Khankeldiev Sh. Kh. Regional features of the physical status of youth students fergana 2022 Reviewer


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The issues of studying the motor capabilities of adolescents have recently attracted the close attention of various followers: physicians, sociologists, doctors, hygienists, teachers and representatives of other scientific disciplines. If earlier recommendations regarding age-related loads were based mainly on empirical conclusions of individual specialists in physical education, then in the last decade scientific works have appeared that allow an objective approach to assessing the physical capabilities of schoolchildren: measuring daily, weekly volumes of basic locomotors movements as the central core of their muscle activity, measuring the need for movement based on reasonable criteria, to search for ways to increase natural motor activity once- by personal purposeful means and methods.
Voluntary motor activity of schoolchildren dominates in muscular activity. It exceeds organized motor activity by 7 times and it is impossible not to take it into account. In turn, motor activity depends on the time of the year, the day of the week, the workload of educational classes and regional climatic conditions.
In the temperate climatic zone of residence, the winter decrease in the number of involuntary motor acts is accompanied by a decrease in the physiologically functions and metabolism of the body of schoolchildren. It is assumed that these biological patterns are due to the influence of the solar regime, ambient temperature and other factors. This gives grounds to assume that the essence of seasonal fluctuations in motor activity lies not in the nature of solar radiation, but in the most favorable conditions in one or another period of the year. Significant changes in motor activity are also observed during one day, which is apparently due to the nature of biorhythmic changes in the functions of the human body.
The sum of all movements performed by a student during the waking period can be conditionally divided into spontaneous, spontaneous, unregulated motor actions and specially organized motor actions (exercises, classes, games, labor actions). These two components of daily motor activity are inversely proportional. This creates conditions for the regulation of the actions of adolescents, greater purposefulness of their muscle movements in terms of the education of physical qualities and the acquisition of motor skills, which is possible on the basis of knowledge of the patterns of the nature of daily changes in motor activity.
During the day, motor activity is distributed non-dimensionally and vulgarly. It is characteristic of all seasons of the year and manifests itself regardless of age and gender characteristics. There are three periods of increased motor activity in the morning (from 7 to 9 am), the first daytime (from 10 to 12 pm) and the second daytime (from 16 to 19 pm). In children of primary school age (7-9 years) natural motor activity gives three maxima: one internal clock from 7 to 9 o'clock, the second – at the end of training sessions during outdoor walks from 15 to 17 hours and the third – from 19 to 20 hours. In high school students, four large rises were noted – "bursts"-motor activity in the first half of the day they occurred at 7-8 and 12-14 hours, in the second - at 15-16 and 20-21 hours.
Dynamic studies of natural motor activity show that the number of movements varies by day of the week, increasing from Monday to Thursday, falling by Saturday and slightly increasing on Sunday.
The manifestation of motor activity also depends on the gender of adolescents. Most studies note a much lower need for girls to perform movements, and their daily activity is 20-30% lower than that of people of the opposite sex in all age groups.
Boys, approximately 57-60% of movements manifest in unorganized forms of action and only 40% in various types of organized activities physical education classes. There are also differences in the nature of the movements.
In healthy, properly developing and well-performing schoolchildren, the daily number of movements with a return undergoes significant changes. Initially, the number of muscle actions increases from year to year until the age of 10, and from the age of 11, gradually decreases in waves. In girls, this decrease is more pronounced and the overall structure of motor activity changes markedly, the number of running movements decreases, and the percentage of involuntary motor actions decreases.
Motor activity depends on the individual characteristics of the genetic code, and the social conditions in which schoolchildren are located. It is proved that typological properties of the nervous system play an important role in the formation of individual characteristics of the manifestation of various forms of movements.
Thus, according to N.T.Lebedeva, 52% of primary school students are balanced, 28% are excited, 20% are inert children. The individuality of motor behavior is also manifested in the distribution of ups and downs of activity during the day.
Thus, multiple increases in motor activity per day are preserved for all schoolchildren, but their magnitude is not always the same and depends on the overall performance of students. An important role in the manifestation of motor activity is played by the conditions in which schoolchildren live.
Individual differences in motor activity are also manifested on different days according to meteorological conditions. For example, urban schoolchildren have a sharp decrease in the number of motor acts in inclement weather and during the day when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 degrees or more.
Thus, motor activity undergoes significant fluctuations, depending on a wide variety of factors. An increase in muscle load, as well as its decrease, is important for the formation of the body of children and adolescents. The natural compensation of motor actions in children by increasing involuntary motor activity is disrupted with age, which ultimately leads to hyperkinesia. Therefore, when organizing physical education of schoolchildren, creating conditions for introducing organized motor activity into the educational process in a daily and weekly mode, one should first of all focus on the optimum, possible options for selecting means and methods that ensure optimal motor activity without negative consequences.
L.P.Matveev justifies the need to establish the "critical" required amount of motor activity at each stage of individual development. By "critical" volume, the author understands such a volume of physical exercises in the general mode of life and activity of schoolchildren, in which both the smaller and the larger side is not beneficial to the harmonious development of personality. And if the volume of motor activity is less than the above, then the physical and general development of schoolchildren is harmed. Many researchers are trying to determine the optimal amounts of motor activity of schoolchildren based on various criteria.
According to T.S. Usmankhodzhaev, the number of steps should be 22-25 thousand, however, separate studies have shown that in the summer period in older preschoolers, motor activity should average 17 thousand steps for boys, 13 thousand steps for girls.
Normalizing motor activity, R.V. Sylla proposed the energy cost of exercises in relation to the main exchange as the criteria for counting optimality. In his opinion, 20 thousand steps a day can fully satisfy the need for the movements of younger schoolchildren. In his opinion, out of the total amount of daily motor activity, which should be about 4 hours. 20-30% are carried out with an average load at a heart rate of 140-160 beats / min, but the energy cost of movements exceeds the main volume by more than 2 times.
For children of secondary school age -20-25 thousand. and for the older 15-20 thousand steps per day, which corresponds to the energy consumption for motor activity per day of 400-680 kcal for boys and 400-500 kcal for girls of different ages. In this regard, it is believed that such a motor mode of the day requires considerable time (4-5 hours). At the same time, it is advisable to replace part of the daily rate of movements by performing sports-oriented physical exercises.
A.G.Sukharev calls the optimal dose of motor activity a hygienic norm. The growth, development and activity of different organs are stimulated by different doses of physical culture, that is, the sensitivity of different organs and tissues to physical exercises is different. Therefore, the establishment of a general hygienic norm for the body is difficult. They consider daily organized classes with a duration of I hours to be optimal conditional for schoolchildren.
A.G. Sukharev suggests classifying quantitative accounting of motor activity by energy consumption per day:
- "low" level of motor activity - 10 thousand or less steps per day by the amount of work performed when walking, the value of daily energy consumption is 2000 kcal:
-"moderate" - 11-20 thousand steps, the value of daily energy consumption is 2100-3000 kcal:
-"high" - 21-30 thousand steps, energy consumption over 4,000 kcal per day.
The hygienic norm for children not involved in sports should be considered a "high" level of motor activity, which contributes not only to the preservation of health, but also strengthens it.
As noted above, many researchers point to insufficient motor activity of schoolchildren, which they tried to eliminate by applying the introduction of systematic physical education classes in various parts of the daily routine. These experiments have established the positive effect of regular use of physical exercises on the performance of children and adolescents, their physical development, motor fitness and health status. At the same time, increasing the volume and intensity of physical activity to a certain limit provides a better effect on the body of those engaged. Organized forms of classes: morning hygienic gymnastics, gymnastics before lessons, physical training pauses and physical training minutes at lessons, games and entertainment at recess, group walks and games after lessons, classes in sports and physical education sections protects the body of adolescents from adverse conditions caused by physical inactivity.
Studies by a number of authors have shown that systematic physical education contributes to the hardening of the body, significantly reducing colds. Changes in the functional state of the central nervous system in schoolchildren with whom organized forms of physical education were used were much less pronounced by the end of the working day. Physical exercises promote the mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex, create conditions for active inhibition and ensure greater organization of students.
The study of the results of the introduction of systematic organized physical education classes show that the optimization of the mode of motor activity of students has a positive effect on their mental performance. Observations of the dynamics of working capacity of adolescents allowed us to establish its increase under the influence of systematic organized physical exercises conducted in various variants. The use of physical exercises protects against mental fatigue, contributes to improving performance, as a result of which there is an improvement in such an integral indicator as the overall academic performance of students in program subjects.
Systematic organized physical education classes, increasing the level of motor activity, stimulate the growth and development of the body. A high level of motor activity contributes to the harmonious development of the constitution of adolescents, as evidenced by the ratio of the main dimensional indicators of the body. Therefore, some studies believe that organized classes are an absolutely necessary condition for normal growth and development of the body. The positive effects of physical exercises on the motor readiness of schoolchildren are expressed. Physical education classes in modern conditions are of particular importance, not only as a universal means of combating physical inactivity and its consequences, but also as an important factor of educational significance for the development of the necessary moral and volitional qualities involved.
Physical education of school-age children requires special attention, as it directly prepares them for further education. Age characteristics are favorable for achieving good physical development and health promotion. Children can master new complex forms of movements and improve some elements of their technique. They are able to improve motor qualities and show relatively high performance in performing movements for results, while showing significant speed and strength capabilities, agility and endurance.
In the course of organized classes, children master the following basic exercises; walking, running, throwing and jumping, balance and climbing exercises, cycling, elements of sports games (basketball, badminton, table tennis, football) and outdoor games. Natural locomotor actions, along with outdoor games, occupy a leading place in maintaining motor activity at the required level.
In the process of physical education, the basics of physical improvement of schoolchildren of various age groups are formed. One of the criteria for physical improvement of students is the manifestation of their motor activity. It reveals the attitude of students to their physical improvement, through it their personal sides are manifested. Motor activity is one of the forms of preparing students for labor, defense and sports activities.
The essence of the problem of motor activity lies in the fact that during the rapid development of science and technology, training sessions are increasingly one-sided, in which most of the training time is devoted to mental development with a significant decrease in muscle activity.
The rational organization of the daily routine, in which a dynamic balance between intellectual and physical education is maintained, attracts the attention of many scientists.
For the further development of physical culture, among students of educational institutions, the time characteristics of various organized forms of classes are as follows: 8-10 min. for gymnastics during the day, morning gymnastics in boarding schools, physical education lessons, mass sports sections in each school. The secondary school uses all the forms of educational and extracurricular activities listed above in its work with teenagers. The main interrelated organizational forms of physical education of schoolchildren are the following: lessons and elective classes in physical culture and sports, extracurricular mass sports work at school (physical culture clubs, sports sections, sports competitions), physical culture and recreation activities in the mode for schoolchildren (gymnastics before classes, physical culture minutes in the classroom, games and physical exercises at recess and in the extended day mode, extracurricular sports and mass work, classes in the youth school, at the place of residence, independent physical exercises in the family, on school and yard grounds and other types of activities. Of all the above-mentioned forms of organization of work on physical education with students, the primary role belongs to the lesson of physical culture, which is given only two hours a week, so they can hardly be the main factor contributing to the elimination of the deficit of motor activity.
Outdoor lessons have a number of hygienic advantages, they satisfy motor needs, have a positive emotional impact, contribute to the improvement of the respiratory system, train physiological mechanisms that ensure the body's resistance to temperature conditions.
Classes in sports sections, which are created in secondary schools, significantly complement the organized motor activity of students. When studying in sports sections, the training loads are differentiated by age, gender and sports qualifications of those involved and range from 4 to 24 hours a week, which is 2-12 times more than for students engaged only in physical education classes. According to many authors, the motor activity of teenagers who regularly engage in sports sections is at the upper limits of the hygienic norm, and their physical development and physical fitness are significantly ahead of non-athletes' peers. Classes in sports sections are an important means of combating physical inactivity of schoolchildren.
In recent years, more and more attention in the education of motor activity has been paid to the so-called organization of physical education in a small way: gymnastics, before lessons, physical training breaks, outdoor games at recess and during walks, etc., and they are recommended to be carried out on the playground, which creates an additional effect of increasing motor activity. Gymnastics before lessons is held daily at school for 6-10min, and helps to increase the motor activity of students on average, exercises used in organized exercises account for 4.2% of the total budget of movements. For some schoolchildren, it makes up 22% of the daily volume of motor activity, while performing it, students produce up to 600 movements. In addition, gymnastics before lessons plays a great educational role, instilling in students the habit of systematic physical exercises, collective performance of movements, disciplines and organizes students.
Saturation of morning time, lessons and changes with motor acts allows partially satisfying the needs for them. It is extremely important to create the possibility of hourly manifestation of physical activity and its stimulation after lessons. It is known that the time intervals from 12 to 16 hours are characterized by an increase in motor activity. These hours most correspond to the daily periodicity of motor activity and create a favorable background for improving motor skills.
It is believed that walking and playing after school in the fresh air are active recreation. They allow you to satisfy the need for movement, promote hardening, the formation of motor qualities. Therefore, in the middle of the day, after lessons for students of the first shift and before lessons for students of the second shift, it is necessary to pay special attention to games
Naturally, in order to achieve the necessary level of motor activity, it is advisable to use a complex of all forms of organized and independent physical exercises. The total amount of motor activity with an intensity 2 times or more higher than the basic metabolism should total about 4 hours a day, regardless of the age and gender of schoolchildren. According to R. V. Sylla. 53-80 minutes should be mobile changes, 45-60 minutes. physical education lessons and other organized forms of physical activity with increased intensity up to 100-160 min.
The absence of a comprehensive use of all forms of organization of physical education used in practice and the use of only a part of them is unlikely to significantly increase their motor activity. Lessons of increased intensity without the simultaneous introduction of small forms of physical education cannot lead to an increase in motor activity, and, consequently, performance. It is hardly possible to improve the performance of students by increasing the number of lessons to six per week – they will be able to satisfy the motor needs of a growing organism by only 40%, therefore this type of organization of classes should be considered as a school of movements, as a means of forming, satisfying the needs for motor activity. On the other hand, excessively increased requirements in the preparation of young athletes often leads to undesirable results, which is associated with a high-intensity load, exceeding 20 hours per week in duration and exceeding the biological need of the body for movement, accompanied by sharp changes in motor and vegetative functions. An excessively high level of daily motor activity is a stressful load to which the body reacts according to the type of nonspecific syndrome. Thus, the motor activity of adolescents is caused by a complex of genetic and social factors, the role of which changes with age, which leads to a difference in the levels of muscular activity. Considering that the most favorable reactions of a growing organism are noted at optimal levels of daily motor activity, when loads create conditions in the body for the induction of excessive anabolism, provide high social activity.

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