40. KOMMUNIKATSIYA - 1. Ponyatie, blizkoe k ponyatiyu obщeniya, no rasshirennoe. Eto - .svyaz, v xode koey proisxodit obmen informatsiey mejdu sistemami v jivoy i nejivoy prirode
COMMUNICATION - 1. The ratio of mutual dependence, conditioning, commonality between anything.
KOMMUNIKASIYA - muloqot tushunchasiga yaqin, lekin kengaytirilgan. Bu - jonli va jonsiz tabiat tizimlari o'rtasida axborot almashinishga qaratilgan aloqa.
41. TALANT - vыsokiy uroven razvitiya sposobnostey, proyavlyaemыx v tvorcheskix dostijeniyax, vajnыx v kontekste razvitiya kulturы, prejde vsego - sposobnostey spetsialnыx. O nalichii talanta sleduet sudit po rezultatam deyatelnosti, koi doljnы otlichatsya prinsipialnoy noviznoy, originalnostyu podxoda.
TALENT - a high level of ability, manifested in the creative achievements, important in the context of the development of culture, in particular - special abilities. The presence of talent should be judged on the results of operations, koi should differ fundamentally new, original approach.
Talant - qobiliyatning yuqori darajasi, ijodiy yutuqlarda namoyon bo`ladi, maxsus qobiliyat, xususan, madaniyati rivojida muhim. Talantning mavjudligi- faoliyatning natijalarining originalligi,yondashunning yangiligi bo'yicha tahlil qilinadi.
42. TAXISTOSKOP - pribor, pozvolyayuщiy pred’yavlyat stimulы zritelnыe (izobrajeniya) na strogo opredelennoe, v tom chisle ochen korotkoe vremya. Odna iz pervыx konstruksiy mexanicheskogo taxistoskopa bыla razrabotana V. Vundtom. Suщestvuyut i elektronnыe taxistoskopы, rabotayuщie po prinsipu modulyasii urovnya osveщennosti.
Tachistoscope - a device that allows you to present visual stimuli (images) on a well-defined, including a very short time. One of the first designs of mechanical tachistoscope developed Wundt. There are also electronic tachistoscope working on the principle of light level modulation.
Taxistoskop - Juda qisqa vaqt ichida, aniq tasvirlar taqdim qilish imkonini beruvchi qurilma. Mexanik taxistoskopning birinchi namunalari V. Vundt tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. Yorug'lik darajasi modulatsion tamoyil asosida ishlaydigan, elektron taxistoskop ham bor
43.TEMPERAMENT - ustoychivoe ob’edinenie individualnыx osobennostey, svyazannыx s dinamicheskimi, a ne soderjatelnыmi aspektami deyatelnosti; te individualnыe svoystva, chto v naibolshey mere zavisyat ot prirodnыx sposobnostey cheloveka. Temperament - individnaya xarakteristika sub’ekta so storonы dinamicheskix osobennostey ego deyatelnosti psixicheskoy: intensivnosti, skorosti, tempa, ritma psixicheskix protsessov i sostoyaniy.
Temperament - stable association of individual characteristics associated with a dynamic, rather than substantive aspects of the activity; those individual properties that are most dependent on the natural abilities of the person. Temperament - individnyh characteristic of the subject on the part of the dynamic features of his mental activity: the intensity, speed, tempo, rhythm, mental processes and states.
Temperament - shaxsning emotsional qozg`aluvchanligi va umumiy xarakatchanli bilan sifatlanadigan individual xususiyatlar yig`indisi, I. P. Pavlov tarificha: Temperament xar bir ayrim odamning ham, xayvonning ham eng muhim xarakteristikasi. Nerv sistemasining har bir individning butun faoliyatiga muayyan qiyofa beruvchi asosiy xarakteristikasidir.
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