32. MATRITSA EMOTSIONALNAYA - soglasno E. Frommu - forma suщestvovaniya i vыrajeniya mыsley, otrajayuщaya podlinnыe chuvstva i ubejdeniya i opredelyayuщaya deystviya cheloveka. Nikakaya ideya ne mojet bыt silnee svoey matritsы emotsionalnoy.
MATRIX EMOTIONAL - according to Erich Fromm - a form of existence and expression of thoughts, reflecting true feelings and beliefs and defines human action. No idea can not be stronger than their emotional matrix.
Emotsional matritsa - Erih Frommga ko'ra - fikrlar mavjudligi va ifoda shakli, haqiqiy his-tuyg'ularini, e'tiqodlarni aks ettiradi va inson harakatini belgilaydi. Xech qanday g'oya hissiy matritsadan kuchliroq bo'lishi mumkin emas.
33. NADEJDA - emotsionalnoe perejivanie, voznikayuщee pri ojidanii sub’ektom nekoego jelaemogo sobыtiya; otrajaet predvosxiщaemuyu veroyatnost ego realnogo osuщestvleniya. Formiruetsya vsledstvie poznaniya prichin, obuslovlivayuщix ojidaemыe sobыtiya, ili na osnove sub’ektivnogo emotsionalnogo opыta, nakoplennogo v sxodnыx situatsiyax v proshlom.
Predskazыvaya vozmojnoe razvitie sobыtiy, nadejda igraet rol vnutrennego regulyatora deyatelnosti, pomogayuщego sub’ektu opredelyat ee posledstviya i selesoobraznost. Pri silnoy motivatsii ona mojet soxranyatsya i v otsutstvii obosnovыvayuщix ee usloviy.
HOPE - emotional experience that occurs while waiting for the subject of a desired event; reflects anticipates the likelihood of its actual realization. Formed as a result of the knowledge of reasons for the expected events, or on the basis of the subjective emotional experience gained in similar situations in the past.
Predicting possible developments, the hope of playing the role of internal control activities, helping the subject to determine its impact and feasibility. With strong motivation, it can be maintained in the absence of substantiating its conditions.
UMID - hissiy kechinma, subekt tomonidan biron bir voqea yoki xodisani kutish natijasida kelib chiqadi; uning haqiqatdan amalga oshirish ehtimolini kutish. Kutilgan voqealar sababli, yoki o'tmishda shunga o'xshash vaziyatlarda olingan sub'ektiv hissiy tajriba asosida shakllanadi.
Voqealar rivojini oldindan anglash, umid ichki faoliyat regulyator vazifasini bajaradi. Kuchli motivatsiya davrida, uning saqlanishiga sharoit bo`lmasada, umid saqlanib qoladi.
34. NADEJNOST - odna iz vajneyshix xarakteristik metodik i testov psixodiagnosticheskix - odin iz kriteriev ix kachestva, otnosimыy k tochnosti izmereniy psixologicheskix. Otrajaet tochnost izmereniya psixologicheskogo i ustoychivost rezultatov k deystviyu postoronnix faktorov. CHem vыshe nadejnost testa ili metodiki, tem oni otnositelno svobodnee ot pogreshnostey izmereniya.
RELIABILITY - one of the most important characteristics of psychodiagnostic techniques and tests - one of the criteria of quality, accuracy attributable to the psychological measurements. Reflects the accuracy of the measurement of psychological and sustainability of the results to the action of extraneous factors. The higher reliability of the test or procedure, so they are relatively free of measurement errors.
Ishonchlilik - psychodiagnostik texnika va testlar eng muhim xususiyatlaridan biri - sifat mezonlarini biri, psixologik o'lchash, testning aniqligi. Psixologik va tashqi omillar ta'siriga natijalarini barqarorlikini o'lchash aniqligini aks ettiradi. Test yoki metodika qanchalik ishonchli bo`lsa, ularni qo`llash shunchalik samarali bo`ladi.
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