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maydaan mayaadiyn (mydn)[n] field (sport); playground?; square; ground; open g.

maydaan mayaadiyn (mydn)[n] square (public); field (sports)?; ground (sports)

mayDana mayaaDin? ('Dn) [n] minaret

maylaad –aat (wld) [n] birth

maytam mayaatim (ytm) [n] funeral; time and place of f. ceremony

mayyaz yimayyiz (myz) [vt?][vj] distinguish; differentiate

mayyaz (bayn Haaja uw–Haaja) yimayyiz (myz) [vt?][vj] discriminate?; distinguish; set aside?; differentiate

mayyit –iyn? (mwt) [n] corpse

mayyit –iyn (mwt) [a/?] inanimate?; dead; lifeless

mayzaan mawaaziyn (wzn) [n] balance; scales; weigh; w.ing machine

mayzaan mayaaziyn (wzn) [n] balance; scales; weigh; w.ing machine

mayzana mayaazin ('zn) [n] minaret

mayzana mayaazin ('zn) [n] minaret

maZhar maZaahir (Zhr) [n] appearance

maZluwm –iyn (Zlm) [a] oppress; oppressed?

mazra9a mazaari9 (zr9) [n] farm; fairly large modern commercial f.

mazra9a mazaari9 (zr9) [n] farm; fairly large modern commercial f.

mi9affin (9fn) [a] rotten; putrid; decay; d.ed; decompose; d.d

mi9maar - (9mr) [n] architecture

migallig (= [galgaan]) –iyn (glg) [a] uneasy; apprehensive?; worry; w.ed?; concern; c.ed?; upset; disurb; d.ed?; trouble; t.d?; perturb; p.ed?; anxious

miHayyir (Hyr) [a] embarrassing

miHin bay yamHan (mHn) [vjs] baffle; bc. b.d (i.e. not to know that to do about a problem); perplex; bc. p.ed (i.e. not to know that to do about a problem); non-plussed; bc. n. (i.e. not to know that to do about a problem); stump; bc. s.ed) i.e. not to know that to do about a problem)

miHraat maHaariyt (Hrt) [n] plough

mika∫ki∫ –iyn (k∫;; [a] jumpy; nervy; nervous; tense; t.ly over-enthusiastic; enthusiastic; tensely over-e.

mikassil –iyn? (ksl) [a] lazy (now; temporary state); sluggish? (now; temporary state); slothful (now; temporary state); indolent (now; temporary state); idle; inactive? (now; temporary state)

milaarya - (mlr) [n] malaria

milaaya –aat (mla) [n] sheet

miliH (mlH) [n/] salt

milyawn malaayiyn (mlyn)[n] million (followed by singular noun)

mimaHHin (= [maHnaan], [mumaHHan]/[mamaHHan]) –iyn? (mHn) [a] perplexed?; confused?; bewildered?; baffled?

mimassil –iyn (msl) [n] actor

mimassila –aat (msl) [n] actor (female); actress

mimbar manaabir (nbr) [n] pulpit (in mosque; and church?)

min (mn)[j] because of; account; on a. of; due to; cause"; make"

min (mn)[j] from; since; one of; among

min (mn)[j] about; concerning

min ∫aan ∫in-uw° (∫n)[q] why; reason; for what r.?

min ∫aan ∫in-uw° (mn)[j] why; reason; for what r.?

min ∫aan ∫in-uw° (∫an) [n] why; reason; for what r.?

min ba9iyd (b9d) [a] far; from f. away; long; from a long off/away; from a long way off/away/from afar

min ba9iyd (mn)[j] far; from f. away; long; from a long off/away; from a long way off/away/from afar

min duwn (dwn) [j] without

min duwn (mn)[j] without

min wara (wra) [j] behind; from b.; behind; from b.; past; from p.

min wara (wra) [j] behind; from b.; rear; from the r. of

min∫aar manaa∫iyr (n∫r) [n] saw

minaddiy ? (nda) [a] damp (having a d. surface); moist (having a m. surface); wet (having a wet surface); fresh (i.e. moist; air)

minHa minaH (mnH) [n] grant (e.g. to student); scholarship (e.g. to student)

min-uw° (mn)[q] who

miraaya –aat (r'a) [n] look; l.ing glass; mirror

mirawwig –iyn (rwg) [a] rich; wealthy; prosperous; well-off; comfortable (financially)

mirawwig –iyn (rwg) [a] well; fine; okay (reply to [kayf al–Haal])

mirayya –aat (mr)[n] woman (mainly contemptuous; possibly affectionate)

miriD yamraD (mrD) [vi] sick; become s.; ill; fall ill; fall ill/sick

miruwwa (mra) [n] strength; health; good h.; good health

misa (msa) [n]? evening; in the e.

misa misaayaat (msa) [nm] evening

misa misyaat (msa) [nm] evening

misa misaayaat (msa) [nm] evening (between when and when exactly?)

misa misyaat (msa) [nm] evening (between when and when exactly?)

misaafir –iyn (sfr) [n] traveller; passenger?

misaahir –iyn (shr) [a] awake?

misaalim –iyn (slm) [a] peaceable

misaxxin –iyn (sxn) [vi] hot; feeling h. (person)

misaxxin –iyn (sxn) [vi] hot; having bc. h. (person, weather, food, etc.); warm; bc. w. (person, weather, food, etc.)

miskiyn masaakiyn (mskn)[a] unhappy?; unlucky?; miserable?; distress; d.ed?

miskiyn masaakiyn? (mskn)[n] beggar

miskiyn masaakiyn (mskn)[a] calm (person)

miskiyn masaakiyn (mskn)[a] humble

miskiyn masaakiyn (mskn)[a] obedient (e.g. of child)

miskiyn masaakiyn (mskn)[a] poor; miserable; wretched

miskiyn *–iyn; masaakiyn (skn) [a] quiet (person); calm (person)

mistaHiy –iyn (Hya) [a] bashful; shy; diffident; embarrassed; too shy (to do st.)

mistar (mstr)[n?] mister; before first names of English speakers and other Westerners

mistar jawn (mstr)[n] mister; "mister John"

mistiHiy –iyn (sHa) [a] ashame; a.d; bashful?; shy?; diffident?

mistiHiy –iyn (Hya) [a] embarass; e.ed?

miswadda –aat (swd) [n] draft (of st. written)

mit#aaZ/mut#aaZ –iyn (#yZ) [a] angry (very); furious; enrage; e.d; irate

mit∫addid –iyn (∫d;) [a] stern; zealot; extremist

mit9ammid (9md) [d] deliberate; d.ly; intentional; i.ly; purpose; on p.

mitayn (mtn) [q] when

mitayn (mtn) [q] when

mitHammig (= [aHmag], [maHmuwg] (Jameel [LA78.4]) –iyn (Hmg) [a] angry; furious; enrage; e.d

mitHammis –iyn (Hms) [a] enthusiastic

mitkabbir –iyn (kbr) [a] arrogant; haughty; proud

mitlawwim –iyn (lwm) [a] blameworthy (person only)

mitlawwim –iyn (lwm) [a] blameworthy (person only)

mitnarfis —iyn (nrfs)[a] tense; nervous?

mitnarfis –iyn (nrfs)[a] upset; disturb; d.ed?; trouble; t.d?; perturb; p.ed?; worried

mittafig –iyn (wfg) [a] agreement; in a. (on part of all people/parties); agree; a. ing (all) people/parties)

mitwaaDi9 –iyn (wD9) [a] humble; modest

mitwaHHi∫ –iyn (wH∫) [a] savage? (unable to get on with other people; not part of society)

mitxallif –iyn (xlf) [a] backward; undeveloped; underdeveloped

miya ? (my?) [n] hundred

miyna mawaaniy (mna) [n] port; harbour; anchorage?

miyn-uw° (mn)[q] who

miytayn (my?) [n] two hundred

miytayn dual (my)[nl] two hundred; hundred; two h.

miyyat alf ('lf) [n?] hundred; one h. thousand; thousand; a hundred t.

miyyat alf (my)[n?] hundred; one h. thousand; thousand; a hundred t.

mu#abbi∫ –iyn (#b∫) [a] dirty (colour); non-descript (colour)

mu#anniy –iyn (#na) [n] singer (male); vocalist (male)

mu#rib (#rb) [n] sunset (place/time of s.? only?); set; s.ing (of sun)

mu#rib (#rb) [n] sunset?; prayer; evening–p.; evening–pr..; evening?

mu#rib (#rb) [n] sunset; set; setting of sun

mu∫∫ (m∫;) [o] instead of; rather than; and not

mu∫∫ (m∫;) [o] not

mu∫kila ma∫aakil (∫kl) [n] problem; question; issue; difficulty

mu∫taag –iyn (∫wg) [a] long; l.ing; yearn; y.ing; eager; desirous

mu∫tarak –iyn (∫rk) [a] common; share; s.d

mu∫uT am∫aaT (m∫T) [n/] comb

mu∫waar ma∫aawiyr (∫wr) [n] distance; a long distance

mu∫waar; mi∫waar ma∫aawiyr (∫wr) [n] distance; a long d.; journey; a long j.? (NB)in taxi = any distance)

mu∫waar; mi∫waar ma∫aawiyr (∫wr) [n] distance; any d. (in taxi).; journey; any j. (in taxi)

mu9aayana –aat (9yn) [n] consultation

mu9aayana –aat (9yn) [n] interview

mu9aggad (9gd) [a] complicate; c.d; intricate; knotty (problem)

mu9aggad (9gd) [a] involve; i.d (problem, etc.); difficult (problem)

mu9askar –aat (9skr)[n] camp (military and other)

mu9askar laajiyiyn –aat (9skr)[n] refugee camp; camp; refugee c.

mu9aTTal (; ma9aTTal) ? (9Tl) wrong; out of order; broken

mu9awwag –iyn (9wg) [a] hurt; harm; h.ed; damage; d.d?; injure; i.d

mu9tamad –iyn (9md) [n] governor; district g./district governor

mu9tamadiyya –aat (9md) [n] district

mu'addab –iyn ('db) [a] polite; cultured; civil?; manner; well–m.ed

mu'ajjir –iyn ('jr) [n] tenant

mu'ammil –iyn ('m;) [a] hopeful; expectant; optimistic?

mu'assasa —aat ('s;) [n] foundation; insttiution; organisation

mu'azzin –iyn ('zn) [n] muezzin

mubaa∫aratan (b∫r) [d] directly

mubaala#a –aat (bl#) [n] exagerration

mubahdal –iyn (bhdl)[a] disorganize; d.d; chaotic; scatter-brained; undisciplined (in work)

mubahdal –iyn (bhdl)[a] agitate; a.d; trouble; t.d?; disturb; d.ed?

mubaTTar –iyn? (bTr) [a] spoil; s.ed (child); pamper; p.ed

mudabbir –iyn (dbr) [a] economical; careful (with money); prudent (with money)

mudalla9 –iyn (dl9) [a] spoil; s.ed (child); pamper; p.ed

mudarraj –aat (drj) [n] step (in a stadium, or theatre)

mudarris –iyn (drs) [n] teacher (male)

mudarrisa –aat (drs) [n] teacher (female)

mudda mudad (md;) [n] period of validity; validity; period of v.

mudda mudad (md;) [n] period; interval; time?; duration?

mudda9iy –iyn (d9a) [n] plaintiff; claimant?

mudhi∫ ? (dh∫) [a] astonishing; amazing; surprising

muDHik –iyn? (DHk) [a] amuse; a.ing (of people and things); funny (of people and things); comical (of people and things); laughable? (of people and things); ridiculous (of people and things; in negative sense)

muDHik –iyn (DHk) [a] amuse; a.ing (of people and things); funny (of people and things); comical (of people and things); laughable? (of people and things); ridiculous (of people and things; in negative sense)

mudiyr –iyn (dwr) [n] administrator; headmaster; boss; manager

mudiyr –iyn (dwr) [n] manager; boss; headmaster

mudiyriyya –aat (dwr) [n] district (old) term: = [mu9tamadiyya]); province (administrative; (old) term: = [mu9tamadiyya])

mufaDDal –iyn (fDl) [a] favourite; preferable?

mufakkira –aat (fkr) [n] diary

mufakkira –aat (fkr) [n] notebook; book; notebook

mufallis –iyn (fls) [a] broke; penniless

mufatti∫ –iyn (ft∫) [n] inspector

mufatti∫ –iyn (ft∫) [n] inspector; supervisor?

mufawwar (fwr) [a] boil; b.ed

mufiyd (fyd) [a] profitable?; instructive?

mufiyd (fyd) [a] useful; beneficial; advantageous; favourable?

muftaaH mafaatiyH (ftH) [n] key; switch; lever?; pedal?; knob?

muftaaH mafaatiyH (ftH) [n] switch (electric, etc.; complete unit, not just 'button' element, which is [zirr]); light switch unit complete unit, not just 'button' element, which is [zirr])

muftaxir bay –iyn (fxr) [a] proud of; boastful about; bragging of?

mug∫aa∫a magaa∫iy∫ (g∫;) [n] broom (for sweeping house; made out of stiff grasses)

mug∫aa∫a mugaa∫iy∫ (g∫;) [n] broom (for sweeping house; made out of stiff grasses)

mug∫aa∫a magaa∫iy∫ (g∫;) [n] broom (for sweeping house; made out of stiff grasses)

mugaabala –aat (gbl) [n] consultation

mugaabala –aat (gbl) [n] encounter?; meeting?; conversation?; talk?

mugaabala –aat (gbl) [n] meeting (official, with so.)

mugaabil (gbl) [j] facing; opposite

mugaffal –iyn (gfl) [a] stupid and stubborn; silly and stubborn; daft and stubborn; unintelligent and stubborn; stubborn and stupid; unresponsive to sensible ideas

mugarri∫ –iyn (gr∫) [a] rich; wealthy; prosperous; well off/well–to–do

muHaaDara –aat (HDr) [n] lecture

muHaafaZa –aat (HfZ) [n] district (old) term: = [mu9tamadiyya])

muHaafaZa –aat (HfZ) [n] district (old) term: = [mu9tamadiyya])

muHaafiZ –iyn (HfZ) [n] governor; district g./district governor

muHaamiy muHaam–iyn (Hma) [n] lawyer; barrister; advocate

muHaasib –iyn (Hsb) [n] accountant; bookkeeper; auditor

muhandis –iyn (hnds)[n] engineer; technician?

muHarrir –iyn (Hr;) [n] editor

muhimm –iyn (hm;) [a] important; significant; momentous; weighty; serious

muhmil –iyn (hml) [a] inattentive?; slovenly?

muhmil –iyn (hml) [a] negligent; neglectful; remiss; careless; heedless

muHraat maHaariyt (Hrt) [n] plough

muHraat maHaariyt (Hrt) [n] plough

muHrij (Hrj) [a] embarrassing

muHta∫im –iyn (H∫m) [a] decent (in accordance with socially acceptable norms of decorum); modest (in accordance with socially acceptable norms of decorum)

muHtaaj –iyn (Hwj) [a] want; need; require

muHtaaj lay –iyn (Hwj) [aj] want; need; require

muHtaar –iyn (Hyr) [a] confuse; c.d; perplex; p.ed; baffle; b.d?

muHtaRam –iyn (Hrm) [a] honourable/honoured; revere; r.d; venerate; v.d?; esteem; e.ed; respect; r.ed; respectable?

muHzin (Hzn) [a] sad (sadness–inducing); sorrowful (sorrow–inducing); mournful (m.ness–inducing)

mujallad –aat (jld) [n] volume (of a written work)

mujrim –iyn (jrm) [n] criminal

mujrim –iyn (jrm) [n] delinquent; criminal

mujtama9 –aat (jm9) [n] society; community

mukarsaH –iyn (krsH)[a] cripple; c.d (unable to walk, has to crawl)

mukassar –iyn (ksr) [a] broken into pieces

mukassar (ksr) [a] fragment; f.ed; shatter; s.ed; smash; s.ed; broken

mukayyif hawa –aat hawa (hwa) [n] air cooler/conditioner

mulaaH coll? (mlH) [ng] food; cooked food

mulaaH (mlH) [n] stew

mulaakma (lkm) [n] boxing

mulawwan (lwn) [a] bright; b.ly coloured; colour; (brightly) c.ed

mulawwan (lwn) [a] colourful; multi–coloured

mulaxbaT (lxbT)[a] confuse; c.d; muddle; m.d up; mess; in a m.

mulaxxaS –aat (lxS) [n] abstract; summary

mulHaq –aat; malaaHiq (lHg) [n] appendix (to a book)

mulk/muluk (mlk) [n] kingship?; royalty?; monarchy?; sovereignty?

mulk/muluk (mlk) [n] power? (of king); rule?; reign?; dominion?; sway?

mulk/muluk (mlk) [n] sovereignty?; kingship?; royalty?; monarchy?

muluxiyya (mlx) [n] Jew; Jew's mallow (vegetable); mallow; Jew's m.

mumaHHan/mamaHHan (= [maHnaan], [mitmaHHin]) –iyn? (mHn) [a] perplexed?; confused?; bewildered?; baffled?

mumarriD –iyn (mrD) [n] nurse (male)

mumarriDa –aat (mrD) [n] nurse (female)

mumill –iyn (ml;) [a] boring; tedious; dull

mu'min –iyn ('mn) [n] believer (in God, ideology); faithful (Muslim)

mu'min bay –iyn ('mn) [aj] believe"; b. in

mumkin ? (mkn) [az] possible; perhaps

mumtaaz –iyn (myz) [a] exceptional; excellent; outstanding; superior; wonderful; excellent; marvellous

mumtaaz –iyn (myz) [a] first–rate

muna *minyaat (mna) [nm] desire; wish; want; hope

munaasaba –aat (nsb) [n] occasion; event

munaasib (nsb) [a] correspond; c.ing; commensurate; analogous

munaasib (nsb) [a] suitable; fit; f.ing; appropriate; proper; adequate?

munabbihaat (nbh) [np] drug; stimulant d.s; stimulant; s.s/stimulant drugs

munaZZam –iyn (nZm) [a] order; well-o.ed; organize; (well-)o.ed; disciplined; self-d.d

muntabih –iyn (nbh) [a] pay; p.ing attention; attention; paying a.; notice; taking n.

muqaddas –iyn (gds) [a] sacred; holy

muqaddima ? (gdm) [n] introduction to a book (written by the author of the book); preface (written by the author of the book)

muqtani9 –iyn (gn9) [a] convince; d.c.d

muraaH mirHaat; murHaat (rwH) [n] herd (mainly of cattle, also camels; of 50 or 100 animals); flock (e.g. of sheep, goats; of 50 or 100 animals)

muRabba –yaat (rba) [n] jam

murabba –yaat (rba) [a] polite

muRabba9 –aat (rb9) [n] square; quadrangle

murattab (rtb) [a] neat (e.g. house); tidy (e.g. house)

murattab –aat (rtb) [n] wage; salary; pay

muriyH (rwH) [a] restful; comfortable (chair etc); cozy

murkab maraakib (rkb) [nf] boat

murkab maraakib (rkb) [nf] boat; small b.; row; r.ing boat

muRR (mr;) [a] bitter (taste)

muRR (mr;) [a] bitter; severe?; sharp?; painful?

murtaaH –iyn (rwH) [a] comfortable (person)

murtaaH –iyn (ryH) [a] rich; wealthy; prosperous; well-off; comfortable (financially)

murtabiT bay (rbT) [aj] link; l.ed to; associate; a.d with; connect; c.ed with

musaa9ada –aat (s9d) [n] support; back; b.ing; help; aid; assistance

musaa9id –iyn (s9d) [n?] helper; aide?; assistant

muSaar9a (Sr9) [n] fighting (i.e. wrestling, esp. in school, where wrestling is the normal form of (non-sport) fighting between boys); wrestling

musaddas –aat (sds) [n] pistol

muSaddi9 –iyn (Sd9) [a] headache; having a h.

musajjil –aat (sjl) [n] tape recorder; recorder; tape r.

musallas –aat (sls) [n] triangle

musalliy (sla) [a] amuse; a.ing; entertain; e.ing

musalsal –aat (sl;; [n] serial (television, radio)

musalsal –aat (sl;; [n] serial (television, radio)

muSanna9 (Sn9) [a] manufacture; m.d; make; made; produce; p.d

musaTTaH (sTH) [a] even; flat; level

musaTTaH (sTH) [a] flat; even?; level?

musaTTiH –iyn? (sTH) [a] attention; not paying a.; pay; not p.ing attention

musawadda –aat (swd) [n] draft (of st. written)

musimm (sm;) [a] poisonous

muSiyba maSaayib (Swb) [n] disaster; calamity; misfortune

muSlaaya –aat; *maSaaliy (Sla) [n] prayer–mat; mat; prayer–m.

muslim –iyn (slm) [a] Muslim (of people only)

musmaar masaamiyr (smr) [n] nail; peg?; pin?; tack?; rivet?

musta∫fa –yaat (∫fa) [n] hospital

musta9idd –iyn (9d;) [a] ready; prepared; willing

musta9jil –iyn (9jl) [a] hurry; in a h.; rush; r.ed (person)

mustaajir –iyn ('jr) [n] tenant

mustaqbal (gbl) [n?] future

mustariyH –iyn (rwH) [a] comfortable (person); relax; r.ed?; calm?

mustawa –yaat (swa) [nm] authority; standing; status

mustawa –yaat (swa) [nm] level; standard

mustawiy (swa) [a] cook; c.ed; done (food)

muswag masaawiyg (swg) [n] tooth-brush; traditional 'tooth-brush' made from a stick; stick used as a traditional tooth-cleaner

mut∫akkiriyn (∫kr) [ap] thank you (used sarcastically, to reject offer of something)

mut9allim –iyn (9lm) [a] educate; e.d (person)

mut9awwid 9ala –iyn (9wd) [aj] used to; accustom; a.ed to; habit; in the h. of

mut9ib –iyn (t9b) [a] tire; t.ing?; exhaust; e.ing?; fatigue; f.ing?

mut9ib –iyn (t9b) [a] troublesome; annoying?

mut'akkid –iyn ('kd) [a] certain; definite; sure

mut'akkid –iyn ('kd) [a] convince; c.d

mut'akkid –iyn ('kd) [a] convince; c.d of; sure of; certain about

(ana) mut'assif ('sf) [a] sorry; I'm s.; pardon; I beg your p.

mutakkil 9ala –iyn (tkl) [a] depending on; leaning on

muTallaga –aat (Tlg) [a] divorcee; divorced (woman)

mutallat –aat (tlt) [n] triangle

muTallig –iyn (Tlg) [a] divorced (of a man only)

mu'tamar –aat ('mr) [n] conference

mut'assif –iyn ('sf) [a] sorry; sad; regretful

mut'axxir –iyn ('xr) [a] late

muTrib –iyn (Trb) [n] musician

muttaham –iyn (thm) [n] suspect (wanted by police, etc.)

mutxaSSiS –iyn (xS;) [a?] specialist; expert

mutzabzib –iyn (zb;; [a] unsure (person); wavering

muwaafig –iyn (wfg) [a] agreement; in a.

muwaafig –iyn (wfg) [a] agreement; in a. (on part of single person/party); agree; a. ing (single person/party)

muwaaSalaat (wSl) [np] transport/t.ation; communication; lines of c.?

muwaZZaf –iyn (wZf) [n] civil servant; servant; civil s.; functionary

muwlid ? (wld) [n] festival, to mark the birth or special day of an Islamic religiious figure (especially the ∫ayx of a Sufi Tariyga)

muwlid mawaalid (wld) [n] festival; religious f. for birthday of Islamic saint [waliy?]

muws amwaas; mawasa (mws) [ne] razor

muws amwaas (mws) [ne] razor/razor–blade; blade; razor–b.

muwsiyqiy –iyn (mwsg)[n] musician

muxaabaraat (xbr) [np] intelligence services

muxaddiraat (xdr) [np] drug; d. (also, more specifically, depressants); depressant drugs

muxbir –iyn (xbr) [n] agent (for security forces [amn], or intelligence service [muxaabaraat])

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ilishida muhokamadan
tasdiqqa tavsiya
tavsiya etilgan
iqtisodiyot kafedrasi
steiermarkischen landesregierung
asarlaringizni yuboring
o'zingizning asarlaringizni
Iltimos faqat
faqat o'zingizning
steierm rkischen
landesregierung fachabteilung
rkischen landesregierung
hamshira loyihasi
loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish