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Table.3 Sensitive phases of motor function development in school-age children (according to A. A. Guzhalovsky)

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Sensitive phases of motor function development in school-age children (according to A. A. Guzhalovsky).

Physical qualities

Age periods (years)

































Speed and power qualities











Static endurance











Dynamic endurance











Overall endurance

































+ – subcritical and critical periods;
● – low sensitivity phase;
●● – medium sensitivity phase;
●●● – high sensitivity phase;

Physical quality endurance is the ability to resist physical fatigue in the process of muscular activity.

Endurance as a physical quality is divided into general and special.
General endurance is the ability to perform moderate—intensity physical work for a long time with global functioning of the muscular system or aerobic endurance. The main components of overall endurance are the capabilities of the aerobic energy supply system, functional and biomechanical economization. General endurance plays an essential role in optimizing vital activity, acts as an important component of physical health and serves as a prerequisite for the development of special endurance.
Special endurance is characterized by an attitude to a certain motor activity and is classified:
- according to the signs of motor activity, in the conditions of which the motor task is solved;
- according to the signs of interaction with other physical qualities necessary for the successful solution of a motor task.
Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus, the speed of spending resources of intramuscular energy sources, on the technique of possession of motor action and the level of development of other motor abilities.
The manifestation of endurance in various types of motor activity depends on many factors: bioenergetic, functional and biochemical economization, functional stability, personality-mental, genotype, regional factors, etc.
Longitudinal studies have revealed that at preschool age children have the ability to perform relatively long-term aerobic work aimed at developing endurance. Children 5-6 years old can run up to 1.5 km during one class, and after a year of systematic classes — up to 2.5 km.
At primary school age, loads with an aerobic orientation are preferred. They create conditions for optimal functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The effectiveness of such exercises in the first years of classes is not lower than with intensive special loads. Consequently, using low-intensity aerobic loads, it is possible to achieve the same result by optimal means for the body as by forced loads, fraught with overstrain of physiological functions. Especially high sensitivity to the action of low-intensity exercises that develop endurance in children 8-10 years old. From the age of 12 to 15, the effectiveness of these exercises decreases, endurance stabilizes or decreases slightly.
Physiologically justified means of developing endurance in children and adolescents are various types of cyclic exercises that increase the aerobic performance of the body. Children and adolescents with an average level of physical development adapt to physical endurance exercises faster. Schoolchildren with a high level of physical development have a higher working capacity when performing high-speed and high-speed strength exercises than their peers with an average and low level of physical development. Children and adolescents with low indicators of physical development are significantly inferior to their peers in both general and special endurance. Optimal indicators of physical performance are those who have an average level of physical development. With low or very high indicators of physical development, functional disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system are more often observed.
Quickness. Speed is a manifestation of a person's ability to react urgently to external stimuli and perform rapid movements. In sports practice, speed is manifested in specific forms of speed and strength qualities. The physiological prerequisites for speed are the mobility of nervous processes, the speed and efficiency of the realization of the nerve impulse transmitted to the muscle. The manifestation of the quality of rapidity is also associated with the speed of biochemical reactions that ensure the resynthesize of ATP, the energy source of contraction. Movement at high speed is determined not only by functional, but also by morphological features of a person—height, body weight.
In 13-14-year-olds, there is a close relationship between running speed and body growth in length: tall teenagers have undoubted advantages over short peers. This connection is not present in 10-11-year-olds: both tall and short have approximately the same running speed. Consequently, in the puberty period, the degree of puberty and the associated level of physical development play a decisive role in the manifestation of high-speed qualities. At the same time, children should be able to maintain static poses with mandatory breath control.
The manifestation of forms of speed and speed of movement depends on a number of factors:
1) the state of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus of man;
2) morphological features of muscle tissue, its composition (i.e. from the ratio of fast and slow fibers);
3) muscle strength;
4) the ability of muscles to quickly move from a tense state to a relaxed one;
5) energy reserves in the muscle (adenosine triphosphate — ATP and creatine phosphate — KTP);
6) the amplitude of movements, i.e., the degree of mobility in the joints;
7) ability to coordinate movements during high-speed work;
8) the biological rhythm of the body's vital activity;
9) age and gender;
10) high-speed natural abilities of a person.
From a physiological point of view, the speed of reaction depends on the speed of the following five phases:
1) the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) involved in the perception of the signal;
2) transmission of excitation to the central nervous system;
3) the transfer of signal information along the neural pathways, its analysis and the formation of an efferent signal;
4) conducting an efferent signal from the central nervous system to the muscle;
5) the excitation of the muscle and the appearance of the mechanism of activity in it.
The maximum frequency of movements depends on the rate of transition of motor nerve centers from the state of excitation to the state of inhibition and vice versa, i.e. it depends on the labiality of nervous processes.
The rapidity manifested in holistic motor actions is influenced by: the frequency of neuromuscular impulses, the rate of transition of muscles from the tension phase to the relaxation phase, the pace of alternation of these phases, the degree of inclusion in the process of movement of rapidly contracting muscle fibers and their synchronous work.
From a biochemical point of view, the speed of movement depends on the content of adenosine triphosphate in the muscles, the rate of its cleavage and resynthesize. In high-speed exercises, ATP resins occurs due to phosphor creative and glycolytic mechanisms (anaerobically — without oxygen). The share of an aerobic (oxygen) source in the energy supply of various high-speed activities is 0-10%.
Power abilities are a complex of various manifestations of a person in a certain motor activity, which are manifested through motor activity. At the same time, the phenomenon of power abilities is influenced by various factors, the contribution of which in each case varies depending on specific motor actions and conditions for their implementation, the type of power abilities, age, gender and individual characteristics.
Among them are: 1) muscle proper; 2) central nervous; 3) personality-mental; 4) biomechanical; 5) biochemical; 6) physiological factors, as well as regional environmental conditions in which motor activity is carried out.
The actual muscle factors include: contractile properties of muscles, which depend on the ratio of white and red muscle fibers; the activity of enzymes of muscle contraction; the power of the mechanisms of anaerobic energy supply of muscle work; physiological diameter and muscle mass; the quality of intramuscular coordination.
The essence of central nervous factors consists in the intensity (frequency) of effector impulses sent to the muscles, in the coordination of their contractions and relaxation, the trophic effect of the central nervous system on their functions.
The most significant rates of increase in the relative strength of various muscle groups are observed in primary school age, especially in children from 9 to 11 years old. It should be noted that during these periods of time, the power abilities are most amenable to targeted influences. When developing strength, the morph functional capabilities of a growing organism should be taken into account. The maximum muscle strength during systematic training increases due to an increase in the absolute (anatomical) diameter of the muscles, as well as due to the physiological reserves of mobilization of neuromuscular (motor) units involved in the work. The power of the forces developed in the dynamic mode of operation at various weights (maximum, large, medium, small) varies significantly.
When determining the motor quality of endurance, it should be understood that it is the ability to resist physical fatigue in the process of muscular activity. The measure of endurance is the time during which muscle activity of a certain nature and intensity is carried out. In cyclic types of physical exercises, the minimum time to overcome a given distance is measured. In game activities and martial arts, the time during which the level of a given efficiency of motor activity is carried out is measured. In complex coordination activities related to the performance of precision movements, an indicator of endurance is the stability of technically correct performance of the action.
Bioenergetics factors include the amount of energy resources available to the body and the functional capabilities of its systems that ensure the exchange, production and recovery of energy during operation. The formation of energy necessary for endurance work occurs as a result of chemical transformations. The main sources of energy formation in this case are aerobic, anaerobic glycolytic and anaerobic ablactate reactions, which are characterized by the rate of energy release, the volume of fats, carbohydrates, glycogen, ATP, KTP, as well as the permissible volume of metabolic changes in the body (O.V.Goncharova).
The physiological basis of endurance is the aerobic capabilities of the body, which provide a certain amount of energy during work and contribute to the rapid recovery of the body's performance after work of any duration and power, ensuring the fastest removal of metabolic products.
Anaerobic ablactate energy sources play a crucial role in maintaining working capacity in exercises of maximum intensity lasting up to 15-20 seconds.
Anaerobic glycolytic sources are the main ones in the process of energy supply of work lasting from 20 seconds to 5-6 minutes.
Factors of functional and biochemical economization determine the ratio of the result of the exercise and the costs of achieving it. Usually, efficiency is associated with the energy supply of the body during work, and since energy resources (substrates) in the body are almost always limited either due to their small volume, or due to factors that complicate their consumption, the human body strives to do the work at the expense of a minimum of energy consumption. At the same time, the higher the qualification of an athlete, especially in sports requiring endurance, the higher the efficiency of the work performed by him.
Economization has two sides: mechanical (or biomechanical), depending on the level of technical proficiency or rational tactics of competitive activity; physiological and biochemical (or functional), which is determined by what proportion of the work is performed due to the energy of the oxidative system without the accumulation of lactic acid, and if we consider this process even deeper, then due to what the proportion of the use of fats as an oxidation substrate.
Factors of functional stability make it possible to maintain the activity of the functional systems of the body with unfavorable shifts in its internal environment caused by work. The ability of a person to maintain the specified technical and tactical parameters of activity, despite increasing fatigue, depends on functional stability.
Genotype and regional factors. General (aerobic) endurance is due to the influence of hereditary factors (heredity coefficient from 0.4 to 0.8). The genetic factor significantly affects the development of the anaerobic capabilities of the body. High coefficients of heredity (0.62—0.75) of the organism. High coefficients of heredity (0.62—0.75) were found in static endurance; for dynamic strength endurance, the effects of heredity and environment are approximately the same.
Hereditary factors have a greater effect on the female body when working with submaximal power, and on the male — when working with moderate power.
Special exercises and living conditions significantly affect the growth of endurance. In those engaged in various types of physical exercises, the endurance indicators of this motor quality significantly exceed similar results of those who do not engage in sports. Athletes who train in endurance running have indicators of maximum oxygen consumption (MPC) by 80% or more higher than the average of ordinary people.
The development of endurance occurs from preschool age to 30 years (and to moderate intensity loads and above). The most intensive growth is observed from 14 to 20 years.
In the practice of physical education, various physical exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature are used, for example, long running, cross-country running (cross-country), cycling, swimming, games and game exercises performed by the method of circular training, etc. The main requirements for them are as follows: exercises should be performed in areas of moderate and high power.
Flexibility is characterized by the degree of mobility in the joints. The quantitative expression of mobility is the amplitude of movements. Flexibility helps to improve athletic performance in throwing, some types of jumping, gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, more effective mastery of new forms of movement.
The age from 7 to 10 years is characterized by high rates of development of dexterity of movements. This is facilitated by the plasticity of the central nervous system, intensive improvement of the motor analyzer, expressed, in particular, in improving the spatial-temporal characteristics of movement.
The use of games in a school physical education lesson that require a sudden change of actions in accordance with the game situation that has arisen, performing exercises with various objects, as well as more complicated tasks using coordinated movements of individual parts of the body, contribute to improving the quality of dexterity.
Improving flexibility in adolescence is achieved by special stretching exercises, performing movements with full amplitude and pair exercises. The main means of fostering flexibility at this age are physical exercises characteristic of a certain sport.
From early childhood, it is necessary to pay great attention to the education of correct posture. Physiologically correct posture ensures optimal functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and musculoskeletal systems. Proper posture facilitates coordination of movements. Many sports exercises (for example, in gymnastics) cannot be performed with poor posture.
To form the correct posture, preventive measures are necessary to prevent its violation. These primarily include the exclusion of monotonous, long-lasting poses, carrying weights in one hand, sleeping in a soft bed.
With a violation of posture, the configuration of the bends of the spine changes, the head is lowered, the shoulders are brought together, the shoulder blades are asymmetrical, breathing, blood circulation, digestion, coordination of movements, and just appearance deteriorates.
The most common types of posture disorders are stooping, sluggish posture and curvature of the spine. If with the first two forms there is no need for special corrective exercises, then with curvature of the spine it is necessary to engage in special therapeutic physical culture.
Physical exercises aimed at maintaining correct posture are selected in such a way as to consolidate the usual correct position of the head, shoulders, trunk, develop the strength of the muscles of the trunk and neck, upper and lower extremities. Exercises with holding various objects on the head, exercises performed on a reduced support, coordination exercises, static poses contribute to the consolidation of the correct posture reflex. It is necessary to constantly adjust the position of the body when performing exercises, to create a clear idea of the correct posture in the child (especially about the adverse consequences of its violations), a persistent feeling of discomfort with incorrect posture. This will allow you to constantly monitor the preservation of the correct posture both in the sitting position, and when walking, and during physical exercises. Systematic control of posture, preliminary selection of exercises for homework should be carried out by a physical education teacher. Performing exercises that form correct posture and corrective exercises should become a need for students both in physical education classes and during independent studies at home.

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