2. Fundamentals of Islam. Islom dinida asosiy e'tiqod va amaliyotlar mavjud. Bularga quyidagilar kiradi:
(1) Yagona Allohga (Allohga) va Muhammadning payg‘ambarligiga ishonish
(2) Besh vaqt namozning o‘qilishi (namoz)
(3) Sadaqa berish (zakot)
(4) Ramazon oyida ro‘za tutish (s.a.v.)
(5) Jismonan va moddiy jihatdan imkoni bo‘lsa, umrida kamida bir marta Makkaga (haj) borish.Bundan tashqari, islom e’tiqodida markaziy o‘rin tutadigan bir qancha asosiy tushuncha va tamoyillar mavjud bo‘lib, ular orasida tavhid (Allohning yagonaligi), farishta va payg‘ambarlarga ishonish, adolatli va to‘g‘ri hayot kechirishning ahamiyati ham bor. Bu asoslar Qur'onda bayon etilgan va Hadislarda, Muhammad payg'ambarning so'zlari va ta'limotlarida kengaytirilgan.( Islam has several fundamental beliefs and practices that are central to the religion. These include the following:
(1) The belief in one God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad
(2) The performance of the five daily prayers (salat)
(3) Giving to charity (zakat)
(4) Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan (sawm)
(5) Making the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime, if physically and financially able.Additionally, there are several key concepts and principles that are central to the Islamic faith, including the concept of tawhid (the oneness of God), the belief in angels and prophets, and the importance of leading a just and righteous life. These fundamentals are outlined in the Quran and expanded upon in the Hadith, the sayings and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.)
3. The role of scholars of Uzbekistan in the development of Islamic teachings and secular sciences. O‘zbekiston ulamolari ham islom ta’limoti, ham dunyoviy ilmlar rivojida muhim rol o‘ynagan. Imom Buxoriy, Al-Hakim at-Termiziy, Beruniy, Ibn Sino, Forobiy, Xorazmiy, Farg‘oniy kabi ko‘plab taniqli siymolar turli sohalarda ilm rivojiga katta hissa qo‘shgan. Ularning asarlari astronomiya, matematika, tibbiyot va falsafa kabi sohalarga katta ta’sir ko‘rsatib, islom olamida ham, undan tashqarida ham ta’sir o‘tkazgan. Bu allomalar kelajak avlodlarga yo‘l ochib berdilar va ularning xizmatlari bugungi kunda ham o‘rganilib, qadrlanib kelinmoqda.( The scholars of Uzbekistan have played an important role in the development of both Islamic teachings and secular sciences. Many notable figures such as Imam Bukhari, Al-Hakim at-Termizi, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Farabi, Khorezmi, and Farghani have contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. Their works have had a profound impact on fields such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy, and have been influential both within the Islamic world and beyond. These scholars paved the way for future generations, and their contributions continue to be studied and appreciated today.)
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