The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration
part B
Author of the course: Vjačeslavs Davidovs.
Course abstract: the lectures of the course have a theoretically practical character. The course is to teach the students the idea about professional practical skills in the work with sponsors and different organization (commercial and noncommercial).
Aims and tasks of the course: to develop the students’ professional skills in the wor of sponsores applying innovative methods (business games, modelling of the problem situations). To teach the students to use PR technologies with the fundraising aims. To give an idea about the fundraising organization, planning, and application possibilities.
Credit value: 1 CP
Contact hours 16 academic hours
Assessment: test
Requirements: attendance of the lectures 70%, participation in the seminars, written test.
Course content:
Definition of fundraising.
Role of fundraising in the development of society. Strategy of development and interaction of the three social sectors.
Maintenance of the democratic society with stable economics and socially oriented politics. The role of non-governmental non-commercial organizations in these processes.
Main tasks of the non-commercial orgaizations. The role of fundraising in the successful solution of the social problems. The place of fundraising in the contet of common work organization.
Common scheme of the fundraising planning: strategic and operative aspects, information and communication, marketing, advertisement. Marketing approach to the fundraising. Corporative fundraising. Sponsoring motives and a firm’s prior interests.
Four approaches of a firm to the question of sponsoring. Project form and possible commercial support in a firm’s planning. Criteria of the sponsoring process. Procedure and documentation of sponsoring. Advantage of a corporative fundraising.
Fundraising, PR, and image. Image stereotypes of the non-governmental non-commercial organizations. Technology of attraction the resources. Fundraising and system of volunteers. Aims of the attraction of volunteers.
Alternatives and methods of fundraising. Strategy of fundraising. Planning of the profit and budget. Ethics of fundraising.
Course literature
1. Fundraising by Peter L. Edles, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Trade; USA, 1992.
2. Fundraising for Nonprofits : How to Build a Community Partnership
by P. Burke Keegan, Publisher: HarperCollins, USA,1994.
3. Successful Fundraising : A Complete Handbook for Volunteers and Professionals
by Joan Flanagan, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Trade; USA, 1999.
4. Team-Based Fundraising Step-by Step: A Total Organization Model by Mim Carlon, Cheryl A. Clarke, Publisher: Jossey-Bass; USA, 1999.
5. How to Write Successful Fundraising Letters by Mal Warwick, Publisher: Jossey-Bass; USA, 2001.
6. Complete Book of Model Fundraising Letters by Roland Kuniholm, Publisher: Aspen Publishers, Inc.; USA, 1995.
7. The Fundraising Planner by Terry Schaff, Publisher: Jossey-Bass; USA, 1999.
25 Fundraising Secrets by Brent Barksdale, Joe Garecht, Publisher: Fundcraft Publishing; USA, 2002.
8. Making a Difference: A Guide to Fundraising and Nonprofit Administration
by Mona Engvig, Olaf Engvig, Publisher: Themo Publishing/Engvig; USA, 1998.
9. Corporate Fundraising, Publisher: Directory of Social Change / Charities Aid Foundation Institute of Charity Fundraising, UK, 2002.
10. Cultivating Diversity in Fundraising by Janice Gow Pettey, Publisher: John Willey & Sons , USA, 2001.
Course title: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION: audiovisual resources in the multimedia project practice
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration
part B
Author of the course: Boris Borisovs, certified cinema director, BRI associated professor
Course abstract:
Multimedia in the field of culture- this is an effective technology of the project maintenance and administration which applies the possibilities of screen (cinema, video, computer monitor) and polygraphy resources. The notion “multimedia” as a cultural phenomena today is not only the processing of information with computer, but also types of the information bearers (floppy, CD-ROM, DVD, micro bearers). Multimedia- this is the result of an artistic creation and technology relay. The practicum of the offered course gets the students acquainted with the theoretical principles of the multimedia projects creation, as well as gives an opportunity to develop a multimedia project applying the acquired knowledge in practice.
Aimes of the course:
To give the students an idea about multimedia project peculiarities.
To develop the students’ parctical skills in the project creation and administration.
To generalize, deepen, and expand the field the students’ knowledge, acquired at other courses, application.
Credit value: 1 CP
Course assessment: test (creative work)
Course content:
Creation of the screen cultural product.
Interview with a journalist who writes reportages about events in the field of culture.
Reportage about a cultural event with an aim to provide with the informative reason.
To prepare a film script for the presentation.
Script of a social advertisement (pro/contra)
Web projects.
Main task– to create a specialized resourse of the department of the administration of culture in the Internet home page
Study tasks:
To develop the resourse drama for the www home page.
Monitoring news project about news in the Latvian culture.
Development of a business project in the field of entertainment industry.
Development of the information preparation and administration.
Development of the navigation maps of the information’s specific character in Internet.
Analysis and development of the scripts from the flashmob shares arsenal.
Preparation of the information polygraphic product (model) as the informative guide of a multimedia project.
Preparation of the advertisement page model about a cultural event.
Preparation of the leaflet’s model presentation.
Preparation of the social advertisement model (pro/contra).
Course includes: Professional Bachelorprogram “Culture Administration” part “B”
Author of the Course: Marija Kormanova, MA Humanitarian art sciences
Abstract: The course presents an overview of geography and history of Sweden, Swedish traditions and holidays. It also includes an overall picture of contemporary Swedish society, the specific character of Swedish mentality. The course deals with Swedish art, music, cinema, theatre and literature.
Aims of the course: to give a general view of the culture of Sweden. To give an idea about the Swedish culture in general and its main peculiarities. To help the students to find parallels in the dialog of Latvian and Swedish culture.
Pre-requisites: The first course level in the Swedish language. Part of the lectures are read in Latvian. Knowledge of English or German.
Credit value: 1 CP, 20 academic hours of practical tasks.
Examination: test
Requirements for the students:
Every student must prepare a written report (6-8 pages, in Latvian) on one of the themes included in the course.
Content of the course:
Sweden. General review.
Geography of Sweden.
Contemporary Swedish society. Political system and parties.
Swedish mentality and habits.
Traditions and holidays.
Swedish art. General tendencies of modern Swedish art.
Swedish music. Intellectual modern music. Art of dancing.
Swedish theatre. Tradition and avant-garde.
Swedish cineMA
Famous Swedes.
Place of Swedish culture in Scandinavian region.
Bono, F. and Koskinen M. (ed). 1996. Film in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Britton, Claes. 1999. Sverige och svenskarna. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Alfredsone K. un Jakobsone, R. 1995. Vienlīdzīga vērtība. Stockholm: Zviedru institūts.
Englund, C. and Janzon L. 1997. Theatre in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Florin M. et al. 1997. Literature in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Hellstam, D. 1992. Sverige på svenska. Lund: Kursverksamhetens förlag.
Johnsson, Hans-Ingvar. 1995. Sverige i fokus. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Lantz, Monica. Ievads Zviedrijas kultūras vēstures kursā.
Montan, U. and Rasmusson, L. 1999. Svenska profiler. Stockholm: Svenska institutet .
Sveriges kulturarv. 1998. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Swahn, Jan-Öjvind. 1994. Majstång, Kräftor och Lucia - Svenska festseder. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Swedish portraits (leaflets from the Swedish Institute).
Weibull, Jörgen. 1997. Sveriges historia. Stockholm: Svenska institutet (arī latviski).
Westin, B. 1997. Children’s literature in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenska institutet.
Zviedru kultūra (materiāli no Zviedru institūta).
Course includes: professional Bachelorprogramme “Culture administration” part “B”
Author of the programme: Olga Odegova
Course synopsis:
Course offers comprehensive and systematic observation, its gist, genre and development of trends from medieval period up to modern times. Special attention is for Latvian and Swedish relations of Literature, Swedish literature publication and theatre plays well known to our contemporary readers.
Aims of the course:
To provide for students systematic observation and analysis of Swedish Literature.
Dealing with well known authors of the Swedish Literature.
To create notion about links between Latvian and Swedish Literature from ancient times up to modern times.
Credit Value: 2 CP
Form of assessment: test with mark
Content of the Course:
Swedish Literature of the Middle Ages: sagas, runs, Reformation, humanism in Renaissance period.
18th century – blossoming forth of the Swedish Literature. The Age of Enlightenment and Gustavianism, as specific age of the Swedish history and culture.
Romanticism in the Swedish Literature.
19th century. Development of Realism.
20th century. Modernism. Categorical realism. Specific features of poetry. Astrid Lindgren and children’s literature.
Aspects of modern Swedish literature. Norvich, 1999.
Ārzemju literatūras vēsture. Viduslaiki un Renesanse. V.Žirmunska red. - R., 1968.
Artamonovs S. u.c. Ārzemju literatūras vēsture. XYII un XYIII gs. - R., 1971.
Bernhardt R., August Strindberg. Mūnchen. 1999.
Creating theatrical dreams. Stockholm, 2003.
Florin M Literature in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet.1997.
Jahanson S En omskriven historia: svensk historisk roman och novel fōre 1867.Upsala, 2000.
Lagerlōf S Liljekrūnas dzimtene. Ttoļļi un cilvēki. R., 1995.
Modernism in Europeian draMA Toronto, 1998.
XIX gadsimta ārzemju literatūras vēsture. - Liepāja, 1992.
Z.Stepiņš. Latviešu un zviedru literārie sakari. - R., 1983.
Algulin J. A History of Swedish literature. - St., 1989.
Brandell G. Svensk litteratur 1900-1950. St., 1917.
Ziemeļu zvaigznes. R., 2002.
Стеблин-Каменский М.И. Древнескандинавская литература. - М., 1979.
Course includes Professional Bachelorprogramme “Culture Administration” part “B”
Author of the programme Inara Zelmene, LU, Doctor of History.
Credit Value: 1 CP
Type of control: test
Each student has to hand in a report/essay 3 days before the exam (written, computer typed, min. 5 pages) on one of the themes of the course plan, basing one’s judgements on the course materials, literature, or illustrative examples chosen individually
The test consists of 1) the comment presented in a student’s report/essay and answer on the 2-3 questions about the report/essay content asked by the tutor, 2) student’s answer on 2 questions about the themes mentioned in the course plan.
Content of the course:
Historiography of the Swedish History, its problems and peculiarity of the division into periods.
The main role of the 19th century development of Sweden on the contemporary Swedish society.
Bourgeois revolution and reforms in 19th century.
Creation of the Swedish Social Democratic Party.
Politics of economy of the Swedish government during the World War I.
Sweden between the two wars period.
Formation of the political power of the Swedish society and politics in the beginning of the World War II.
Sweden after war.
60s – the second “Golden Age” of realization of reforms of Swedish society.
Crisis and change in the Government in 70 –80s. Reform of Rigstag.
Sweden in 90s.
Contradiction in development of Swedish society. Advantage and drawback of Swedish model, its realization – chance or the law-governed nature of social development.
Lagervist L. Zviedrijas vēsture. Stokholma, 2002
Veibulls I. Zviedrijas vēsture. R., 1997.
Aylott, N. Swedish social democracy and European integration. Aldershot. 1999.
B’atefalk,L. Staten, samhĀllet och superiet. Upsala, 2000.
Congleton R. Improving democracy through constitutional reform: some Swedish lessons. Boston, 2003.
Eng T. Den svenska vāldet. Upsala, 2001.
Enzell M. Requiem for constitution: constitutionalism and political culture in early 20th century Sweden.
Hadenius S. Swedish politics during the 20th century: conflict and consensus. Stockholm, 1997.
Landgren K. G. Den “nya ekonomien” I Sverige: I. M. Keynes, E. Wigforss, B. Ohlin och utveckligen 1929. – 1939. Stockholm, 1960.
Tilton T. The Political Theory of Swedish Social Democracy. Through the Welfare State of Socialism. Oxford. 1960.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration part B
The author of the course: Dr oec. O.Lukashina, as. Prof at BRI
Course annotation: To introduce students with all the legislative aspects of business activities and to give the knowledge about rights, duties and responsibility of entrepreneur.
The aim of the course: To give an idea about basic notions of the law in business activities, describe the importance of the law in business in the field of cultural creation and realization, to analyse practical aspect of the law in business activities.
The objectives of the course:
1. To learn the particularities of functioning of a firm of one owner and of a company.
2. To determine the level of responsibility (criminal, administrative and property accountability) of each concrete entrepreneur.
3. To get skills of legislative funding, reorganization, liquidation of organization, analysis, skills in the norms of legal procedures.
4. To get skills of compiling economic contracts.
5. To focus on developing skills of recognizing gerrymander.
6. To learn legislative methods of starting and applying business activities.
Credit value of the course: 2 CP, 32 hours (24- lectures, 8- seminars).
Examination: exam
Requirements for the course mastering:
Written test;
Solution of practical tasks during seminars;
Completing of test in due time.
Knowledge about an entrepneur’s rights, duties, and responsibility when creating and realyzing cultural projects.
Course content:
1. Discipline of law in business activities.
2. System of law control in business activities.
3. Law forms of business activities.
4. Property rights of entrepreneur.
5. Funding, reorganization and liquidation of company.
6. Legality of control of competitiveness.
7. Civil law of Latvia about contracts.
8. Legality registration of international business activities of firms.
9. Actual changes of legislation of business activities.
Bojārs J. Starptautiskas privāttiesības, R.,1998.
Eiropas tiesības, Red. Jundzis T., R., 2004.
Eiropas nodokļi Latvijā. Latvijas ekonomists. R., 2004.
Gerčikova I.N., Marketings un starptautiskā komercdarbība, M. 1990 (11. un 12. nod.)
I. Kodoliņa nodokļi Latvijā ’2002. Rīga,2003
Latvijas likumdošana – uzņēmējdarbības veicinātāja vai šķērslis
Latvijas Republikas Civillikuma komentāri: Autoru kolectīvs prof.K.Torgāna vispārīga zinātniskā redakcija. R., 2000.
O.Lukašina. Nodokļi Latvijā. R., 2002
O. Lukašina, Uzņēmējdarbības tiesības (lekciju kurss), Rīga BKI 2002
Mūsdienu starptautiskās un tirdzniecības tiesības. Starptautiskais civilprocess, R., 1998.
Pievienošanās Eiropas Savienībai līgums (izvilkums) un komentāri, zin. red. Medin L., Brizgo M., R., 2003.
Teisību pamati. R.,2002
Uzņēmējdarbības tiesības. Lekciju kurss, red. N. Klejs, M. 1999.
Arnull A., Dashwood A., Ross M., Wyatt D. European Union Law, London, 2000.
Church C.H., Phinnemore D., The Penguin Guide to the European Treaties. Penguin Books, 2002.
Craig R, de Būrca G. EU Law. Text, cases, and materials. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Лукашина О.В. Рекомендации по изучению налогового законодательства Латвии. Р., 2005.
Караваева И.В. Налоговое регулирование рыночной экономики. Учеб. пособие для вузов. М., 2000.
Лукашина О.В., Янушка М.А. Налогообложение и учет в коммерческих сделках. Р., 2001
Налоги, налогообложение и налоговое законодательство. Учеб. пособие для вузов/ под ред. Е.Н. Евстигнеева. СПб., 2000
Черник Д.Г., Починок А.П., Морозов В.П. Основы налоговой системы. Учебник для вузов. М., 2000.
LR likumi un normatīvie akti, NAIS.
ES direktīvas atbilstošā jomā.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration part B
Course author: Iveta Narodovska, MA philol., lectorer
The abstract of the course: The course gives an insight into the actualities of Latvian literature, the latest trends (postmodernism, postrealism) in the modern Latvian literature.
The aims of the course:
To get the students acquainted with the greatest personalities of the present literary process and with the most important publications of the latest years.
Course volume: 2 CP, 32 contact hours
Course assessment: test
Course pre-requisites:
Every student should attend at least 75% of the total number of lectures.
A student should participate in seminars.
Every student must write a report or essay on the issues of Latvian literature and present the newest Latvian poetry (author at a student’s choice).
Course content:
Postpresent culturally historical situation. Modern tendencies in Latvian literature. The latest trends in Latvian literature: postmodernism, postrealism. The main methods of postmodernism: palimpsest, remake, marginal genres.
Postmodernism Latvian literature: “Mythomania” by Guntis Bereilis
Postmodernism Latvian literature: “Dukts” by Aivars Ozoliņš
Literary death - Inga Ābele “Fire doesn’t awake”
Artistic prose. “The old men” by Jānis Einfelds
Artistic prose. Gundega Repše “Red”. Problems of the text coding and decoding: “Purple”.
Artistic prose. Gundega Repše “Red”. “Karmins” as the interpretation of “Primavera” by Sandro Boticcelli.
Peculiarities of the newest Latvian poetry.
Peculiarities of the newest Latvian poetry.
Postrealism Latvian literature: G. Repše “Īkstīte”, “Īkstīte” as the remake of the H. K. Andersen fairy tale. The motive of transformation of a fallen star in the novel.
Postrealism in Latvian literature: „Jaunavas mācība”.Peculiarities of the women prose.
Postrealism Latvian literature: the P. Bankovska novel „SEKRETY”. The dominance of the realistic message.
Actualities of Latvian literature. Seminar.
Actualities of Latvian literature. Seminar.
Actualities of Latvian literature. Seminar.
Actualities of Latvian literature. Seminar.
Guntis Berelis. Mitomānija. Stāsti. - Rīga: Liesma, 1989
Aivars Ozoliņš. Dukts. Proza. – Rīga: Liesma, 1991
Gundega Repše. Ēnu apokrifs. Romāns. – Rīga: a/s Preses nams, 1996
Gundega Repše. Sarkans. – R.: a/s „Preses nams” apgāds, 1998
Jānis Einfelds. Veči. Romāns. - Rīga: izdevniecība “Pētergailis”, 1999
Gundega Repše. Īkstīte. Romāns. – Rīga: izdevniecība “Pētergailis”, 2000
Inga Ābele. Uguns nemodina. Romāns. - Rīga:. apgāds “Atēna”, 2001
Nora Ikstena. Jaunavas mācība. – Rīga: apgāds „Atēna”, 2001
Pauls Bankovskis. «СЕКРЕТЫ». – Rīga: apgāds „Valters un Rapa”, 2003
Theoretical literature:
Guntis Berelis. Latviešu literatūras vēsture. – Rīga: apgāds “Zvaigzne ABC”, 1999
Guntis Berelis. Neēd šo ābolu. Tas ir mākslas darbs. / Postmodernisms un latviešu literatūra. - Apgāds “Atēna”, 2001
Ausma Cimdiņa. Teksts un klātbūtne. – Rīga: Jumava, 2000
Iveta Narodovska. Gundega Repše – Īkstītei pa pēdām // Feministica Lettica 3 – 2003. – Rīga: LU, 2003. – 200. – 206. lpp.
Iveta Narodovska. Vārds kā kods postmodernā tekstā // VĀRDS UN TĀ PĒTĪŠANAS ASPEKTI. Rakstu krājums 7. – Liepāja, 2003. - 365.-370. lpp.
Iveta Narodovska. G. Repšes „Karmīns” (romāns „Sarkans”) kā S. Botičelli „Primavera” interpretācija // Aktuālas problēmas literatūras zinātnē. Rakstu krājums 8. – Liepāja.
Барт Р. Избранные работы. Семиотика. Поэтика.- Мщсква, 1989
Липовецкий М. Русский постмодернизм. – Екатеринбург, 1997.
Курицин В. Русский литературный постмодернизм. – Москва, 2000
Скоропанова И.С. Русская постмодернистская литература. – Москва, 1999
Постмодернизм. Энциклопедия. – Москва: Интерпрессервис; Книжный Дом, 2001
Современное зарубежное литературоведение (Страны Западной Европы и США): Концепции, школы, термины: Энциклопедический справочник. – Москва, 1996
Niall L. Postmodern Literary Theory. – Cornwall, 1997
R. Wellek, A. Warren. Theory of Literature. A Seminal Study of the Nature and Function of Literature in all its Contexts. – Penguin Books, 1985
R. Selden, P. Widdowson, P. Brooker. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. – Prentice Hall. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1997
Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Literary Theory. Approaches, Scholars, Terms. Edited by Irena R. Makaryk. – University of Toronto Press, 1993
The course includes: professional BA program in Cultural Administration
part B
Author of the course: L. Kozlova, Master of Psychology, lectorer
Abstract: The course offers students the knowledge of problem solving in conflicts by negotiations organizing, which includes the knowledge on negotiations functions, preliminary stage of negotiations, style of negotiations, regional character of “the modern world” conflicts. Essence of political conflicts, genesis of international conflict, process of its evolution and regulation. The course is focused on the methods of regulation in national, ethnic and social conflicts.
Aims of the course:
To create stable structure of political, international and ethnical essence of conflicts, the cause of arising, and methods of its peaceful regulation.
Students have to learn:
Theories of political and social conflicts;
Cognition of the main directions of conflictology;
Mechanism of conflicts regulation;
Students have to analyse:
the causes of international-ethnical conflicts;
To foresee and analyse consequences of conflicts;
Methods of political conflicts solving.
Credit value of the course: 2 CP
Examination: test with the mark
Themes of the course:
Concept of conflict and crisis: motivation and cognitive conception Concept of the subject on conflict. Theoretical aspect of “Crisis”. Needs, interests, values. Theories of the regulation of political conflicts: comparative analysis (A. Held).
Classification of conflicts. Conflicts with “0” and “positive” sum. Perception in development of political crisis and conflicts, their modifications in the regulation of conflicts.
Stages of evolution in conflicts: expansion and escalation. Cooperation of participants. Economical, social and psychological evolution of conflicts. Search for alternatives. Role of a personality.
Conflict solving: “syndrome of victory – loss”, “legal international aspects”, “proportions of power—force”. Principles of conflict regulation and treaty. Conflict regulation and types of treaties, decision making process.
Role of mediators in regulations of political processes: tasks, aims, means. Technology of mediator’s work. Variety of mediators: state, international organizations, civil, collective, nonofficial mediators’ work.
Process of negotiations in conflict solving. Peculiarities of negotiations. Functions, structure, legal methods.
Stile of negotiations: national and personal features. Methods of negotiations. Bilateral and multilateral negotiations. The highest and lowest level of negotiations.
Fēlavs E. Konflikti darbā. Rīga, 2003.
Garleja, R. Psihologijas un socialās uzvedības aspekti ekonomikā. Rīga, 2001.
Sresa menedzments. Rīga, 2003
Pega Pikeringa. Strīdi, nesaskaņas, konflikti. Rīga, 2000.
Burton J., Dukes F. Conflict: Practices in Administration, Settlement and Resolution. L., Macmillan, 1990.
Culture and Negotiation/ Ed. by G.O.Fuare, J.Rubin. L., Sage, 1995.
Encyklopedia of modern ethnic conflicts/ ed. by Joseph R. Rudolph. Westport: London: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Esman M., An introduction to ethnic konflict. Cambridge, 2004.
Gender, peace and conflict. /ed. by Inger Skjelsbaek; Oslo, 2001
International Negotiation: Analisis, Approaches, Issues/ V.A.Kremenyuk. San Francisco, Oxford, Jossey-Bass, 1991.
Miall,H. Contemporary conflict resolution. Cambridge, 2000.
Конфликтология. / авт. Ратников В. и др.; М., 2001.
Крам Т. Управление энергией конфликта. М., 2000.
Лебедева М. Политическое урегулирование конфликтов. Подходы, решения, технологии. М., 1997
Рубинб Дин Пруйт. Социальный конфликт.СПбб 2002.
Сорое Дж. Кризис мирового капитализма. М., 1999.
Уткин Э. Конфликтология: теория и практика. М., 2000.
Хобсбаум Э. Нации и национализм. СПб., 1998.
Прикладная конфликтология. Хрестоматия. М., 2003.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration part B
The author of the course: Svetlana Hajenko, MA humanitarian art sciences, BRI associated professor
The abstract of the course: The course includes a system of seminars and practical lessons, giving insign into basic principles of organization of exhibitions (including art exhibitions), the specific of organization and design of the placement of exhibition, the specific of galleries' work. Students are supposed to elaborate and realize concrete projects during the practicum.
The aims and tasks of the course: to involve the students into the topical art situation, build contacts with active masters and gallery workers, to teach the students the art-market, as well as the kitchen of exhibition halls and auctions. To develop the students’ abilities to maintain new professional contacts, to develop independent exhibition projects and realize them in the students art gallery BRIART, as well as other galleries
Credit value of the course: 3 CP
Examination: test and final exam, ½ of the course- theoretical studies: lectures and seminars.
Requirements for the students:
1. Active participating in all the seminars and practical classes
2. Analyse of one exhibition.
3. Presentation of a creative work.
Course content:
Principles of organization of the exhibitions. Aims and objects of exhibition. Typology of exhibitions.
Involved sides. Marketing and communication aspect of exhibition. Particularities of art and applied art exhibitions. Interactive form of exhibition (exhibition as a festival, exhibition as contest).
Financing of exhibitions. Sponsors.
Placement of exhibition and organization of it. Particularities of exhibition design.
Conception of an exhibition and principles of selecting the exhibits. Exhibition as whole and its logical completeness.
Art and amateur exhibitions peculiarities. Interactive forms of exhibitions (exhibition-festival, exhibition-contest).
Gallery as the component of “art machine” in the work of potential consumers. System- artist- piece of art- gallery- audience.
Concept of gallery and work with an artist.
Types of galleries: commercial, non-commercial, web art-premises, independent, etc. Expositions in the public places- creation of the illusion about the demand in art.
Financing of non-commercial galleries in Great Britain, France, the USA.
Marketing aspect of the gallery work. Principles of evaluating the pieces of art.
Associations of the galleries workers. Cooperation with sponsors- local options. Maintenance of strategic relations.
Curator, his role and duties.
Basic stages of the exhibition preparation, its presentation. Prognosis of the results.
Interactivity as the involvement of the audience in the atmosphere of exhibition on purpose.
Principles of location of expositions (to academic, from “spot” or “format” principle to zero). Problem of frame or its lack.
Possible schemes of exhibition analysis, including academic (or other) meaning, methods of the audience involving, blank of advertisement of defects.
The role of museum as institution: to preserve the memory as the storage of private collection; tool of upbringing; national culture shop-window.
Practical tasks:
Attending of museums and exhibitions, exhibitions’ analysis and answers on questions as the follow-up. Searching for the solution of the problem individually.
Direct participation in exhibitions and participation of art-lectures both in the students’ art gallery BRIART and other exhibition halls. Preparation and realization of an annual charity auction. Creation of art objects. Development and realization of art objects in cooperation with other galleries and Latvian Artists union, as well as realization of an individual projects.
Course literature:
Cultural attractions and European Tourism. Edited by G.Richards. CABI Publishing, CAB International. 2001.
Diggle K. Arts marketing. London, 1994.
Fundamentals of Arts administration. Fourth Edition Arts Extension Service, 2003.
Groys, Boris. Kunst-Kommentare. Passagen Verlag. Wien, 1997.
Huang K. Museum marketing. Taipei, 1997.
Колбер Ф. и др. Маркетинг культуры и искусства. СПб.: Издатель Васин А.И. 2004.
Periodiskie izdevumi:
Art-Менеджер (журнал для профессионалов)
Māksla plus
The New World of Art
Title of the course: PRACTICAL SOFTWARE/ Ms Office
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration part B
The author of the course: Dr M. Adjutov
Credit value: 2 CP
Aim of the course:
To give practical skills of using PC on a beginners level- work with computer in Word programme. To work with computer independently, be able to use simple graphic programmes, text editors, electronic tables, Internet. Task- to develop a base of skills to be able to handle computer work.
Course requirements:
Draw studio- logo pages in the top corner applying grouping and measurment, printing;
Use of the home page elements- format A4, printing;
Excel diagrams studio- use of colors, modifications. File;
10 slide PowerPoint presentation. File. Demonstration.
Requirements for the students:
Each student has to attend at least 75% of the overall number of lectures.
Students have to participate in practical tasks actively.
Course content
During the course the following theoretical knowledge and practical skills is to be acquired: to have an idea about the place and role of computer in the data processing, the main parts of a computer (blocks) and peripherals, its tasks and functions, notion of the computer local network.
To master the data input, storing, and deleting tools; operation systems Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, principles of its functioning and basic usage; identification and liquidation of computer viruses. To get basic knowledge about the keeper of archives and its application. To get to know the window definition, its elements, Microsoft Window applications, their starting and turning of principles. Windows accessories- calculator, editor of elementary texts and graphics- possibilities, multimedia means, principles of the text input and elementary editing. Text location- justify, center. Contextual text editing: searching, replacement. Preparation of tables and their introduction into the text, graphic elements, elementary calculations in the tables. Electronic tables and their application possibilities. Microsoft Excel. Basic document work functions: saving, opening, printing. Creation of graphic pictures and inserting in the table. Business graphic, its creation and editing. Internet. Organization of the information transfer. Legal limitations and etiquette. Information search in the world web, e-mail.
4. control forms
5. Form of assessment:
6. Basic literature:
K.Sataki, J.Visipkova. Microsoft Windows Professional 2000 no A līdz Z.
Pāvilsone, D. Murāne. Microsoft Word 2000 no A līdz Z.
A.Ķiņķere, S. Narņicka. Microsoft Excel 2000 no A līdz Z, 1. grāmata.
A.Ķiņķere. Microsoft Excel 2000 no A līdz Z, 2. grāmata .
J. Valdovskis. Microsoft FrontPage 2000 ikvienam.
D. Murāne, K.Sataki. Microsoft Word 97 no A līdz Z.
http:/ pamati.
Course includes: Professional Bachelorprogramme “Culture Administration” part “B”
Author of the course: Master of Arts Nadezda Pazuhina
Synopsis: The course gives concepts on basic issues in culture in the 20th century. It offers students knowledge on typical features of culture in the 20th century, as well as specific character of the modern arts language, helps to orient in the modern art language, giving the information about previous historical periods of arts, which were as principles of the 20th century aesthetics. Background of the trends of the 20th century culture in historical context.
Aims of the course:
To introduce students to the basic trends of culture in the 20th century. Issues of aesthetics in the 20th century.
To focus on specific character of the arts language, as well as on its features in a historical and modern context.
To introduce students to the processes of European culture and arts in the historical context of the 20th century.
Credit value: 2 CP
Assessment: test
Each student must present a record of original work based on the subject of the programme, analyzing the basic issues or comparing aesthetics concepts as well (7,000 signs). It is desirable to give oral presentation of independent work on main ideas.
Writing work must be passed to a tutor 3 days before its oral presentation.
The students, who will not perform the work requirements have to write a test based on the course plan and seminars’ questions at the time of session.
Contents of the course
Art in the cultural system. Sign and symbol. Chronology problems: “calendar” and “stylistic” century. Mission of culture and tasks of art: apprehension and distinction of world outlook. Specific character of the 20th century art language. Arts and experiment. Features of aesthetics in the 20th century.
Traditions of the 19th century in the European and the USA arts in the beginning of the 20th century. Arts of the 19th-20th century: simbolism and art nouveau. Jugendstil aesthetics. Features of “local” Jugendstil. National romanticism and neoclassicism in architecture and visual art. Relations between interior and exterior: applied art and design as the creation of art. Ensemble and the environment. Style and stylization.
Avant-garde of the beginning of the 20th century. Aesthetic problems of avant-garde. Spectrum of trends in art (fovism, cubism, expressionism, futurism, suprematism).
Modernism and anti-modernism in the first decades of the 20th century. Realistic and anti-realistic mentality. Socialist realism. Primitivism.
The World War I and “the lost generation”. German expressionism in arts and literature. Cinematography as a new art: stylistics in cinematography. Principles of montage of S. Eisenstein and further development of cinematography. Trends in the art of theatre: Vahtangov, Mejerhold, Breht.
Concept of avant-garde. Avant-garde in the European culture. “Russian” avant-garde: arts, literature and theatre. The 20th century Latvian painting in context of the world arts.
European culture between two wars. Avant-garde and surrealism. Art and anti-art. Concept of psychoanalysis and culture. Author and reader (recipient): issue of interpretation.
Aesthetics of the 20’s-30’s. Development of constructivism and functionalism. Bauhaus and art deco.
Art in the situation of totalitarian regime. Monimentalism, neoclassicism, socrealism in the light of political ideology.
Rational and irrational trends in the post-war arts. Contra-culture and subculture. Pop-arts and op-arts. Concept of a mass culture. Dissidents and underground culture.
“Late modernism” in the art of the USA. “neo avant-garde” of the 60’s in Europe and USA.
“Postmodern situation”. Issue on concept. Philosophy and arts. Postmodernism in art or postmodern art. Problem of author and art. Literature and theatre in postmodernism. Structuralism. Deconstruction.
Trends in arts, cinematography and theatre in 70-80s. New art language and challenge of art.
Music and movement arts development tendencies in the 2nd half of the 20th century.
Homo ludus: game and conditions of game in culture. Modern situation in culture. Mass culture and salon arts. Issue of academicism. Virtual reality: trends of aesthetics.
Art reforms in the end of the 20th century.
Themes of the seminars:
Creation and experiment. Artist’s task and responsibility. (Trends of arts in the beginning of the 20th century)
Jugendstil and 20th century modernism.
Experiment and tradition in the modernism art.
Many-sided avant-garde. Surrealism in the context of avant-garde. Interaction of the arts.
Modernism and postmodernism. Issues on modern culture. Philosophy and practice of play.
20th century art experiments: conclusions and perspectives.
Course literature.
Art in Europe, 1990-200. Milano. 2002.
Crowther P. Art and Embodimrnt: from aesthetics to self-consciouness. Oxford.1993.
Cubism in Latvian art. R., 2002.
Gombrihs E. Mākslas vēsture. R., 1998.
Krastiņš J. Jūgendstils Rīgas arhitektūrā. – R., 1989.
Morley S. Writing on the wall: word and image in modern art. London, 2003.
Reynolds D. Symbolist aesthetic and early abstract art. Cambridg, 1995
Rewald J. The History of Impressionism. – N-Y, 1980.
Stallabrass J. Art incorporated: the stiry of contempotaty art. Oxford, 2004.
Ember I. Musik in der Malerei. – Budapest, 1989.
5. Die europäische Romantic art. – London, 1978.
Дженке Ч. Язык архитектуры постмодернизма. – М., 1985.
Дмитриева Н.А. Краткая история искусств. – М., 1996. Кн.1.
История импрессионизма. – М., 1995.
Калитина Н. Французское изобразительное искусство 18-20 веков. – Л., 1990.
Малая история искусств. Искусство ХХ века. – М., 1991.
Маньковская Н. Эстетика постмодернизма. – СПб., 1999.
Наков А. Русский авангард. – М., 1991.
Сюрреализм и авангард. – М., 1999.
Тоталитаризм и авангард. М., 2004.
Турчин В.С. По лабиринтам авангарда. – М., 1993.
Энциклопедия живописи. – М., 1997.
Appendix 8. 3. Part C
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Nadezda Novozhilova, ing. sciences doc., BRI associated professor
Course abstract: offered course reveals for the students modern panorama of the insurance market: forms of organization of insurance firms, specific character of the financial activity of the insurance companies, types of insurance products, interaction of the insurance firms and tour agencies, as well as the opportunity to manage the tour agency’s risks by attracting insurance.
Course aims
To guide the future specialists in the filed of culture to solve the risk situations in the questions’ transfer in the industry of tourism professionally.
To teach the students to make argumented decisions in what concerns the protection of financial interests of persons and organizations by using the insurance institute.
Course tasks
To present the theoretical basis of the insurance and its economic character; principles of the insurance business; peculiarities of the protection of financial interests of natural and legal persons.
To give clear ideas about the basic methods of the insurance business and peculiarities of the insurance realization in the field of tourism.
To get the students acquainted with the legislation in the field of insurance.
To develop practical skills in the realization of insurance in the field of tourism and tour agencies.
Credit value: 1 CP
Contact hours 20 academic hours
assessment: test
Requirements: accomplishment of the course tasks; test (writing); successful accomplishment of the test.
Course content:
General description of the insurance. Basic tendencies of the insurance development in international practice. Real situation of insurance and real examples of insurance cases. Latvia on theinsurance market: general insight, legal basis of insurance in Latvia and EU.
Notion of risk. Essense and content of risk. Types of risk. Risk insurance criteria. Insured risk.
Basic notions, terminology, and definitions. Notion of insurance and economic essense. Insurance as a type of economic activity. Basic principles of insurance, legal aspects of insurance. Insurance agreement.
Classification types of insurance in Latvia and EU. Types of insurance licenses in Latvia. description of insurance types.
Insurance of help. Insurance programme, its peculiarities and options; tariffs and special tariffs, documents filling. Choice of an insurance firm and cooperation. Agreements about the cooperation peculiarities. Practical examples.
Peculiarities of a car insurance agreement. KASKO insurance. Voluntary and compulsory insurance of the civil responsibility of the ground vehicles’ owners. Insurance law about the compulsory insurance of the civil responsibility of the ground vehicles’ owners.
Civil responsibility insurance in the field of tourism.
Law about tourism and insurance. Compulsory minimal value of the support insurance. Voluntary insurance of the financial risk of a firm’s clients.
Theory and practice of the risk administration. Notion of risk. Risk factors and necessity for insurance. Risk analysis. Risk types. Risk insurance criteria. Administration system and methods in the risk situations.
Course literature
Compulsory literature:
Apdrosinasana: pamatprincipi un prakse. Sastadltajs Dr Deivids Blends.- Riga: 1995.-394
Rubanovskis A. Apdrošiāšanas pamati: teorija, plānošana, problēmas. - Rīga: EKA, 2004. - 201. lpp.
Sūniņa - Markevica K. Apdrošināšana. - Rīga: Junior Achivement – Latvija, 2003. – 143 lpp.
Агеев Ш.Р., Васильев Н.М., Катырин С.Н. Страхование : теория,опыт. Учебное пособие. Торгово-промышленная палата Российской федерации.- М.: Экспертное Бюро. М,1998,- 376 с.2.
Гвозденко А.А. Основы страхования : Учебник по курсу «Основы
страхования». Российская международная академия туризма.- М.: Финансы истатистика, 2000.- 304 с.
Гвозденко А.А. Финансово - экономические методы страхования.
М.«Финансы и статистика» 1998.-184 с.
Никитин Т.В Страхование коммерческих и финансовых рисков - СПб.:
Питер, 2002. - 240 с.
Пфайффер К. Введение в перестрахование. Кельнское перестраховочное общество. - М.: Анкил, 1996.- 155 с.
Томилин В.Н. Транспортное страхование в России и странах Балтии.-М.: Анкил, 2000 г.-208 с.
Страхование от А до Я.( книга для страхователя ). Ассоциация страхового права . Под ред. Л.И. Корчевской, К.Е.Турбиной. М, ИНФРА-М, 1996.-624 с.
Страхование: Учебник. Под ред. В.В.Шахова. - М.: Анкил, 2002. - 480 с.
Страхование:Учебник. Под ред.Т.А.Федоровой.- 2-е изд., перераб. и доп.- М.: Экономистъ, 2003.- 875 с.
Турбина К.Е. Тенденции развития мирового рынка страхования. М.: Анкил, 2000. - 320 с.
Экономика и страхование. Энциклопедический словарь. С.Л. Ефимов,- М., Церих -ПЭЛ , 1998.- 528 с.
Additional literature:
Журавлев Ю.М. Справочное пособие по рассмотрению претензий,
связанных со страхованием экспортно - импортных грузов.-М.: Юкис, 1991. -145с
Журавлев Ю.М. Страхование профессиональной ответственности.
М.: Юкис 1991. -69с.
Зубец А.Н. Страховой маркетинг. -М,: Анкил, 1998. -255 с.
Кузнецова Н.П., Чернова Г.В. Некоторые проблемы Европейского страхового законодательства и оценка платежеспособности страховых компаний по рисковым видам страхования. Институт страхования Санкт-Петербург 1998. - 62 с.
Митрохин В.К. Внимание! Страховое мошенничество. Страховой экспертный центр «Рето» М.1995. - 92 с.
Никитенков Л.К., Осипов В.И. Имущественное страхование: Учебно- -практическое пособие. Под ред. Никитенкова Л.К. - М.: Экзкамен, 2002.- 288 с.
Основы морского страхования: Учебное пособие. СПб.: Изд. дом " Сентябрь", 2002 - 300 с.
Социальное и личное страхование (опыт страхового рынка ФРГ).- М.:Анкил, 1996,- 124с.
Страхование жизни ( на примере Швейцарии). - М.: Анкил1994,- 79 с.
Шинкаренко И.Э. Страхование ответственности: Справочник.- М.:Финансы и статистика ,1999. - 352с.
Normative documents in the field of insurance
1. Latvijas Republikas Civillikums. Civilikuma teksts ar grozījumiem, kas izsludināti līdz 2000.gada IS.septembrim. Rīga, 2000.
2. Гpaждaнcкий Зaкoн Лaтвийcкoй Pecпyблики oт 28 янвapя 1937 гoдa . Oбязaтeльcтвeннoe пpaвo . Pигa, 1999.
3. First non-Life Insurance Directive (73/239EEC). Первая Директива ЕС по видам
страхования иным, чем страхование жизни.
4. First Life Insurance Directive (79/267/EEC). Первая Директива ЕС по
страхованию жизни.
5. Second non- Life Insurance Directive (88/357/EEC). Вторая Директива ЕС по видам страхования иным, чем страхование жизни.
6. Second Life Insurance Directive (90/619/EEC). Вторая Директива ЕС по страхованию жизни.
7. Third non-Life Insurance Directive (92/49/EEC). Третья Директива ЕС по
видам иным чем страхование жизни.
8. Third Life Insurance Directive (92/96/ELC). Третья Директива ЕС по страхованию жизни.
9. LR Apdrošināšinas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likums. - Latvijas Vēstnesis,
Nr. 188/189 ( 1998, 30. jūnijs ) / Закон Латвийской Республики о страховых обществах и надзоре за ними. ( Вступил в силу с 01.09.98 ) ( с изменениями на настоящий момент).
10. LR likums "Par apdrošināšanas īigumu". - Latvijas Vēstnesis, Nr. 188/189 ( 1998, 30. jūnijs ) / Закон Латвийской Республики "О договоре страхования" (с изменениями на настоящий момент).
11. LR likums "Sauzemes transportlīdzekļu īpašnieku civiltiesiskās atbildības obligātās apdrošināšanas likums ". - Latvijas Vēstnesis, ( 2004, 27. aprīlis ) / Закон Латвийской Республики "Закон об обязательном страховании
гражданско-правовой ответственности собственников сухопутных
транспортных средств". (Вступил в силу с 01.05.04).
12. LR likums " Par valsts sociālo apdrošināšanu".- - Latvijas Vēstnesis,
Nr. 274/276, ( 1997 ) / Закон о государственном социальном страховании
( Вступил в силу с 01.01.98 ).
13.MK noteikumi Nr. 21 „Apdrošināšanas un parapdrošināšanas starpnieku darbības noteikumi”. – Latvijas Vēstnesis, Nr.7(2005, 13 janvāris).
Internet resources -
Title of the course: “SILVER AGE” IN RUSSIAN CULTURE
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course compiled by: Dr Hist., doc. Anatoliy Kupcov
Abstract of the course:
Introduce the students to a very interesting and original period of Russian culture, paying special attention to the new dominant of the culture – from social values to existential and personal.
Credit value of the course: 1 CP
Type of examination: test
Course content:
The concept of Silver Age. Cultural and historical sources.
The awareness of spiritual crisis and new understating of human relations with the world.
Spiritual experience as a dialog. Knowledge and truth.
Personality. Freedom and responsibility. Problem of creation.
Christianity and ideas of Silver Age. Problem of faith
Artistic life as a phenomenon of culture.
The character of Russian symbolism.
The essence of P.Florensky`s symbolism.
Problems of freedom and creativity. Philosophy of N.Berdyayev
O.Rozanov. Life as a mystery.
L.Shestov about the relations between mind and faith.
Course literature:
Вехи. Интеллигенция в России. Сборник статей 1909-1910. М. 1991.
Вислова А. «Серебряный век » как.театр. М., 2000
Журавлев С. Русские писатели в Латышском крае: серебряный век. Р., 2004.
Зеньковский В.В. Русские мыслители и Европа М.,1997.
Кондаков И. Введение в историю русской культуры. М., 1999.
Ронен О. Серебряный век как умысел и вымыселМ., 2000.
Россия / Russia. Русская интеллигкнция и западные интеллектуалыю История и топологияю М.,1999
Русская интеллигенция. История и судьба М.,1999.
Texts to be analysed.
Н.Бердяев. Смысл творчества.
А.Белый. Символизм как миропонимание.
"Вехи" (сборник), статьи М.Гершензона и С.Франка.
Н.Лосский. Чувственная, интеллектуальная и мистическая интуиция.
В.Розанов. Уединенное. Смертное. Опавшие листья.
П.Флоренский. Философия культа и культуры. Обратная перспектива. Иконостас.
Л.Шестов. Киркегор и экзистенциальная философия.
The course is a constituent part of the professional BA program in Cultural Administration, part C.
Course abstract: The content of the course stipulates for the acquaintance with the main Slavic ideas, principles of mythology, which relate to the origin of the world and attitude towards nature, with pantheon of the Gods of the Ancient Slavs.
During the lectures the typological features of the Slavic cults and rituals, sanctuaries and ritual objects are studied.
Credit value: 1 CP
Assessment: test.
1. Each student has to participate in 3 seminars and read about 300 text pages.
2. The students have to write and read or hand in a writing work (approx. 7000 signs) on one of the programme’s themes (free choice, analysis of a phenomema of the Slavic mythology and culture using the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course).
3. In case a seminar has been skipped, the reading materialis to be discussed with the tutor at the consultation.
Course content- plan
1. Sourses of the Slavic mythology. Possibilitites of the reconsruction of the ancient Slavic mythology.
2. Problem of the Slavic origin and evolution of the proto-slavic culture. About the notion of “Slavic” as the national definition (modern ideas and versions).
3. Ideas of the ancient Slavs about the origins of the world and human. Peculiarities of the time and space understanding.
4 Cosmogonic and antropogonic motives in the folklore of the Slavs.
5. Archaic mythology. Tothems and initiation. Elements of an archaic myth in the folklore texts.
6 Typological features of the cults and rituals maintenance of the Ancient Slavs; sanctuaries and ritual objects in the Slavic culture.
7. Appreciacion of a woman in the Slavic mythology. Male and female rituals.
8. Destiny in the Slavic mythology. External pattern of the God of destiny. Most characteristic attributies of the destiny deities.
9. Human mythology. Life and death, birth of a baby; life of a human, family and love.
10. Mythology of houses and economic activity. House and yard, its sacred symbolics.
11. Farming and cattle-breeding; sacred calendar of the farmers. Sacred calendar of the farmers and Slavic holiday traditions.
12 Sacred symbolics in the Slavic art.
Афанасьев А. Народ-художник.- M.,1996
Буславев Ф. Народный эпос и мифология. М., 2003.
Гаврилов Д. Боги славян.М., 2002.
Еремина А.И. Ритуал и фольклор.- Л.,1991.
История культуры древних славян . М., 1998.
Миролюбов Ю. Сакральное Руси: в 2-х т. М., 1996
Обрядовая теория мифа. СПб., 2003.
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