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The name of the course: PSYCHOLOGY

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The name of the course: PSYCHOLOGY

The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by Irina Plotka, assoc. prof., Dr psych., Ludmila Kozlova, MA psych.
Annotation of the course: The concept of psyche. The structure of psychology and its base conceptions. Matter of the personality in the psychology. Issue of needs and motivations. Scientific principles of psychological exploring. Aspects of the human psychological activity. Conceptions of relationships between subject and object, object and subject. Conception of attention. The structure of human psyche: the process of perception, emotional processes, processes of volition, potentialities, temperament and character like aspects of discussing the features of personality. Personality in the context of a social environment.
The aims of the course:

  1. To give the overview on psyche and consciousness as the highest level of the growth of the psyche.

  2. To give the scientific explanations about the psychical phenomena.

  3. To show the rules which are in the base of formation and growth of physical is necessary for a person to manage one’s work, plan and organize it.

  4. To support the students in understanding the basic foundations of self-consciousness.

Credit value of the course: 2 CP, 32 contact hours (20 hours- lectures, 12- seminars).
Course assessment: test with the mark
Requirements for the students:

  1. Participating in 4 seminars;

  2. An analysis of individual characteristics of friends or characters from literature in a written form (5-7 pages)

  3. To prepare a report or lecture on one of the themes from the studying program. The amount of the literature necessary for the report is about 200 pages.

  4. In case of non-attendance of some seminar, the theme of it must be discussed with the lecturer by the tutorial system.

Themes of the course:

  1. The historical development of the ideas of psychology. The branches and directions of psychology.

  2. The problem of personality in psychology, its basic aspects.

  3. The problem of motivation. The classification of needs, the ways of expression of needs. The principles of objectivity and development. The methods of exploration.

  4. The aspects of human psychical activity.

  5. The concept of the attention. Sorts and features of attention.

  6. The process of perception: senses, sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking (connection between thinking and imagination).

  7. Emotional processes. Basic emotions, their classification.

  8. Volition, its regulative function.

  9. Potentialities, their connection with talents, skills and abilities.

  10. The concepts of temperament, their historical development. The concept of character, understanding of the features of character.

  11. Person and social environment.


  1. Ābele A. Vispārīgā psiholoģija: Lekciju kurss. R., 2000.

  2. Berne E. Spēles, ko spēle cilvēki. R., 2000.

  3. Garleja R., Darbs, organizācija un psihologija. R., 2003.

  4. Nucho, Aina Ozoliņa. Stress. R., 2004.

  5. Psihologija. R., LU, 2004

  6. Reņģe V. Psiholoģija: Personības psiholoģija. R., 2000.

  7. Reņģe V. Psiholoģija: savstarpējo attiecību psiholoģija.R., 2004.

  8. Svence G. Attīstības psiholoģija. R., 1999.

  9. Vispārīgā psiholoģija (V.Bogoslovska, A.Kovaļova, A.Stepanova, S.Šabaļina red.) – R.: Zvaigzne, 1978.

  10. Concise enciclopedia of psihology. New YorkWiley 1996.

  11. Gray P. Psychology. New York, 1999.

  12. Hinton P. Stereotypes, cognition and culture. Hove: Psichology Prss., 2000.

  13. Lahey B. Psychology: an introduction. Boston, 2001.

  14. Маклаков А. Общая психология. ВСПб., 2001

  15. Психология. А – Я: словарь-справочник /Майкл Кордуэлл. М., 2000.

  16. Психология мотивации достижения. /Хайнц хекхаузен. СПб.,2001

  17. Психология лидерства в бизнесе / Вив Шеклтон. СПб., 2003

  18. Узнадзе Д. Общая психологияю М., 2004

Title of the course “English for the Students of Cultural Administration”

The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by M.A. Y. Yurchenko
Specifications for the course:

  • Category of Syllabus: A (mandatory)

  • Course duration: 4 terms with

  1. 64 contact hours of independent work per term for full-time department students;

  2. 12 contact hours and 168 hours of independent work per term for distant department students;

  • Progress test at the end of each term

  • Final examination at the end of the course.

  • Credit value of the course: 8 credit points.

  • Requirements for the students:

  1. preliminary knowledge of English should correspond to school graduation examination, levels A, B, C;

  2. presence and active participation in practical classes;

  3. regular preparation for practical classes and home-reading classes.

Aims of the course:

  • to develop and improve the students’ communicative competence to become an effective communicator in the professional field and/or in various public settings (socializing, presentations, conferences, negotiations);

  • to help the students discover and relativise their own culture in relation to other people’s cultures by creating cross-cultural awareness.

Objectives of the course:

  • to develop, acquire and use basic language learning skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) applicable to a wide range of professional settings;

  • to make the students aware of various language learning strategies used by successful language learners, to choose and probe new language learning strategies in order to progress towards autonomy and promote social responsibility;

  • to consolidate and recycle the acquired knowledge of the language through a variety of contexts;

  • to extend and master the vocabulary relevant to the students’ professional domain;

  • to revise overall basic grammar of the language (particularly the more frequently used items and structures);

  • to practice the forms, structures and lexis to be able to communicate on the topics in the syllabus and to express various functions;

  • to develop cognitive academic skills i.e. extracting, structuring and organizing information, skimming and scanning various types of texts, note-taking etc.

By the end of the course the students are supposed to be able:

  • to read various types of texts connected with their field of studies, skim and scan texts, extract, select, group the information extracted.

  • to write letters, notes, reports, personal accounts, short articles, essays on culture items.

  • to understand everyday speech and factual information on profession-related items heard on radio, television, to follow presentations, discussions and lectures.

  • to communicate on the routine topics, discuss and present on the matters related to their professional field.

Course content:
Term 1 Contact hours 32

Grammar items: Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous,

Present Perfect). Nouns (Countable/Uncountable. Singular and plural

of nouns). Articles. Expressions of quantity. Adjectives and adverbs.

Prepositions of place, time. Word order.


  • A successful language-learner. Language learning strategies. Memory.

  • Types of learners. Types of intelligence. Motivation. Confidence.

  • Self-administration and language learning. Administration of time. Organizing

language learning.

  • Setting long-term aims and short-term objectives for the course. Record of

Priorities. Self-assessment.

  • Cross-cultural awareness. Culture shock. Culture clash.

  • Traditions. Customs. Leisure. Prejudices and superstitions.

  • Culture and food habits. Celebrations. Decorations. Fashions.

Progress test.

Term 2 Grammar items: Tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect) 32

Have and have got. Present tenses for the future. Future with Shall/will.

Modal verbs. Names with and without The. Phrasal verbs.


  • Types of communication. Language. Non-verbal communication.

Body language. Small talk.

  • What is culture? Anthropologic and ethnographic views on culture.

  • Components of culture. Values, believes, behaviour, ideas, morals,

Attitudes, knowledge.

  • National stereotypes. Manners. Etiquette.

  • The keys to a civil society. Diversity. Tolerance. Respect. Consensus.

Progress test.

Term 3 Grammar items: structure Used to. Conditionals, time clauses and 32

wish. Passive Voice. Reported speech and indirect questions. Word

order. Comparisons. Pronouns and determiners. Relative clauses.


  • Culture of administration. Administration roles. Types of managers.

  • Process of decision-taking. Routine and strategic types of decisions.

  • Problem solving. Identifying and defining problems.

  • Projects. Stages of project-making.

  • Public speaking: Art or skill? Presentation as a type of public speaking.

Progress test.

Term 4 Grammar items: Questions. Auxiliary verbs and question tags. 32

Verbals (Gerund, Infinitive, Participle). Noun + preposition

structures. Phrasal verbs.


  • Art and life. Fine arts. Museums.

  • Modern arts. Exhibitions. Galleries.

  • Theatre. Music.

  • CineMA Television.

  • Mass media. Advertising.

  • Education. Systems of education.

  • Tourism. Traveling.

  • Religion. Religious traditions.

Achievement test.
Assessment and evaluation for the course.

Continuous assessment is carried out not only by the teacher but also includes peer evaluation of the classmates as each student is a reader, a listener and a councillor for the others and learns to evaluate performing and presenting – one’s own and others’.

Final evaluation takes place during examination at the end of the course. Every student delivers a presentation of the course paper in the chosen area that thematicly and in contents corresponds to Cultural Research study areas. The student is evaluated according to the following criteria: language, structure of the presentation and performance. The marking scale is from 1 to 10 points where 1 corresponds to very bad, 10 corresponds to excellent.

Course literature:

    1. Hutchinson, T. 2000. Lifelines Intermediate. Oxford: OUP.

    2. Gude, K., Wildman, J. 2001. Matrix Upper-Intermediate. Oxford: OUP.

    3. Acklam, R., Burgess, S. 2000. First Certificate Gold. Longman.

    4. Murphy, R. 2000. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: CUP.

Supplementary teaching materials and resource books:

1. Fuchs, M., Bonner, M. Focus on Grammar. 2000. A High-Intermediate Course for Reference and Practice. Longman.

  1. Crovitz, D., Ross, T. 1999. Classroom Literature Reader. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC

  2. Abeltina, R., Fleija, Dz., Misane, A. 1976. English and American Literature. Riga: Zvaigzne.

  3. Video and audio teaching records.

Authentic materials:

1.Text materials from course books, newspapers, Magazines, brochures, exhibition catalogues selected by the teacher and the students according to their needs and interests.

2.Video records of TV programmes, films and audio records of radio programmes.

Themes for the course.

1. Types of learners. Types of intelligence. Motivation. Confidence.

2. A successful language learner. Language learning strategies. Memory.

3. Self – administration and language learning. Administration of time. Organizing language learning.

4. Setting long-term aims and short-term objectives for the course. Record of priorities. Self-assessment.

5. Cross-cultural awareness. Culture shock. Culture clash.

6. Traditions, Customs, Leisure activities. Prejudices and superstitions.

7. Culture and food habits. Celebrations. Fashions. Decorations.

8. Types of communication. Body language. Small talk.

9. What is culture? Anthropologic and ethnographic views on culture.

10. Components of culture. Values, believes, behaviour, ideals, morals, attitudes, knowledge.

  1. National stereotypes. Manners.

  2. The keys to a civil society. Diversity. Tolerance. Respect. Consensus.

  3. Culture of administration. Managers’ roles. Types of managers.

  4. Process of decision-taking. Routine and strategic types of decisions.

  5. Problem solving. Identifying and defining problems.

  6. Projects. Stages of project-making.

  7. Public speaking: Art or Skill? Presentation as a type of public speaking.

  8. Art and life. Fine Arts. Museums.

  9. Modern Arts. Exhibitions. Galleries.

  10. Theatre. Music.

  11. CineMA Television.

  12. Mass Media. Advertising.

  13. Education. Systems of education.

  14. Tourism. Traveling.

  15. Religion. Religious traditions.

Title of the course: HISTORY OF ART GENRES
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by MA N. Pazuhina
Abstract: the course offers the overview to different art genres, their tendencies and transformations in of the 20th century art. The focus is on paintings of Western Europe (starting from Renaissance to 20th century) and main tendencies of Russian art.
Aim of the course:

  1. To teach the students the appearance and development in the 16th -20th century in Europe.

  2. To introduce the students to the specific of art genres in historical perspective and contemporary art context.

  3. To stimulate the students’ critical and analytical skills’ development, to teach them think independently when analyzing the pieces of art.

Credit value of the course: 1 CP
Examination: test
Requirements for the students:

  1. Active participating in seminars.

  2. Report (7010 pages) focusing on the exploring issues of one of the themes of the course.

  3. Successfully completed test.

Course content:

  1. Conception of the genre. Fine art genres. Particularities of the instruments of artistic expression.

  2. Portray genre. The base concepts of the portray genre theory (function, stylistic, composition, colouring). History of portray genre. Italian and North Renaissance portray. 17th century parade and psychological portray. Theatricality of rococo portray, neo-classicism, realism, impressionism in the portray genre, interpretation of portray in modernism.

  3. World’s genre. The base of the world’s genre (function, stylistic, composition, colouring). Origins and history of the genre. World’s genre in the religion painting. Portrait of this genre (Breigel, Carravagio). Genre painting in Holland (Vermeer, Terborh, de Hoh). Spanish art of 17th century. Theatricality of rococo, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, impressionism, Biedermeier. 20th century world’s genre.

  4. Historical, mythological and religion painting. Academic views and historical genre of painting. Interpretation of mythological plots Renaissance, baroque, classicism, symbolism art. Mythological images in the 20th century art. Bible plots in Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Romanticism and 20the century art. 19th-20th century historical genre.

  5. Landscape. Origins and forming of the landscape genre. Lyrical and heroic landscape in classicism, urban landscape in 17th century Holland art and 18th century Italian art, rococo theatrical landscape, impressionism and realism. Interpretation of landscape in 20th century art.

  6. Still-life. Origins of forming of the still-life genre. Flemish and Holland still-life painting. 17th-18th century still-life, its interpretation in aesthetic of Biedermaier and modernism. Animalistic genre in Europe art.

  7. Nude. Forming of the nude genre from Renaissance till 20th century. Academic tradition of the nude genre.

Gombrihs E. Mākslas vēsture. – R., 1997.

Kļaviņš E. Portreta attīstība Rietumeiropā un portreta teorijas jautājumi. – R., 1976.

Kļaviņš E. Latvijas beigu – sākuma tēlotājas mākslas ikonogrāfija un stilistiskais raksturojums. – R., 1983.

Mazā mākslas enciklopēdija. Sērija. Kubisms. Futūrisms. Konstruktīvisms. Ekspressionisms. Romāns Suta. Lūdolfs Liberts. Jēkabs Kazaks.

Rowell M. Objects of desire: the modern still life. – N-Y., 1997.

Werness H.B. The continuum encyclopedia of Animal. Symbolisms in Art. N.-Y., London, 2004.

Berger K. Das Tier in der Kunst. – Leipzig, 1971.

Thomas, Karin. Bis heute. Stilgeschichte der bildenden Kunst im 20.Jahrhundert. Köln, 1998.

Дмитриева Н.А. Краткая история искусств. Ч.1-2. – М., 1991.

Западное искусство 20 в.: современные искания и культурные традиции. – М., 1997.

Зингер Л.С. Очерки теории и истории портрета. – М., 1986.

Калитина Н.Н. Французский портрет 19 в. – Л., 1985.

Мириманов В.Б. Искусство и миф. Центральный образ картины мира. – М., 1997.

Обухова А., Орлова М. Живопись без границ. От поп-арта к концептуализму. – М., 2001.

Райт С. Библия в искусстве. – М., 1997.

Четина Е.М. Евангельские образы, сюжеты, мотивы в художественной культуре. – М., 1998.

Холл Дж. Словарь сюжетов и символов в искусстве. – М., 1996.

Янсон Х., Янсон Э. Основы истории искусств. – СПб., 1996.

Title of the course: HISTORY OF THE STYLES
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by MA art Nadezda Pazuhina
Abstract of the course: The course of the lectures deals with the history of styles. It introduces students to the specific character of the language of art and helps to orient them at the language of the contemporary art, giving retrospective insight into the history of European arts. The course gives the historical and cultural context of forming the art styles.
Aims of the course:

1. To introduce the students to different art styles, to characterise the main tendencies of their formations.

2. To give the opportunity to students to be familiar with the specific character of art language, its importance and the peculiarity of comprehension in both contexts - historical and contemporary.

3. To give the overview on the processes in the art and culture of Europe.

Credit value of the course: 1 CP
Contact studies 20 academic hour (12 hours- lectures, 8- seminars)
Examination: progress test
Requirements for the students:

1. Every student must take part in all seminars.

2. Every student must prepare a written report form on one of the concerned themes, giving the independent analysis of the basic problems or the comparison of different aesthetic conceptions (7000 signs). It is advisable to make a presentation of the main ideas of the report to the audience.

3. The report must be handed in 3 days before the planned presentation.

4. Successfully accomplished test (theoretical question about one of the course themes and practical task in the art styles’ analysis).
Assessment of the exam: 20% of the mark- assessment of a writing computer typed test (around 7 000 symbols), which shall be handed in electronic during the last study week;

30%- seminar work assessment;

50%- theoretical question of any course themes and practical task in analysis of the art styles.
Course content:

1. Concept of the style. Art in the cultural system. Sign and symbol in culture. Geometrical and zoomorphic "style" in Egypt, India, Mycenae, the art of "barbers" in Europe etc. Picturing of mythological motives in the art, cosmological motives (Egypt, India, Greece).

2. Concept of classic. Classical art of Greece. Conception of the canon. Roman copies and originals. Motives of ancient Greece. Art of the Renaissance. Ancient art as the standard of the classicism of 17th century. Canon and the rule. French Classicism in the beginning of 17th century. Neoclassicism in the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Problem of classicism and an academic view in art: the experience of the 20th century.

3. Gothic. The idea of the world and life in the Middle age. Gothic elements in architecture, art, literature and music. "International Gothic". Canon and Creativity. Neo-gothic of the 2-nd half in the 19th century –beginning of the 20th.

4. Renaissance. Concept. Typology of Renaissance in Europe (Caroling, Italian, Renaissance of the North Europe), "renaissance" in Egypt (art of Amarna). Macrocosm and microcosm. Universality of a human personality. The direct perspective and the apprehension of the world. The dialogue with antique culture in the context of Christianity. Human divinity or humanity of God? Process of the Reformation and art. The Renaissance and mannerism: Michelangelo and El Greco - The search of God and a human being.

5. Baroque. The illusion and theatre as the search of the stability and the truth. Methods of counterreformation: the new language of the church. Expressiveness of baroque. Interpretation of Christianity and mythological subjects in the works of artists of the epoch of baroque. Rembrand and the matter of realistic art. The French "gallant" art in 17th century. The problems of rococo style. Neo-baroque.

6. Romanticism style. Romanticism aesthetics. Basic issues of romanticism in art and literature. Romanticism as a way of thinking. Romanticism and symbolism in the art of 60-ies - 80-ies of the 19th century. French and Russian symbolists. Neo-romanticism in the 20th century. National romanticism.

7. Jugendstil. Symbol and stylization. Aesthetics of the Jugendstil. Conception of interior and exterior, connection between the form and content.

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