Xusisiy xollar
Artikl ishlatilmaydi
Africa, Asia
Geografik hududlar
Central Asia,
Inner London,
Outer Mongolia,
Lower Egypt,
Upper Austria
The Arctic, The West
The Balkan
The Equator
The Middle East
The North pole
Tarixiy nomlar
Ancient Greece
Medieval Europe
Pre war/post war Germany
Roman, Britain
The Dark Ages
The Renaissance
The stone Age
Lake Constance
Lake Erie
Lake Geneva
The Great Lakes
The Great
Salt lake
Okean dengiz daryolar
The Pacific
The Caspian sea
The Nile
(or the river nile)
The Mississipi
The suez canal
Cho‘qqi nomlar
Mont Blanc
The Jungfran
The Matterhorn
Tog‘ tizimlari
The Alps
The Himalayas
Christmas Island
Easter Island
The Hebrides
The Bermudas
The Isle of Capri
The Isle of Man
The Azores
The Bahamas
The City(of London)
The Hague
Central park
Hyde park
Universitet kollejlar
Cambridge University
Santa Fe Community collage
The University of Cambridge
The collage of Arts
and sciences
Davlat nomlari
Kopchilik davlatlar:
Ittifoq va uyushmalar:
(The Arab Republic Egypt)
The UK
(The United Kingdom)
(The United States of Amerika)
(The Union of Sovet Socialist Republic)
Ba’zi boshqa davlatlar:
The Argentine
The Netherland
The Philippines
The Sudan
The Yemen
The West Indias
The Riviera
The Ukraine
The Congo
Artikllarning sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatilishi.
1.Sanalmaydigan ot umumiy ma’noda artiklsizishlatiladi:
Water is necessary for life.
Salt can be obtained from sea water.
I like milk.
2.Sanal,aydigan otlar narsa buyumning qandaydir miqdorini bildirganda some va any olmoshlari bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.
I have bought some butter
Isn’t there any sugar in the sugar basin?
Bring me some water.
3.Sanalmaydigan otlar narsa buyumning qandaydir miqdorini bildirganda aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi. Bunda so‘zlovchi berilgan holatdagi narsa buyumning miqdorini nazarda tutadi.
Pass me the bread please.
Lekin: Pass me some bread please.
4.Sanalmaydigan otlar narsa buyumning shu turga oid bo’lgan butun hammasidan ma’lum miqdorini ajratib olish uchun qo’llaniladi.
The ore discovered by the expedition is of a high quality.
The steel used in the construction of this bridge was produced at the Magnitogorsk plant.
The water in this river is very cold.
5.Lekin otning aniqlovchisi narsa buyumning alohida tur yoki navga oidligini bildirsa artikl ishlatilmaydi.
Silk which is used for the aviation industry must
be of the highest quality.
Butter which is made of boiled cream tastes good.
Water from a well is always.
6.Agar otning aniqlovchisi narsa buyum haqida qo‘shimcha ma’lumot bersa, unda sanalmaydigan ot umumiy qoidalarga ko‘ra artiklsiz, aniq artikl bilan yoki some va any olmoshlari bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.
Bulgaria exports tobacco, which is one of the staple agricultural products of the country. She brought the tea, which we drank with great pleasure.
I have bought some silk which I want give my for a dress.
Mavhum otlar bilan artikllarning ishlatilishi.
1.Mavhum otlar umumiy ma’noda artiklsiz qo‘llaniladi.
Knowledge is power.
I like music.
I shall do it with pleasure.
She teaches geography at school.
2.Mavhum otlar ularni ma’lum shaxs yoki narsaga oid qila oladigan aniqlovchi bilan ishlatganda aniq rtikl qo‘llaniladi.
The honour of our country is very dear to us.
To the joy of his friends he recovered very quickly.
We study the geography of our country.
I like the music of this ballet.
3. Mavhum otlar hissiyotlarning qandaydir darajasini bildirganda some yoki any olmoshlari bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.
The news coused some excitement.
There is some difference between these two samples.
He didn’t show any fear.
Is there any hope that he will recover?
4. Mavhum otlar sifat yoki hissiyotning bir turini ifodalaganda noaniq artikl bilan ham ishlatilishi:
He showed a patience (a kind of patience, such patience) that I had never expected of him.
Lekin: You must learn patience.
He opened the letter with an excitement, ( a kind of excitement, such excitement) that he couldn’t conceal.
Lekin: This telegram coused excitement.
The Russian Troops displayed a courage (such courage) which amazed he whole world.
Lekin: Courage was his main quality.
He spoke with an enthusiasm (such enthusiasm) which inspired us all.
Lekin: He spoke about his work with enthusiasm.
There was an unusual warmth is his words (a warmth that was unusual to him)
Lekin: He spoke with warmth about his friend.
5. Agar mavhum ot konkret holat uchun sanaladigan ot xususisyatlarini olsa u holda artikl umumiy qoidalarga ko‘ra ishlatiladi.
This is a striking thought.
The thought of going to his native town filled him with excitement.
The tought which he expressed on the subject are very interesting.
6. Lekin permission, advice, information kabi otlar muayyan holatda ham sanalmaydigan bo‘lib qoladi:
He received permission to visit that plant.
He sent us important information on the state of the market.
He readily gives advice to everybody who asks him for it.
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