Bog'liq 4-qism. Ilzm-zakovat Iqtisodiy fanlar yo\'nalishi
“Ilm-zakovatimiz – senga, ona-Vatan!” mavzusidagi Respublika onlayn ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materillari 34
- limiting credit limits from abroad, in connection with which the revision of the issues
of assimilation of investments included in the program;
- the work performed by contractors is indicated in the documents as very expensive,
the allocated funds do not cover these costs, as a result of which the funds for the work are
not used, etc.
In our opinion, ensuring the proportional development of the real and financial sectors
in solving these problems and further strengthening the role of state monetary policy in these
remains one of the urgent tasks at the present stage of economic reforms. We believe that
the study of the problem and the conclusions drawn, as well as the following proposals, will
partially solve these problems:
- expanding the use of funds accumulated in the financial system for financing real
sector enterprises and creating a basis for their sustainable development;
- an increase in the volume of banking services provided to enterprises in the real
sector, in particular, an increase in the share of lending;
- pursuing a tight monetary policy with the widespread use of appropriate market
instruments of monetary policy, taking into account changes in the domestic and foreign
financial markets;
- improvement of the system of non-cash payments with the widespread use of
advanced information and communication technologies, improving the quality and
expanding the range of banking services;
- further strengthening the role of banks in economic development, expanding their
participation in investment processes;
- achieving high ratings and regular updating of the leading international rating
agencies by the country's commercial banks;
- ensuring the implementation of the tasks set for the banking system to further improve
the investment climate and business environment. Here:
- further strengthening of competition in the banking services market, further
improvement of the quality of services provided to business entities and the population,
simplification of credit processes and expansion of remote services;
- widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies in
the real and financial sectors of the economy, further improvement of the "electronic
government" system;
- further improvement of banking supervision based on international standards and
- ensuring the ratio of the terms of deposits and the profitability of the bank's assets
when attracting deposits and further strengthening the guarantees of their timely return;
- ensuring the implementation of the tasks set for the banking system to further improve
the investment climate and business environment, etc.
In our opinion, in order to further develop the banking system, strengthen the resource
base of commercial banks and ensure a balance between the real and financial sectors of the
economy, it is desirable to continue using a tight and effective monetary policy to further
expand lending of the economy.