Approved by the Head of the Chair “Linguistics
and English literature”
for 1st year Master students of Linguistics
(The English language)
The Final exam will be held on 3rd of February in 2022.
The Final exam consists of three main tasks which are required to comply with accordingly. The first task is for checking the theoretical knowledge of the students. In the second task two texts will be given to students to analyse the original version of the literary work and its translated version from English into Uzbek/Russian, and then explain the tools and techniques which are used in translation. The third task requires a translation from Uzbek/Russian into English.
You have a total of 2 hours to complete the Final exam.
Variant 1
Full Name:
Task 1. Answer the question: What types of substitution do you know? (5 points)
Task 2.
THEY limped painfully down the bank, and once the foremost of the two men staggered among the rough-strewn rocks. They were tired and weak, and their faces had the drawn expression of patience which comes of hardship long endured. They were heavily burdened with blanket packs which were strapped to their shoulders. Head- straps, passing across the forehead, helped support these packs. Each man carried a rifle. They walked in a stooped posture, the shoulders well forward, the head still farther forward, the eyes bent upon the ground. "I wish we had just about two of them cartridges that's layin' in that cache of ourn," said the second man. His voice was utterly and drearily expressionless. He spoke without enthusiasm; and the first man, limping into the milky stream that foamed over the rocks, vouchsafed no reply.
Ular oqsoqlanib, soyga tomon tushib borishardi. Hamrohlardan biri, oldinda ketayotgani, toshloq yerda qoqilib, gandiraklab ketdi. Ikkalasi ham charchab holdan toygan, yuzlaridan chidam va itoatkorlik ifodalari ko‘rinib turadi — bu uzoq vaqt qiyinchilik chekish natijasi. Orqalaridagi qayish bilan tortib bog‘langan og‘ir yuklari yelkalarini ezadi. Ikkalasida ham bittadan mil-tiq. Ikkalasi ham bukchayib, engashib, ko‘zlarini yerdan uzmay boradilar.
– Qani endi yashirib qo‘ygan joyimizdagi o‘qlardan hozir ikkitaginasi bo‘lsa, – deb qo‘ydi ulardan biri. Azbaroyi madorsizligidan ovozi zaif chiqdi. O‘zi behafsala gapirar edi; toshlarga urilib, ko‘piklanib oqayotgan sutdek oppoq suvga endi oyoq bosgan sherigi esa, unga hech narsa deb javob bermadi.
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