“Ilm-zakovatimiz – senga, ona-Vatan!” mavzusidagi Respublika onlayn
ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materillari
A.B. Ortikov teacher, Fergana state university
The leading role of marketing research in business activity
largely depends on the
consistent implementation of the system of marketing departments (services) in planning
and management. Therefore, when organizing and conducting marketing research, the goals
and characteristics of the strategic development of the relevant organizations and enterprises
will certainly be the determining factor. Marketing research carried out with the aim of
entering the market,
studying and promoting it, is fundamentally different in its scope,
methods and some aspects. Each organization and enterprise conducts a specific study of its
position in the market, striving for further development.
The analysis of light industry at the regional and sectorial level is carried out by
determining the displacement rate and proportions in the region, based on the division into
interregional layers. The technical and technological level
of the light industry is
characterized by the production of modern machinery and equipment, new technologies and
«know-how», and the competitiveness of products in foreign markets. The level of
utilization of the main production facilities, the provision of labor
force with money and
energy, the level of resource efficiency are studied.
Market boundaries are formed based on the development of transport, freight rates and
prices using the zoning method for light industry products. Local market boundaries stem
from the presence of competitors, i.e. producers and limited prices that determine market
demand. Then the estimated capacity of the regional product market is estimated for the
selected product groups
The conjuncture of the regional market for light industry goods depends on the factors
that functionally affect the region, exert a regional influence
on it and separate it from
regional imbalances.
When forecasting the development of light industry, pay attention to the presence of
various forms of ownership and their full and effective use in the privatization process, take
measures to ensure regional structural changes, including: exports and imports,
interregional, commodity groups, local resources, production potential.
The most competitive types of products that can be exported
to the world market
determine the export potential of light industry. In this case, the cost of transportation is also
taken into account. Proposals for the development of exports and localization of production
are written taking into account the systemic policy of the state, taking into account the
development trends of external and internal markets.
Uzbekistan imports nylon, lavsan and viscose fibers, linen and bulky yarns, chemicals,
dyes and more than a hundred types of materials for the footwear
industry from other
countries for the production of consumer goods and light industry goods. In this regard, the
Ортиков, А.Б. (2021). Перспективные направления развития предприятий легкой
промышленности Узбекистана. // Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).