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Appendix A: Correspondence Letter to Franchise Small Business Leaders
Dear (Insert Name),
My name is Hilda Arline. I am completing a qualitative multiple case study on the
marketing strategies for retaining customers in order to complete my Doctor of Business
Administration degree. The primary focus of my research is to explore what marketing
strategies do some franchise small business leaders use for retaining customers.
The contribution of the study to social change might be a bridge the gap between
the lack of data on the factors that influence customers’ decision to remain loyal
customers and purchase the franchise small business’ products or services, which may
contribute to economic reform in the United States.
If further information is required, please contact me at (insert phone number) or
email hilda.arline@waldenu.edu. Please reply to this email granting permission to
conduct my research study with franchise small business leaders from your business.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Hilda Arline
Doctoral Business Administration-Student
Appendix B: Invitation for Participation
Dear Small Business Leader(s)
My name is Hilda Arline. I am completing a qualitative multiple case study on the
marketing strategies for retaining customers in order to complete my Doctor of Business
Administration degree. The primary focus of my research is to explore what marketing
strategies do some franchise small business leaders use for retaining customers.
As a franchise small business leader who may have experience related to the
purpose of this study, I would like to invite you to participate in this study and affirm
your consent to participate in a face-to-face interview and follow-up interview. You will
answer eight interview questions regarding marketing strategies that franchise small
business leaders use to retain customers. Please contact me with any questions by email
hilda.arline@waldenu.edu if you decide to participate in this study. Participation is
voluntary and will be confidential.
The findings of this research study about the marketing strategies to retain
customers may identify opportunities for improving marketing strategies. Thank you for
your consideration and cooperation in advance.
Hilda Arline
Doctoral Business Administration-Student
Appendix C: Consent Form
Consent Form
You are invited to take part in a research study of marketing strategies to retain
customers. The researcher is inviting business leaders employed at a franchise small
business in North Carolina to participate in this study. You meet the following selection
criteria: (a) a small business leaders, (b) 18 years or older, and (c) with at least 3 years of
marketing strategy experience within the organization, and (d) use retention strategies on
a regular basis to retain customers. This form is part of a process called “informed
consent” to allow you to understand this study before deciding whether to take part.
This study is being conducted by a researcher named Hilda Arline, who is a doctoral
student at Walden University.
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