Бурун бўшлиқлари ва қўшимча бўшлиқларининг юзнинг ташқи
қопламларига проекцияси:
1-олди қоринча;
2-панжарасимон лабиринт бўшлиқлар;
3-гоймор бўшлиғи;
4-бурун бўшлиғи юқори бўлма тирқиши.
Бурун бўшлиғи остида оғиз бўшлиғи жойлашган. Унинг ён деворлари
яноқлар саналади, унинг тубини тил тўлдиради, олд деворини лаблар ҳосил
қилади (ёпиқ ҳолатида).
Лабларда уларни ёпадиган, оғиз тирқишини ҳосил қиладиган ва унинг
шаклини ўзгартирадиган мушаклар мавжуд.
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молия »2008 йил 28-36 бетлар.
2. Хамидов Х «Ўзбек анъанавий қўшиқчилик маданияти тарихи» Т. Ўқитувчи
1966 йил 46-бет
3. Ёққуббекова М Ўзбек халқ қўшиқларнинг лингвистик талқини .Т: фан
2004 йил 35-36 бетлар.
4. Морозов В .» Вокални слух и голос» Масква:2006 г. Ст 19-20
5. Дмитриев Л.Б. Основы вокальной методики 377бет. Ўша жойда. 388 бет
6. Гарсия. Шк. пения. М.1967. 44б.
7. Қаюмов Жавоҳир Содиқхўжа ўғли ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN
ва унинг касбий маҳорати 703-705 бет
8.Одил Юнусов Science and Education 2020ЎЗБЕК МИЛЛИЙ САНЪАТИНИ
ФИО автора:
Akhmedova Mashkhura Khudoyberdi kizi
Student, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Название публикации:
This article discusses how to improve English language education through the use
of modern and innovative methods in the preparation of future English teachers.
communicative method, modern trends, intensive techniques, role
games, interactive methods, systematic principle.
The latest trends, methods and developments reflect the important role of the
educational sector in general with the adoption of the educational process, emphasis on
the quantity to higher quality, increasing adoption of technology, the need for
professional talent and so on. Also, many modern methods are aimed at
communication, and one of their most important goals is to teach communication and
language skills. Each of the methods uses different tools, methods and principles. That
is, each of the methods has its own characteristics.
The first distinctive feature of the communicative method is that the purpose of
teaching is not to master the English language, but "English culture", which includes
cognitive, educational, developmental and educational aspects. These aspects include
the introduction and study of not only the language and grammatical system of the
language, but also its culture, its relationship with Native culture, as well as the
structure, character, characteristics of the English language, its similarities and
differences with the native language. They also include the satisfaction of the student's
personal cognition interest in any areas of his / her activities.
The second characteristic feature of communicative technique is the acquisition
of all aspects of English language culture by means of communication. The
communicative method first promoted the position that communication should be
taught only through communication, which became one of the characteristic features
of modern methods. In communicative teaching methodology, communication
performs the functions of learning, cognition, development and upbringing.
The next distinguishing feature of the proposed concept is the use of all the
functions of the situation. Communicative learning is based on situations that are
understood as a system of relationships. The main emphasis here is not on reproducing
visual aids or pieces of reality with the help of oral visualization, but on creating a
situation as a system of relations between future English teachers. Discussion of
situations built on the relationship of future English Language teachers makes the
process of teaching English language culture as close to natural and real
communication environment as possible.
The communicative technique also includes mastering the nonverbal means of
communication: it is an additional factor in memorizing lexical and any other material,
such as gestures, facial expressions, positions, distance. A distinctive feature of the
communicative technique is the use of both conditional speech exercises, that is, such
exercises, which are built on the complete or partial repetition of the teacher's replicas.
With the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the nature of conditional speech exercises
becomes more complicated until the students' statements become independent and
meaningful and they are needed.
Modern Trends of Teaching English The process of English communication
learning will be more student-centered but less time consuming. Therefore, it promises
that the teaching quality will be improved and students’ applied English
communication can be effectively cultivated, meaning that students’ communicative
competence will be further developed. Language in education would ideally and
ordinarily build on such naturally acquired language ability, enriching it through the
development of literacy into an instrument for abstract thought and the acquisition of
academic knowledge. Teachers use a range of local texts or English translation of
literature in the classroom. The use of language as well as the use of a variety of accents
in listening activities or tests is encouraged in the English language classroom. With
the proliferation of tablets and smart phones, it is believed that textbooks will disappear
in a few years. Furthermore, the access to knowledge in terms of flexibility and
mobility has changed drastically. Teaching in English language classes focuses on
fostering the students thinking as well as language content, outcomes and learning
activities. There are significant and complex student-teacher interactions inside and
outside the classroom. In a knowledge based society and to remain competitive and
employable, teachers are expected to engage in a continuous professional development
or the professional learning activities from the beginning to the end of their careers. As
with any other profession, teachers are also expected to assume a greater responsibility
for their own professional learning, continually developing their knowledge and skills.
The effectiveness of the project methodology is largely facilitated by the rational
and emotional content of the topics included in the study. Their gradual complication
should also be noted. But the peculiarity of the themes is their concreteness. From the
very beginning of the training, future English teachers are expected to participate in a
meaningful and complex communication without simplification and primitivism.
Another distinctive feature of the project methodology is the special form of
Organization of communicative and cognitive activities of future English teachers in
the form of a project. The project, as already mentioned above, is an independent work
carried out by the student, in which Speech Communication interacts with the
intellectual-emotional content of other activities.
The novelty of the approach is that potential English teachers are given the
opportunity to build the content of communication from the first lesson. In such a
course, texts are few.
Each project is related to a specific topic and will be developed over a certain
period of time. The topic has a clear structure and is divided into sub-topics, each of
which ends with a task for the project work. A particularly important feature is that
future English teachers have the opportunity to talk about their thoughts, plans. Thanks
to the work carried out on the project, a strong language base will be created.
The division of skills into two types is also characteristic: the skill of the language
learner and the skill of the language user. For the development of the first type of skills,
phonetic and lexical-grammatical exercises of the educational character are used.
These are exercises for imitation, replacement, extension, modification and restoration
of individual phrases and texts. Their peculiarity is that they are given in a figurative
form: in the form of text to test memory, attention.
Grammatical skills are usually taught in the form of work on a schedule basis.
Especially important is the fact that all the exercises are carried out in the process of
developing the presented project.
For practice in the use of language, many situations are given, which are created
with the help of verbal and predicate-figurative imagery.
Here it is obvious that the distinctive features of communicative and project
methods have many similarities, are based on the same principles, but they are used in
different ways of teaching. In the first case, training is based on the use of situations,
in the second-on the use of projects.
We proceed to the intensive method and consider its specific features. This
method is based on the psychological term "proposal". This is the first characteristic
feature of intensive techniques. The use of the proposal makes it possible to transfer or
remove various psychological barriers in future English teachers in the following way.
The teacher uses logical forms of training, taking into account psychological factors,
emotional influence, conducts training. He also uses various types of art (music,
painting, theatrical elements) in the classroom in order to have an emotional impact on
future English teachers.
In addition, a distinctive feature of the intensive technique is that the proposal is
widely used, based on the position of the two hemispheres of the brain in different
functions. The introduction of emotional factors in the teaching of English language is
quite active in the process of assimilation, opens up new perspectives in the
development of the methodology of teaching English language. The whole
environment of classes is organized so that language learning is accompanied by
positive emotions. On the one hand, this is an important incentive to create and
maintain interest in business. On the other hand, the mental activity of future English
Language teachers, supported by emotional activity, ensures the most effective
memorization of the material and the acquisition of speech skills.
Another distinguishing factor is the active use of Role Games. The peculiarity of
intensive training is that educational communication preserves all socio-psychological
processes of communication. Role communication is a game, a learning and a speech
activity. But at the same time, from the point of view of future English teachers, role
communication is a form of organizing the educational and educational process from
the point of view of the teacher, if it is a game activity or natural communication, and
not in the content of the motivational activity, but outside it.
According to L. G. Denisova, the main effective aspects of interactive methods of
teaching foreign languages:
- to create a strong motivation for learning and this is done with motivation, real
- high and fast learning efficiency: on the second day of the groups, students
communicate in a foreign language under study;
- presentation and mastering of plural speech, lexical and grammatical units; for
one presentation 150-200 new words and several typical grammatical phenomena are
introduced and mastered.
This, too, is undoubtedly a distinctive feature.
All of the above are characteristic features of the intensive technique, which, to a
greater extent, provides its effectiveness. These specific thoughts are almost different
from the previous two methods. Only in one way, perhaps, they are similar. All three
methods are considered a prerequisite for successful training of teamwork in a positive
emotional environment. At the same time, more attention is paid to such skills as
speaking and listening in an intensive way.
What are the characteristics of the activity-based methodology of teaching
English language? It should be noted that there are a lot of such teaching aids, which
are typical only for the methodology of activity.
Initially, we note that the creators of this technique believe that it is necessary to
separately train the design skills and the ability to work with the reported message
content. To ensure conscious possession of language tools and the development of
design skills, they must be formulated until the training of content management skills
takes place. This implies another specific feature of this method.
In the methodology of activity, there is a division between the initial acquisition
of language tools and the subsequent acquisition on the basis of the existing knowledge,
skills and skills of the use of language tools.
But a truly distinctive feature of the methodology of activity is the separation of
what is called linguistic speech-communicative units. During training, only the verbal
state of the units of the language is not enough for full - fledged communication-the
verbal state should be included in their freedom of choice in speech. Language units,
which have a conversational status and provide full-fledged communication in terms
of freedom of choice, depending on the meaning of the message, are called Language
communication units, as previously mentioned.
The last distinctive feature is the use of such a method as conditional translation,
which applies not only to what future English teachers have mastered, but also to what
they have been taught at this stage.
It turns out that the method of activity differs significantly from the first three
methods in its specificity.
Currently, the aim of teaching English language is to teach students to
communicate in English. The purpose of education is much broader than the
acquisition of certain skills and qualifications, the possibilities of the subject "English"
are much wider. Therefore, now the purpose of teaching English can be formulated as
follows: to teach students not only to participate in communication in English, but also
to actively participate in the formation and development of the student's personality.
Based on this, most of the modern methods of teaching English are based on the
principle of active communication.
Communication involves the construction of learning as a model of
communication process. In order to learn the main features of the communication
process, first of all, it is necessary to switch to personal communication with future
English teachers, so that a normal psychological climate develops when working with
the audience. Secondly, in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to use all methods
of communication (the student and the teacher change their thoughts, feelings and
words and structures), information (the teacher by passes the status of the teacher and
the student, if there is an interactivity (when the teacher interacts with students on the
basis of any other activity of Education), perception (when there is The third necessary
condition is the creation of communicative motivation-the need to motivate students to
participate in communication in order to change the relationship with the interlocutor.
Communication should be built in such a way that there is a step-by-step mastering of
speech material.
Motivation for communication can be a variety of stimulus. When working with
the project methodology, work is being done on these joint projects. The same
incentive is used in distance learning and intensive methods. Often the situations that
are used in the process of training are of a problematic nature. These situations should
contribute to the formation of different opinions among future English teachers and
should not give a clear solution. The discussion of such cases allows different opinions
to collide, causes the need to protect your own point of view, that is, it is necessary to
communicate in English. The use of problematic situations also has another positive
side, since it allows to solve educational tasks, it is possible to educate an active person
only when discussing situations based on Real values.
It is also worth noting that situationality should pass all stages of mastering the
material of speech at all stages of training.
In addition, team collaboration is widely used in almost all ways. The trend of
replacing Individual work with group work has been developing for a long time.
Teamwork is very active for the team. The formation of skills and qualifications takes
place in the system of collective actions that contribute to the internal mobilization of
the capabilities of each student. Forms of team collaboration are easy to implement in
a group. It works in pairs, triangles, micro groups and full groups. It should also be
noted that role communication, which is constantly interacting with personal
communication, is its condition. The role communication situations in which skills and
skills of English language communication are formed ensure the transition to a higher
level of communication.
However, collective work is carried out in all ways differently. In the
communicative method-is the creation of Real similar situations, the conclusion of
problematic issues and their discussion. The project methodology also uses group
collaboration across projects.
The next feature found in all methods is cognitive independence. At present, it is
taken into account that the teaching of the English language should be based on a
fundamentally new basis, which includes the transfer of attention from the transfer of
ready-made knowledge to the future teachers of the English in the process of active
educational and cognitive activity to the completion, thereby forming an active person
with creative thinking. This principle is widely used in the methodology of activity,
since it is designed primarily for students with a well-established logical mind. In
addition, it provides for the conscious mastering and meaningful use of language tools,
as well as the formation of solid knowledge and skills.
In the English Language Teaching Methodology, the characteristics of intensive
methods of teaching English language are becoming increasingly common. For
example, multifunctional exercises. It should not be forgotten that polyfunctionality
should be inherent in all speech exercises in the existing training practice. After all,
there are several types of activity: listening, speaking and certain grammatical
At the same time with conditional speech exercises was a characteristic feature of
communicative technique. Now they are also used in an interactive way.
Almost in all ways, there is another opinion that arises with small differences.
This is the principle of managing the educational process based on programming in a
communicative concept. At the same time, everything is quantified, starting with the
goals and ending with the material, the educational process is divided into certain
cycles. In the project methodology, this phenomenon is called "systematic principle",
which is manifested not only in the separation of material into subjects and subtopics,
but also in the organization of the cycle of the learning process. In distance education,
the learning process is structured; the structure of the course is modular, the student
can clearly understand the transition from the module to the module, or choose a
module depending on their level of preparation. Even the method of activity divides
the course of mastering English, as already mentioned above, into the initial mastering
of language tools and subsequent mastering of communication.
And this systematization of teaching is used to more accurately set the objectives
of the training courses; in addition, the material combined with the subject is more
convenient for memorization, as well as for further use and attachment.
We will try to identify and study the pros and cons of each of them in order to
determine how good each of the methods under consideration is.
The communicative method has a number of positive aspects that should be
actively used when working with it.
First of all, this is an educational goal, which consists not only in mastering the
English language, but also in teaching the English language culture. This is achieved
through equivalence and interdependence of all aspects of Education. Adhering to this
attitude, the teacher takes part in the formation of the student's personality, which is
undoubtedly a positive side. Another advantage of this concept is the interdependence
and uniform development of all types of activities (speaking, listening, reading,
writing). This factor is very important. Also, the most important positive aspect is the
use of communication as the main method of teaching English and the use of situations
to accomplish this.
Intensive method.
There is no doubt that its biggest advantage is very fast results. on the second day
of the groups, the student communicates in English using the knowledge learned in the
first lesson.
In addition, it is the psychological basis of this method (proposal), which makes
it possible to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, and is
also used for more effective teaching.
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