Module designation
Module 5. Basics of Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Basics of Plant Biotechnology
Basics of Animal Biotechnology
Module level, if applicable
Basic professional modules
Code, if applicable
BMB 2414
BPB 2415
BAB 2416
Subtitle, if applicable
not applicable
Courses, if applicable
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Basics of Plant Biotechnology
Basics of Animal Biotechnology
1 lecture+1 lab per week
Semester(s) in which the module is taught
4 semester
Person responsible for the module
Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh., PhD Akimbekov Sh Nuraly
Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Asrandyna S.Sh
Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Dzhangalyna E.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Zhumabayeva B.A.
Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Berzhanova R.Zh., PhD Akimbekov N.Sh.
Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Turasheva S.K., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Asrandyna S.Sh
Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Dzhangalyna E.D., Associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Zhumabayeva B.A., Dzhansugurova L.B.
Kazakh, Russian, English
Relation to curriculum
(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)
Type of teaching, contact Hours
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
Guided self-study
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)
15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)
30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)
Credit points
2 credits/3 ECTS
2 credits/3 ECTS
2 credits /3 ECTS
Requirements according to
the examination regulations
Students should be able to know biotechnological methods and principles of cultivation microorganism, plant and animal cells. It is necessary to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice (in industry)
Students should be able to know microbiological and biotechnological methods and principles. In addition with practical skills theoretical knowledge is important.
Recommended prerequisites
Basics of Physiology of Plant, Animal organisms and Microorganisms, Cytology and Histology, Genetics, Biochemistry
Module objectives/intended
learning outcomes
Theoretical and practical foundations of Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Biotechnology of Microorganisms; the main technologies of producing biotechnological products.
Basic technologies of producing biotechnological products.
Practical skills of cultivating cells and tissues different organisms based on knowledge of biochemistry and physiological processes of microorganisms,
Plant and Animal.
The perspectives of Biotechnology.
The students should be able to apply the received practical skills and theoretical knowledge in their scientific research and in industry
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Remember the broad scope of industrial microbiology and biotechnology of microorganisms
Broadly understand microbiological, genetic and biochemical techniques which make isolation, selection, identification and cultivation of desirable microorganisms.
The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in the context of a research laboratory
Analysis of the significance of industrial microbiology in solving of industrial, nutritional and energetic problems; Appreciation the significance of bioinformatics tools for reporting the results of biotechnological processes
Evaluation a variety of methods and techniques leading to application of microorganisms and identification of primary and secondary metabolites
Creation of technical and scientific skills to ensure that accurate and reproducible results are obtained within a specialized area
Basics of Plant Biotechnology
know: - bases for the solution of theoretical and practical problems of plant biotechnology;
- methods of cell cultivation, tissue and organs of plants in vitro, the processes of dedifferentiation to receiving callus, the ways of a morphogenesis in vitro and the factors regulating plant regeneration;
Remember the broad scope of agriculture and biotechnology of plants
Broadly understand genetic and biochemical techniques which make isolation, selection, cultivation of plant cells
The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in the context of a research lab
Analysis of the significance of plnat biotechnology in solving of agricultural and ecology problems; to be able: to systematize and generalize the knowledge received during lectures and other educational information, scientific and popular scientific sources of information; competently to present a theoretical and practical material according the main questions of this course, to carry out discussions; to define demand of biotechnological products;
Evaluation a variety of methods and techniques leading to application of plant cells and identification of primary and secondary metabolites of plants
Creation of technical and scientific skills to ensure that accurate and reproducible results are obtained within a biotechnological area
skills: methods and approaches of research biotechnological plant objects; ability to use the received knowledge for statement, carrying out and interpretations of results of experiments.
Students have to be able to use the received knowledge for increase the theoretical level and also to apply knowledge in practical activities.
The course is presented covering the major subdisciplines of biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. It’s provides the student with knowledge of the theoretical and applied science, plus the ability to design experiments and conduct biological research with modern technology. The research experience provides depth in fundamental disciplines. The content of discipline include next themes: Microorganisms, Plant and Animal cell culture as object of the Biotechnology; Methodological principles of cultivation; Technologies of isolating, cleaning and producing a new biotechnological products (antibiotics, BAS, vitamins, vegetable products, a new plant cultivars and species of animal); The perspectives of Biotechnology
Basics of microorganisms biotechnology
Introduction (definition and history); Industrially important microorganisms (Isolation, selection, identification and cultivation; Characteristics of large scale fermentation; Major products of industrial microbiology; Microbial processes developed for the production of food additives such as citric acid, lactic acid and vinegar; Microbial bioconvertion; Types of major industrial enzymes, their modifications and application.
Basics of Plant Biotechnology
History of development of Plant Biotechnology. The aim of plant biotechnology. Basic direction of plant biotechnology. Plant cell culture as subject of the Biotechnology. Principles and methods of cultivation plant cells. Ways of cultivation plant cells in vitro. Biology of cultivated plant cells. Morphogenesis and regeneration in plant cell culture. Regulation of morphogenetic processes and regeneration in culture of plant cells. Theoretical basis of Plant Biotechnology. The ways of improvement agricultural plants by biotechnological methods
Basics of Animal Biotechnology
Main directions and issues of modern biotechnology of animals. Questions of bioethics in animal biotechnology. Totipotency, multipotency, plyuropotency of animal cells. Hormonal regulation of mammal reproduction. Sexual cycles.
Artificial insemination and transplantation of embryos at animals. Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos. Embriogenetic engineering.
Cloning of animals. Stem cells and prospects of use on practice. The principles of genetic engineering in biotechnology of animals: designing of genes, expressible in mammal cells; selective markers; ways of introduction DNA into animals cells; DNA identification in transformed cells and organisms; determination of character of an DNA expression .
Study and examination
requirements and forms of
Written exam, tests
1st interim control:, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing
2nd interim control: in-class discussion, problem solving, testing
Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question
Media employed
Video lectures, Power Point Presentations
Electronic books and scientific journals , virtual lab course
Reading list
Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. (in english)
Dellweg H. Biotechnology. Vol.3: Biomass, Microorganisms for Special Applications, microbial products, energy from renewable sources. Verlag Chemie. Weinheim. 1993. (in english)
Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind., 7. 2001. -233 P. (in english)
Staba E.J. Plant T Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P.
Valihanova G.Zh. Plant Biotechnology. Almaty. 2004 (in russian, in kazakh)
Glik B., Pasternak J. Molecular biotechnology. Principles and apply. M., 2002 (in russian)
Abramson, J.; Smirnova, I.; Kasho, V.; Verner, G.; Kaback, H. R.; and Iwata, S. 2003. Structure and mechanism of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Science 301: P. 610–615. (in english)
Becton, Dickinson and Co. 2005. Difco and BBL manual: Manual of microbiological culture media, 1st ed., Franklin Lakes, NJ: BD. (in english)
Reinhard Renneberg. Biotechnology for Beginners [2007]. ISBN-9780123735812. (in english)
Gladys Alexandre and etc. Advances in applied microbiology [2009]. ISBN: 978-0-12-374788-4 (in english)
Gareth Price. Biology: An Illustrated Guide to Science [2006]. ISBN-10: 0-8160-6162-9 (in english)
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 (in english)
Moselio Schaechter. Encyclopedia of microbiology. Third edition [2009]. ISBN-9780123749802
Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 978-0072320428
Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5
Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0–07–299291–5
Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch. Modern biotechnology: connecting innovations in microbiology and biochemistry to engineering fundamentals [2009]. ISBN 978-0-470-11485-8