The Holton Recorder

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11507. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robbins and daughter Bernice accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen of Seneca, drove to Lawrence Saturday to attend the burial of the remains of Monte L. Robbins, whose body was sent home from France. He died in October, 1918, from flu and pneumonia, while in the service of the U. S. The burial took place Sunday at Lawrence, the home of his widow and little daughter. - Soldier Clipper. The Holton Recorder, June 16, 1921.
11508. Sam Waldon left for Denver, Colo., Monday to meet the body of his brother, who died at Idaho Falls, Idaho. The body will be taken to Kansas City for burial. Mrs. Waldon left Wednesday to join her husband in Kansas City. The Holton Recorder, June 16, 1921.
11509. G. A. Schaubel was called to Pueblo, Colo., last week by the death of his brother, Al Schaubel. He was one of the many victims of the Pueblo flood. The Holton Recorder, June 16, 1921.
11510. Arch McKeever. Born, April 6, 1830, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Came to Jackson county, Kansas, in the spring of 1857, to his old homestead five miles east of Hoyt. Married Elvira Means in 1861, who died in 1907. Moved to a Jefferson county farm in 1876. During the last three years he resided with his son, J. R. McKeever, in Oklahoma City. He was the father of eight sons and one daughter. The following survive: J. R. McKeever, real estate business, Oklahoma City, Okla.; E. D. McKeever, attorney, Topeka, Kan.; W. A. McKeever, University of Kansas, Lawrence; G. C. McKeever, Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo.; H. G. McKeever, attorney, Enid, Okla.; H. S. McKeever, loan broker, Ft. Worth, Texas. Burial was in Valley Falls, Kan. … He was county commissioner in the early sixties … The Holton Recorder, June 16, 1921.
… Burial was in Valley Falls cemetery. The Holton Signal, June 16, 1921.
Ed McKeever, one of the leading attorneys of the Shawnee county bar for many years, died yesterday in a hospital in Chicago, where he had been taken two weeks ago for a serious operation. … Arch McKeever, his son, at once started for the father’s bedside, but a wire was received of Mr. McKeever’s death shortly after the son had left Topeka. Mr. McKeever was a self-made man. He was born on a farm near Hoyt, in Jackson county, May 6, 1866, the son of Archibald and Elvira McKeever. He worked his way through Washburn college law school by carrying papers and doing odd jobs. For a time he acted as clerk in the law firm of Johnson, Martin & Keeler. He came here in 1884. He was graduated from college in 1888 and at once entered the practice of law. He was active in politics and served three terms in the state legislature. During the 1898-99 session he was chairman of the judiciary committee and during the session of 1900-01 he served as speaker pro tem. The following year he was appointed assistant federal district attorney for Kansas and served in that capacity for four years. Leaving the federal attorneys’ office he re-entered private practice of law with Robert Stone and James A. Troutman, with whom he had been associated in politics. Later, he withdrew from this firm and formed another with his son Arch, who had just been graduated from the Washburn college law school. For the past two years he had occupied himself little with private practice, confining most of his efforts to corporation law, though he made his record as a criminal practice lawyer a decade ago. He was a director of the Kansas Reserve State bank, which he, with Mayor Earl Akers and Frank P. McLennon organized. He was also consul for the bank and attorney for the Physician’s Indemnity association as well as attorney general for the Kansas Automobile Indemnity association of Fort Scott. He was a member of the Topeka Country club, the Lake View Fishing and Hunting club and was one of the original members of the Saturday Night club. He was a member of the Episcopal church and at one time was vestryman. Though he was a member of the Country club he did not take great interest in golf but took his greatest pleasure in working on an eighty acre farm near Highland Park where he experimented with all kinds of alfalfa and was recognized as an authority on this branch of agriculture. Mr. McKeever had two children, Archibald, 27, and Florence, 13. Archibald was the son of Mr. McKeever’s first wife, Luetta Moller, whom he married June 15, 1892. Florence is the daughter of his second wife, Florence Martin, whom he married in 1908, a year after the death of his first wife. Florence Martin was a niece of the first Mrs. McKeever. The second wife died several years ago in Arizona, where she had been taken for her health. … He consented to an operation his physicians declared was necessary. - Wednesday Topeka Capital. The Holton Recorder, October 11, 1923.
Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKeever and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKeever attended the funeral of their cousin, Ed McKeever in Topeka Thursday. The Holton Recorder, October 11, 1923.
11511. Nocks Creek. Shanote, wife of Frank Moore passed away Saturday. She leaves a husband and a number of children and one brother to mourn her loss. She was buried at the Matwah family cemetery on little Soldier creek Sunday. The Holton Signal, June 16, 1921.
Mayetta News. Mrs. Frank Moore, who had been a victim of tuberculosis and lived on the reservation, died last week. The Holton Signal, June 16, 1921.
Grassy Slope. Last week’s news.] Mrs. Chahote Moore died Saturday and was buried Sunday morning. The Holton Recorder, June 30, 1921.
11512. Witchewah. Mrs. Jane Wow yetto’s cousin of Sunny Brook died Saturday morning. … The Holton Signal, June 16, 1921.
11513. Mr. W. J. Johnson died Wednesday morning at 3:45 at the home of her son, D. Johnson at Lawrence. The funeral service will be held at Horton … Whiting Journal, June 17, 1921.
11514. Mrs. Lydia L. Myers, formerly of Soldier, died at the home of her son at Belden, Nebr., after two days illness and was buried on the 18th. The Soldier Clipper, June 22, 1921.
11515. Claude Everett, Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Hale, was born June 6, 1921, and died June 13, 1921, aged one week … He is survived by his parents and one little half-sister, besides a number of relatives … laid to rest in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
11516. Hoyt. James E. Doyle died June 14 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. F. Morris, eight miles west of Hoyt, aged 82 years, 5 months and 20 days. He leaves four children, John Doyle, of St. Louis, Mo.; Ed Doyle, of Hoyt; Mrs. Oscar Hubbard of Miami, Okla.; Mrs. Frank Morris, of Hoyt. All of them accompanied the body to Hale, Carroll county, Mo., for burial. The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
11517. Milton Hickman, living northeast of Holton, and two daughters, Mrs. Frank Bradley and Mrs. Geo. Wing, and grandson, Clarence Wing motored to DeKalb, Mo., on Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Henry Sampson. Mr. Sampson was 78 years old. He died suddenly Monday morning of apoplexy, while mowing the yard with a lawn mower. Mr. Hickman, also attended a reunion on Thursday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Grace. Three other sisters, Mrs. Sampson of St. Joseph, Mrs. McClurg and Mrs. Garton of near DeKalb, were also present, besides several other relatives. They also have one brother, James Hickman, who resides near Latham, Kan. … The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
11518. News of the death of Mrs. John A. Hawk, at the Physicians and Surgeons’ hospital in Kansas City, at 11:30 p. m., Saturday night, came as a shock to the people of Effingham and vicinity. Mrs. Hawk had suffered several attacks of appendicitis the past two years and in May had a very severe attack … A week ago Sunday she and her husband went to the home of her brother in Kansas City and she submitted to an operation Saturday morning … Mrs. Hawk was about 32 years of age and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neibling, of Holton. After attending school at the A. C. H. S. she took up the work of teaching, and became very successful. On June 9, 1914, she was married to John A. Hawk, who with their three-year-old daughter, Helen Gertrude, survives her. Mr. Hawk had built and furnished the house on the farm a mile northwest of town, to which he took his bride. … She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian church and sang in the choir. Her voice was a well trained alto and in the annual exercises of the music department of A. C. H. S. she always carried a character part. She was a member of the Community club and the Thimble club. She served as president of the latter … Mrs. Alvina Hawk, her aged mother-in-law loved her devotedly, and all day Saturday besieged Mrs. Mamie Hawk, who was at the board in the central office, for news from her. Besides her husband, daughter and parents, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Neibling of Holton, and two brothers, Carl and Harold of Kansas City. … burial was in the Effingham, cemetery. - Atchison Globe. The Holton Signal, June 23, 1921. (cont’d)
11518. (cont’d) Besides the W. S. Hawk family those from out of town, who came to the funeral of Mrs. John A. Hawk, were Mrs. Hawk’s three brothers, Carl, Harold and Robert of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Neibling and daughter Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, Holton; Ed Hawk, Atchison; Howard Hawk, Salina; Mrs. Arvilla Harris and daughter, Roberta, Horton; Mr. and Mrs. Neff, Hiawatha and Mrs. Maude Stever, Wetmore. - Effingham New Leaf. The Holton Signal, June 30, 1921.
11519. Mayetta Department. Word was received here Tuesday that Miss Marjorie Hartwell who once lived at this place, died at her home in Frankfort, Kansas. Any other information in regard to her death we are unable to give. The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
11520. Mayetta News. Gertrude Ann Whelan. Gertrude was born near Mayetta on January 12, 1907 and died on June 7, 1921, aged 14 years, 5 months and 5 days. She spent all her life in this community and graduated from the Mayetta school in 1920 and had attended High school the past year in the freshman class. She is survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whelan, 5 brothers, David, James, Edward, Joseph and Paul of Mayetta, 5 sisters, Mrs. W. C. Cooney, Mrs. H. D. Jones, Frances Whelan of Mayetta, and Mrs. Claude Martin of Topeka, and Mrs. Ernest Quick of Goodland, Kans; 6 nephews, three nieces and a host of many other relatives and friends. Burial took place in Mt. Calvary cemetery near Holton … The Holton Signal, June 23, 1921.
Mayetta Department. Gertrude Whelan was born in Cedar township, Jan. 10, 1907, at her home 1-1/4 miles north of Mayetta, and died at St. Francis hospital, Topeka, June 17, 1921, making her age 14 years, 5 months and 6 days. She was at first taken ill with appendicitis and afterwards contracted peritonitis, which was the cause of her death. Gertrude is the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whelan, and has lived here all her life. … The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
Mayetta Department. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whelan and Miss Nellie Walsh attended the funeral of Mrs. Brazzell at Purcell, Kan., Thursday. The deceased was 83 years old and was a cousin of Mrs. Whelan. The Holton Signal, August 4, 1921.
Mayetta Department. T. J. Whelan and family received word here last Monday evening that a niece died at Purcell, who wasn’t sick very long. T. J. and his daughter Mrs. Harry Jones went up Tuesday to attend the funeral. The Holton Recorder, August 2, 1923.
Mayetta Department. T. J. Whelan received a telegram Monday that his brother, Dave’s oldest daughter, Mary Whelan died at her home in Purcell, Kans. … [Later in column.] Mrs. T. J. Whelan and son Paul and daughter, Mrs. H. D. Jones … The Holton Signal, July 26, 1923.
11521. Banner Grange Notes. Martin Haas, father of Mrs. W. A. Hoover and brother of Theo. Haas, died last Wednesday at his home near Rossville. His funeral was held on Friday, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover and son Earl, and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Haas and son Alex attended the funeral. The Holton Recorder, June 23, 1921.
11522. Point Pleasant. Mrs. Stephen Gessey received a telegram that her niece, Gelda Fansler of Kansas City had died. She was here on a visit two years ago … The Holton Signal, June 23, 1921.
11523. Mrs. Sadie Pores of Los Angeles died of erysipelas after a brief illness and was buried at Los Angeles, June 12. Mrs. Pores is a sister of Mrs. George Armel and Alex Fowler of Holton and was a resident of Jackson county several years ago. The Holton Signal, June 23, 1921.
Oak Grove. … Several years ago she run the hotel at Circleville. She is a sister of Mrs. Rose Jackman. The Holton Signal, June 16, 1921.
11524. Ziba Randall was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, September 17, 1838, and departed from this life June 21, 1921, at the age of 82 years, 9 months and 4 days. He was married May 1, 1864, to Miss Elizabeth Dickerson, near Circleville, Ohio. To this union were born ten children, five sons and five daughters, all of whom are living and were present at the funeral except one daughter, Julia Brill, of Clay Center, Kans., and one son, B. M. Randall, of Nampa, Idaho. Mr. Randall and family came from Ohio in 1886 and settled on a farm 6 miles southeast, of Onaga, where they resided until March 1910, when they moved to the present home in Onaga. He united with the M. E. church about 34 years ago … he leaves to mourn, his widow, ten children, twelve grandchildren, 4 great grand children and one sister. … The Soldier Clipper, June 29, 1921.
… father of our townspeople, Geo. Z. Randall and Mrs. Winfough … The Soldier Clipper, June 22, 1921.
11525. John Lannon was born near Leavenworth, Kansas, August 17th, 1859, and died at his home in Soldier, June 25th, 1921, age 61 years, 10 months and 8 days. He came to this part of the state and was married to Lydia C. Wolfley, February 12, 1883. To this union were born ten children, two John J. and Joseph, dying in infancy and Robert dying at the age of nine. There are left to mourn his loss, his wife, five sons, William, Conner, James, Patrick and Edward, and two daughters, Mrs. Koulterman, of Wamego, and Mrs. Fred Miller, of Olsburg. Mr. Lannon was baptized in the Catholic faith … Mr. Lannon was a member of Soldier lodge No. 667, I. O. O. F., Cedar Camp 2622, M. W. A. and a social member of the Workman. … burial at the Soldier cemetery. … The Soldier Clipper, June 29, 1921.
11526. Wallace Burd died June 8, at Wilcox, Canada, from injuries received while working with a well derrick. Wallace was the eldest son of J. R. Burd, formerly of Netawaka. He grew to manhood at Netawaka and went to Canada about ten years ago, where he has been engaged in wheat raising. He was 40 years old and unmarried. He leaves to mourn his death, his father, J. R. Burd, of Topeka, five sisters and one brother. The Holton Recorder, June 30, 1921.
11527. Comfort West was born September 2, 1838, at Westville, Ind., and died in her home in Holton, Kansas, June 23, 1921, aged 82 years, 9 months and 21 days. She was married to David Pollock, December 31, 1864, who died June 21, 1904. She leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Nickerson of LaPorte, Ind., and Mrs. Ellen McJenkins of Hanna, Ind., and Tony West of Wisconsin, besides other relatives and friends. Two sisters proceeded her in death. The Holton Recorder, June 30, 1921.
11528. Mayetta Department. There was no preaching at the M. E. church Sunday evening on account of Rev. Pyle having to go preach his wife’s brother’s funeral … The Holton Recorder, June 30, 1921.
Mayetta News. The Rev. Pyles returned home from Missouri last week where he attended the funeral of his brother-in-law. The Holton Signal, June 30, 1921.
11529. Henry Clark Tucker was born in Hawkins County, Ohio, September 26, 1855, and died at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, Kansas City, Mo., June 26, 1921, at 1:30 p. m. He married Miss Jean Harding at Valley Falls on the 22nd day of September, 1886. To this union were born two children, Mina, who died at the age of 4 years, and Clement, who died at the age of 3 years. Mr. Tucker was engaged in the mercantile business in Holton for 35 years. Was twice elected county treasurer and served four years as postmaster. He was a member of the Masonic order and of the M. W. A. Funeral services were held at the rest house at the cemetery ….
Relatives here for the funeral of H. C. Tucker Tuesday evening included Mr. and Mrs. Mack Tucker of Topeka, Sherd Tucker of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore of Kansas City, Dr. W. A. McKeever of Lawrence, Mrs. Elizabeth Murray of Kansas City. The Holton Recorder, June 30, 1921.
11530. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeeman’s daughter, Pearl, died at her home in Manhattan this morning. The Soldier Clipper, July 13, 1921.
11531. Orlena Celinda Turner was born June 14, 1853, near Battle Creek, Mich., and departed this life July 1, 1921, aged 68 years and 10 days. When a small child she moved to Ligonier, Ind., with her parents. At the age of 16 she became a member of the Christian church. She was married in June, 1871, to William Heffner, who died Jan. 16, 1899. To this union was born one son, Rufus Watson, who preceded her in death on July 24, 1918. In the year 1883 she came to Kansas with her family and settled on the farm near Circleville where she has lived continuously until her death. She leaves to mourn her loss her son’s family, consisting of a wife and four grandchildren; one brother, J. W. Turner of Kansas City, Mo., and one sister, Mrs. Alonzo Friend of Holton, and a host of other relatives … She had been a patient sufferer of cancer for nearly two years …
Z. N. Lewis and family attended Mrs. Orlena Heffner’s funeral near Circleville last Sunday. Mrs. Heffner was an aunt of Mrs. Z. N. Lewis.
Circleville. … shipped from Wetmore to Indiana to be laid by the side of her husband, who died years ago …. The Holton Recorder, July 7, 1921.
Circleville. … Her home in the Pea Ridge neighborhood. … the body was accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Watson Heffner and Charles Heffner. The Holton Signal, July 7, 1921.
Adella Gertrude Turner was born on Oct. 5, 1855, near Ligonier, Ind., and passed from this life July 22, 1921. At an early age she became a member of the Christian church. She was married on Dec. 6, 1878, to Alonzo Friend and the following year she came to Kansas, where they have since made their home. To them were born one daughter, Mrs. Cora Lewis, who lives here in Holton. Her parents, R. S. Turner and wife, one brother, Marcus, three sisters, Mrs. Julia Miller, Mrs. Jane Miller, and Mrs. Orlena Heffner, have preceded her in death, the latter died just three weeks ago. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband and daughter, one brother, J. W. Turner, of Kansas City, Mo., four nephews, Charles Miller of Elkhart, Ind., Ode Miller of Bethany, Mo., W. T. Green, of Horton, Kan., George Turner of Kansas City, Mo., also five grandchildren and numerous relatives … The Holton Recorder, July 28, 1921.
11532. Fred Stachelback, a well known Holton boy, but a resident of Topeka for the past few years, died suddenly Tuesday, while at work at the Santa Fe shops in Topeka. The funeral services … at the Christian church in Oakland. The Holton Recorder, July 7, 1921.
Brief Local News. Fred Stackelback 29 years old … Mr. Stackelback lived near Holton until a few years ago when he moved to Topeka. He was a brother of Phil Stackelback. The Holton Signal, July 7, 1921.
11533. … There lived in Bellville, Hendricks County, Indiana, Mr. Joseph Taylor and his wife Elizabeth with their three children. A little babe was given to them on March 3, 1859, and they named her Evalyn. In all there were six children in the Taylor family. When Evalyn was three years old the family moved to Jackson county, Kansas, and settled on the farm at Fort Spurs, five miles north of Holton. During her school days Evalyn attended district school in the Wyatt district school, known since as the Woodworth school. She pursued further studies at Leavenworth, spending about two years in that city. It was during her twentieth year that she married Mr. Aaron Plaxton. They took up residence on the Russell farm, where they resided several years. … Two of the children preceded her to the heavenly home, one during infancy and the other, named Lulu, attained the age of twenty-one. Four of the children reside in Wainwright, Canada, they are Stuart, Alex, William, and Mahree … The daughters who reside in Holton are Elizabeth, Rose and Audrey … When the family lived in Alberta, Canada, the first preaching place in the community was the Plaxton home. She was Sunday school superintendent and conducted a Wednesday afternoon bible study class. She was a member of the Holton Ladies’ Bible Study Class … She has been identified with the Methodist Episcopal church for many years … Mrs. Plaxton is survived by her husband, seven children, sixteen grandchildren, two brothers, Mr. Bayard Taylor and Mr. Mack Taylor of Goff, and two sisters, Mrs. M. A. Rafter and Mrs. Alex Dunn of Holton … Burial was made in the Holton cemetery … The Holton Recorder, July 7, 1921. (cont’d)
11533. (cont’d) Miss Rose Plaxton received a telegram Wednesday announcing the death of a little nephew, Morris Teeter, of diphtheria. He is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Price Teeter of Wainwright, Canada. The Holton Recorder, July 28, 1921.
Mary Alice Taylor Rafter was born in Danville, Hendricks county, Indiana, March 20, 1853. She died in Holton, Kansas, Sunday October 9, 1921. She was the eldest of a family of six children. Her parents, Joseph W. and Elizabeth Taylor, moved from Indiana to Kansas in the year 1862 and settled in Jackson county, on a farm five miles north of Holton, commonly known as Fort Spurs … Although the facilities for securing an education were more meager than the present time, they appreciated the importance of an education. Consequently after the children completed the course in the common school they were given the opportunity of a higher education. Their daughter, Mary Alice, attended a private academy in Leavenworth. She was united in marriage to Mr. Emmett Ernest Rafter, November 30, 1871. They took up their residence on a farm which Mr. Rafter had purchased in Straight Creek township. During the four years they resided in the farm two children were born to them, James T. and Evelyn E. In the month of February, 1876, the family moved to Holton, where Mr. Rafter engaged in business. Her home was again blessed with the birth of two children who were named DeVere and Ruth Elizabeth. The family circle was unbroken by the stroke of death until nine years ago, when Mr. Emmett E. Rafter died, and in the month of October, 1918, Evelyn passed away in Washington, D. C., then in February, 1919, the younger son, DeVere was called from this life … She was a member of the Friday club and of the W. C. T. U. She is survived by her son James, and a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hurd; a sister, Mrs. Alex Dunn, of Holton; two brothers, Bayard Taylor and Mack Taylor of Goff. There are sixteen grandchildren; a son-in-law, John C. Weedon, of Washington, D. C., and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Amy Rafter, in the immediate family group. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday from the family residence, corner Eighth and Iowa … laid to rest in the family lot in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, October 13, 1921.
11534. Gobriella Cruzan, wife of Robert A. Cruzan, was born in McPherson county, Kansas, July 13, 1876, and died June 29, 1921, aged 44 years, 11 months and 16 days. She was married to Robert A. Cruzan Feb. 15, 1894, and to this union were born four children, two sons and two daughters, as follows: Nellie May, who departed this life 22 years ago; Wm. M., John T., and Elsie Edith, all living at present … about 17 years ago she united with the Christian church at Soldier Valley … changed her membership at the M. E. church at Blandin three years ago … the residence four miles east of Delia … taken to the Boan cemetery for interment … She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, two sons and seven sisters … The Holton Recorder, July 7, 1921.
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