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Knowledge about the meaning of copyright and patent law by developing and realizating the projects in the field of culture

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Knowledge about the meaning of copyright and patent law by developing and realizating the projects in the field of culture.

Course content:

  1. Intellectual property: notion, types, history of the development and legal regulation;

  2. Fynctions and basic principles of the copyright. Copyright term;

  3. Copyright subject (author, co-author, compiler of the complex work, copyright recepient, legatees of an author);

  4. Copyright objects. Protected and non-protected work;

  5. Author’s rights: author’s personal and legatee rights;

  6. Limitations of an author’s legatee rights;

  7. Licences. Licence argeement. Author agrement;

  8. Competence of the state institutions, non-state institutions, and international organizations in the fiekd of copyright. Latvian copyright organization’s (AKKA/LAA) principles of work;

  9. Protection of copyright in the world in EU;

  10. Seminar: Copyright and its meaning in the cultural processes;

  11. Patent law: notion, types, principles;

  12. Patent law subjects and objects. Patent law term;

  13. Patent law owner’s rights;

  14. Data bases;

  15. Violations and protection of the copyright and patent law. Plagiarism, piratism, contrafact exemplares;

  16. Seminar: Patent law and its meaning in the processes of cultural administration.

List of narmative acts and literature:

  1. Latvijas Republikas Satversme

  2. Autortiesību likums

  3. Krimināllikums

  4. Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss

  5. 2001.gada 20.novembra Ministru kabineta noteikumi nr.487 “Filmu izplatīšanas un publiskas demonstrēšanas noteikumi

  6. 2001.gada 27.decembra Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.530 “Noteikumi par nesēja atlīdzības par fonogrammu un filmu reproducēšanu personiskām vajadzībām lieluma noteikšanu, iekasēšanu, sadali un izmaksāšanu

  1. Bernes konvencija “Par literāro un mākslas darbu aizsardzību”

  2. Romas konvencija “Par izpildītāju, fonogrammu producentu un raidorganizāciju tiesību aizsardzību

  3. Ženēvas konvencija “Par fonogrammu producentu aizsardzību pret neatļautu viņu fonogrammu pavairošanu

  4. WIPO Autortiesību līgums

  5. WIPO Izpildījumu un fonogrammu līgums

  1. ES Direktība96/9/EC “Par datubāzu juridisko aizsardzību

  2. ES Direktīva 91/250/EEC “Par datorprogrammu juridisku aizsardzību

  3. ES Direktīva 2001/184/EC “Par tālākpārdošanas tiesībām par labu mākslas oriģināldarba autoram

  4. ES Direktīva 2001/29/EC “Par dažu autortiesību un blakustiesību aspektu saskaņošanu informācijas sabiedrībā

  5. ES Direktīva 92/100/EEC “Par nomas tiesībām un patapināšanas tiesībām, un atsevišķām blakustiesībām, kas attiecas uz autortiesībām intelectuālā īpašuma jomā

  6. ES Direktīva 93/98/EEC “Par autortiesību aizsardzības termiņu un dažu blakustiesību termiņu saskaņošanu

  7. ES Direktīva 93/83/EEC “Par noteikumu saskaņošanu attiecībā uz autortiesībām un citām blakustiesībām satelīttelevīzijas un kabeļtelevīzijas jomā

  1. Autortiesības. sast. I. Paklone. – Rīga:AGB,1997.

  2. Autortiesības un pirātisms. – Rīga: Nipo NT,2002.

  3. Autortiesību likums. Konvencijas. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001

  4. Intelectuālais īpašums ka kvalitatīvas attīstības avots. – Rīga:Latvijas Republikas Patentu valde,2002.

  5. Kas ir žurnālistu autortiesības. – Rīga:Starptautiskā Žurnālistu Federācija,1993.

  6. Paklone I. Muzeju darbība un autortiesības. – Rīga:Apgāds mantojums,2001.

  7. Platpere I. Izpildītāju un fonogrammu producentu tiesības. – Rīga:LaIPA,2000;

  8. Rozenfelds J. Intelectuālais īpašums. – Rīga:Zvaigzne ABC,2004.

  9. Šreibere S. ES intelectuālā īpašuma aizsardzības politika//Kas Latvijas uzņēmējam jāzina par Eiropas Savienību. – Rīga:Rasa ABC,2002.

  10. Flint M. Users Guide to Copyright. – London, Edinburg, Dublin: Butterworths,1997.

  11. Collective Administration of Copyright and Neighboring Rights. – Geneva: WIPO,1990.

  12. Cornish, W.R. Intellectual property. London: Sweet&Maxwell, 2003.

  13. Sterling, J.A.L.Word copyrigh law. London: Sweet&Maxwell, 2003.

  14. Авторское право. – Москва:Норма,2002.

  15. Сергеев А. Право интелектуальной собственности в Российской Федерации. – Москва:Проспект,2004.

  16. Силонов ИюАюАвторское право в Шоу-бизнесе. М., 2001.

Internet resources:


The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: Margarita Laicāne, Master of Educational Sciences
The abstract of the course: The course gives an insight into the historical, theoretical, and practical aspect of the language culture. The special attention is paid to the Latvian language’s functional style, mastering of the language norms, analysis of lexis-stylistics and lexis-grammar.

Within the course different scientific, publicistic, business, and fiction style texts are created, means of the language stylistic expression are studied and applied in practice when creating texts, as well as individual text styles are created.

The aims of the course:

  1. To develop a comprehension of the particular language stylistics and style

  2. To learn to define the methodical means of the analysis of the means of the language stylistic expression

  3. To develop the skills of the application of the language stylistic means by creating different types of texts in the functional and emotionally- expressive style

  4. To reveal the phonetic, morphology, lexis, and syntax additional information

The course tasks:

        1. To get acquainted the Latvian language theoretical and practical aspects of the practical stylistics.

        2. To get to know the language norms and the methodology of their creation.

        3. To analyse the language peculiarities in different text during the practical studies.

        4. To create different styles texts.

        5. To find and analyse mistakes in texts of different styles, to maintain the culture of one’s language.

Credit value of the course: 3 CP
Contact hours: 48 contact hours of practical studies
Form of assessment: exam
Requirements for the students:

        1. Active participation in the lectures which have an interactive character;

        2. Preparation and handing in the writing tasks: argumentation essay; press release; annotation; review; reportage or description; belles-lettres text; CV; motivation letter.

        3. To find and hand in the example of the belles-lettres texts with different means of expression.

One text analysis with the analysis of the language stylistic potential is to be handed. 50 lexis- stylistic and lexis- grammar mistakes from the press, TV, and radio to be handed in.
Exam assessment: 10% - participation in the lecture; 30 %– assessment of the writing tasks to be handed according to the schedule; 20%– assessment of the practical creative work; 40%– theoretical questions about one of the course themes and test.
Course content:

  1. The subject of stylistics:

  • The formation of stylistics. Stylistics, its aims and tasks. The object of research in stylistics and its content – neutral and stylistic

  • The characteristics of the language. The levels of the language. The norms of the language. Literary language.

  • The understanding of style and other language varieties. Classification of styles according to social functions. Scientific style, academic style, business style, publicistic style and conversational style.

  1. The syntagmata of speech (text)

  • Styles according to the application of emotionally expressive stylistic means. Official style, ceremonial style, loving style, humorous, ironic and satirical style.

  • Name choosing factors

  • Main lexical-stylistical disadvantages. Syntagmata of mistakes

  1. Conversational style

  • The realisation of language stylistic potential in effective communication circumstances.

  • Conversational style.

  • Personal conversations

  1. Scientific prose style and academic style

  • Writing academic papers. Pre-requisites of scientific research work

  • Abstract, survey, argumentative essay, summary, review, report, theses.

  • Argumentative presentation

  1. Business style

  • Business writing style. Making documents. Curriculum vitae, application, agreement, records of proceedings, business card.

  • Business correspondence. Letter to a conventional addressee, letter of application, letter of motivation.

  1. Business presentation

  2. Publicistic style

  • Publistically informative, argumentative, educational, popularising, organizing and entertaining function.

  1. The writing of introduction and propaganda, problem writing, the preparation of correspondence, press review, information, interview, commentary and topical satire.

  2. Public presentation. How to influence the audience?

  • Possibilities of alternative communication. Body language, facial expressions.


  1. Cīrule Dz. Latviešu literārās valodas practicums R., Zvaigzne ABC, 2003

  2. Kalve I. Jaunās paaudzes lietvedība R., Elpa, 2002

  3. Koluža R. Tā vai šitā, R., Pētergailis 2004

  4. Pauliņš O. Latviešu literārās valodas practicums R., Zvaigzne, 1978

  5. Rozenbergs J. Latviešu valoda stilistika R., Zvaigzne ABC, 1995



Title of the course: SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: Lect. Tatiana Kuzmina

Course abstract:

The course of lectures and seminars in the sociology of culture is one of the basic courses of the study programme and is meant for the 3rd year students in the administration of culture who study the speciality of the administration of cultural projects. The study subject is culture which is being considered from the perspective of social regularities, which explains its structure, maintenance, typology, development, its functions’ forms and types exchange. During the discipline mastering the heterogenious character of the methods and approaches in the cultural sociological researhes is being considered. The course gives an idea about the sociology of culture as the specific analysis of the human activity, and get the students acquainted with different approaches and technologies in the research of the cultural phenomena.

The aim of the course: to show the place and role of culture in the social system, its structure and functions in different layers, classes, and groups of society.

Course tasks:

  1. To show the scientific methods in the theoretical and empirical analysis in the research of the relation of culture and socium.

  2. To give an idea about the sociologic aspect of the cultural research, basic conceptions of the sociology of culture, the cultural and social analysis of the society.

  3. To draw attention to the basic principles and criteria of the organization of culture in the society: acciologically normative, structurally typhological, institutional.

  4. To show the place of the sociology of culture in other culturally-sociologic disciplines’ context.

  5. To develop the students’ primary skills in the conduction of the sociological researc. To develop analytical thinking.

Credit value of the course: 3 CP
Contact hours 48 academic hours ( lectures - 30 hours, seminars - 18 hours )
Type of assessment: exam
Requirements: Basic knowledge of the theory of culture and history, skills in work with texts, skills in the investigative work; at least 50% of the lecture attendance, participation in 4 seminars, preparation of a writing task (8-13 pages) on one of the offered themes.
Assessment of the exam: 40%– assessment of the writing task; 20%– seminar work assessment; 40%– theoretical questions of one of the course themes.
Course content:


Introduction. Sociology as a science. Subject and method of sociology. Basic categories and notions of sociology.


Structure of the society: social instituts and organizations. Social behavior. Social (mass) character.


Society as the system of socioculture. Social status of a person, social connections, activity, cooperation between individuals and groups, group dynamics.


The range of problems of the sociology of culture. The place of the sociology of culture in the system of social and humanitarian sciences. Subject of the sociology of culture.


Culture as the social process of the human self-formation. The phenomena and functions of culture.


Socila structure of culture and society. Structure of culture and its basic elements. Subculture, its features. Social conflicts and culture.


Youth culture in modern situation.


Personality in the individual and collestive culture. Culture of small groups. Social control.


Modern cultury of the city and a human.


Everyday and professional culture.


Colleration of social and culturally social aspects. Methods of the culturally social research.


Tradition of the sociology of culture: analysis of the conformity of culture in the functioning and development of the socirty- O.Kont. Comprehensive sociology- M. Webber, G. Zimmel, E. Dirkhaim.


Universal model of the culture comprehension of A. Mole. Globalization of the social and cultural processes in the modern world.


Methodology and methods of the research of the sociology of culture.

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