Uzbekistan state world languages university translation faculty english language translation theory department

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Щиголева Лиза Курсовая работа

Issue 7: Pseudo-terms
Pseudo-terms include non-terminological combinations related to the literary language or colloquial vocabulary, but containing a word that is also included in legal terminology (for example, law, lawyer, patent). The student may take such phrases for legal terms, attributing to them an unusual meaning. Such terms arise due to the presence of homonyms and metaphorical transfers. Consider examples of pseudo-terms:

sea lawyer

специалист по морскому праву

patent flour

мука высшего сорта
запатентованная мука

patent leather

лакированная кожа
запатентованная кожа или патент на реализацию кожи

lady killer

убийца женщин,
женщина убийца

family bonds

семейные узы *семейные облигации

It should be remembered that not every expression with the words law, bar, patent, etc. necessarily belong to the field of jurisprudence, in other words. The meaning of the phrase is usually indicated by the type of text, its topic and narrow context.
Such mistakes can be avoided if you constantly replenish your vocabulary.
Problem 8: The presence in Russian jurisprudence of a term or concept similar to the translated English term
The presence in Russian jurisprudence of a term or concept similar to the translated English term can both facilitate and complicate the work of a translator. The advantage of using the Russian analogue of the English term is that it is understandable to the Russian lawyer working with the translation. However, the desire to find a literal correspondence to a foreign term in Russian materials can lead to the erasure of the specifics of a foreign language reality. So, it is unlikely that the term "материнский капитал" can be translated into English as King's bounty (lit. "королевская щедрость"), although in essence both terms express the same concept. In addition, such a substitution may lead to an error, due to the fact that the English term may express a concept that is characteristic only for the Anglo-American legal system, and therefore does not correspond to the realities, accepted in Russian legal materials. Nevertheless, it would be wrong, in our opinion, to completely exclude the possibility of using the Russian analogue of the English term. The use of an analogue is permissible if it does not distort the content of the term, and knowledge of all the features of a foreign reality is not fundamental for the recipient of the transfer. Conditional correspondence includes only the most essential features of the concept and is convenient because it is both understandable and laconic. Let's compare full and exact correspondence in the form of transcription and descriptive translation with conditional correspondence, which represents the same concept in a condensed form: if this does not distort the content of the term, and knowledge of all the features of a foreign reality is not fundamental for the recipient of the transfer. Conditional correspondence includes only the most essential features of the concept and is convenient because it is both understandable and laconic. Let's compare full and exact correspondence in the form of transcription and descriptive translation with conditional correspondence, which represents the same concept in a condensed form: if this does not distort the content of the term, and knowledge of all the features of a foreign reality is not fundamental for the recipient of the transfer. Conditional correspondence includes only the most essential features of the concept and is convenient because it is both understandable and laconic. Let's compare full and exact correspondence in the form of transcription and descriptive translation with conditional correspondence, which represents the same concept in a condensed form:


Точное соответствие

Условное соответствие / русский аналог


«берглэри» (англ.) проникновение в ночное время с преодолением физического препятствия в чужое жилище с умыслом совершить в нём кражу либо бегство в ночное время с преодолением физического препятствия из чужого жилища, в которое субъект проник с умыслом совершить в нём кражу или где он совершил кражу; (амер) противоправное проникновение в помещение с умыслом совершить в нём кражу)

незаконное проникновение в помещение, квартирная кража со взломом

passing off

использование отдельными фирмами в составе своих товарных знаков элементов популярных товарных знаков других фирм

недобросовестная конкуренция

As can be seen from the comparison, exact and conditional equivalents are not equivalent in terms of the scope of concepts. Thus, the English concept of passing off is narrower in meaning than the similar Russian legal term “unfair competition”. The Russian term "burglary", on the contrary, is narrower in scope than the Anglo-American burglary. The use of Russian analogues of "burglary" and "unfair competition" is permissible if the exact content of the English term is unprincipled, i.e. does not distort the communicative intentions of the author. It is possible to use a shorter Russian analogue if the term is repeatedly used in the translation text, since the constant use of a descriptive translation is impossible.
Now let's give an example of how the use of the Russian analogue can cause incorrect translation.

Английский термин

Российский термин

Правильный перевод

liquidated damages


заранее оцененные убытки

The English term liquidated damages and the Russian term “неустойка” are similar in that they denote compensation for damage caused as a result of late performance of contractual obligations, however, there is also a fundamental difference: the amount of liquidated damages - представляет собой убытки, предварительно и добросовестно оцененные с участием обеих сторон, что придает им обязательную юридическую силу по английскому праву The Russian word" неустойка " can rather be equated with another English term penalty. The purpose of the penalty is rather not the restoration of justice, but the punishment of the guilty party. An award of such damages under English law is unlikely. Thus, liquidated damages is a specific term in English law, does not have an exact match in Russian law and should be translated as “liquidated damages”. Finally, it should be mentioned that an English term with a broad meaning may correspond in Russian to several terms at once, which also differ in terms of the volume of meanings, for example:



The choice of the correct translation option is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the content of the text, while the Russian term that is suitable for this case is naturally chosen. If this is difficult to do, then the broadest term in meaning is chosen - “jurisdiction”. Thus, the choice of the broadest meaning of the Russian term helps to protect the translator from a possible mistake.
A deep comparative analysis of the English and similar Russian terms is carried out to clarify the similarities and differences between them and the fundamental limitations for using the Russian analogue of the English term;
The main limitation for the use of the Russian analogue is the fundamental (communicatively significant) difference in the content of the two terms. In the absence of the above restrictions, it is allowed to transfer the English term using the Russian terminological analogue.
If the differences in the concepts expressed by the English and Russian terms are significant and must be conveyed fully and accurately, then the use of a similar Russian term is not allowed, and another correspondence must be used for the English term.
As a conclusion, it should be noted that mastering legal terminology in a foreign language is a complex and multifaceted process, and all the difficulties that arise in the process of studying it, of course, are not limited to the problems described above. Nevertheless, we can hope that the presented typology will help to systematize the knowledge and skills of specialists, as well as give their actions to study English legal terminology a creative and meaningful character.


Legal translation and translation of legal documents in particular is one of the most popular types of translation at the moment, the demand for the services of translators specializing in this field is constantly growing.

The translation of legal documents, as objects of legal translation, is a complex process that requires the use of special approaches in translation.
Also, the complexity of translating legal documents is due to several factors:
1. The specificity of the legal "language", the presence of complex and confusing legal formulations and clichés, very cumbersome and archaic phrases and turns.
2. The need for understanding for an adequate translation, in many cases requiring a legal education or extensive special legal knowledge from the translator.
3. The high price of a mistake, that is, the great responsibility that lies with the translator
4. Complex character, i.e. connection of the translation with related legal services, such as notarization of the translation and legalization (apostille).
The identified stylistic features of legal documents given in this paper showed the presence of certain stylistic features at the syntactic, morphological, lexical and other levels. A particularly interesting phenomenon is the allocation of a specific vocabulary called legalese, which is a stylistic characteristic characteristic only of legal texts.
Having analyzed all the above material, it seems possible for us to draw the following conclusions, which, in our opinion, are of great practical importance, since are the pivotal moment when working with legal texts and are the basis of a specialist's knowledge.
In this paper, an attempt was made to analyze the features of the translation of legal documents, and the subject of the analysis was the legal texts and terms of these documents.
In the course of the work, we also found that the proportion of three- or more-component terms is significantly small compared to the number of two-component terms. Perhaps this is due to the desire for simplicity and consistency in the presentation of legal literature for a better understanding of it. We also noticed that most of the terms-phrases and multi-component terms consist of words of common vocabulary.
Summing up, we note that translation is undoubtedly creative in nature, although this does not at all cast doubt on the fundamental possibility and necessity of theoretical analysis and scientific description of the translation process. Translation theory, based on many years of translation practice, has developed translation methods, approaches and techniques that are successfully used by professional translators and specialists who speak English, authors of publications.
One of the problems requiring detailed study in the theory of translation is the problem of choosing an adequate correspondence when translating from one language to another, in this case, from English to Russian (and vice versa). The examples we have given clearly demonstrate the complexity of the problem, which requires, in addition to knowledge of two languages ​​and familiarity with the subject (legal competence), preparedness in the field of translation theory and possession of practical translation skills. The considered examples allow us to conclude that the choice of an acceptable translation option is determined by the presence or absence of an equivalent in the target language. If it is available, the procedure is reduced to a simple substitution of the selected option,
As for the method of descriptive translation, tracing and transliteration, they should be resorted to only after making sure that the Russian language really does not have equivalent or variant correspondences for this English lexical unit and other translation methods cannot be used. The main thing is that when choosing the most acceptable correspondences, one should approach the problem creatively and professionally, taking into account translation traditions and based on generally accepted norms that give grounds for choosing this particular translation option.

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