Дону:Феникс,2001. – 412с.
Тульчинский Г., Шекова Е. Менеджмент в сфере культуры. – Санкт-Петербург:Лань,2003. – 528с.
Title of the course: LATVIAN THEATRE ART
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Janina Brance, E. Smiļģa Theatre senior specialist
Abstract of the course:
The course introduces the prehistory of Latvian theatre, and its development from 19th century 70-ties till 20th century 90-ties.
The aims of the course:
Analysis of Latvian dramatic arts’ events in connection with most noticeable processes in European theatres.
Credit value of the course: 1 CP
Type of examination: test
Requirements for the students:
Positive evaluation in seminars.
Preparation and presentation of a report.
Course content:
Theatrical elements in Latvian folk traditions. Performances in Riga and other locations before the beginning of stationary theatre. First performances in Latvian.
Ādolfs Alunāns and Riga Latvians’ Theatre. Ādolfs Alunāns – actor and playwright. First noticeable Latvian actors. Formation of small stages in 19th century 90-ties. New Latvian Theatre. Riga New Theatre.
Rūdolfs Blaumanis and Latvian theatre. Aspazija. Rainis.
Formation of Latvian professional directing (A.Mierlauks, J.Duburs, A.Freimanis). Latvian professional actors’ training (Latvia Dramatic Courses). National Theatre and its main forces (actors, directors).
Daile Theatre and its creator Eduards Smiļģis, his consultants and actors. Eduards Smiļģis: director and actor.
Latvian theatre during World War I.
Modernism theatre in Latvia.
National dramaturgy contribution to the theatre in the period of 20-ties and 30-ties.
Modernism principles in the theatre art in the first half of the 20th century.
Latvian theatres’ common trend after the World War II. Fate of the main stages. Main directing forces (A.Antmanis-Briedītis, E.Smiļģis, F.Ertnere, N.Mūrnieks, P.Lūsis, A.Lācis and others).
Gradual change of old masters and formation of new strong directors generation in the period of 50-ties and 60-ties (A.Jaunušāns, P.Pētersons, O.Kroders, M.Ķimele). Most noticeable actors in the period from 50-ties to 80-ties.
Latvian dramaturgy most valuable contribution in the second half of 20th century and its fates on the stage. Latvian theatre in 90-ties.
Postmodernism features in the artistic art of the Latvian theatre and directors’ work in the end of the 20th century.
Topical problems of the Latvian theatre art.
Akurātere L. Aktiermāksla latviešu teātrī. R., 1983
Hausmanis V. Eiropas teatru atbalsis Rīgā. R., 2001.
Homo Aesteticus. No mākslas filozofijas līdz ikdienas dzīves estētikai. R., 2001.
Kundziņš K. Latviešu teātra vēsture. - I , II sēj. - R., 1968., 1972
Postmodernisms teātrī un drāmā. R., 2204.
Latviešu padomju teātra vēsture. - R., 1973., 1974.
Latvijas teātris 70.gadi. - R., 1993.
Latvijas teātris 80.gadi. - R., 1995.
Rotkalne S. Straupniece A. Ar skatienu pāri horizontam. R., 1986.
Šapiro A. Starpbrīdis. - R., 1991.
Zanders O. Gadsimtu silueti rīgas bruģakmenos. R., 2002.
Zeltiņa G. Nacionālā rakstura un stilistikas iezīmes latviešu teātrī. R., 2002.
20. gadsimta teātra režija Latvijā un pasaulē R., 2002.
Teātra Vēstnesis 2003.,2004.,2005 gg.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: TatIana Stepanova, MA pedagogy.
Course abstract: the course has to do with the active cooperation of Latvia nad Japan in different fields, including the field of culture and art. It serves for the need to study the Japanese culture and art. The course “Introduction to the Japanese culture” included the wide spectrum of themes- art, culture, history, religion, geography, philosophy, literature, education, politics, sport, music, theatre and cinemotography.
As long as there is a lack of the literature about the Japanese art and culture, particularly the 20th century art and culture, in Latvian, the literature in Russian, English, and Japanese serves as the course basis. Besides, historical facts and cultural processes are told according to the Japanese chronology.
Aims and tasks of the course:
To introduce the basics of the Japanese culture and history of arts.
To give the students an opportunity to understand the development of Japanese culture in different epochs.
To improve the understanding of the regularities in Japanese and Western cultures.
To theach the students to orient independently in the world of art and history of culture and notice differences and similarities in various cultures.
To develop analysing skills, to understand and appreciate cultural processes in Japan in different epochs comparing to the other cultures.
Stimulate an interest in the Japanese culture’s heritage and values.
Credit value: 2 CP
Contact studies: 32 academic hours ( lectures - 20 hours, practical studies - 12 hours )
Assessment: test
Requirements: Active participation in the seminars, each student has to participate in 5 seminars.
Writing task (3-5 pages), which deals with one of the course themes.
Successfully complited test. The final test includes illustrations to be recognised, questions about art and culture, and creative work about the Japanese art, as well as presentation of the lectures’ notes. The theme and form of the creative work is free, it can be a story, table about any stage in the history of Japanese culture.
Course content:
Introduction. Course aims and tasks. General notions. Peculiarities of the world’s comprehension. Festivals and ceremonies.
Art and culture of the ancient and old periods.
Budism in Japan. Budism art of the 7th-8th century. Sculpture.
Art and culture of the 9th-12th century.
Art and culture of the 13th-14th century. Architecture and gardens.
Castle and fortress of the 16th-17th century. Samurai.
Black and white painting of the 14th-17th century. First contacts with the European art.
Traditional theatre art and modern: Music. Theatre. Review of the development of the Japanese cinematography.
Japanese literature: traditions and modernity
Genre-painting of the 16th-17th century. Ukijoe engraving.
18th-19th century painting.
19th and 20th century architectre. Decorative applied art.
20th century art and culture.
Sport: philosophy of the Eastern wrestling (seminar, ACS „SATORI”)
Principles of the space organization in the Japanese art (problem of the space in the art and culture of the Far East). Visiting the Latvian museum of foreign art. Visiting the restauration workshop of the Latvian museum of history.
Course literature
Kasis V. Japāna bez retušas. - R., 1978.
Katajs Edgars. Japāna. – R.: Apgāds „Valters un rapa”, 2003.
Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. – R., 1997.
Mūrnieks A. Ieskats kultūras un reliģiju vēsturē. Mācību lidzeklis. Aizvēsture. Austrumu civilizācijas. – R.: RaKa, 1998.
Ovčiņņikovs V. Sakuras zars. - R., 1980.
Pasaules reliģijas. - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1994.
Zāles ēna, spāres ēna. - R., 1986.
Kasis V. Japāna bez retušas. - R., 1978.
Katajs Edgars. Japāna. – R.: Apgāds „Valters un rapa”, 2003.
Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. – R., 1997.
Mūrnieks A. Ieskats kultūras un reliģiju vēsturē. Mācību lidzeklis. Aizvēsture. Austrumu civilizācijas. – R.: RaKa, 1998.
Ovčiņņikovs V. Sakuras zars. - R., 1980.
Pasaules reliģijas. - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1994.
Zāles ēna, spāres ēna. - R., 1986.
Akiyama, Terakazu. Japanese painting. – New York: Rizzoli International ublications, 1978.
Aspects of Japanese Cuture and Society. / An Anthropologist’s View. – Tokyo: The International Society for Educational Information, Inc., 1997.
John K. Gillespie. A Bilingual Handbook on Japanese Culture. – New York, 1999.
Handbook: The World’s religions.- Oxford: Lion Publishing plc., 1982.
Ienaga Saburo. Japanese Art: a Cultural Appreciation. – Tokyo- New York, 1979.
Hiller J. Japanese Colour Prints. – London: Phaidon Press, 1975.
Invitation to Kyoto Gardens.- Mitsumura Suiko Shoin Co., Ltd., 1999.
Invitation to Tea Gardens.- Mitsumura Suiko Shoin Co., Ltd., 2000.
Japanese Gods and Myths. – London: The Grange Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, 1998.
Japan’s Cultural History. / A Perspective. – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, 1973.
Tatsui Matsunosuke. Japanese gardens. Tokyo, 1934.
Mizuno Katsuhiko. Tom Wright. Zen Gardens.- Mitsumura Suiko Shoin Co., Ltd., 2000.
Paine, R.T., and Soper, Alexander. The Art and Architecture of Japan. - Rev. ed. New York: Penguin, 1975.
Reichel Friedrich. Altjapanische Porzellan. – Leipzig, 1980.
Pictorial Encyclopedia of Japanese Culture. / The Soul and Heritage of Japan. – Tokyo: Gakken CO, LTD, 1987.
Roberts, Laurence P. A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. / With a forew. By Yohn M. Rosenfield. – Paperback ed. – New York: Weatherhill, 1990.
Sansom G. B. Japan. A Short Cultural History. – New York, 1966.
Title of the course: ICONOLOGY
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Zinaida Ņikuļina, MA humanitarian sciences
Abstract of the course: during the course the problems of Eastern Christiani iconography semantics are considered. The course gets the students acquainted with the principles of the Orthodox iconography, origins of the Cristian icons, gives and idea about the semiosis in iconography, its development tendencies, differences and similarities in the iconographic canon of the Western nad Eastern Church, the place of icon in the church and liturgy space, introduces the specific language of an icon.
Aims of the course: to stimulate the development of a creative, emotional, and intellectually educated personality, whom the culture helps to understand oneself and the world.
Credit value: 1 CP
Assessment: test
Each student has to choose one of the themes offered in the seminars and prepare a report (writing, at least 7000 signs).
It is preferable to present one’s report in the auditorium.
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