Course content: -
Explatation of the icons’ celebration in the Bible.
Pre-requisites of the icon’s celebration in the New Testament. Depictions and its mentioning. The symbol of cross in the early Christianity.
Name and image. Functions of the name and image, differences. Icon’s artistic and symbolic language.
Creation of canon. Church art. Definitions of the notions of canon. Collerations of the notions canon and tradition. (seminar)
Origin of the liturgy art. Icon in the liturgy space.
Iconoclasts’ movement. Influence of Islam on the development of iconoclast.
Seventh World-wide Council.
Notion of Isihasma and its meaning in the church art. Iconography and teaching about Light.
Most noticeable monuments of Byzantine Empire art. Function of history. Function of art. Economic function (seminar)
Most noticeable Russian icon painters (seminar)
The questions of the Church art in the Russian Council in 1551.
Introduction of the Western forms into the Church art in the period of Sinodalay. Decadence of the Church culture.
The problem of space in the Church painting.
Symbolics of colors in the Church art (seminar)
Typology of icons in compliance with its participation divine service.
Function of praying. Praying in front of the icon. Prayer, prayer text as verbal icon.
Aesthetics of icon and its influence on a human being (seminar)
Literar function. Word as a book. Different genres of the Church poetry. Texts of the divine service as verbal icons. Icon in the ancient Russian literature and folklore. Icon in the secular belles-lettres.
Divine power of the icon. Artistic perfection as the expression of culture and divine as the expression of the God’s mercy. Icon and painting.
Literature -
Beckwith J. Early Christian and Byzantine art. London, 1993.
Lossky V.W., Uspensky L. The Meaning of Ikons.- London, 1947.
Lossky V. The mistical Theology of Eastern Church. London, 1957
Lossky V. Vision of Gond. London, 1963.
Lossky V. On The Image and Likeness. New York, 1974
Meyendorff J. Bazantine Theology. Washington, 1977 (kr. tulk. M.,2001 )
Kotkavaara K. Progeny of the icon. Abo, 1999.
The glory of Byzantium. New York, 1997.
Tihvinas Dievmātes ikonas patvērumā. R., 2004.
Алексеев С. Зримая истина: энциклопедия православной иконы. М., 2003.
Анисимов А.И. О древнерусском искусстве. М., 1983.
Андрей Рублев и его эпоха / Сборник. М., 1971.
Брюсова В.Г. Русская живопись 17 века. М., Искусство, 1894.
Бычков В.В. Византийская эстетика. М., 1977.
Бычков В.В. Малая история византийской эстетики. Киев, 1991.
Бычков В.В. Русская средневековая эстетика ХI – ХYII века. М., Мысль, 1992.
Вагнер Г.К. Канон и стиль в древнерусском искусстве. М., Искусство, 1987.
Вздорнов Г.И. История открытия и изучения русской средневековой живописи в 19 веке. М., 1986.
Григорий (Круг). Мысли об иконе. Париж, 1978.
Комеч А.И. Древнерусское зодчество конца Х начала ХII веков. М., 1987.
Лазарев В.Н. Древнерусские мозаики и фрески. М., 1973.
Лазарев В.Н. Русская живопись от истоков до начала ХYI века. М., 1983.
Никитин В.А. Основы православной культуры. М., Просветитель, 2001.
Павел (Флоренский), свящ. Иконостас / Избранные труды по искусству. СПб, Мифрил, Русская книга, 1993.
Раушенбах Б.В. Пространственные построения в древнерусской живописи. М., Наука, 1975.
Салтыков А.А. Иконография «Троицы» Андрея Рублева / Древнерусское искусство ХIY – ХY веков. М., 1984.
Смирнова Э.С. Московская икона ХIY – ХYII веков. СПб, 1988.
«Троица» Андрея Рублева. Антология. Сост. Вздорнов Г.И. М., 1989.
Трубецкой Е. Три очерка о русской иконе. М., 1991.
Успенский Л.А. Богословие иконы в православной церкви. Париж, 1980.
Философия русского религиозного искусства ХYI – ХХ вв. Антология. Сост. Н.К.Гаврюшин. М., Прогресс, 1993.
Языкова И.К. Богословие иконы. М., 1995.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Jeļena Logačova
Aim of the course:
To give the students theoretical and practical knowledge about the methods of the route drafting and quide work, its pozitioning on the market of the tourism goods and novelties of the wordl of the tourism routes.
Credit value: 1CP (contact hours - 20 academic hours)
Assessment: test which consists of practical and theoretical part.
Requirements: drafting of a concrete route.
Course content:
Main duties of a group guide, cooperation with a tour agency, personnel, and group members. Requirements for the group leader.
Types and peculiarities of the excursion routes. Route planning and market research.
International excursion routes. Peculiarities and offer.
Choice of an excursion theme, its duration. Parts of excursion: introduction, main part, conclusion.
Gathering of an excursion material and completing the text. Work with information, its selection, processing, and application.
Peculiarities of different types of excursions. Types of excursions (school, interest groups, pensionaires, disabled people).
Spoken word- language, emotions, length of narration. Consideration materials. Animation methods. Duties and rights of an excursion guide. Cooperation of an excursion guide with a driver and group senior.
Collins V. Becoming a tour guide: principles of guiding and site interpretation. N.Y.,2000.
Tūrisma bizness. Holovejs Dž. Kristofers, R., 1999.
Title of the course: THE FRENCH LANGUAGE (II foreign language)
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Ludmila Gorelkina, MA philol.
Aim of the course:
To prepare the students for the independent development of the language skills. To maintain the mastering of the knowledge and skills which give an opportunity to develop the knowledge skills in one’s speciality.
Credit value of the course: 4 CP (contact hours – practical studies)
Assessment: test each semester.
Course content:
1. Contacts. Greeting. Official and non-governmental forms of acquaintance.
Dentity description. Personal business card (address, name, surname, telephone number, etc.) Appeall to a person in official and non-governmental situation.
Interpersonal communication. Days. Months.
Person pronouns. Stressed and non-stressed forms.
Numbers till 500.
Verbs , , ,
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