Developing: - to provide an opportunity for pupils to work creatively and cooperatively; - to enable pupils to write classroom rules; - to develop writing and speaking skills.
Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of the reaching consensus while working as a group.
Competence: SC3, SC5, LC, FLCC
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: - write instructions and classroom rules; - reach consensus while working as a group; - check selfdevelopment.
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed Method of the lesson: group work, pair work Equipment: Pupil‟s Book; the DVD
STEP 1: Play the DVD. Ask the pupils to listen to the song and sing it. Look at Unit 8 Lesson 1 Activity 1 for the DVD script.
STEP 2: Checking homework. The pupils can check in pairs or go round the class and work with as many pupils as they can.
Activity 2a Work in pairs. Complete the table. Write what you must and must not do at the lesson. 15 min
Objectives: to practise writing instructions; to develop writing skills
STEP 1: Ask the pupils to copy the table into their exercise books.
STEP 2: Draw their attention to the box with sentences. Explain that all these sentences are positive instructions.
STEP 3: Then draw their attention to the table. Explain that under the “must” column of the table they are supposed to writepositiveinstructionsthataresociallyacceptable,andunderthe“mustn‟t”column–negativeinstructionstomeanthat they must not be done because they are socially unacceptable. Further explain that in order to make a negative instruction, we put “Don‟t” at the beginning of the positiveinstruction.
STEP 4: The pupils complete the table deciding where to put theinstructions.
STEP 4: Check the answers involving the whole class.
Activity 2b Work in groups of 4/5. Write 10 rules for a lesson and make a poster. 10 min
Objectives: to develop writing skills; to give pupils an opportunity of reaching consensus while working as a group
STEP 1: Make groups of 4/5 pupils.
STEP 2: Explain to the pupils that they are going to make a poster with 10 rules for a lesson, therefore, they must choose only 10 main instructions for the classroom from the table they have just completed in Activity 2a.
STEP 3: The pupils discuss the instructions, choose the best ones from among them and write the group‟s list of 10 rules on the poster. From the pupils‟ instructions the ones approved by the whole group and that suit everybody should be added to the list. Simple voting can do this.
Activity 2c Report. 10 min
Objective: to give pupils further practice in talking about clas sroom rules
A reporter from each group makes a presentation of their poster with classroom rules.
Homework 2 min Ask the pupils to do the quiz “I can ...” athome.
Ask the pupils to prepare Portfolio entry on Unit8.
Ask the pupils to get prepared for Progress Check 6. Explain that they will do it after Portfoliolesson.
Evaluation. Givingmarks
Part of the lesson
-to greet pupils.
- to check up the register
5 min
Repeating last lesson
- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson
5 min
Explaining new theme
- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme
20 min
Consolidating new theme.
- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.
10 min
- To mark pupils
5 min
- Giving homework.
Listen and say True or False.(5x2=10) Serena and Jane are doctors. e.g.False.
Serena and Jane go toschool.
Serena had some cereal, bread, sausages and a cup oftea.