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Problems of Criminology

Duration of the Course: 48 hours, 3 credits

Department: Department of Criminal Law

Supervisor of the course: Associate Professor Andrejs Vilks

The course is included in the Academic Curriculum for the Master of Laws Degree in Criminal Law.

Summary of the Course:

the course studies the problems of crime, its conditions, structure, dynamics, causes of crime, promoting circumstances, the personality of a criminal, the ways and means of crime prevention.


development of criminology. Economic crimes. Problems of crime control. Sociological theories in criminology. A biological trend in criminology. The level of crime in Latvia.



  1. A. Krugîevskis. Kriminâlpolitika. Lekcijas. Rìga 1934.

  2. È. Stumbiða, V. Birkavs, A. Niedre. Kriminoloåija. Rìga 1981

  3. Kaiser, G. Kriminologie, 10. Auflage. Heidelberg 1997.

  4. F. Adler, G. O. W. Mueller, W. S. Laufer. Criminology, 2nd edition, New York 1995.

  5. S. T. Reid. Crime and Criminology. 3rd edition. New York 1981.

  6. J. E. Conklin. Criminology. New York, London 1981.

Themes of Dissertation for the Doctor and Habilitated Doctor Degrees
Faculty of Law of

the University of Latvia

Nr. Second name, first name Theme of research work Branch and subbranch of science

1. 2. 3. 4.

Department of State Law
1. Briede Jautrìte Administrative Procedure in Latvia Administrative Law

2. Fogele Mudìte The Organization and Activities of Administrative Law

the Cabinet of Ministers of

the Republic of Latvia

3. Kusiðø Gunârs Regulation of the Public Constitutional Law

Vote of the Republic of Latvia

4. Dravnieks Arvìds Problems of the Voting Constitutional Law

System of the Republic of Latvia

5. Mikainis Zigurds Constitutional Courts in Latvian Constitutional Law

6. Cielava Valdis Constitution of the Republic

of Latvia: History and nowadays Constitutional Law
Department of the Theory of Law and Political Science
7. Iîjanova Daiga Theoretical Fundamentals and Practice Theory of Law

of the Application of Legal Norms

8. Japiða Guna Doctrine of Indicial Methods Theory of Law

9. Strupiøs Aigars Sociological Aspects of Power History of Law

10.Osipova Sanita Hansa City Union History of Law

11. Lagzdiðø Jânis Persant Legislation (19 century) History of Law

Department of Civil Law

  1. Vilgerts Gints Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurship Civil Law

  2. Blumberga Una Problems of Environmental

Protection and Liability Civil Law
Department of International and Maritime Law

  1. Zelmenis Jânis Legal Aspects of Foreign Institutions International

in Latvia Private Law

  1. Ziemele Ineta Topical Problems of International

Law and their Settlement International Law

  1. Lejnieks Mâris Realization of Maritime Claims

in International Practice Martime Law

„The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms that States are duty-bound, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .., to ensure that education is aimed at strengthening the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The World Conference on Human Rights emphasizes the importance of incorporating the subject of human rights education programmes and calls upon States to do so. ..Therefore, education on human rights and the dissemination of proper information, both theoretical and practical, play an important role in the promotion and respect of human rights with regard to all individuals .. .“

(The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, para. 33)
Considering right of every person to human rights education and taking into account the deep interest from the students, Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law continued to carry out its aims in the field of education in Spring semester 1997 by organising

Basic Human Rights Course.

The course was orgainised for 3rd and 4th year students of arts of the University of Latvia. There were admitted 50 students from the faculties of History and Philosophy, Philology, Pedagogics. It was a group B or C optional course and after completion of the course students received 2 or 4 credit points according to the requirements of each faculty.


Unfortunately during the Soviet era it was not possible to receive human rights education. The term “Human Rights” has being used quite often in our daily life, but only some of the users know the very core of this term - international human rights standards. The Basic Human Rights Course offered studies in legal theory and practice in the field of human rights, specialising on international and national means for human rights protection. The aim of the course was to provide non-law students with knowledge, that is essential in a democracy thus promoting participation and strengthening civil society in Latvia.


The course consisted of 26 studies, including lectures, course paper and the final test.


The lectures were arranged in a way to encourage discussions on the taught topics. Taking into account the lack of teaching materials in Latvian, each student was provided with a compilation of the relevant international instruments, outlines of the lectures prepared by the lecturers and the list of reading materials for each lecture. Students were required to read the minimum materials before the lecture in order to be prepared to the presentation of the lecturer.

Course Paper

The course paper should enable the students to make a deeper analysis in the field they are interested in. The length of the paper is between 7 - 10 pages of printed text, not including the content, list of literature etc. The students were encouraged to choose the subject by themselves and to approve it with the organiser of the course. The possible subjects were proposed for those who could not choose their own ones.


At the end of the course the students had to pass a written test. It consisted of four questions and lasted for three hours. The students were allowed to use the course materials prepared by the organisers of the course, except conspectus made by the students during lectures. Only 4 students were awarded with a certificate.


The most outstanding students were awarded with the Certificate upon the successful fulfilment of all the requirements. In order to comply with these requirements the students had to actively participate in the lectures, attend the most part of the studies, and their papers and final tests had to be highly evaluated by the organisers of the course.


More than 10 lecturers were asked to give their contribution to the course. The intention was to make the course as professional and interesting to students as possible. The students had possibility to listen either to academicians: Dr.A.Bloed, professor, Director of Foundation of Inter-Ethnic Relations (the Netherlands), Dr.M.Kúle, Director, Institute of Philosophy and Philology, Mr.A.Fogels, professor, University of Latvia, Faculty of Law; or representatives of NGO’s: Dr.N.Muiýnieks, Director, Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Mr.A.Bèrziðø, Director, Latvian Children Fund; as well as the representatives of governmental and nternational organisations like: Ms.K.Krúma, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr.E.Endziðø, Member of Saeima, Mr.Ch.Magee, Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia, Mr.G.Barret, First Counsellor of the European Commission in Latvia, and others.

Additional Requirement

It was recommendable that students have a command not only of Latvian and Russian language but also of English. It is due to a fact that some of the obligatory reading materials were available only in English or in Russian. Besides some of the lectures were given in English (totally4).


The syllabus was worked out to give a deep insight into the international human rights machinery and possibilities for individual to protect his/her rights. The topics offered were as follows (title of the topic and the list of available literature):

International Law and Human Rights
van Boven, Theo. The international system of human rights: an overview. / Manual on human rihts reporting. - UN, 1991, 3-13 p.
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr.1. - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 80.lpp.
Questions and Answers. - UN, 1980, 31 p.
Historical Development of Human Rights
Vienna Declaration and programme of action. - UN, 1993.
Cilvèka tiesìbas. / Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas.- Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 239.-262.lpp.
Democracy and Human Rights
Levits, E., Pagâtnes izvèrtèøana demokrâtiskâ sabiedrìbâ, Diena, 03.03.97.
Human Rights, Morals and Needs of a Human Being
International Human Rights Instruments
Vìnes konvencija par starptautisko lìgumu tiesìbâm. 1993.
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr.1. - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 80.lpp.
Starptautisko tiesìbu raksturs, avoti un principi. / Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas.- Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 13.-25.lpp.
Eide, A.; ... (ed.) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a commentary. - Scandinavian University Press, 1992, 474 p.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, 657p.
Nowak, Manfred. U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. - N.P. Engel, Publisher, Kehl, 1993, ISBN 3-88357-106-7, 947 p.
International and Regional Human Rights Protection Institutions
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr.1. - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 80.lpp.
Cilvèka tiesìbas. /Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas.- Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 239.-262.lpp.
Starptautiskâs organizâcijas. /Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas.- Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 342.-393.lpp.
Human rights machinery. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 1. - UN, 26 p. , ISSN 1014-5567.
The International Bill of Human Rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 2. - UN, 73 p. , ISSN 1014-5567.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, 1-52 p., ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
European System for the Protection of Human Rights: Historical Development
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, 1-52 p., ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Unated Nations
Alfredson, Gudmundur. ANO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 11-26 lpp.
Baehr, Peter R.; Gordenker. The United Nations in the 1990s. - 2nd ed., MacMillan Press, 1994, 197 p.
Basic Facts about the United Nations. - Department of Public Information, UN, 1995, 341 p.
The United Nations and human rights. - UN, 1978, 166 p.
Council of Europe (2 lectures)
Ziemele, Ineta. Eiropas Padome- Latvijas partneris Eiropas norisès. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1996, 87.lpp., ISBN 9984-583-00-7.
Cilvèktiesìbu aizsardzìbas sistèma Eiropas padomes ietvaros./ Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas.- Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 253.-260.lpp.
Gomien, Donna. Eiropas Cilvèka tiesìbu Konvencijas ìss skaidrojums. - Eiropas Padome, 1991, 119 lpp.
Pinto, Diana. The Council of Europe: its missions and its structures. / The Challenges of a greater Europe: the Council of Europe and democratic security. ­- Council of Europe Publishing, 1996, p. 29-39, ISBN 92-871-29552-5.
Human rights: a continuing challenge for the Council of Europe. - Council of Europe Press, 1995, 143 p., ISBN 92-871-2784-0.

Bloed, Arie. EDSO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 40-54 lpp. (obligâti)
Eihenbaums, Kârlis. Eiropas Droøìbas un sadarbìbas apspriede: mainìgâ loma. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1993, 56 lpp., ISBN 9984-9000-0-2.
European Union
Fontèns, Paskâls. Desmit tèmas par Eiropas Savienìbu. - Eiropas Savienìbas Komisijas Delegâcija Stokholmâ; Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1995, 52 lpp., ISBN 9984-9000-6-1.
Latvija un Eiropas Savienìba. - Latvijas Republikas Ârlietu ministrija, 1995, 44.lpp.
Ozoliðø, Andris. Eiropas Kopiena - Latvijas vârti uz Eiropu. - Latvijas ârpolitikas institúts, 1992.
Baltijas valstis ceîâ uz Eiropas Savienìbu:droøìbas aspekti : konferences materiâli Rìgas Ekonomikas augstskolâ, 1994.g. 3.decembrì. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts; Konrâda Adenauera fonds, 1995, 205 lpp, ISBN 9984-9000-8-8.
International Human Rights Organisations (demonstration of a movie)
Civil and Political Rights (2 lectures)
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 2, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 119 lpp. (obligâti)
Forced evictions and human rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 25. - UN, 48 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, p. 216-606, ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Murdoch, J.L. Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the protection of liberty and security of person. ­- Council of Europe Press, 1994, 99 p.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (3 lectures)
Betten, Lammy. The protection of fundamental social rights in Europe./ International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 45-65, ISSN 0926-9096.
Coomans, Fons. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights./ Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Collective Rights, ­­- SIM, 1995, p. 3-53, ISSN 0926-9096.
Eide, Asbjorn. Future protection of economic and social rights in Europe. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 187-221, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
The Committee on economic, social and cultural rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 16. - UN, 50 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
The human rights to adequate housing. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 21. - UN, 51 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Rights of Women
Rousset, Dominique.Women’s age-old struggle./ Forum. No. 4 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 23-25.
Rousset, Dominique. No democracy without women./ Forum. No. 4 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 26-29.
Rishmawi, Mona. Working on women’s human rights: the developing approach of the International Commision of Jurists. / International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 65-77, ISSN 0926-9096.
Rights of a Child
The Rights of the child. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 10. - UN, 32 p.
Boucaud, Pascale. The Council of Europe and child welfare. The need for a European convention on children’s rights. - Council of Europe Press, 1992, 67 p., ISBN 92-871-1609-1.
Refugee Law
ANO Komisija bègîu lietâs. - UNHCR, 1995, 15 lpp.
Human Rights and refugees./ Human rights Fact Sheet No. 20. - UN, 50 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
The state of the world’s refugees : the challenge of protection.- UNHCR, Penguin Books, 1993, 191 p., ISBN 0-14-023487-X.
Minority Rights
Nacionâlâs un etniskâs grupas Latvijâ: informatìvs materiâls.- Latvijas Republikas Tieslietu Ministrija, Nacionâlo lietu nodaîa, 1996, 88 lpp., ISBN 9984-00-151-2.
Minority rights, / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 18. - UN, 19 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Vermeulen, Ben. The Freedom of thought, consience and religion: reflections on Article 9(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights, in particular with regard to the position of minorities./ International protection of Human Rights,- SIM, 1995, p. 102-115, ISSN 0926-9096.
Alfredsson, Gudmundur; Türk, Danilo. International mechanisms for the monitoring and the protection of minority rights: their advantages, disadvantages and interrelationships. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 169-187, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.

International Monitoring Procedures (2 lectures)

Alfredson, Gudmundur. ANO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 11-26 lpp. (obligâti)
Gomien, Donna. Eiropas Cilvèka tiesìbu Konvencijas ìss skaidrojums. - Eiropas Padome, 1991, 99-119 lpp.
Ziemele, Ineta. Eiropas Padome- Latvijas partneris Eiropas norisès. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1996, 44.-55.lpp., ISBN 9984-583-00-7.
Mikainis, Zigurds. Ombudsmena institúts. / Satversmes reforma Latvijâ: par un pret. Ekspertu seminârs Rìga, 1995.g. 15.júnijs. ­- Sociâli ekonomisko pètìjumu institúts “Latvija”, 1995, 52.-60. lpp.
Endzelis, Edgars. Cilvèktiesìbu standarti un realizâcijas mehânismi: Latvijas saistìbas starptautisko tiesìbu normu realizâcijâ. - Latvijas Zvèrinâtu advokâtu padome, Rìga, 1996, 23 lpp.
Bojârs, Juris. Starptautiskâs tiesìbas. - Rìga, Zvaigzne, 1996, 251. - 260.lpp.
van Dijk, Pieter. A critical evaluation of the European system for the promotion and protection of human rights and their supervisory mechanisms./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 143-158, ISSN 0926-9096.
Communications procedures. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 7. - UN, 19 p.
Human Rights. / Basic Facts about the United Nations. - Department of Public Information, UN, 1995, 341 p.
Human Rights Understanding and Implementation in Latvia
Ziemele, Ineta.Cilvèktiesìbu iedzìvinâøanas mehânismi Latvijâ. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 54-67 lpp. (obligâti)
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 3, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 118 lpp.
Latvija. Starptautiskâs organizâcijas, starptautiskie lìgumi. - Latvijas Republikas 5.Saeimas Ârlietu komisija; Saeimas Kanceleja, 124 lpp., ISBN 9984-528-38-3.

„The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms that States are duty-bound, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .., to ensure that education is aimed at strengthening the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The World Conference on Human Rights emphasizes the importance of incorporating the subject of human rights education programmes and calls upon States to do so. ..Therefore, education on human rights and the dissemination of proper information, both theoretical and practical, play an important role in the promotion and respect of human rights with regard to all individuals .. .“

(The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, para. 33)
Established in 1995, Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law started to carry out its aims in the field of education in Autumn semester 1996 by organising

Advanced Human Rights Course.

The course was organised for undergraduate law students of the University of Latvia. Only 25 3rd and 4th year law students were admitted to the course. It was integrated into the Law Faculty syllabus as a group B optional course. Upon successful completion of the course the students obtained 2 credit points.


The second year law students, according to the Law Faculty syllabus, receive basic training in human rights law within the general course on human rights during their second year, which is a part of the mandatory A group courses of the syllabus. The aim of the Advanced Course was to attract those 25 graduate law students who had particular interest in human rights and who considered their future to be linked with human rights. On the basis of the general knowledge obtained in the general course, the Advanced Course built up and expanded upon the theoretical and practical issues related to human rights. The topics covered in the course were comprehensive. The general aim of this course was to prepare lawyers who could professionally deal with human rights issues being judges, politicians, civil servants, experts of the State Human Rights Office or any other institution.


The course consisted of 32 studies, including lectures, seminars, course paper and the final test.


The number of students was limited to 25 in order to encourage discussions on the taught topics. Taking into account the lack of teaching materials in Latvian, each student was provided with a compilation of the relevant international instruments, outlines of the lectures prepared by the lecturers and the list of reading materials for each lecture. Students were required to read the minimum materials before the lecture in order to be prepared to the presentation of the lecturer.


There were 3 seminars held during the course. These were structured in a way to give possibility for students to ask questions about the unclear aspects of the subjects taught as well as to promote deeper discussions on the chosen subjects.

Course Paper

The course paper should enable the students to make a deeper analysis in the field they are interested in. The length of the paper is between 7 - 10 pages of printed text, not including the content, list of literature etc. The students were encouraged to choose the subject by themselves and to approve it with the organiser of the course. The possible subjects were proposed for those who could not choose their own ones.


At the end of the course the students had to pass a written test. It consisted of four questions and lasted for three hours. The students were allowed to use the course materials preperad by the organisers of the course, except conspectus made by the students.


The most outstanding students were awarded with the Certificate upon the successful fulfillment of all the requirements. In order to comply with these requirements the students had to actively participate in the lectures and seminars, attend the most part of the studies, and their papers and final tests had to be highly evaluated by the organisers of the course.


More than 10 lecturers were asked to give their contribution to the course.The intention was to make the course as professional and interesting to students as possible. The students had possibility to listen either to academicians: Dr.M.Scheinin, professor, University of Helsinki (Finland), Dr.G.Alfredsson, professor, University of Lund (Sweden), Mr.E.Levits, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from Latvia, Mr.A.Fogels, University of Latvia Faculty of Law, Ms.I.Ziemele, Acting Director, Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia; or practicing lawyers and representatives of NGO’s: Ms.V.Jâkobsone, Vice-Chairman of the Council of Sworn Advocates, Dr.N.Muiýnieks, Director, Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Mr.A.Bèrziðø, Director, Latvian Children Fund; as well as the representatives of governmental and nternational organisations like: Mr.E.Endziðø, Member of Saeima, Mr.Ch.Magee, Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia, and others.

Additional Requirement

It was recommendable that students have a command not only of Latvian and Russian language but also of English. It is due to a fact that some of the obligatory reading materials were available only in English or in Russian. Besides some of the lectures were given in English (totally 6).


The syllabus was worked out to give a deep insight into the international human rights machinery and the international and national means for protection of human rights. The topics offered were as follows (title of the topic and the list of available literature):

International Law and Human Rights: an Overview
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr.1. - Latvijas Universitâtes Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 80.lpp.
International Humanitarian Law and human Rights./ Human rights Fact Sheet No. 13. - UN, 19 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Human Rights and refugees./ Human rights Fact Sheet No. 20. - UN, 50 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Zemmali, Ameur. Reparations for victims of violations of international humanitarian law./ Seminar on the rights to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - SIM, 1992, p. 61-75, ISSN 0926-9096.
Rosas, Allan. International monitoring mechanisms in situations of armed conflict. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 221-247, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
de Chazournes, Laurence Boisson. The collective responsibility of states to ensure respect for humanitarian principles. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 247-261, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
Scheinin, Martin (ed.). International human rights norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. - Nordic Human Rights Publications; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, 310 p., ISBN 90-411-0189-6.
van Baarda, Th.A. The involment of the Security Council in maintaining international humanitarian law. / Netherlands quarterly of human rights, vol. 12, No. 2, - SIM, 1994, p. 137-153, ISSN 0169-3441.
Three Generations of Human Rights
Heinze, Eric. Beyond parapraxes: right and wrong approaches to the universality of human rights law. / Netherlands quarterly of human rights, vol. 12, No. 4, - SIM, 1994, p. 369-393, ISSN 0169-3441.

van Dijk, Pieter. A common standard of achievement. About universal validity and uniform interpretation of international human rights norms. / Netherlands quarterly of human rights, vol. 13, No. 2, - SIM, 1994, p. 105-123, ISSN 0169-3441.

International and Regional Institutions for Human Rights Protection: an Overview

Gomien, Donna. Eiropas Cilvèka tiesìbu Konvencijas ìss skaidrojums. - Eiropas Padome, 1991, 119 lpp.
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr.1. - Latvijas Universitâtes Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 80.lpp.
Human rights machinery. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 1. - UN, 26 p. , ISSN 1014-5567.
The International Bill of Human Rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 2. - UN, 73 p. , ISSN 1014-5567.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 12. - UN, 31 p. , ISSN 1014-5567.
Summary or arbitrary executions. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 11. - UN, 12 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
The Committee Against Torture, / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 17. - UN, 38 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
National instruments for the promotion and protection of human rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 19. - UN, 16 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Salcedo, Juan Antonio Carrillo. The Sovereignty of states and human rights in contemporary international law./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 5-23, ISSN 0926-9096.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, 1-52 p., ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Pentikäinen, Merja; Scheinin, Martin. A comperative study of the monitoring mechanisms and the important institutional frameworks for human rights protection within the Council of Europe, the CSCE and the European Community. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 93-121, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
Kamminga, Menno T., Is the European Convention on Human Rights sufficiently equipped to cope with gross and systematic violations? / Netherlands quarterly of human rights, vol. 12, No. 2, - SIM, 1994, p. 153-165, ISSN 0169-3441.
National Human Rights institutions. - UN, 1995, 55 lpp., ISBN 92-1-154115-8.
Civil and Political Rights: an Introduction
Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 2, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 119 lpp. (obligâti)
The rights of migrant workers. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 24. - UN, 67p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Forced evictions and human rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 25. - UN, 48 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, p. 216-606, ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Murdoch, J.L. Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the protection of liberty and security of person. ­- Council of Europe Press, 1994, 99 p.
Civil and Political Rights: Democracy and Participation
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, p. 294-358; 519-520, ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Democracy and human rights. ­- N.P. Engel Verlag, 1990, p. 43-72, ISBN 3-88357-091-5.
Chowdhury, Subrata Roy. Rule of Law in a state of emergency. - St. Martin’s Press, 1989, 290 p.
Bollinger, Lee C. The tolerant society. - Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1986, 295 p., ISBN 0-19-505430-X.
Civil and Political Rights: Administration of Justice
van Dijks, Pieter. Cilvèktiesìbas un tiesu darbìba Nìderlandè. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 26-40 lpp.
Ziemele, Ineta.Cilvèktiesìbu iedzìvinâøanas mehânismi Latvijâ. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 54-67 lpp.
Dimitrijevià, Vojin. Decisions of the Human Rights Committee relating to communications under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 68-82, ISSN 0926-9096.
Grotrian, Andrew. Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the right to the fair trial. - Council of Europe Press, 1994, 88 p., ISBN 92-871-2324-1.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (3 lectures)
Betten, Lammy. The protection of fundamental social rights in Europe./ International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 45-65, ISSN 0926-9096.
Coomans, Fons. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights./ Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Collective Rights, ­­- SIM, 1995, p. 3-53, ISSN 0926-9096.
Eide, Asbjorn. Future protection of economic and social rights in Europe. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 187-221, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
The Committee on economic, social and cultural rights. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 16. - UN, 50 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
The human rights to adequate housing. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 21. - UN, 51 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Coomans, Fons; van Hoof, Fried. The right to complain about economic, social and cultural rights. - SIM, 1995, 239 p., ISSN 0926-9096.
Democracy and human rights. ­- N.P. Engel Verlag, 1990, p. 111-169, ISBN 3-88357-091-5.
Drzemczewski, Andrew. The right to respect for private and family live, home and correspondence. - Council of Europe Press, 1993, 29 p., ISBN 92-871-0352-6.
European Practice on Implementation of Human Rights
van Dijks, Pieter. Cilvèktiesìbas un tiesu darbìba Nìderlandè. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 26-40 lpp.
Scheinin, Martin (ed.). International human rights norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. - Nordic Human Rights Publications; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, 310 p., ISBN 90-411-0189-6.
The relationship between international and domestic law. - European Commission for Democracy through law; Council of Europe Press, 1994, 116 p., ISBN 92-871-2437-X.

National Case Law on the Protection of Civil and Political Rights
V.G.v.Ministry of Finance, Judgement of the Riga City Centre District Court, 1996.
Rights of Women
Rousset, Dominique.Women’s age-old struggle./ Forum. No. 4 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 23-25.
Rousset, Dominique. No democracy without women./ Forum. No. 4 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 26-29.
Rishmawi, Mona. Working on women’s human rights: the developing approach of the International Commision of Jurists. / International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 65-77, ISSN 0926-9096.
Conference on equality between women and men in a changing Europe: proceedings. Poznan (Poland), 31 March-2 April 1992. - Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men; Council of Europe, 1994, 229p., ISBN 92-871-2518-X.
International Workshop on the problems of equality in the current period of transition in the countries of Central and East Europe: proceedings. Sofia (Bulgaria), 13-15 december 1993. - Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men; Council of Europe, 1994, 131p., ISBN 92-871-2614-3.
Discrimination against women: the convention and the committee. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 22. - UN, 73 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Klap,Marieke... [et,al.] (ed.) Combatting traffic in persons. - SIM, 1995, 181 p., ISSN 0926-9096.
The Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG). - Council of Europe, 11 p.
Rights of a Child (2 lectures)
The Rights of the child. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 10. - UN, 32 p.
Boucaud, Pascale. The Council of Europe and child welfare. The need for a European convention on children’s rights. - Council of Europe Press, 1992, 67 p., ISBN 92-871-1609-1.
Refugee Law
ANO Komisija bègîu lietâs. - UNHCR, 1995, 15 lpp.
Human Rights and refugees./ Human rights Fact Sheet No. 20. - UN, 50 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
The state of the world’s refugees : the challenge of protection.- UNHCR, Penguin Books, 1993, 191 p., ISBN 0-14-023487-X.
The CIS Conference on refugees and migrants.- Regional Bureau for Europe of UNHCR and CIS Conference Secretariat, European series, vol.2, No.1, 1996, 227 p.
Melander, Göran. Refugees in orbit. - International University Exchange Fund, 121 p.
Minority Rights (2 lectures)
Nacionâlâs un etniskâs grupas Latvijâ: informatìvs materials.- Latvijas Republikas Tieslietu Ministrija, Nacionâlo lietu nodaîa, 1996, 88 lpp., ISBN 9984-00-151-2.
Minority rights, / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 18. - UN, 19 p., ISSN 1014-5567.
Vermeulen, Ben. The Freedom of thought, consience and religion: reflections on Article 9(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights, in particular with regard to the position of minorities./ International protection of Human Rights,- SIM, 1995, p. 102-115, ISSN 0926-9096.
Galenkamp, Marlies. Collective Rights./ Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Collective Rights, ­­- SIM, 1995, p. 53-94, ISSN 0926-9096.
Benoit-Rohmer, Florence. The minority question in Europe: texts and commentary. - International Institute for democracy; Council of Europe Publishing, 1996, 180p., ISBN 92-871-2932-0, angl. un fr. val.
Jasudowicz, Tadeusz. Some legal aspects of the protection of minority rights in Europe. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 101-119, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Alfredsson, Gudmundur; Türk, Danilo. International mechanisms for the monitoring and the protection of minority rights: their advantages, disadvantages and interrelationships. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 169-187, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.

European Charter for regional or minority languages: explenatory report. - Council of Europe Press, 1993, 62 p., ISBN 92-871-2302-0.
International Organisations
Pentikäinen, Merja; Scheinin, Martin. A comperative study of the monitoring mechanisms and the important institutional frameworks for human rights protection within the Council of Europe, the CSCE and the European Community. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 93-121, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
International Monitoring Procedures (2 lectures)

Alfredson, Gudmundur. ANO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 11-26 lpp. (obligâti)
Gomien, Donna. Eiropas Cilvèka tiesìbu Konvencijas ìss skaidrojums. - Eiropas Padome, 1991, 99-119 lpp.
Ziemele, Ineta. Eiropas Padome- Latvijas partneris Eiropas norisès. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1996, 44.-55.lpp., ISBN 9984-583-00-7.
Mikainis, Zigurds. Ombudsmena institúts. / Satversmes reforma Latvijâ: par un pret. Ekspertu seminârs Rìga, 1995.g. 15.júnijs. ­- Sociâli ekonomisko pètìjumu institúts “Latvija”, 1995, 52.-60. lpp.
Reilhac, Gilbert. A pioneering text./ Forum, No. 3 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p.30-33.
Dimitrijevià, Vojin. Dimensions of state responsibility for gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms following the introduction of democratic rule./ Seminar on the rights to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - SIM, 1992, p. 61-75, ISSN 0926-9096.
van Boven, Theo. Prevention of human rights violations./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 82-100, ISSN 0926-9096.
van Hoof, G.J.H. Survey of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 100-143, ISSN 0926-9096.
van Dijk, Pieter. A critical evaluation of the European system for the promotion and protection of human rights and their supervisory mechanisms./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 143-158, ISSN 0926-9096.
van Dijk, P.; van Hoof, G.J.H. Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. - 2nd ed., Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990, p. 61-213, ISBN 90-6544-319-3.
Dimitrijevià, Vojin. The monitoring of human rights violation through reporting procedures. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p.1-25, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
Müllerson, Rein. The efficiency of individual complaint procedures: the experience of CCPR, CERD, CAT and ECHR. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 25-45, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
Communications procedures. / Human rights Fact Sheet No. 7. - UN, 19 p.
Oosting, Marten. The national ombudsman of the Netherlands and human rights./ International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 9-23, ISSN 0926-9096.
The National Ombudsman of the Netherlands: a brief introduction. - The National Ombudsman, 1995, 3rd ed., 40p.
Unated Nations
Alfredson, Gudmundur. ANO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 11-26 lpp.
Nowak, Manfred. Proposals for improving the UN human rights programme./ International protection of Human Rights, - SIM, 1995, p. 9-23, ISSN 0926-9096.
Duran, Carlos Villan. The practice of the Human Rights Commission in the development of extra-conventional mechanisms for the international protection of human rights./ Training Course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America.- SIM, 1991, p. 23-68, ISSN 0926-9096.

Bloed, Arie. EDSO cilvèktiesìbu aktivitâtes. / Cilvèktiesìbu ýurnâls. Nr. 1, - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts, 1996, 40-54 lpp. (obligâti)
Eihenbaums, Kârlis. Eiropas Droøìbas un sadarbìbas apspriede: mainìgâ loma. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1993, 56 lpp., ISBN 9984-9000-0-2.
Bloed, Arie. Institutional aspects of the ‘New’ CSCE. / Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 3-15, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Szafars, Renata. CSCE: an International organization in Statu Nascendi? / Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 15-23, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
van Dijk, Pieter. The relation between the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and thenuman dimension of the CSCE. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 23-35, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Bloed, Arie. Monitoring the CSCE human dimension: in search of its effectiveness. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p.45-93, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.
Council of Europe
Ziemele, Ineta. Eiropas Padome- Latvijas partneris Eiropas norisès. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1996, 87.lpp., ISBN 9984-583-00-7.
Gomien, Donna. Eiropas Cilvèka tiesìbu Konvencijas ìss skaidrojums. - Eiropas Padome, 1991, 119 lpp.
The Council of Europe and its Parliamentary Assembly./ Forum, No. 3 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 38.
Arnould, Michel. Thirty-four up - Latvia joins the Council./ Forum, No. 1 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p.16-19.
Beginner’s guide to the Council of Europe./ Forum, No. 1 - 95,- Council of Europe, 1995, p. 47.
Jacewicz, Andrzej; Gomula, Joanna. Should Central and East European states slow down their accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 35-41, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Drzewicki, Krzysztof. The future relations between Eastern Europe and the Council of Europe. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 41-61, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Pinto, Diana. The Council of Europe: its missions and its structures. / The Challenges of a greater Europe: the Council of Europe and democratic security. ­- Council of Europe Publishing, 1996, p. 29-39, ISBN 92-871-29552-5.
Human rights: a continuing challenge for the Council of Europe. - Council of Europe Press, 1995, 143 p., ISBN 92-871-2784-0.
European Union
Fontèns, Paskâls. Desmit tèmas par Eiropas Savienìbu. - Eiropas Savienìbas Komisijas Delegâcija Stokholmâ; Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, 1995, 52 lpp., ISBN 9984-9000-6-1.
Latvija un Eiropas Savienìba. - Latvijas Republikas Ârlietu ministrija, 1995, 44.lpp.
Ozoliðø, Andris. Eiropas Kopiena - Latvijas vârti uz Eiropu. - Latvijas ârpolitikas institúts, 1992.
Baltijas valstis ceîâ uz Eiropas Savienìbu:droøìbas aspekti : konferences materiâli Rìgas Ekonomikas augstskolâ, 1994.g. 3.decembrì. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts; Konrâda Adenauera fonds, 1995, 205 lpp, ISBN 9984-9000-8-8.
van Ham, Peter. “When you can’t beat them, join them!’ - the European Community and Central Europe in the 1990s. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 61-69, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Wasilkovski, Andrzej. Central Europe and the European Community - opportunities and problems. - Bloed, Arie; de Jonge Wilco. Legal aspects of a new European infrastructure. - Europa Instituut; Nederlands Helsinki Comite, 1992, p. 69-75, ISBN 90-801178-1-1.
Non-governmental Organisations
Brett, Rachel. The contribution of NGOs to the monitoring and protection of human rights in Europe: an analysis of the role and access of NGOs to the intergovernmental organisations. / Bloed, Arie...[] (ed.). Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993, p. 121-145, ISBN 0-7923-2384-X.

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