implies that heat (the Greek
word for heat is
is required to permanently set the plastic. There are,
however, many so-called thermosetting plastics that set or cure at room temperature
by a chemical reaction only. Most thermosetting plastics consist of a network of
carbon atoms covalently bonded to form a rigid solid. Sometimes nitrogen, oxygen,
sulfur, or other atoms are also covalently bonded into a thermoset network structure.
Plastics are important engineering materials for many reasons. They have a wide
range of properties, some of which are unattainable from any other materials, and in
most cases they are relatively low in cost. The use of plastics for mechanical
engineering designs offers many advantages, which include elimination of parts
through engineering design with plastics, elimination of many finishing operations,
simplified assembly, weight savings, noise reduction, and in some cases elimination
of the need for lubrication of some parts. Plastics are also very useful for many
electrical engineering designs mainly because of their excellent insulative
properties. Electrical-electronic applications for plastic materials include connec-
tors, switches, relays, TV tuner components, coil forms, integrated circuit boards,
and computer components. Figure 10.1 shows some examples of the use of plastic
materials in engineering designs.
2 . E k s t r u d e r d e b a t a l u v c h i c h e r v y a k l i m a s h i n a d a s i q i b
c h i q a r i s h u s u l i d a d e t a l l a r n i t a y y o r l a sh. 2- rasmda uzluksiz ezib
ishlash mashinasining ishlash sxemasi keltirilgan. Sxemadan ko‘rinadiki, granula
yoki kukunsimon termoplast bunker 1
ga kirib, u yerdan ish silindri
ga o‘tadi.
aylanganda silindr
dagi qizdirilgan zona
dagi termoplast siqilib
matritsa ko‘zidan o‘tkaziladi. Bu yerda u qizib oquvchan qovushoq holatga o‘tadi.
Bunday holatdagi plastik massani uzluksiz aylanayotgan chervyak kallak
kalibrlangan teshigi orqali ezib chiqaradi. Bu usul chiviqlar, turli profilli mahsulotlar,
lenta, truba, simni izolyatsiya bilan qoplashda qo‘llaniladi.
3. Qizdirib presslash.
Bu usuldan termoreaktiv plastmassalardan turli
shakl va o‘lchamdagi detallar tayyorlashda foydalaniladi. Bunda pressformaga
kiritilgan pressmaterialni oquvchan qovushoq holatga keltirish uchun u zarur
temperaturagacha qizdiriladi.
Pressforma tayyorlanuvchi detal kopstruksiyasiga ko‘ra bir yoki
William F.Smith Foundations of materials science and engineyering, 2013.96-98
1- rasm Bosim bilan quyish 2-rasm Uzluksuz ezib ishlash mashinasining
sxemasi: mashina sining ishlash sxemasi:
1 — pressforma;
2 —
pressforma bo‘shlirr; 1-bunker: 2 — chervyak;
3 —
3 —
4 —
elektr qizdirgich;
5 —
4- qizdirilgan zona,
5 —
spravka; a—kall.chk, lindr;
—plukjer; 7—bunker; 8—dozator.
ko‘p detallar tayyorlash uchun yarokli bo‘ladi. 3-rasmda to‘rg‘i presslash
sxemasi keltirilgan. Magritsa 1 ga pressmaterial 2 yuklanguncha u zarur
temperaturagacha kizdirilib, keyin puanson 3 bilan
presslanadi. Presslashda ajralib uchuvchi moddalar va namlik
buyumda gaz bo‘shliqlari hosil qilmasligi uchun puanson 2 —
4s pressfermadan ko‘tariladi. Odatda, bu operatsiya 2 — 3 marta
takrorlanadi. Keyin pressmaterial pressformada ma’lum vaqt
bosim ostida tutib turiladi. Bunda polimerlash jarayoni
to‘la kechishi bilan buyum zarur fizik-mexanik xossaga ega bo‘ladi.
Pressformada material ma’lum vaqt saqlangandan
keyin bosim olingach, tayyor buyum
. press formadan ajratiladi va zarur bo‘lsa
Tozalanadi.3-rasm To‘g‘ri presslash sxemasi
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