3. The role of scholars of Uzbekistan in the development of Islamic teachings and secular sciences. O‘zbekiston ulamolari ham islom ta’limoti, ham dunyoviy ilmlar rivojida muhim rol o‘ynagan. Imom Buxoriy, Al-Hakim at-Termiziy, Beruniy, Ibn Sino, Forobiy, Xorazmiy, Farg‘oniy kabi ko‘plab taniqli siymolar turli sohalarda ilm rivojiga katta hissa qo‘shgan. Ularning asarlari astronomiya, matematika, tibbiyot va falsafa kabi sohalarga katta ta’sir ko‘rsatib, islom olamida ham, undan tashqarida ham ta’sir o‘tkazgan. Bu allomalar kelajak avlodlarga yo‘l ochib berdilar va ularning xizmatlari bugungi kunda ham o‘rganilib, qadrlanib kelinmoqda.( The scholars of Uzbekistan have played an important role in the development of both Islamic teachings and secular sciences. Many notable figures such as Imam Bukhari, Al-Hakim at-Termizi, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Farabi, Khorezmi, and Farghani have contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. Their works have had a profound impact on fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy, and have been influential both within the Islamic world and beyond. These scholars paved the way for future generations, and their contributions continue to be studied and appreciated today.)
Implementation of rule of law and social sphere in the Republic of Uzbekistan incremental reforms. O‘zbekiston Respublikasida qonun ustuvorligi va ijtimoiy sohani takomillashtirishga qaratilgan izchil islohotlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Masalan, 2003 yilda Suvdan foydalanuvchilar uyushmalarining (SFU) mamlakat miqyosida tatbiq etilishi suvni yanada barqaror boshqarish amaliyotiga qadam bo'ldi. Davlat boshqaruvining turli sohalarida ham korrupsiyaga qarshi islohotlar amalga oshirildi. Bundan tashqari, hukumat mehnat qonunchiligini amalga oshirish va tabiiy resurslarni rivojlantirishni qo'llab-quvvatlash orqali mamlakatda qonun ustuvorligini va xorijiy investitsiyalarni kuchaytirish bo'yicha choralar ko'rdi. Biroq, inson huquqlari va gender tengligi kabi sohalarda hali oldinga siljishlar mavjud.( The Republic of Uzbekistan has been implementing incremental reforms aimed at improving the rule of law and the social sphere. For example, the nation-wide implementation of Water User Associations (WUAs) in 2003 was a step towards more sustainable water management practices. Anti-corruption reforms have also been introduced in various spheres of public administration. Additionally, the government has taken steps towards boosting the rule of law and foreign investment in the country, such as by implementing labor legislation and supporting natural resource development. However, there is still progress to be made in areas such as human rights and gender equality.)
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