1. “English for you” (сиз учун инглиз тили) электрон дарслиги
веб сахифаси
3. “Полиглот” (Россия) тил ўргатиш курси
Dusbayeva N.N., Boqiyeva R.B.
Teachers of Foreign
Languages Department
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
Annotation: The article presents integrated courses in the study of a foreign
language leads to higher motivation to study general subjects and of the foreign
language, the formation of readiness for professional work in the conditions of
integration processes in the economic, social and political spheres of life.
maintenance, linguistic skills.
An integrated approach to learning a foreign language is a prerequisite for the
formation and development of a versatile personality. The term "integration" we
understand the concept of the state of connectedness (fusion) of the individual
differentiated parts into a whole, as well as him a pedagogical process leading to this
state. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words gives the following definition:
integration - is an association of parts, components, is the side of the process
associated with the merger into a single unit[14, P.196].
Integration of learning - is the subordination of the common goal of education
and training of similar parts and elements of content, methods and forms within the
education system at a particular stage of education[2].
The scientific and pedagogical literature integrated courses are considered as a
didactic tool to manage the integration of knowledge acquired by students during the
formation of interdisciplinary skills.
Integration structure includes[3.P.73]
a) Objects;
b) The communication (name items, between which a connection is
c) Connection direction (the communication link from one object to another).
The process of integration is seen as mutual interpenetration and interrelation
content of the various disciplines to guide the formation of a comprehensive,
integrated, dialectically interconnected system of scientific notions about particular
events, parties, the properties of the material world, or social life.
Integrated training contributes to the implementation of didactic principle of
systematic training. In integrated education the formation of new knowledge and
skills is carried out based on the existing experience in other activities, expanding the
content, means and methods of training, the situation varies, there are possibilities of
individualization. The inclusion of a variety of activities, integrated lessons, lessons
in the educational process contributes to its effectiveness, because each of them in its
activates trainee, prompts him to independence, promotes aptitudes in a particular
subject area, including in mastering a foreign language, deepens and broadens interest
in knowledge and learning in general.
Using the integrated courses in the study of a foreign language leads to higher
motivation to study general subjects and of the foreign language, the formation of
readiness for professional work in the conditions of integration processes in the
economic, social and political spheres of life. As for the foreign language in a variety
of material of the integrated courses can create a base for the formation of
pronunciation and intonation skills, vocabulary and grammar.
The introduction of integrated courses in the practice of teaching foreign
languages contributes to the communicative and cognitive motives that feed interest
in mastering a foreign language. Leading there must be learning a foreign language as
a means of communication; all aspects should be subordinate communicative
purposes. There is a definite relationship between the communicative abilities and
integration. Integration is also the basis for the formation of communicative abilities
and the result of the communicative abilities and the result of the implementation of
Integration Training - a process and the result is inextricably linked integrally in the
process of learning a foreign language. Correct the establishment of interdisciplinary
connections, their skillful use of the flexibility required for the formation of students'
mind, to activate the process of learning and gain practical orientation. Training
Integration provides the ability to link into a single system all the knowledge and
skills obtained in various classes, as well as to obtain new knowledge in the
implementation of these ties. An integrated approach allows training in the real world
communicative functions within the speech act, pointing out how it is used in
everyday situations to express praise, apology, and request information. Fragmentary
knowledge does not contribute to an understanding of native speakers. Integrated
programs, built on a broad literary, musical, art-information provide a
multidimensional understanding of reality and the role of language as a cultural
Methods of teaching foreign languages at different stages of development in
different ways formulate his "order" of science, defining its content on the
methodological, theoretical and practical levels. The problem is how to ensure robust
and functionally flexible interdisciplinary communication disciplines different cycles
in the educational process. Integrated courses in recent years have increasingly
attracting the attention of researchers in the context of various content issues. Interest
in them is natural and modern. It is this kind of interaction of educational disciplines
is currently the main way to solve problems in the practice of foreign language
It is obvious that, first of all, should be stated purpose of forming the integrated
courses. Its presence allows you to clearly identify the content of teaching and the
range of academic disciplines and fields of mainstreaming, i.e. that part of the
learning process of the subject of the scientist, which ensures optimum material in the
form and content of the complex on the functional use of integration to solve
theoretical and practical problems, reflecting the problematic subject content.
Formation of a strong system of knowledge and skills is almost impossible without
purposeful interaction of disciplines.
The problem affects the formation of the integrated courses and the question of
educational-methodical maintenance. There is a need for a special study guides
whose task is to ensure that learners complete knowledge of a particular integrated
foreign language courses. In the course of these studies it is important to diversify the
content and form of the activity of students, which includes fixed knowledge and
methods that will ensure absorption of the specific use of knowledge. Diversify such
activities are a variety of games, because during the game there is mental
development, digestible content, a system of relevant skills. In addition to improving
the effectiveness of training games promote display distinctly practical orientation of
a foreign language.
Speaking about the problem of formation of integrated education should consider the
following: in order to prepare a lesson or course you need to put into focus three
aspects - the subject-substantive, linguistic and communicative [4]. Failure to meet
one of them makes it impossible to integrated education.
1) Subject-content aspect is determined by the required level of in formativeness. It is
necessary to pre-select the amount of factual knowledge on the topic, which is needed
for an unprepared speech trained on the basic questions of the theme.
2) Language. This aspect includes the selection of lexical units, necessary and
sufficient for the expression of knowledge on a particular subject in English.
3) The communicative. This aspect is realized through the targeted use of selected
lexical units to solve communication problems, namely to provide information,
express their opinions, etc.
Unlike traditional programs, integrated language programs form polysystemic
knowledge of the language. Such programs mono system mastery of foreign
languages is not a goal but a means to the realization of external relationships and
interactions with other mono system[5].
As you know, traditionally the program documented objectives, learning
content, sequence acquisition and requirements for proficiency in speech skills. In
accordance with the program of purposeful function of the integrated course of
learning a foreign language must, first of all, to reveal the goals that determined the
modern order of society. In terms of in-depth study of the integrated course involves
the study of a foreign language:
1) Increase the motivation to learn a foreign language due to saturation of the
course interesting information and the inclusion of students in practical matters with a
foreign language;
2) To make foreign-language knowledge, skills and abilities over virtually
sights focused on specific fields of application;
3) Ensure the strength of the knowledge, skills and abilities based on the
increase in the volume of speech practice, both in terms of reception (reading,
listening) and production (speaking and writing);
4) To significantly expand the scope of potential or receptive vocabulary and
grammatical phenomena that trainees could understand their own reading and to
some extent with the listening;
6) Expand the active vocabulary minimum and learning to use it purposefully
to solve communication problems, namely, to inform and to request information, to
express request, advice, opinion, evaluation, etc. in communication situations more
typical for specific cases in the field of knowledge and practice;
7) Improve the skills of independent work of a foreign language.
8) Create a schoolboy holistic view of the real world. The result of this
integration - the child receives the knowledge of the world, reflecting the connectivity
of certain parts of the world as a system.
Course objectives determine the content that is in order to better manage the
educational process can be related to the program with the underlying decision of the
communicative tasks, the new language material, voice products and the expected
final result of the planned training. Integration - is to find a common subject
knowledge convergence platform at the junction of the existing traditional subject
knowledge children get more and more new ideas about the world, systematically
adding and expanding them (moving in the knowledge spiral).
At the present stage of development of the theory and practice of teaching
motivation question - one of the central problems in the educational process.
Particularly relevant is it in teaching foreign speech. Despite the experience in the use
of integrated courses in the study of the disciplines of the natural and human cycles,
the problem still is not solved with respect to a foreign language. An analysis of the
foreign language program has shown that there is no section that reflects the
perspectives of other disciplines in the study of a foreign language. It should be noted
that the possibility of using integrated classes as a means of creating the motivation
of foreign language speech activity with proper familiarization with new material
(phonetic, lexical and grammatical), training him in situations of speech
communication, as well as modern control actions of all students can be great. These
capabilities are already built into the specifics of the subject, the assimilation of
which does not give a person the direct knowledge of the reality. It is a means of
expression of an objective reality, property, patterns which are the subject of other
sciences, so the foreign language as an academic subject "pointless"[6].
But being pointless, it has a lot of common things with other school subjects, it
is as if “poly object”. It is this quality of a foreign language is the basis for the
widespread use of reliance on other courses, and it makes the teachers to carry out
intersubject coordination in the process of learning a foreign language. This may be
the exact sciences and the humanities, aesthetic disciplines cycle, which in certain
situations make the subject of verbal communication to communicate, reason for call.
Construction of the integrated course or learning a foreign language lesson, meets the
various interests of students, allows you to take into account their individual
characteristics and inclinations, provides a variety of modes of students and their
individual progress in a foreign language speech activity, i.e., their level of training
and learning, which will create a very favorable environment for the use of language
as a means of communication. Given this, an integrated learning a foreign language
can be considered one of the most effective means of motivation of the educational
process in a foreign language and the implementation of practical, educational,
developmental and educational purposes.
Despite the different approaches to the definition of integrated learning, its
main function is considered to be the implementation of the formation of
comprehensively developed personality in accordance with the learning objectives
laid down in the program.
Under lingo regional geography understood aspect of foreign language
teaching methodology, which explores techniques familiarization with the new
language learners for their culture. Sufficiently broad and consistent support to the
facts of the target language culture of the country increases the educational and
developmental role of integrated learning a foreign language and with it the
educational plan of the educational process. Foreign language to a certain extent in
contact with all the other school disciplines and paves the way for students to
additional knowledge on the history, geography, literature and other subjects.
In light of the above, we can conclude that the system of integrated learning a
foreign language with the general scientific, professional and methodological
orientation can be identified and described only on the basis of a comprehensive
study with the participation of social scientists, educators, psychologists, linguists,
methodologists and teachers of all teaching staff. Integrated courses in foreign
language teaching was allowed to link together all the knowledge and skills obtained
in various academic disciplines and are a source of motivation of the educational
process in a foreign language. For the most efficient use of the integration of the
teacher should be familiar with the content of teaching different subjects in the school
cycle and to determine the extent of use of these other sciences in the study of a
foreign language.
Using the integrated courses - a complex process that requires a prior
determination, at least at the functional level of the main forms of interdisciplinary
links and content. There is no doubt, however, that despite the variety of
interdisciplinary connections remain unchanged should the main thing - a clear
definition of the main purpose of their formation for the given conditions
(kindergarten, school, training institutes).
Organization of communication at the integrated lessons in a foreign language
contributes to the realization of foreign language learners and as a means of objective
knowledge of reality around us, and as a means of communication. It also promotes
self-sufficiency. Through the integration of learning a foreign language, students can
engage in self-education and improvement of their speech skills. Teaching speech
situations, used in the course of learning a foreign language can be used at different
stages of education and contribute to the development of linguistic skills of teaching
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