institutions destabilizes the social system. Perestroika introduced a new element
of subjectivity into the communal life of the Ferghana Valley, which hastened the
upending of existing social and ethical traditions. This inevitably led to conflict.
At the same time, societies of the Ferghana Valley also possess a subtle ability to
innovate and, failing that, to adapt rather than simply adopt what comes to them from
the outside world. Perestroika’s goal in the Ferghana Valley was to overcome the
prevailing social practices through the introduction of a more subjective principle.
The only way to neutralize this tendency, or at least place it in a proper balance
with other forces, is through the conferring of legal and political norms or rights
implemented and defended by the state. Such norms must protect the rights of in-
dividual citizen while also maintaining respect for traditional communal values.
The culture of the Ferghana Valley is rich in the skills of social and cultural mediation,
which are manifest in the flexible social qualities that enable them to find compromise.
These constitute a form of social capital that, properly invigorated and harnessed, can
become an engine of modernization. Translated into the language of contemporary
management, they could allow people from the valley to play a key role in Central Asia
and beyond. That role could be one of intermediary, moving back and forth among
worlds, helping people interpret their cultural and political environments, and serving
as living links between peoples, cultures, and values, be they from China, Japan, Eu-
rope, Russia, India, or the Muslim world. By adapting such a role to the requirements
of modernity, the region will be better able to integrate with the emerging economic,
political, and social realities. A law of synergy may be relevant here, one that seeks
and discovers the most important truths not within the functioning of one or another
system by itself, but in the interactions among all such systems.
Leninabadskaia pravda, December 1, 1991.
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4. The co-author of this chapter from Uzbekistan, Kh. Yunusova, prepared the material
on the perestroika period in the Uzbek part of the Ferghana Valley.
5. Vladimir Kalichenko, a former investigator for priority cases under procurator general
of the USSR: “The almighty minister of internal affairs of the USSR, Shchelokov, made a
decision on my neutralization. In response to this, Andropov ordered ‘Alfa’ group to protect
me” (“V gostiakh u Gordona,”
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Sovershenstvovanie struktury narodnogo khoziaistva Uzbekskoi SSR, p. 73.
Itogi vsesoiuznoi perepisi naselenia 1979 g., Statisticheskii sbornik, vol. 1, p. 18.
9. N. Nemelov and V. Popov,
Na perelome ekonomicheskoi perestroiki v SSSR, Moscow,
1998, p. 44.
10. I.S. Ratkovskii and M.V. Khodiakov,
Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii, St. Petersburg, 2001,
p. 337.
11. D. Likhanov, “Koma,”
Ogonek, no. 4, 1989, pp. 20–21.
Sovet Uzbekistoni, December 27, 1989.
13. “Pervyi sezd narodnykh deputatov SSSR,” Sten-otchet, vol. 3, Moscow, 1989, pp.
14. (search in cyrillic “khlopkovoe delo”).
Izvestia, April 27, 1989.
Postanovlenie VS SSSR ot 18.04.1990 g. no. 1438–1 “O vyvodakh Komissii dlia
proverki materialov, sviazannykh s deiatelnostiu sledstvennoi gruppy Prokuratury Soiuza
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17. “Uzbekskoe ‘khlopkovoe delo’ pochti chetvert veka spustia,” Interview with Telman
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18. “Torgovlia: net, Spekuliatsii,”
Leninabadskaia Pravda, July, 1985.
19. “Torgovlia: net, Spekuliatsii,”
Leninabadskaia Pravda, March and June 1985.
Leninabadskaia Pravda, January, 1988.
21. Ibid.
22. “Novogodnee obrashchenie k sovetskomu narodu Generalnogo sekretaria TsK KPSS,
Predsedatelia Verkhovnogo
Soveta SSSR, M.S. Gorbacheva,”
Leninabadskaia Pravda,
January, 1990.
23. A.G. Osipov, “Ferganskie sobytiia 1989 goda (konstruirovanie etnicheskogo konf-
likta),” in
Ferganskaia dolina. Etnichnost. Etnicheskie protsessy. Etnicheskie konflikty, ed.
Abashin and V.I. Bushkov, Moscow, 2004, p. 169.
Leninabadskaia Pravda, February, 1990.
Sadoi Mardum (Voice of the People), January 12, 1991;
Leninabadskaia Pravda,
January, 1991.
Leninabadskaia Pravda, June 19, 1990.
27. A. Niiazi, “Tadzhikistan: regionalnye aspeckty konflikta (1990-e gg.),” http://poli.
Leninabadskaia Pravda, February 2, 1991.
29. “Doklad Presidenta Tadzhikskoi SSR K. Makhkamova o politicheskoi situatsii v
Tadzhikskoi SSR na vneocherednoi sessii Verkhovnogo soveta Tadzhikistana,”
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