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Comparative Law Terminology

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Comparative Law Terminology

Duration of the Course: 128 hours, 4 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Author: Associate Professor Valters Øulcs
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Summary of the Course:

the course making use of comparative judicial methods acquaints with the terms which are used in different law systems, their structures, law branches, study disciplines, legal documents.

Thematic structure of the course:

there are compared terms in English, German, French, Latvian, Russian, and Latin explaining the content of legal institutes these terms represent and how they correspond to one another in content and form in different languages. Special attention is paid to law terminology which is used in the sphere of internal market of the legislation of European Union and in the “White Paper”, to ensure the conformity of the legislation of the Republic of Latvia to the legislation of the European Union.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. Râta A. Latîòu valodas kurss, Rîga, 1967.

  2. Râta A. Îss sengrieíu valodas kurss, Rîga, 1983.

  3. Juridisko terminu vârdnîca.

  4. Enciklopçdijas (vispârîgâs un juridiskâs) angïu, vâcu, franèu, krievu, latîòu, latvieðu valodâs.

  5. Kondrela S.O., Kondrels, V.K. Latvie1ðu- angïu-latvieðu Juridisko terminu vârdnîca, Rîga, 1993.

  6. Skujiòa, V. u.c. Ekonomikas, Lietvedîbas un Darba organizâcijas termini, Rîga, 1995 (Angliski, vâciski u.c. valodâs).

  7. Matisone I. u.c., Angïu-latvieðu muitas terminu vârdnîca, Apgâds “Jâòa sçta”, 1997.

  8. Gifis S.H. Law dictionary, 1984.

  9. Garner B.A. Modern Legal Usage, N.Y., 1987.

  10. Collin P.H. Dictionary of Law, Great Britain, PCP, 1994.

Banking Law

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Author: Lecturer Brigita Stenclava
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Summary of the Course:

it is a subject which studies the system of banks in Latvia, laws and other legislative acts which regulate the activities of commercial banks.

Thematic structure of the course:

it informs students of the order of the establishment of commercial banks, the formation of equity capital, its increase and decrease, the administration of commercial banks, the insolvency and bankruptcy of commercial banks, securities, commercial and bank secrets.

It acquaints students with passive and active operations of commercial banks (depozits and credits), forms of payment, guarantees of the repayment of credit (mortgage, warranty), recovery of the credit.
Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. Z.Ūdris. A.Seile. V.Gustsons. Pamatzināšanas starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā. R., 1994.

  2. Maksājumu un kliringa sistēma Latvijā. Pārskats: Rīga/Oslo 1994.g. 31.janvārī. Norvēģijas un banku klīringa un maksājumu centrs Ltd.

Drafting Contracts

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Author: Assistant Kaspars Balodis
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Summary of the Course:

the course offers the practical skills in the drafting of private law contracts, paying attention to the most often used contracts (sale, delivery, donation, loan, rent). There are given theoretical and practical problems of drafting contracts (the structure of contract, the language of contract, application of legal norms) and analysed the samples of contracts and at seminars contracts are drafted.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. Skots Dż.Bērnems. Līgumu sastādīšana. R., 1995.

  2. K.Torgāns. Līgumi uzņēmējdarbībā. R., 1992.

  3. K.Torgāns. Īre un noma. R., 1993.

4. Saimniecisko līgumu un kontraktu paraugu albums. R., 1994.

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Authors: Professor Kalvis Torgâns,
Lecturer Andris Zalpèteris
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the Course is to be acquired after the acquisition of Liability Law, Estate Law and Civil Procedure.

Summary of the Course:

the course gives a deep insight in entrepreneurial problems (commercial activities, trade law) as a suplementary to civil law and financial law.

Thematic structure of the course:

the establishment and activities of entrepreneurial companies. Company register. Liability in entrepreneurship. Rules of competition. Settling of disputes. Management institutions of stock companies. Firm, Trade mark. The concept, forms and circulation of stocks. Insolvency of an enterprise. Forms of liability and functions of enterpreneurial activities.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.
1. Augusts Loebers. Tirdzniecības tiesības. - Latvijas Konversācijas vārdnīca. 11.sēj., R., 1935., 21139.- 21158.sleja.

2. Jānis Vēbers. Par Latvijas Republikas Komerclikuma projektu.- Izdevumā: Latvijas Republikas Komerclikums (Projekts) - Latvijas Vēstneša Mazā Poligrāfija, 1996. vai Latvijas Vēstnesis 30.01.96.

3. Kalvis Torgāns. Uzņēmumu un uzņēmējsabiedrību dibināšana. R., 1991., 132.lpp. (3.- 46.lpp.).

4. Skots Dż.Bērnems. Līgumu sastādīšana. R.: Pētergailis. 1995., 223 lpp. (3.nod., 15.- 18.nod.).

  1. K.Torgāns, M.Jemeļjanova, V.Burkovska. Produkcijas kvalitāte, likums, patērētāju tiesības. R., 1994.

  2. Gordon Borrie. Commercial Law. London, 1988.

  3. German Private and Commercial Law: An Introduction. By R. Horm, H. Kotz, H.G. Leser. Oxford.

Bankruptcy Law

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Authors: Lecturer Rinalds Buðs,
Lecturer Andris Zalpçteris
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the Course is to be acquired after the acquisition of Liability Law and Estate Law.

Summary of the Course:

bankruptcy and liquidation of credit institutions. Insolvency of enterprises and enterpreneurial companies. Procedural regulation of insolvency, bankruptcy and liquidation..

Thematic structure of the course:

Insolvency and bankruptcy. Features of insolvency. Cognizance of insolvency. Claims in connection with insolvency of enterprises and bankruptcy. A bankruptcy case in court. An insolvent or bankrupt enterprise. Acceptance of creditor’s claims. The management of enterprises. The order of nomination of administratiators and liquidators.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. K.Torgāns. Uzņēmumu un uzņēmjsabiedrību dibināšana. R., 1991.

Insurance Law

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Civil Law
Authors: Lecturer Gvido Romeiko
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the Course is to be acquired after the acquisition of Liability Law and Estate Law.

Summary of the Course:

the course acquaints with the main principles and forms of insurance, state supervision in the sphere of insurance, the protection of interests of insured persons, the conformity of legal acts of Latvia to the requirements of the European Union.

Thematic structure of the course:

History of insurance. The development of insurance market in the world and in Latvia. Main principles of insurance. Forms of insurance. State supervision in the sphere of insurance. The protection of interests of insured persons. The conformity of legal acts of Latvia to the requirements of the European Union.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.
Apdrošināšana: pamatprincipi un prakse. Sastādījis: Dr.Deivids Blends. R., 1995.
Department of criminal Law

Criminal Law. General Part

Duration of the Course: 96 hours, 4 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Authors: Associate Professor Aivars Niedre, Lecturer Agra Reigase
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Summary of the Course:

Criminal Law (General Part) studies legal norms of law violation which are considered crimes, the preconditions to institute a criminal action, the imposed punishment on accused persons, the conditions on which the punishment is imposed and the cases when the accused may be released from criminal responsibility.

Thematic structure of the course:

Criminal law as a branch of law; the theory of criminal law; criminal code, the concept of crime; criminal responsibility and the features of crime; corpus delicti; the objective side of a crime; the subject of a crime; the subjective side of a crime; conditions excluding criminal responsibility; stages of a crime; accessory of a crime; adherence to the crime; diversity of crimes; the concept and purpose of punishment; the system and types of punishments; release from criminal responsibility; imposition of punishment; conditional conviction; suspended sentence; release from punishment, amnesty and pardon, conviction; medical and educational means of coercion; the characteristics of the general part of foreign criminal law.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a research paper, a credit, an exam.

  1. U.Krastiņš. Mācība par nozieguma sastāvu. R., 1994.

  2. M.Blūma. Labprātīga attiekšanās no nozieguma izdarīšanas. R., 1978.

  3. P.Mincs. Krimināltiesību kurss: Vispārīgā daļa. R., 1934.

  4. A.Niedre. Noziegumu daudzējādība. R., 1990.

  5. Gilbert. Criminal Law and Procedure. 1990.-1991. Newyork, 1991.

  6. Danish Law a General Survey. Copenhagen, 1982.

  7. P.E.Eligner Criminal Law, Oxford, 1988.

  8. Philips S.James. Introduction to English Law, Butterworths, London, 1989.

  9. S.Strömholm. An Introduction to Swedish Law, Stocholm, Morstedts, 1989.

  10. Herman Blei. Stafrecht: Allgemeiner Teil (Prüße dein Wissen: Rechtsfälle in Frage und Antwort).12., neubearbeitete Auflage. - München, 1996.

  11. Johannes Wessels. Stafrecht: Allgemeiner Teil (Dic Straftat und ihr Aufbau).27., neubearbeitete Auflage. - Heidelberg: Müller, 1997.

Criminal Law. Special Part

Duration of the Course: 96 hours, 4 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Authors: Professor Uldis Krastiņš,
Associate Professor Valentija Liholaja
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the course is to be acquired after the acquisition of the course “Criminal Law. General Part”.

Summary of the Course:

Criminal Law (Special Part) studies legal norms of different corpus delicti, analyses theses corpus delicti according to their features and the differentiation problems of the related crimes as well as the problems of the qualification of crimes.

Thematic structure of the course:

the concept of the special part of criminal law, its importance and system; theoretical fundamentals of the qualification of crimes; crimes against the state; crimes against mankind, genocide, crimes against peace and war crimes; other crimes against the state; crimes against a person; crimes against a person’s political, labour and other rights; crimes against property; economic crimes; entrepreneurial crimes; ecological crimes; malfeasance; crimes against jurisdiction; crimes against the order of administration; crimes against public order, public security and health of the population; crimes of the state military service.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: two research papers, a credit, an exam.

  1. F.Jaunbelzējs. Noziegumi pret republiku. - Rīga, 1994.

  2. U.Krastiņš, A.Niedre. Noziegumu kvalifikācijas jautājumi. - LU, 1996.

  3. U.Krastiņš. Dabai nodarīto jāatlīdzina. - Rīga, 1988.

  4. U.Krastiņš, A.Niedre. Noziegumi uzņēmējdarbībā. - Rīga, 1992.

  5. V.Liholaja. Kriminālatbildība par nelikumīgām darbībām ar narkotiskajiem līdzekļiem, stipri iedarbīgām un indīgām vielām. - Rīga, 1996.

  6. V.Liholaja. Noziedzīgi nodarījumi transportā. - Rīga, 1996.

  7. P.Mincs. Sodu likuma komentāri. - Rīga, 1936.

  8. P.Mincs. Krimināltiesības. Sevišķā daļa. - Rīga, 1939.

  9. U.Krastiņš. Mācība par noziegumu sastāvu. Rīga, 1994.

  10. Stafgesetzbuch. Kommentar. - C.M.Beck’sche.- C.F. Müller Juristischer Verlag.-Heidelberg, 1984.

  11. Gilbert. Criminal Law and Procedure.- New York, 1991.

  12. P.F.Eligner. Criminal Law. -Oxford, 1988.

  13. Reference Book of Criminal Law.- London, 1994.

  14. Ted D.Westermen, James W.Burfeind. Crime and Jusrtice in two Societies.-Japan and United States, 1991, Pasific Grove, California.

  15. International Criminal Law.- Uppsala, 1991.


Duration of the Course: 36 hours 1 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Author: Associate Professor Andrejs Vilks
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the course is to be acquired after the acquisition of the course “Criminal Law”.

Summary of the Course:

the course studies the problems of criminality, its situation, structure, dynamics, the causes of criminality and its stimulating conditions, the personality of a criminal, ways and means of crime prevention.

Thematic structure of the course:

the concept and object of criminology; the organization and methodology of criminological research; history of criminology; crime and criminality; juvenile delinquents; genesis of criminality; main theories of criminology; reasons and causes of concrete crimes; latent criminality; criminal statistics; criminological prognosis and the social control of criminality; crime prevention; the role and targets of the police in crime control; classical and recidivous criminality; criminal groups and organised crime; juvenile criminality and its control; economic criminality; women criminality; the characteristics and prophylaxis of crimes of negligence; alcoholism, narcomania, prostitution and criminality; white collar criminality; street criminality; political crimes and treason.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. Gassin R. Criminologie. 1990.

  2. Shneider H.I. Victimologie. 1975.

  3. Adler F., Mueller G.O.W., Laufer W.S. Criminology, 2.d.ed. NewYork., 1995.

  4. Binder A., Gilbert G. Methods of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York., 1983.

  5. Siegel L.J. Criminology: Theories, Patterns and Typologics. West, 1992.

Criminal Procedure
Duration of the Course: 96 hours, 4 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Author: Lecturer Varis Klotiņš

The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.

Summary of the Course:

Criminal procedure is a branch of law which determines the activities of courts, prosecutors and investigators in the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases, as well as analyses legislative norms and their interpretation and the problems of improvement of legislation. It is a course of evidence and proofs in criminal cases.

Thematic structure of the course:

GENERAL PART: the concept and objectives of criminal procedure; code of criminal procedure; principles of criminal procedure; court, judge, prosecutor, investigative office as the subjects of criminal procedural activities; participants of the procedure and their procedural status; means of security; the theory of evidence in a criminal procedure (general part); the theory of evidence in a criminal procedure (special part).

SPECIAL PART: instituting a case in court; general provisions of preliminary investigation; activities of investigation; suspension and termination of preliminary investigation; cognizance; secure delivery of an accused to trial; general provisions of litigation; stages of litigation; sentence; appeal of a sentence; enforcement of a sentence; renewed trial in connection with newly discovered circumstances; legal proceedings in connection with the imposition of medical means of coercion; legal proceedings in juvenile cases; summary proceedings; criminal process in Latvia from 1918 to 1940.
Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a research paper, a credit, an exam.

  1. Liede A. Kriminālprocess un tiesu pierādījumi. Rīga, 1970.

  2. Liede A. Latvijas PSR kriminālprocess. Rīga, 1980.

  3. Liede A. Kriminālprocess. Tiesvedības norise krimināllietās. Rīga, 1973.

  4. Liede A. Kriminālprocess (shēmu krājums). Rīga, 1986.

  5. Meikališa Ā. Apcietinājums. LPA, 1995.

  6. Meikališa Ā. Drošības līdzekļu kriminālprocesuālā reglamentācija Latvijas likumdošanā. LPA, 1995.

  7. Kleinknecht / Meyer. Strafprozesordnung. Verlag C.H.Beck. Müchen, 1983.

  8. Roxin C. Strafverfahrensrecht. Verlag C.H.Beck. Müchen, 1989.


Duration of the Course: 64 hours, 3 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Authors: Professor Reihards Dombrovskis,
Associate Professor
Voldemārs Smilgainis
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Preconditions for the acquisition of the course:

the course is to be acquired the after acquisition of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure..

Summary of the Course:

criminalistics is a science of technique, tactics and methodology of crime disclosure and prevention in accordance with the norms of criminal procedure.

Thematic structure of the course:

the system of criminalistics has four parts: general theory of criminalistics; technique of criminalistics; tactics of criminalistics and methodology of criminalistics.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: control works, a credit, an exam.

  1. Dombrovskis R., Kūtris G. Kriminalistikas propedeitika jeb ievads kriminālistikā. R., 1992.

  2. Indulēns I. Kriminālistika. R., 1978.

  3. Konovālovs I. Kriminalistikas priekšmets, metodes un uzdevumi. R., 1992.

  4. Konovālovs I. Kriminālistiskā identifikācija un diagnostika. R., 1992.

  5. Smilgainis V. Videoierakstu taktika un tehnika noziegumu izmeklēšanā. R., 1987.

  6. Indulēns I. Kriminālistiskā mācība par pēdām. R., 1972.

  7. The Science of Fingerprints. Clasification and Uses.- Washington, 1990/

  8. Quetioned Documents Handbook. - U.S. Secret Service, Forensic Service Division.

  9. Regional Training on the Prevention and Control of Economic Crime. Reference Materials. Book I and II. - Budapest, 1995.

Law Enforcement Institutions

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 1 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Authors: Associate Professor Ārija Meikališa,
Lecturer Gunārs Kūtris
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws, Part A.
Summary of the Course:

the system of law enforcement institutions in Latvia, its development and improvement. The system of courts. Constitutional Court. The Ministry of Justice, the Presecutor’s Office, investigative offices, national guard: personnel, structure, main objectives and activities.

Thematic structure of the course:

General characteristics of law enforcement institutions. Characteristics of the court system and the principles of jurisdiction. Levels of the court system. (district, regional and the Supreme Court). The personnel of courts. Constitutional Court. The Ministry of Justice. Prosecutor’s office. The Ministry of Interior. State Security institutions. The Bar. The Notary Office. The state bureau of human rights. Financial police and other law enforcement institutions.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: an exam.

  1. Pasaules latviešu juristu kongress. Juridiskās institūcijas un to reforma Latvijā. - R., 1990.

  2. Wroblevski H.M., Hess K.M. Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 2d ed. - St.Paul. Minn., 1985.

  3. Pārskats par tiesu reformas gaitu.// Juristu Žurnāls. Nr.1., 2., 3.

  4. Skrastiņš J. Tiesu reforma un prokuratūra.//Juristu Žurnāls, Nr.4.

  5. Ārvalstu advokatūras organizācijas jautājumi. - R., 1995.

  6. Vrobleski H.M., Hess K.M. Introductoin to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 2d ed.- St.Paul.Minn., 1985.

  7. The Role of the Public Prosecution Office in a Democratic Society. Materials of Multilateral Meetings Organized by Council of Europe. - Messina (Italie), 1996.

Theoretical Fundamentals of Qualification of Crimes

Duration of the Course: 32 hours, 2 credits
Department: Department of Criminal Law
Author: Associate Professor
Valentija Liholaja
The Course is included in the Program of Higher Professional Education in Science of Laws as an elective subject.
Summary of the Course:

the course gives to students a deep insight in many important institutions of the general and special parts of criminal law.

Thematic structure of the course:

the course studies the problems of the stages of commiting a crime, accessory, diversity of crimes, crimes against a person and property, ecological crimes, malfeasance, criminal offences in transport, hooliganism and the problems of its qualification.

Requirements of the academic recognition system of the course: a credit.

  1. M.Blūma. Mācība par līdzdalību. - Rīga, 1978.

  2. M.Blūma. Labprātīga atteikšanās no nozieguma izdarīšanas. - Rīga, 1978.

  3. U.Krastiņš. Mācība par nozieguma sastāvu. - Rīga, 1994.

  4. P.Mincs. Krimināltiesības. Sevišķā daļa. - Rīga, 1939.

  5. A.Niedre. Noziegumu daudzejādība. - Rīga, 1990.

  6. Strafrecht. Besonder Teil 2. Shwerpunkt. - C.F.Muller Juristischer Verlag. - Heidelberg, 1984.

  7. Strafgesetzbuch. Kommentar. - C.M. Beck’sche. - C.F.Muller Juristischer Verlag. - Heidelberg, 1983.

  8. Reference Book of Criminal Law. - London, 1994.

  9. P.F. Criminal Law. - Oxford, 1988.

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