N.A. Kamoldinova - Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Digital technologies in modern conditions are actively penetrating all areas of the
socio-economic system. Public administration is no exception. The synergistic potential of
social, mobile, "cloud" technologies, as well as technologies for data analysis and the
"Internet of Things" together can lead to cardinal transformational changes in public
administration in Russia, aimed at increasing its efficiency. That is why, in the conditions
of the formation of "digital" markets and economies, the development of the "electronic
state", investments in info communication technologies are necessary. Their active
implementation in practice will make it possible to use new models of interaction and
service, increase the efficiency of management and public administration systems. The
prospects for sustainable development of Uzbekistan are directly related to ensuring the
balanced and effective functioning of public administration mechanisms at all levels in the
dynamically changing conditions of digitalization of all socio-economic processes. E-
government technologies are used in almost all countries of the world, however, clear
criteria for assessing its effectiveness in the public sector have not yet been developed.
Consequently, a balanced and reliable assessment of the effectiveness of digitalization of
the public sector with the ability to adapt to different levels of government is a necessary
“Ilm-zakovatimiz – senga, ona-Vatan!” mavzusidagi Respublika onlayn
ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materillari
component of the successful development of digitalization of public administration. This
assessment system is especially important for the Russian public sector with its multilevel
and complex management hierarchy.
In modern society, the use of modern and adaptive models of public administration is
becoming the most important task and a way to solve problems. Formation of public
administration in accordance with the requirements of the time is one of the main
instruments for the approval of modern management models, which provides for the need
to change bureaucratic mechanisms with socially oriented market relations; modern
methods of teamwork, setting and achieving goals; focus on providing services to citizens;
autonomy in the civil service.
In order for the domestic public administration to be able to fulfill its functions of social
transformations of society, it must undergo fundamental qualitative changes, which should
be based on new strategies for the innovative development of the public administration
system, focused on the needs of society and citizens. Increasing the efficiency and
effectiveness of public administration, strengthening the responsibility of public authorities
for the provision of quality services to the population is becoming increasingly
interconnected with the development of the innovative component, which predetermines the
use of a wide range of innovative methods, technologies and management tools.
The degree of development of the sphere of providing public services is a key indicator
in determining the quality of public administration. This is because an effective state, which
in its activities is responsible to civil society, in modern conditions it is simply impossible
to do without a well-functioning system for the provision of public services. At the present
stage of reforming and improving state and municipal administration in Uzbekistan, the
most relevant and priority, area is the widespread introduction and use of information and
telecommunication technologies. The transfer of management functions to the information
environment as a result of the implementation of the concept of "electronic government"
will allow government agencies to actively interact with other departments and much faster
and more efficiently solve not only current operational tasks, but also implement long-term
programs and projects in various sectors of the economy and social sphere making the most
of the full range of opportunities that will become available as a result of informatization of
state and municipal administration.
The implementation of electronic document management is closely related to the
implementation of the e-government concept. Currently, in our country, significant efforts
are being made to create an effective electronic document management system, which
increases the efficiency of public administration bodies, allows the introduction of a wide
range of electronic services, provides citizens and other persons with access to regulatory
legal acts and decisions of state bodies, the opportunity to participate citizens and private
companies in the preparation, adoption and execution of administrative decisions.
It should also be noted that at present, many departments at the regional level have
different levels of informatization. The level of the so-called information inequality is
rapidly increasing along with the dynamic development of info communication
Mukovnin M.A. Information support of public administration in the context of digitalization. Abstract of
dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. Kursk – 2021.
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