see also
adjuncts; response tokens
advice 497
advise 286c, 286d, 286f, 390b, 422, 499
affirmative 539
affixes 258a, 539
afford 285i
after 164, 166, 235f, 253a, 311, 359a, 359c,
as adverb 10b, 10c
after having with -ed participle 10d
after with -ing clause 10d
to be after something 10f
with finite clause 10e
meaning ‘because of’ 10f
postmodifying a noun 10b
premodified by another adverb 10b
as preposition 10a
after all 10g, 12d, 136f
after that 136e
afterwards 10c, 136e
again 22a, 136b
and with 11c
and about 11c
competition 11c
and contrary to 11c
physical contact 11b
reactions 11a
-age 156a, 262
agent, agency 539
ago 22e, 93a
agree 285b, 285i, 289a, 499
agreement 539
demonstratives 97b
determiners 195
noun phrases 156c, 182, 182a, 182b
proper names 184
ah well 106c
ahead 235b
ahead of 252
aim 285i
ain’t 119b
-al 156a, 160a, 236b, 262
all 130b, 187, 189g, 191, 207
as adverb 12c
and all of 12a, 12c
as determiner 12a
in fixed expressions/discourse markers
with possessive determiners/pronouns
as pronoun 12b
all in all 12d, 136h
all of 12a, 12c
all over 63a
all right 12d, 69, 108a, 110
all the better 466c
all the more 466c
all the same 12d, 136f
allow 286a, 287c, 405b, 422
see also
almost 238d, 245b, 330, 467b
already 351a
with past perfect 13
position of 13
and yet 13, 72a, 81d
also/as well (as)/too 136b
end position 14a
front position 14a
linking phrases 14a
mid position 14a
choosing between
elliptical structures and short
responses 14e
fixed expressions, responses to 14e
imperative clauses 14e
negative clauses, and use of either 14f
too 14d, 136b, 245b
end position 14d
mid position 14d
as well 14b, 136b
as well as 14c, 252
alternative questions 292a, 428, 488, 495a
alternatively 136d
938 | Index
Cambridge Grammar of English
although 166, 311, 313, 314f
even though 15d
with non-finite clauses 15c
with reduced clauses 15b
as subordinators 15a
though 15e, 136f, 311, 314f
as though, meaning ‘as if’ 15f
altogether 136h
always 328
as always 16d
with can and could 16c
and forever 16f
for good, for ever, for always 16e
as intensifier with mental verbs 16c
position of 16a
with progressive aspect 16b
amazingly 111
American English
North American
amount of 182b
an item of 179
anaphoric reference
-ance/-ence 262
and 12d, 103a, 108b, 108c, 166, 270, 307,
announce 285b, 286c, 287c, 499
another 130b, 187, 189c, 190a, 191, 195, 207
answer 497, 500b
-ant 156a
ante- 261
antecedent 539
-ant/-ent 262
anti- 261
anticipate 285c
anticipatory it 146d, 198e, 539
academic English 148a
agentless passive 482c
in cleft constructions 211
interruption by question tags 98d
as preparatory subject/object 211
raising 475h
with subject personal pronouns 199
word order, and focus 475f
with worth/worthwhile 80a, 80b
anticipatory structures 539
antonymy 237b, 238d, 539
any 130b, 207, 438
and some 196b, 196c, 196d
strong/weak forms 187, 189a, 190a, 191
any the wiser 466c
any the worse 466c
anybody 44, 207, 207a, 239b, 300d, 438,
anyhow 136f
anyone 44, 207, 207a, 239b, 300d, 438, 443
anything 44, 207, 207a, 239b, 438, 443
anyway 17, 90, 106a, 107, 108a, 108d, 136f,
anywhere 239b, 438
apart from 39c, 252
apologise 422
contracted forms 233d, 506h
possessives 167b, 192, 193, 201b, 203,
apparent 406
apparently 112, 146c, 406, 498
appear 134, 146b, 279b, 288a, 288c, 405a,
see also
copular verbs
appear to 216
appearance 406
appoint 287b, 287c
clauses in 318
noun phrases in 173, 318
and punctuation 506d
appreciate 285f
apt 461
-ar/-er/-or 262
arguably 112, 146c
argue 285b, 499
argument 497
-arium/-orium 262
as adverb 18
around 235b, 253b
with numbers 18
as preposition 18
round 235b
round and round 18
arrange 285c, 285d, 285i, 289a
-ary/-ery/-ory 262
as 164, 166, 253a, 311, 314g, 359b, 374
as … as 37, 467a
as conjunction 19b, 270
and like 19a
as long as, so long as 166, 312, 314d,
448, 456
as preposition 19a
as soon as 166, 270, 312, 359a, 359c,
359d, 448
and than 19a
as though 15f, 159e, 312, 471c
see also
Cambridge Grammar of English
Index | 939
as a consequence 136c, 152, 335a
as a (general) rule 146c
as a matter of fact 46
as a result (of) 79, 136c, 152
as far as 312
as for 252
as I say 335a, 501b
as I was saying 106b, 109a, 501b
as if 15f, 312, 405a
as it were 109a
as of 252
as well (as)
also/as well (as)/too
as you say 501b
ascertain 285c
ask (for)
ask 20, 285c, 285d, 285i, 286a, 286c,
286d, 286f, 289a, 422, 500b
ask for 20
ask somebody something 52
aspect 539
see also
perfect aspect; progressive
aspect; verb phrase tense-aspect
assert 499
assertion 539
assertion 497
assume 134, 285b, 287c
assuming (that) 312, 314d
assure 286c
at 164, 235b, 235f
after adjectives 21c
after verbs and nouns 21c
at, in, on, place 21b
at, in, on, time 21a
at all 12d
at any rate 136f
at the same time 136f
-ate 158a, 262
-(at)ion 262
-ative 236b
attempt 285i
attributive 539
see also
adjectives, attributive
auto- 261
auxiliary verbs 227, 233, 539
adjuncts, position of 325a, 325c, 325d
be for progressive aspect/ passive voice
227, 233a
contracted forms of 233d
do for interrogative/negative/emphatic
structures 227, 233a
ellipsis and substitution with 227, 233e
have for perfect aspect 227, 233a
interrogative forms 233c, 292a, 292d
negative forms 233b
auto- – cont.
in tags 233c, 300a
see also
be; do; have; modal verbs
avoid 285f
away 235b
awfully 245b
back 235b
and again 22a
with dynamic and stative verbs 22b
with here, there, home 22d
at or in the back 22c
with time expressions 22e
backchannelling 69, 83, 539
backgrounding 539
backshift 539
bad/worse/worst 464
baptize 287b
barely 238d, 446
bark 500c
base form 228a, 228b, 229, 258b, 539
basically 111
be 219, 288a, 288c, 288d, 288e, 325c, 532a
as lexical verb 213, 227, 292b
see also
copular verbs; passive voice
be- 261
be able to 215b, 404b
see also
can/could; modal verbs
be about to 5c, 376, 404a
be afraid 134
be born 486
be bound to 404c
be deemed 486
be due to 404d
be going to 144e
for future reference 531e
in AmE 531e
for predictions 403b
versus present progressive 362
versus will/shall 363
see also
future time
be likely to/that 404e
be meant to 404f
be obliged to 404f
be populated 486
be stranded 486
be strewn 486
be supposed to 52d, 404f
be taken aback 486
be to 376, 403a
940 | Index
Cambridge Grammar of English
because/cos 87a
because 23, 311, 314g
because of 23, 252
because of that 335a
cos 23, 107, 108c
become 279b, 288a, 288c
see also
copular verbs
before 166, 253a, 253b, 311, 351a, 359a,
359c, 359d, 374
as adverb 24b, 24f
and by, till/until 24a
with finite clause 24d
before long 24g
meaning ‘in front of’ 24g
with non-finite -ing clause 24c
premodification of 24e
as preposition 24a
beforehand 24f
beg 286f, 289a, 499
begin 285i
believe 134, 285b, 287c, 350, 405a, 437,
see also
mental process verbs
bellow 500c
and above 6a, 25a
as adverb 25b
and beneath 25a
for matter to be mentioned later 6b, 25b
with numbers 25a
as preposition 25a
and under/underneath 25a
beneath 6a, 25a
passive voice
besides 136b, 136f
see also
bet 285b, 286c
between and among 26
among others/among other things 26
amongst 26
beyond 6a, 253b
bibliographies 154c
bit/a bit (of)
a bit as adverb 27b, 50d, 245b
bit with nouns 27a
comparatives, premodification of 466c,
a good bit, a fair bit, quite a bit 27c
hedging 27b
intensifying negation 50d, 447a
a (little) bit 245b
partitive expressions, non-count nouns
-ble 262
blends 87c, 267a, 539
boosting 146a, 146e, 423b, 539
both/both of
both 130b, 187, 189e, 207
and neither of 28
omission of determiners after 28
pronoun + both 28
in short answers 28
both … and 28, 166
both of with object pronoun 28
bring 286a, 286b, 286e, 287h
and fetch 29b
and take 29a
broadly 146c
broadly speaking 146c
burst out 285f
but 166, 270, 307, 308
but for 252
by 164, 481
by all means 95
by any chance 112
by means of 252
by the way 106b, 136j
by virtue of 252
call (out) 287a, 287b, 500c
Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of
Discourse in English (CANCODE)
Cambridge International Corpus (CIC) 3a
with always 16c
ability 381
general truths 381
permission 381
possibility 381
can, could and may 384
permission 384
probability 384
requests 384
commands/instructions 413a, 413e
could 382
criticism 382
degrees of certainty 386
as past tense of can 382
permission 382
probability 382
suggestions 382
Cambridge Grammar of English
Index | 941
can/could – cont.
could versus was/were able to 382
in indirect reports 493c
offers 418a, 418b
permissions/prohibitions 415a, 415b,
415c, 415f
requests 416a
speech acts 411
warnings/advice/suggestions 414a, 414b
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